Of course old Quinn went to hell.

In addition to the fact that he died by suicide, as the number one capitalist in the stars, he didn't do much self-cultivation on weekdays.

In terms of personal morality, old Quinn is a bit worse than old Wayne. Although the Waynes are a bit white lotus, their own morals are still stable and have not deteriorated.

After receiving a positive answer from Harley, Oliver fell into a depressed state until a holy light flashed across the sky and the Holy Spirit Jim Corrigan appeared above everyone.

His body is not solid, but as transparent as sunlight, almost transparent.

It is also as clean and pure as the sun, and its afterglow falls on others, making everyone feel peaceful and at ease.

Harley didn't even say hello, and walked aside consciously, leaving the task of lobbying to the infectious Diana and the calm and sophisticated Oliver.

"Jim, can I call you Jim?" Diana asked, and then said excitedly: "Jim, the spirit of revenge is imprisoned in Lucifer Desire's body. Now he has become a ghost, not only taking away the fire of hell, but also All the demons were driven to the human world and planned to destroy the earth.

You understand the power of the Ghost and know that it is absolutely possible for him to do it.

We need your help!

Only by separating Lucifer's desire and the spirit of revenge, and allowing you to regain control of God's wrath, can the crisis be completely resolved. "

"Hello, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, and all the heroic spirits." Jim Corrigan was very graceful. He landed on the ground first, greeted all the living and dead heroes, and then sighed: " I'm sorry, my mission has ended, my future belongs here.

Here, Amy and I live happily.

Well, Amy was my former girlfriend.

You may not understand my intention in saying this, and you may think that I am reluctant to live a good life now.

Of course, I don't deny that this is part of the reason.

But the most important thing is that one condition must be met to merge with the spirit of vengeance-being filled with anger.

Now I am calm, my soul is complete, my anger is completely extinguished, and I can no longer control the vengeful spirit. "

"This -" This answer was beyond everyone's expectations. Oliver and Diana, who had prepared a lot of rhetoric, were dumbfounded.

"Jim, you were not forty when you died, right?" Harley walked over and asked with a gentle smile.

Jim Corrigan frowned, "What do you want to say?"

"Nothing, just chatting." Harley's eyes were clear and her attitude was generous. "Your girlfriend Amy must be in her thirties. You are just boyfriend and girlfriend. Didn't she get married later?"

Diana, Oliver and others heard this inexplicably.

"What exactly do you want to say?" The peace and tranquility on Corrigan's face was like thin ripples starting to ripple on the surface of the water when a pebble was dropped.

"Jim, your life is not happy now! After you died, your Amy married another man. After that, under the influence of the spirit of vengeance, you almost lost your mortal emotions and life, and you became the guardian of heaven. , has been stationed at his post.

In other words, after your death, the fate between you and Amy will be severed.

Maybe your personal emotions as Jim Corrigan were solidified at the moment of your death, but the world is changing, and people have also changed after a hundred years.

I don't know what Miss Amy's life was like later on, but she obviously had her own life, and she would never go to heaven after death and wait for your return.

It's not that she can't go to heaven, but even if she goes to heaven, she won't be alone. We all understand the reason. "

Jim Corrigan's face, as transparent as the sun, began to darken, and his mouth and body were trembling.

Harley continued to sigh: "So, the Amy you are flirting with now is just an illusion in your memory. If the real Amy is in heaven, she will definitely be with another man, and she will probably have forgotten you. "

"No" Jim Corrigan groaned angrily, holding his head.

"So you'd better come back. At least your life as a ghost is real. As for anger, well, when you see me and I expose the false beautiful life and you can never go back, are you still feeling calm? ?

In other words, after staying in heaven for more than half a month, you have become a coward who can only cry and cry? "

"Witch Harley!" Corrigan immediately stopped wailing, raised his head, and used his eyes to express the surging anger in his heart.

Harley looked at Diana and Oliver, stretched out her hand as an invitation, "Now that he is furious, you can continue to persuade him."

The expressions of all the heroes were distorted.

"Witch Harley, you are going too far!"

Corrigan's expression was ferocious, and his pale golden spirit body was faintly stained with a dark shadow.

Zauliel's expression changed drastically. This was a sign that the Holy Spirit was about to fall!

"Harry, you-"

Harley covered her mouth with her right hand and said consciously: "I'm talking nonsense, I'll shut up now."

Corrigan felt even more aggrieved and angry.

"Jim, why don't you go back with us?"

Wonder Woman's voice is dry, her expression is twisted, and she is very unappealing.

"Jim, Harley is such a person, with a poisonous mouth but a good heart. She actually has only one purpose in saying these words - to look forward to your return.

Because she understands that only you can save the multiverse. "Oliver said sincerely.

Harry lowered his eyebrows and kept silent.

Jim Corrigan calmed down a little and said hesitantly: "You need an incorporeal soul, and it doesn't have to be me."

"We don't have time to choose a new ghost host, and we don't know how to choose. The Stranger told us that your destiny is still alive and you are the most suitable candidate." Diana said.

"I have been a ghost and know the conditions for becoming a ghost host." Jim Corrigan glanced at Harley and said solemnly: "The conditions are very simple. A person with justice in his heart, a fiery and impatient personality, and intolerable eyes. A little bit of sand, but he can't be too perfect.

There has to be a flaw, and even committing certain crimes, a certain way to die. "

"Isn't this a contradiction? How can a just person commit a damnable crime? And why such strange conditions?" the heroes asked in surprise.

Corrigan said: "I was killed by the Stranger. He pretended to be a mortal and deceived me into an ambush by criminals. I was shot to death by the Black State.

