I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1161 Reunion of old friends

"Stranger, who do you think is suitable to persuade Jim Corrigan?" Harley did not intend to be the main force in persuading the previous generation of ghosts.

Jim Corrigan is the Holy Spirit, which makes her restrained and unable to use more drastic measures against him, nor can she say anything offensive.

What if he was corrupted in the Dog God's territory? Would the Dog God still have a grudge against her?

You can't be sarcastic or sarcastic, so you can only smile and use gentle words to persuade and apologize. Harley can't do that!

Therefore, we can only let the heroes of justice with firm ideas and smooth talk come on stage.

"Ordinary people cannot enter the City of Silver and are close to the place of the Holy Sound. The requirements are higher. It is best to choose unmarried men and women with pure hearts, firm wills, and pure thoughts." The stranger said hesitantly.

Harley understood the subtext of his last sentence: purity of thought is the most important, and it would be better if it was a young girl who had never experienced anything between men and women.

"Harry, I'll go with you." Dachao volunteered.

"You can't leave the earth. We are not sure when the ghost will hit the material world again. You are the strongest combat force on the earth and you must stay with me." Harley said.

"With you? Aren't you going?"

"I just go to heaven to find someone. There is no need to fight. Just arrange a thought projection." Harley said.

"Oh" Dachao thought for a while and said, "Let Wonder Woman go find Corrigan. Her words are very contagious and she is very good at persuading others."

Wonder Woman is actually not good at words, but she is really able to influence her companions who fight together.

Because she has firm beliefs, pure thoughts, and a strong will to fight, she is a true female war goddess.

This characteristic of hers has been confirmed in countless battles, especially Crisis on Infinite Earths. In her battle with the Anti-Monitor King, her performance was ten times more impressive than that of Super.

"Well, where is your cousin now?"

Thinking of Crisis on Infinite Earths and Overlord, Harley immediately thought of another female warrior with infectious energy.

Even someone as cold and cold as she is is impressed by the super girl with the red headband.

Although the current Super Girl is still a fledgling, she actually meets the conditions that Stranger said to enter the Place of Holy Sound.

"Performing rescue missions all over the world, you want her to go? She doesn't understand anything." Dachao said.

"Then Wonder Woman and Green Arrow."

Half an hour later, in front of the gate of heaven.

"Hey, why is it closed?"

When Harley led several superheroes through Limbo and arrived at the entrance to heaven, the floating island where Zaulie was stationed disappeared and was replaced by a golden gate thousands of feet high.

The door frame is made of heavenly silver, the door panel is made of heavenly gold, and the whole is flat gold and silver. The surface is engraved with angels and gods, which is very magnificent.

"There was no gate before?" Oliver asked curiously.

His first time in heaven.

When Harley was selected as the "Earth Hero Representative", he had the unexpected surprise of winning the lottery and the honor of receiving official recognition. Especially Harley said he was mature and trustworthy.

In fact, it was Harley who felt that he was of little help to the earth's demonic disaster. Dachao made hundreds of thousands of heavenly merit tonight, and he only had a few dozen points. If Bateman hadn't been in the watchtower and was responsible for controlling the overall situation, Harley wouldn't have thought of Green Arrow.

Harry was multitasking. While contacting the Voice of Heaven, he said, "The door is not usually visible to people. Please wait for a moment and I'll ask what's going on."

"Mortals are not allowed to enter heaven. This is a rule." Tianzhi said: "Even if you are a guard in Silver City, you cannot take mortals to the sacred land casually."

"So the gate was specially prepared for me? You chose this time specifically to lose face to me?" Harley sneered.

"That's not true. The ghost has disappeared. Naturally, Heaven must strengthen its defenses to prevent him from attacking Silver City." Tianzhi said.

"Just tell me how to open it." Harley said impatiently.

"Find a way to open it yourself, which is the price you pay for bringing mortals closer to Silver City." Tianzhi said.

"How's it going?" Wonder Woman asked in Archimedes' airship.

Harley repeated Tian Zhi's answer and said thoughtfully: "This 'ghost change' is not a simple accident."

"Isn't it an accident? Is it a conspiracy? Since we must open the door, let's find an expert. Call Mr. Miracle and ask him to use the sonic boom channel to come immediately." The female hero said.

The change of ghosts may really be a conspiracy of the Dog God against the human world.

Heaven really wants to make a difference, so the Spear of Destiny and the Gate of Heaven are unnecessary difficulties.

The negative attitude shown by Heaven now only shows that the Dog God is not in a hurry to eliminate the ghost disaster.

But what purpose he had, Harry couldn't guess.

"Mr. Miracle." She thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, you give him a call."

Green Arrow said with a strange expression: "Although Mr. Miracle is an expert in unlocking, he is the New God, and it seems that he and Heaven are not the same system, just like the Android system and the Hos system of the Heaven Mountain mobile phone."

"Scott is not a lock-picking expert. He is a 'lock god'. It is a binary source code! It is useful for all mobile phone systems."

Harley only said it was useful and didn't have much confidence in Scott opening the door to heaven.

However, after Suo Shen arrived, it only took less than three minutes to pry open the door to heaven, which shocked everyone.

"Although your major is a bit unprofessional, I have to say that you are worthy of being the Prince of the Creation Star!" Harley gave him a thumbs up.

"I am extremely honored to receive your appreciation, but please don't call me 'Prince of the Creation Star'. I will be happier if you call me 'Escape Master'." Mr. Miracle said.

