"What happened to your family?" Harley looked around. There were many people around, but they were all looking here. She then sent a message: "Forget it, if you don't want to say it, just don't say it."

It has been five years. If Stranger needed help or wanted to talk to someone, he would have told her already.

The Stranger shook his head, "This is not a secret. Xanadu and Zatanna both know it."

"It's just me who doesn't know?"

Harley was embarrassed and ashamed. She was the only one who was kept in the dark. Could he still treat her as a friend? !

"Actually, I don't know the inside story either."

Stranger looked at the curious superhero and said, "It's almost four o'clock in the morning. You have been busy all night. Go back and rest. There will be a tough battle waiting for you tomorrow."

We are all superheroes. We just stayed up all night, so why do we need to rest?

However, they are also sensible and know that the stranger wants to tell his sad past and does not want others to know.

"We are waiting for news from you in the Hall of Justice," Dachao said, and then added: "The ghost definitely doesn't need to rest."

The next second the ghost jumped to the material world and slapped the earth. It was no surprise that they had no time to rest.

"You don't need to go to the Hall of Justice. You can go directly to Terrence Surtin." Harley gave Surtin's home phone number and address.

After the superheroes left, the Stranger continued: "Actually, my matter is not complicated, Philip Stark is another mortal identity.

My wife and children originally belonged to him.

I followed the orders of the Voice of Heaven, contacted Philip Stark, and became his friend until I discovered his true identity under the appearance of an ordinary good guy, a serial murderer.

He killed many people, dismembered them, and hid the bodies under his and his wife's bed.

There is a secret room under the bed where he kills people, dissects corpses, and disposes of corpses

I just watched and didn't take any action.

Because all I got was orders to associate with him.

Later, when he turned his bloodthirsty and ruthless eyes on Elena (Philip's wife) and two children, I couldn't bear it anymore. I killed him, but I didn't do it myself.

There's no one better at murdering if I choose to. "

Harley quietly gave him a thumbs up.

——What you are doing is not murder, it is trapping people to death without repaying their lives.

"When I was about to leave, Elena called out 'Philip' to me in the dark. I hesitated for three seconds and agreed to her. From then on, I became Philip Stark."

——You act so casually as a receiver!

Harley groaned inwardly.

“What does this have to do with your murder?”

Harry sneered: "Philip Stark is not an easy man. He can be targeted by God and even arrange for a little gangster to come over.

Hey, God's original intention is for you to trick Philip Stark to death and then take his identity.

Of course, Brother God’s target is not you, the person He wants to torment is the real Philip.

I guess your death is related to him.

It’s hard to say that the old God would let Philip watch you occupy his identity, drive his Mercedes-Benz, live in his villa, sleep with his wife, and beat his baby. "

"I have never beaten him." The stranger shook his head and sighed: "He has indeed witnessed the whole process of me occupying his life."

"But you said the person who killed you was Sertin." Harley said.

"Setin was induced by the person in question." The Stranger said.

"Why is there another questioner?" Even Harley couldn't keep up with his rhythm. "Is it the 'questioner' who is also known as the 'Original Sin Trisomy' along with you and Pandora?"

The Stranger, the Enquirer, and Pandora were judged by the Wizards' Council to be the three most sinful people in history.

But according to Harley's own personal experience, the Stranger is not a bad person. As God's little black hand, regardless of his subjective wishes, he is indeed full of sins.

Same goes for Pandora.

Although it was Pandora's Box that she opened, its root lies in the gods.

The phantoms of the Seven Original Sins cut off by the gods are the essence of the Seven Original Sins.

By analogy, the questioner is probably a scapegoat.

"That's him. I don't get along well with him, and he indiscriminately fights for Philip Stark because I murdered him and took away his life." Stranger said.

"What kind of bad things are these?" Harley frowned and shook her head repeatedly, "Fortunately you didn't come to me back then, so I escaped."

“What does Philip Stark mean to God?”

Xanadu still remembers what Harley just said, and Philip's status is extraordinary.

"He became a sin-eater."

"What kind of sin-eater?" Harley asked in surprise.

Although Christians all believe in God, Christianity is divided into many different denominations.

Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, and Protestantism are the three most mainstream branches.

Under the three major branches, there are many small sects according to different regions and cultures.

The Sin-Eater belongs to the clergy of one of these "remote" sects (ps).

"The Sin-Eater is a 'God on Earth' who possesses part of the power of God." Stranger said.

It can cancel the sins of the deceased on behalf of God, so the sin-eater is also called the "God on earth."

But orthodox Christianity does not recognize this doctrine or identity at all.

The Sin-Eater Sect's status in Christianity is not even as good as Harley's Heavenly Mountain Sect.

