I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1163 The Second Jim

"Zha, even if you are my friend, you can't slander me like this. I am loyal to God. I am not only a perfect practitioner of His teachings, but also a defender of heaven!" Harley said with a straight face.

"I'm just using you as an example. Look at everyone." Zaulie pointed at the hero who looked stunned. "They all understood when I said it."

"We don't have time to delay, let's go to Purgatory to find the ghost successor." Oliver advised.

"Purgatory is a mixed bag, how can there be the right people? They don't even believe in God." Harley doubted.

Jim Corrigan said: "Zaulie's description of Purgatory is not accurate. It is indeed at the bottom of Limbo, but it is not a public area that everyone can go to. Purgatory is the lower heaven!"

"Lower heaven."

This title alone reveals a lot of information.

First of all, since it is "heaven", it must be related to heaven and God.

According to Zauliel's previous remarks, those who were trapped in Limbo, both good and bad, rejected God's judgment, but God still didn't seem to give up on them.

Secondly, the bottom floor of Limbo was supposed to be a public area, but now it is surrounded by a fence by God.

If Limbo is a residential complex, Silver City, Chuangshixing, Apokolips, Tianjing, etc. are all houses "listed on the real estate certificate".

The lower heaven, the shadow realm, is the front yard outside the door.

Limbo Prison is a public green space, leisure area, etc.

Old God has crossed a line.

Passing through the pearly gates, Harry and the others entered a world that was constantly falling.

At first, there was also holy light falling in the sky, and the floating mountains were loosely dotted among them.

It looks no different from the outside of heaven.

But as they continued to fall, the holy light became thinner and thinner, and finally disappeared completely. The space turned gray-white, the floating mountain disappeared, and the feeling of emptiness and depression sank into everyone's hearts.

"Attention, we are about to enter the realm of fallen heroes." Zaulie reminded loudly.

"Does Purgatory also have selection criteria? It specifically selects fallen heroes?" Harley asked.

Zaulie explained: "There is a vast space at the bottom of Limbo, but Purgatory only has a small area. It was specially imprisoned by God and placed under heaven. Most of the people who live in it are fallen heroes.

From top to bottom, the place of the Holy Sound - Silver City - the bottom heaven - the floating mountain outside heaven - purgatory - the shadow realm - the nine levels of hell, are connected into one, like a building being lowered layer by layer. "

"Why do you need to prepare such a field in particular?" Oliver asked strangely.

"This is God's preferential treatment to heroes. They once performed heroic deeds, but committed unforgivable crimes. They believed in God in name, but did not provide faith to heaven, and refused to repent to God at the last moment."

As soon as Zaulie finished speaking, several black shadows appeared in the distance, shouting excitedly: "The angel is here, it's an archangel!"

“God be merciful and forgive my sins!”

"Get me out of here, Holy Mother, Christ, Jehovah, mercy, mercy~~~"

They repent loudly and ask God's eyes to fall on them.

Oliver looked at Zauliel in confusion, "You said they refused to repent to God?"

Zaulie explained: “I mean the moment they are dying, now they have been undead for a long time.

You can also feel the environment here, they.

Alas, like the demons of hell, they too are begging for repentance and forgiveness. "

At this moment, they had landed in a desolate Gobi Desert, surrounded only by sand and mounds. It was desolate and monotonous, and the air was filled with a cold and depressing atmosphere.

Even if they were protected by the Holy Light, the living people were still very uncomfortable.

It is conceivable that the undead must feel worse.

"We don't know them, how do we choose?" Mr. Miracle asked.

Around them, there was a group of vague undead figures in the distance. Some of them were asking for mercy, while others were silent and just looked closely at the angels and heroes.

"Hey, vigilante, is that you?" After looking at an undead man wearing a black jumpsuit, Oliver exclaimed loudly: "Rick Flagg, do you still recognize me?"

"Oliver, long time no see." The man in black, codenamed "Voluntary Special Police," said calmly.

"Oh my god, it's really you, but you -" Oliver swallowed. The vigilante SWAT officer was a D-class neighborhood hero in Star City. Like him, he had no superpowers. He died from an enemy sniper rifle while trying to save the hostages. Come on, why didn't you go to heaven instead of here?

"I know you, you are the 'Eggman', and you, the Springhand Sook." Diana also recognized a group of acquaintances, all of whom were heroes who died in recent years.

First of all, not all superheroes qualify for the Justice League graveyard.

D-class and E-class heroes who died in urban street fighting did not even make the headlines in newspapers.

Not to mention outsiders, even the citizens of one city don't know the superheroes of other neighborhoods.

They died and their bodies were disposed of by the police.

If they are lucky, they don't need to be big bosses to know the Justice League, just ordinary members, and their Zhenglian friends are very enthusiastic and apply to the Zhenglian giants, so that their bodies can enter Valahar.

The rest

The public cemetery in the city hall is their last and best destination, at least it has not been desecrated by the enemy.

Halle's Heavenly Mountain is more difficult to access than Valahar.

It doesn’t have to be very capable, the key is connections and luck.

If you know Harley personally, or know Harley's friends, even if he is just a newly debuted E-class hero, even if he is buried in a public cemetery, there is a high chance of entering Paradise Mountain.

Well, it’s not 100% possible, it depends on whether his sins are zero.

If there is a large-scale earth crisis, a cosmic crisis, or a multiverse crisis. In short, as long as it is a crisis that requires the galactic admiral to lead a team to deal with, the heroes who die in the crisis have nearly a 100% chance of going to Heaven Mountain.

