Three days passed quickly, and Louise found Quinn Manor with insomnia and thick dark circles under her eyes.

"Harry, please help me find out, am I also in a terminal transformation? I've been feeling something wrong lately, and I seem to hear someone calling me."

Harley stared at her for a long time. She looked really haggard. Her blue eyes were bloodshot, the corners of her eyes were slightly swollen, and there were obvious crow's feet at the ends of her eyebrows.

The once well-maintained and firm skin was a little loose, and there were some dull gray and black spots.

Her hair seemed to have been smeared with hair oil, so oily that she could squeeze out a dollop of facial cleanser.

There was something wrong with Louise, something very wrong.

But she was completely normal, with no trace of magic, no shadow or dark elements.

"Did you have insomnia three days ago?"

Louise shook her head, "No, because I am used to working late and am very tired. I always fall asleep when I touch the quilt. If there is no alarm clock, I can't even wake up.

After lunch, I can fall asleep in the office for half an hour.

The kind that is very heavy and full of energy immediately after waking up. "

"It's only been three days, how can you tell that you have insomnia? Maybe it's just that you haven't been feeling well for the past two days."

“There is no discomfort, it’s not like I’m on my menstrual period, I have no physical or mental problems.

But I heard someone calling me, which scared me so much that I couldn’t sleep! Louise said excitedly with her red eyes staring at her.

Dachao caressed her back with concern and said solemnly: "In the past few nights, she always wakes up suddenly from her sleep, shouts in panic, gasps for air, and looks dazed. It's very abnormal. I suspect that something evil is watching her. Got her."

"Omagai, what have I done? By the way, it's the gods!" Louise seemed to suddenly realize, and shouted in horror: "The three goddesses of fate predicted that I had the idea of ​​exposing the hypocrisy, greed, and evil truth of the gods. So they came to take revenge on me. Harley, you are right, they took action against me."

"Don't be anxious, don't panic. I'm an exorcism expert. If there is an evil spirit——" Harry comforted her and said with a frown: "I'm sure you are not being targeted by evil spirits. Although you are haggard, you have not lost your energy. .”

"She's like this and she still hasn't lost her energy?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

"Loss is different from malaise. I take away energy and energy from you, which is called 'losing'. It's like a balloon being punctured with a hole, the air is lost and deflates; if you don't have a good rest, and your energy and spirit are not good, it's called 'malaise'. , the balloon is intact, only the air nozzle is loose."

Harley pointed at Louise, "She is a complete balloon now, without a hole being punctured by evil spirits."

"Then what's going on? Is it mental illness?" Da Chao said.

Louise was stunned, and her expression became more melancholy.

Harley shook her head and said, "It's definitely not mental illness."

Louise immediately breathed a sigh of relief and asked nervously: "Why is that?"

"Don't worry, listen to me first."

"Okay, you say."

"Close your eyes and carefully recall what the person who called you looks like."

Louise closed her eyes, shook her head and said, "I didn't see clearly."

"Then, judging from its voice, it's a boy or a girl."

"I don't know. It seems to be a man." Louise was unsure.

"What is he saying?"

Louise recalled it for a while, then shook her head bitterly and said, "It seems that there are only 'Louise' and 'Lois Lane'."

"Well, a male transcendent who knows you but is not very familiar with it, exactly three days ago." Harley thought for a moment and had a vague guess in her mind.

"Did you encounter any strange things or people on the day when these symptoms appeared, or the day before?"

"In my impression, there shouldn't be."

Harley looked at Da Chao, "What about you?"

"I had a fight with a chemical man. Is that weird?" Dachao asked.

"What do you think?" Harley rolled her eyes at him.

"Louise, you lie down on the sofa now and try to fall asleep while I observe."

Just as Louise was about to lie down, Harry said again: "Go take a shower first, your hair is too oily and it's not good for sleeping."

Louise blushed and explained, "I washed my hair and body last night."

Louise slept peacefully on the sofa all afternoon, nothing unusual happened.

"But I still vaguely heard that person calling my name." She said seriously.

"Then why didn't you wake up from your sleep?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"I don't know." Louise said blankly.

Harley thought for a moment and analyzed: "It's possible that that person's shouting didn't affect your sleep.

What affects you is your own mentality.

You know that you are in my home and believe that I can deal with any monsters and monsters, so you feel at ease and are not afraid of 'evil spirits' in your dreams. "

"Maybe, but what's the shouting in the dream?" Louise asked doubtfully.

Harry pondered and said: "You first ask for two days' leave from the newspaper office, and stay at the manor for these two days."

Louise hesitated and said, "I can work from home. Just one computer is enough. I don't have to ask for leave."


On the first night, Harley used God's force field to cover the living room where Louise was staying. She slept until dawn. She was not as energetic as after a full sleep, nor was she as depressed as before. She just had an ordinary poor sleep.

"There are still screams."

"Has the screaming subsided?" Harley asked.

"No, it's exactly the same as before. However, you are right, my poor sleep is probably due to psychological effects. It did not directly extract my soul and essence."