"OK, escape master, let's go in!"

Harley led everyone through the Gate of Heaven, and found that the scenery behind the gate had also changed.

There are no longer floating islands in the east and west, but a long golden staircase that leads from bottom to top to the Silver City with the bright holy light in the distance.

The floating islands have not disappeared. They are scattered on both sides of the road in an orderly manner. There are also many angels stationed on the islands.

"Hi Oliver, hi Wonder Woman, and Mister Miracle."

There was someone else waiting to greet them, the Cao-headed God on Heaven Mountain.

"My dear, Wildcat Man, Atomic Man, Torch, and Star Man. You are all here!"

Diana and Mr. Miracle were still calm and only smiled and said hello. Oliver was particularly shocked when he saw the dead superheroes standing in front of him intact.

Even though he knew that they worked as grass-headed gods in Tiantian Mountain, he had attended their funerals and had no idea about Tiantian Mountain.

"Why are you here?" Harley asked.

"Look at this paradise, the changes are so great, the movement is so great, even Heaven Mountain has been alarmed." Old Xingchen Xia said.

"The angels are busy preparing to set up formations to defend against demons and fallen ghosts that may come. We also have some strength, so we also join in." The second-generation torch said excitedly.

Harley really wanted to say, go back and rest. Until the angels die and the enemies don't kill you at the gate of Heaven Mountain, you can stay at home and don't come out.

"Very good. Even in heaven, you still deserve the name of a hero."

She is now a guard in Silver City and still wears the "good guy" sign, so she can only praise their heroic actions against her will.

"Harry, you can only go so far." Zaulie flew over, glanced at the living hero who was talking to the grass-headed god, and said seriously: "Mortals cannot enter the Silver City. This is the rule."

"The rules have been broken so many times," Harley complained.

"The Cow Angel Rebellion was a special situation." After a pause, Zaulie whispered again: "The Voice of Heaven knows your purpose. If you just enter Silver City, you may not be able to bring people to your garrison. Accommodating.

But are you going to Silver City now? If you want to go to the Holy Sound, even I can't enter there. "

"Okay, help me call Jim Corrigan over," Harley said.

"I said, angels can't go either." Zaulie pointed to the second-generation torch and said: "You can ask her to call someone and let Jim Corrigan come out by himself."

"What's so special about the torch?" Hali asked.

"She has been in Heaven Mountain for several years and often goes to the edge of Silver City to listen to the holy sounds from heaven. Now she has some breath of the Holy Spirit."

"Reilly, you go to the Holy Sound Place with Zauliel and call down Jim Corrigan." Harley shouted to the torch.

The name "Torch" sounds depressing, but regardless of history or heritage, he can be ranked in the first echelon among superheroes.

At this time, Reilly was the second-generation Torch, and her brother was the first-generation Torch. Only a year after the two died in the battle, a new "third-generation Torch" was quickly born, and now he has joined the Justice Society and has become a "little giant."

"Harry, I can enter the Silver City, but I have to go to the Place of Holy Sound? Damn it, I'm not dreaming!" Torch was so excited that he held his heart in both hands and screamed.

Harry said speechlessly: "You can see Silver City every day and listen to the sacred voice of the sky every day. Do you need to make such a fuss?"

"Just because I see Silver City every day but cannot enter, and hear the holy voice every day but never have the opportunity to see its true face, so today I realize two of my highest wishes at once, of course I am happy." Torch said excitedly.

Harry pondered and said: "Zaulie said that you have touched the threshold of the Holy Spirit. Since you are so longing for the place of the Holy Sound, you might as well go to the lower heaven to join the Holy Spirit training class. Maybe you can get what you want sooner."

Hearing this, Torch was first surprised and then hesitant, "After becoming the Holy Spirit, can I still live in Heaven Mountain?"

"It probably won't work anymore, I don't mind, but the Holy Spirit will always stay in the place where the Holy Sound is, and there can't be alien powers yet. You are now a grass-headed god, and the power in your body will also be cleared." Harley said.

"Then" Huo Lan twisted his face into a ball and said with great reluctance: "Let's forget it. I don't want to leave Heaven Mountain. My companions are all on the mountain. Moreover, I also like to watch the news on the earth. I can't stay in the Holy Sound forever. .”

"It's up to you. Zaulie, please lead the way for her."

Watching the torch following Zaulie flying towards the city with bright holy light, Oliver said with emotion: "Heaven is so beautiful, and it's great to be a grass-headed god in Paradise Mountain.

This is what a hero deserves after death.

Bathed in the peaceful and sacred light, with companions always by my side, and still able to keep in touch with the earth. I am already looking forward to the life after complete retirement. "

"Don't ever think like this. People who don't cherish life are extremely sinful and will almost certainly go to hell." Harley said.

Oliver's expression changed slightly, and he asked in a hoarse voice: "My father committed suicide to protect me. Is he going to hell too?"

(ps: In the Green Arrow comics, Oliver's father did not commit suicide. His death was meaningless and was almost a pure background. The setting here is based on the "Green Lantern" American TV series, the death of Old Quinn in the American TV series, and Jack is a bit like Jack in "Titanic". Jack gave up the plank to Fat and froze to death in the water. Quinn and his son also encountered a shipwreck. In order to save resources and let his son survive, old Quinn chose Self-killing, this is the origin story of Oliver becoming the Green Lantern, just like the Waynes were beaten to death.)

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