But the stranger has no enmity against me. He obeys the orders of the voice from heaven.

Therefore, I must have a way to die, so that the voice of heaven does not constitute murder. "

"Justice is just faith. In addition to faith, heroes also need to live in society like ordinary people.

And nine times out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory, and righteous people will also make a mess of their lives.

You are all superheroes and you should have experienced this firsthand. "

Oliver nodded repeatedly, "My life is not perfect. I made many mistakes when I was young. If one day I pay for my actions and lose my life, I will not blame anyone."

"You must have resentment and be filled with anger to become a ghost. The Stranger tricked me just to keep me angry," Corrigan said.

Oliver glanced at the circle of heroic spirits around him and said thoughtfully: "So, there are many heroic spirits here, but none of them are suitable to become ghosts?"

Corrigan turned to Zauliel and said: "Open the Pearly Gates and take them to Purgatory. Suitable candidates may be found there."

"Purgatory." Zaulie looked hesitant.

"Where is purgatory? Another hell, or another name for hell?" Oliver wondered.

Although Harley is a veteran of Paradise, this is the first time she has heard of Purgatory.

Zaulie explained: "Purgatory is the deep Limbo. Purgatory belongs to Limbo, and Limbo is not the same as purgatory.

Most people simply understand the destination of a person's soul after death as good people go to heaven, bad people go to hell, and both good and bad people enter Limbo.

That's not entirely accurate.

There is no absolute standard for judging good and bad people in this world. Good people who go to heaven are just good people under Christian doctrine.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to say that the soul after death can only go to hell or go to heaven after accepting the judgment of God.

There is no centrist, there is no right or wrong.

The bottom level of heaven and the first level of hell both have areas where the undead who have no sins and no merits return.

Only souls that have passed judgment can enter the major divine realms, while Limbo gathers unjudged souls. "

"Being unjudged does not mean that God has given up on them. God will not give up any soul that comes close to Him. It is that they have rejected God's judgment."

"Why refuse? Why can you refuse? Doesn't the Bible say that God controls the final judgment?" Oliver wondered.

"Faith comes from belief and trust deep in the heart. People who go to church every day may not realize it. In fact, deep down in their hearts, they do not agree with God's teachings and the values ​​of good and evil under God's teachings. Such people will die after death. Often returns to Limbo.

Some people do bad things, have never been to heaven, and have never heard of God, but their views on good and evil deep in their hearts are in line with God's teachings. Then after their death, their souls will fall into hell.

Well, ordinary people generally regard going to hell as punishment. This is not wrong, but it is not entirely correct.

Hell is actually the ladder to salvation for sinners.

The ultimate goal is not to make evil people suffer, but to reflect on their own evil deeds by feeling ten times the pain that evil people inflict on others, so as to change their ways and take the first step towards redemption.

Well, it’s just the first step, the road ahead is

Zauliel looked at Harry, "You have all seen the Holy Son Jebi, and the meaning of his existence is to explore a new path to salvation in hell.

Hell is not a place of exile for God’s abandoned children, it is the second road to heaven. "

"If you know something about hell and hell demons, you will find that many undead souls come from alien planets or other dimensions. They did not know God at all during their lifetime, but after death they were pulled by a force and came to hell in a daze.

They don’t know God, but God’s way is above the laws of the universe. As long as they recognize His way deep in their hearts, they can obtain God’s salvation—taking the second way to hell.

For example, if some evil people do bad things and do not repent at all, but are still very happy and laughing, but they know that they are doing bad things, then they are qualified to be judged by God.

By God's standards, he went to hell after death.

Just like a set of laws, they must first be recognized by others before they can be judged.

Some people understand God's teachings and feel that they are believers in God. They were even heroes during their lifetime, but they subconsciously do not accept God's concepts of good and evil.

Then he will not be judged by God. Even if he is a good person, he will not be able to go to heaven, and even if he is a bad person, he will not be able to go to hell.

They will end up in Limbo.

No soul in Limbo has ever been judged.

Without judgment, there is no distribution of destiny.

Of course, people with normal thoughts can recognize the right and wrong of what they do. They are often half good or half bad, so that they cannot judge whether they are good or bad.

This also leads to what we often say, people who are neither good nor bad go to Limbo. "

Having said this, Zaulie glanced at Harley again and said, "Harley is a typical example. She definitely feels from the bottom of her heart that she was right in stealing magic power.

If God judges her guilty according to Christian doctrine, she will raise her middle finger and say, "Go away."

She did not recognize God's standards of good and evil, so God did not judge her and left her to rot in Limbo.

Another example is General Zod, who wants to destroy mankind and transform the earth into a new Krypton.

His faith was so firm that even death could not change his mind.

But he understands that his behavior is a crime against the people on earth, so he is qualified to go to hell. Of course, he believes in the Kryptonian God and may go to heaven.

There was no confrontation in court during the trial, only a comparison of compatibility under the rules of the universe. Even Witch Harley could not lie or deceive herself.

However, Harley has a strong will and a tenacious soul. Her incorruptible soul slowly sinks to the "bottom" of Limbo and becomes a member of Purgatory. "

(PS: The introduction to Purgatory is a bit long, but it is not useless content. Purgatory and the bottom layer of Limbo are important parts of the DC fantasy worldview.

Speaking of purgatory, it is estimated that many comic readers are unfamiliar with it, but when it comes to another existence, 80% of people know it - Eclipse!

Eclipse is the collective consciousness at the bottom of Limbo, which is equivalent to the sum of all the rotten souls in Purgatory. He is a ruthless character, but unfortunately he is still being targeted by the puppy god. )

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