The next night, Harley wrapped herself in the Sandman's robe and turned into pieces of black feathers, falling into Louise's dream.

It was a not-so-beautiful world. The sky was gray, as if a winter rain was about to come, and the earth seemed like an alien planet.

The high-rise buildings in the city are made of one-piece metal structures, which is very sci-fi.

Sky speeders shuttled back and forth. But Louise's location was a bit like the Oscar podium in Hollywood.

"This year's winner of the 'Galaxy's Best Newsmaker Award' is Lois Lane, a cosmic celebrity from Earth! She defeated Lana Lang, Perry White, and Lane Goth. Bach. Congratulations to her.”

"Louise, I love you and I'm proud of you!"

Da Chao, wearing a red cloak, suddenly jumped out and shouted to Louise, who was shining like a queen on the stage.

"Louise, you are the number one mark, I am convinced." Lana Lang said in sincere admiration.

"Louise, you are amazing, I admire you so much. From now on, whenever you want to ask me for an exclusive interview, I will be here at your call!" "Galaxy Admiral" also congratulated the famous reporter with admiration on his face.

Louise held the "Oscar statuette" (actually a silver pen) in her hand, raised her head and laughed, "Hahahaha, hahahaha"

The whole world echoed with her triumphant, cheerful laughter.

Standing in a corner, Harley's mouth twitched.

On the morning of the third day, Harley looked at the rosy-cheeked Louise meaningfully and asked, "You had a sweet dream last night, right?"

Louise thought she was saying she had a good sleep, so she nodded naturally, "I had a dreamless night and slept peacefully, but the voice still hasn't disappeared."

Hearing her say "a dreamless night", Harley wanted to make a few sarcastic remarks, but when she heard the next words, her expression immediately became solemn.

In Louise's dream last night, she heard nothing.

Even Louise in the dream was always complacent. She was not frightened at all and did not hear any sounds.

"What are my symptoms? Do you have any guesses?" Louise asked.

Harley nodded slightly, "Do you still remember the death-by-death transformation called 'Magic Change'? People who fall into the Magic Change will see dead acquaintances, hear their voices, and have simple conversations with them, but No one else can see them anyway.

Because they only exist in your memory and in your thoughts. "

"Am I caught in a magic change?" Louise said blankly.

"No, the blood in your body is very calm, and there is no sign of magic awakening. What I mean is that your symptoms are probably an unknown magical phenomenon related to the terminal transformation.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you are stuck in a terminal transformation—not everyone is qualified to do so.

My guess is that someone who knew you fell into some kind of terminal transformation."

At the end of the sentence, Harry's tone became more uncertain.

"Am I in danger?" Louise asked.

"Theoretically, no. Even if my judgment is wrong, you don't have to be afraid. I have left the mark of heaven on your soul."

Then Harley explained the Seal of Heaven again.

"I have used the Seal of Heaven twice, the first time to save a girl named Astra, and the other time. The soul that was imprinted that time, even if it was transformed into a messenger bird by black magic, the imprint is still immortal.

In short, as long as the enemy is not as strong as God, he cannot detect it and cannot erase the mark.

In this way, even if your soul is kidnapped by a certain demon, I can still chase it to its lair. Well, I will take your husband to chase it to its lair as soon as possible and rescue you. "

Louise was moved and frightened.

"How could I have such bad luck?"

"The more virtue you accumulate on weekdays, the less bad luck you will have." Harry said.

Louise was a little unhappy after hearing this, "In life, I am kind to others, passionate about charity, and donate 90% of my income; at work, I will risk my life to speak out for vulnerable groups in need of justice.

My professional philosophy is also to try my best to use news to make the world more real and beautiful. "

"Then why are you unlucky?"

Louise choked, put down her fork, stood up and said, "I haven't been idle these past two days. I have already written Faust's obituary. This is the third time.

Now I'm going to send it to the newspaper, and it will be the front page headline tomorrow morning.

Then there will be a series of TV shows to ensure that everyone remembers this fallen hero. "

"Well, you go ahead." Harley nodded, forked a piece of fried egg and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Wait!" She chewed twice, and suddenly her expression changed slightly, "Do you remember Faust?"

"What are these words? I have been putting off the manuscript for quite some time. If I don't write it, I will really forget it."

Harley said solemnly: "The first time, you forgot after writing the manuscript. The second time, we made a special agreement to see when you forget, when the news on the manuscript disappears, but you still forget.

This time, it was you who took the initiative to bring up Faust. "

"Here, what does this mean?" Louise murmured.

Harley's eyes flashed, "You go and post the news now, maybe the answer will be revealed in a few days."

The news about Faust caused quite a stir on Earth.

Not only was he famous - Louise revealed the identity of the protagonist of his opera "Faust", but also because there were external forces hyping up the news. His obituary not only made the headlines of the Daily Planet, but also Portals such as Dog Video Network also promoted his legendary story.

On the third day when people on earth were discussing Phoenix Faust enthusiastically, the aliens reposted this news again.

This time, Louise’s manuscript didn’t disappear.

She didn't hear the strange noises anymore.

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