Her sect is recognized by more than half of the mainstream sects, and the rest do not deny the Heavenly Mountain Sect.

Just wait for the "Lucifer Desire" incident to settle down, wait for decades, wait for it to be completely concluded, and there will be no reversal.

But now it seems that the Sin-Eaters are far more orthodox than the Heavenly Mountain Cult.

Because the sin-eater has God’s approval.

With the extreme behavior and thoughts of the Sin-Eater, that Philip probably got part of God's "nature", such as revenge, anger, humility, and darkness.

Otherwise, God would not have wasted time and energy by extending the little black hand (stranger) to an ordinary criminal.

"The Sin-Eater devised a clever plan to let the questioner discover your sinful behavior of occupying the magpie's nest and seizing the lives of mortals, and tempted Sertin to stab you with a spear?" Harley concluded.

"Roughly the same."

"Did your family members be killed by sin-eaters?" Harley asked again.

Stranger nodded slightly, "That beast burned them to death and took them to the painful hell to torture them day and night. I spent a lot of effort and got God's personal help to save them.

Now, they have entered the lower heaven and live happily ever after with Philip Stark in their thoughts and memories. "

The stranger now said it was simple and easy, but in fact the whole process was extremely tortuous.

He went through many hardships before he finally saved the souls of his wife and children. The Dog God even died in person many times.

"Sin-Eaters do kill people, but that is to atone for their sins. Although this sect is too evil, it does not promote evil in general.

But the Philip Stark in your mouth has done almost all evil and can be called a devil on earth. "Harry frowned.

The stranger opened his mouth and murmured: "Later I learned from Philip the Sin-Eater that when he was alive, he was unable to have children."


I thought Stranger would take over Philip, but I didn’t expect that she was still superficial.

The few people were silent for about half a minute, and Dachao called.

"Harry, we didn't find the Spear of Destiny. Terence Surtain did have it, but after the Stranger incident, he felt guilty and thought that the Spear of Destiny was indeed an ominous thing, so he threw it away ”

"Where did you throw it? Can you pick it up?" Harley asked.

"He was magically thrown into outer space by his sister, your classmate Helen Surtain."

"Is it safe to throw it into outer space?" Harley couldn't understand the brain circuits of the Surtin brothers and sisters.

Da Chao said: "That happened many years ago. Even before the Crisis on Infinite Earths, people on Earth had never seen aliens a few times, and it was difficult to go to outer space.

From the perspective of people at the time, throwing it into outer space was really safer than hiding it in a Gotham vault. "

"Have you gone to outer space now?" Harley asked.

"I didn't go. Batman arranged for five green lights: Kyle, Hal, Alan, Stewart, and Guy Gardner. I stayed on Earth to cooperate with your 'Invincible Hot Wheels'.

Under the green light, it can cast a wide range of nets in outer space, which is more suitable for finding things. " Dachao explained.

"Well, come here." Harley hung up the phone and looked at Xanadu, "Can you divine the location of the Spear of Destiny?"

"What do you think?" Xiandu rolled his eyes at her, "If I could divine the location of artifacts at will, why would I be a fortune teller? I could just open a store and sell artifacts."

"Whoosh!" Red light flashed across the night sky, and Dachao appeared in the backyard of the manor again.

"The Stranger said that there are three steps to solving the ghost crisis. Now the Green Lantern of Earth is looking for the Spear of Destiny. Should we go find the ghost successor and rekindle the fire of hell?"

"Have you selected your target?"

Harley looked at the Stranger, "It's been more than half a month since Jim Corrigan left. You must be in charge of this matter, right?"

The stranger shook his head and said, "I didn't get instructions from God."

"What now?" Harley asked.

"How about you go to Silver City and call Jim Corrigan back? He is not a normal retirement, and his destiny is not over yet." Stranger said.

"Haha, you don't want me to plead guilty and beg him to come back, do you?" Harley's laughter was a little cold.

"Maybe you just need to say a few soft words, maybe you taunt him with a few provocative words, maybe you scold him for being irresponsible. You are the witch Harley, and you are never short of fault. What should you do? It's all up to you." Stranger said.

Dachao also advised: "No matter what, we have to see Jim Corrigan. If it works, everything will be fine. If it doesn't work, there will be no loss."

"What about you, what do you do?" Harley asked the stranger.

"I will stay here to protect Madam Xanadu, and the ghost will definitely find a way to get his power back." Stranger said.

(ps: Regarding the Sin-Eater, if you are interested, you can go to Baidu. There was originally a brief introduction in the article, but the content was cluttered. In fact, there is no plot in the book. In short, I have revised this chapter and deleted a section of it. , maybe it doesn’t read so smoothly, sorry.)

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