Even if they have sins, as long as the sins are not high and can be wiped away by thousands or tens of thousands of merit points, Harley will pay to help them wash away their sins and go to Heaven Mountain to become a grass-headed god.

"Lord, come back to earth and do it again! I am willing to help you."

"give me a chance."

"Take me away."

"Choose me, I can handle it."

"Look here, Green Arrow, it's me, Red Rocket, and we even talked about letting me be a ghost!"

When Green Arrow announced the purpose of his trip in public, the undead in purgatory fell into madness.

They gathered around like crazy, introduced themselves to every hero they knew, and made various oaths to promise that they would devoutly believe in God and be a good responsible ghost.

Oliver's scalp was numb when he saw them. Their craziness reminded him of the old town of Star City, where drug-addicted witches were frantically pulling men on the street.

They were all tough superheroes, how did they become like this?

"Leave here immediately." Harley said solemnly.

"Leave? We haven't chosen the ghost successor yet." Mister Miracle muttered.

"There is no one we need here." Harley said.

"They endured too much loneliness in purgatory, so they seemed a little excited." Zhaulie said.

Harley shook her head resolutely.

Zaulie could only listen to her, and escaped from purgatory amidst the cries of the undead, and ascended to the outskirts of heaven again.

Diana frowned and said: "There are many of them, and their behavior is different. Some are surrounding us and begging, while others are determined and indifferent, just standing in the distance and watching.

We should carefully select and select the best one, which can at least solve the immediate ghost crisis. "

Harley said: "Maybe some of them are qualified, but how should we judge? Tell me, who do you plan to choose?"

"I" Diana's tone paused, "even if I don't know how to choose, there are still you."

Harley sighed: "Sorry, I don't and won't choose. Many of them are superheroes and are all your acquaintances.

But their screams are so desolate and their tone is so sincere. How much of your choices are influenced by personal emotional factors? "

"No matter what, we can't leave empty-handed." Oliver said.

Harley glanced around and said, "The purpose of our trip is to invite Jim Corrigan, not to select a ghost based on our own ideas.

Even if we choose someone, will Stranger approve it? God approves?

If they don't agree, are they going to send back the undead who are looking forward to it so much?

If it completely deteriorates due to disappointment and anger, who of you will be responsible? "

The heroes were silenced by a series of rhetorical questions.

"Jim, you'd better come back." Oliver looked at the Holy Spirit in mid-air, with a pleading tone in his voice, "Only you can save the earth. The lives of billions of compatriots on the earth depend on you."

Jim Corrigan waved his hand and said: "I have given my advice to you. It is you who did not choose the ghost successor."

Oliver wanted to persuade him again, but Harley held him back and said, "The Ghost Heir can take a moment. We just need to deal with Lucifer Desire. There are some problems with Green Lantern now. Let's go back first."

When the heroes left, they reluctantly advised the Holy Spirit: "Jim, please think about it again, we will wait for you."

When the Archimedes airship left, Jim Corrigan did not return to the Place of the Holy Sound.

Not only did he not go back, but when the grass-headed god left and only Zhaulie was left at the gate of heaven, he also restrained the sacred aura on his body, turned into an ordinary, almost transparent spirit, and flew out of the gate.

"Hey, Jim, where are you going?" Zaulie shouted in surprise.

"Even if they separate the Spirit of Vengeance from Lucifer Desire, the Spirit of Vengeance without a master is still a big hidden danger. Moreover, I doubt they can separate the Spirit of Vengeance." Jim Corrigan said.

"So?" Zaulie asked puzzled.

"I will wait at the junction of Limbo and the material world, waiting for the critical moment to appear and turn the tide." Jim Corrigan said proudly.

Zaulie said speechlessly: "Then why did you reject Harry and the others just now?"

Jim Corrigan snorted: "If there was no Witch Harley, I might have agreed. Now put some pressure on them and let them learn to be awe and grateful."

Before leaving, he turned back and warned: "You are not allowed to reveal my plan to Witch Harley. You know the power of ghosts. No one can hide it from me!"

At the same time, Harley activated the defensive force field, enveloped the cabin of the airship, and said to the frowning people in the airship: "Don't worry, I already have a comprehensive plan."

Oliver looked shocked, "What's the plan?"

"Actually, there is also a Jim in Gotham. He was also a policeman. When he was young, he had a violent temper. He couldn't tolerate any sand in his eyes. He was also very depressed when he died."

"Is it Jim Gordon?!" Wonder Woman immediately thought of a person, "Oh my god, if you think about it carefully, his and Jim Corrigan's personalities and experiences are really similar."

Harley smiled and nodded, and said, "I didn't do anything in Purgatory before.

I carefully observed the environment there and the condition of the undead.

Jim Gordon was in Limbo too, and I brought him back.

His situation at that time was very similar to those of the undead.

Therefore, if the undead in purgatory can become ghosts, then Jim must also be able to become a ghost, or even more suitable.

Because Jim Gordon is currently transforming into the "Spirit of Vengeance", punishing criminals, eradicating evil, and fighting injustice in Gotham. "

"Then why didn't you tell me before?" Mr. Miracle asked doubtfully.

"Humph, Jim Corrigan and I are 'incompatible'. He said this himself." Harley sneered: "If I tell my plan, he will probably cause trouble.

Therefore, I now turn on the God force field to block possible eavesdropping.

Just keep this to yourselves and don't reveal it to others.

Returning to Earth, I only told everyone that Jim Corrigan agreed. He would hide at the junction of Limbo and the material world, and make a shocking appearance at the critical moment to turn the tide.

This is also in line with his character, and everyone will definitely believe it. "

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