I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1123 The disappeared manuscript

Monday afternoon, Quinn Manor.

"Hey, Starfire, how did you go with picking up the goods?"

Seeing Barbara and Starfire walking over, chatting and laughing, Jason, who was doing pull-up exercises in the yard, immediately stopped what he was doing and leaned over.

Starfire and Barbara were both wearing training clothes and jogging over from the back hill.

"It went very well. We went to the 'Ivy Manor' first. Wow, you would never have imagined that Ivy owns a 'plane farm' in Wonderland."

Starfire opened her arms and gestured excitedly, "The entire small plane is Ivy's farm. In addition to magic crops, there are also strange livestock and even dragons!

It turns out that the ‘steaks’ we eat are not beef, but the meat of flying dragons and ground lizards. "

Jason was originally just looking for a topic to get close to, but now his curiosity was really attracted, "How big is the plane?"

"It's very big, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. We flew in the sky for three hours and couldn't even visit it completely."

"How many tens of thousands of acres of land are there to grow food? Can we eat all of it?" Dick next to him was also shocked.

"Of course it's not food. Didn't I just say it? There are also livestock. A four-ton flying pterosaur occupies a forest." Xinghuo said.

"Why did such a vast land become Ivy's manor? Is there no owner in Wonderland?" Dick asked strangely.

"It seems that Wonderland owes Sister Harley a large sum of money and uses land to pay off the debt. Anyway, Wonderland has an owner, and Fairy Queen Titania even sent a servant to receive us.

Who do you think that servant is? Oops, he turned out to be Shakespeare's son. "Barbara said excitedly.

Even Dick, Shakespeare himself, was not interested.

"You just hunt dragons and harvest wheat in the manor?"

"We don't need to do anything. The manor has many animal tenants like Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Red Law, as well as flower fairies and goblin servants. They have already prepared things.

Hey, it’s such a pity that you didn’t go.

It's amazing, more interesting than any other planet I've been to. Starfire said cheerfully.

"There are still tenant farmers and servants now? Why not use mechanical farming?" Dick frowned.

Starfire was stunned for a while before she figured out the point of his dilemma, "Hey, if you pity them, then you are really being sentimental.

For a land as big as 'Ivy Manor', the taxes collected are only enough to support a few people in Quinn Manor, which is tens of thousands of times easier than you Americans. "

Dick glanced at Harley and Ivy who were talking in the distance, touched his nose, and stopped discussing the topic.

"Wonderland can't just be a big farm, but you said the entire plane is Ivy's farm." Cassandra walked over and asked doubtfully.

"This is the strange thing about Wonderland." Xinghuo became excited again, "It is a book page mode. We have all seen storybooks. Wonderland is like a thick storybook. Each page is a plane. The plane corresponds to a story.

Ivy Farm once belonged to Grandma Yajia. You can go up to one story through the tree hole, and you can also go down the hillside to enter the next story. "

"Sounds really good. I'll go and have a look next time." Cassandra looked longingly.

"In two days, we traveled to 18 story worlds! In the end, we also bought a lot of small gifts at the Fairy Market. You are really at a big loss if you didn't go this time." Barbara said proudly.

Cassandra's eyes flashed, "Jason and Dick may have lost money, but I definitely didn't."

"Oh, what happened to Metropolis?" Barbara asked curiously.

"I went to the Sky Eye Society and met Tearman. Now I have entered the circle of the top bosses on the earth, and I also know many secrets that you can't even imagine." The third senior sister said with a smile.

Dick gave her a "cut~~" and proudly said: "I am Robin! Since Crisis on Infinite Earths, I have been fighting with the most powerful superheroes.

The secrets you are exposed to now are just scraps of my knowledge.

But have you seen me show off? "

Cassandra puffed up her cheeks in anger and said sarcastically: "But now you can only catch thieves in Gotham. Have you caught that unknown guy?"

"Smiling Scar is not a nobody, he is a new generation of crime tycoon. Bateman thinks of him very highly, far more than Bane, Mr. Freeze, and the Mad Hatter." Dick said seriously.

"So, he is still at large and you have accomplished nothing?"

"I haven't found him yet." Dick said awkwardly.

"Tch~~This is the 'Robin' who has fought against the most powerful hero!" Cassandra sneered.

"You only speak sarcastic words. Have you ever caught a super criminal? You haven't even made your official debut yet. You only have romantic and stupid fantasies about the superhero industry, and you don't understand the hard work and difficulty of detective work." Dick said angrily.

"Have you never eaten pork? Haven't you seen pigs running? As an uploader who has broadcast hundreds of super crime scenes, I have used drones to track and arrest no less than ten super criminals."

"I can beat ten of those mindless muscle lumps by myself. Laughter Scar is different. He is the kind of super criminal who has no superpowers but a very high IQ. Forget it, you rookie, I told you, you also Can't understand."

Cassandra was about to retort when she saw Harley coming over and scolding: "What are you arguing about? Why don't you warm up quickly? Barbara, your physical training is over and you will start a new training program today."

Barbara's eyes lit up, and she happily jumped up to Harry, expecting, "Are you going to learn divine arts?"

After waving the others to disperse, Harley said to her pastor: "Actually, I don't have any magic to give you."

"Ah~~" Barbara was dumbfounded.

Can a priest without magical powers still be called a priest?

"You are my first priest, and you must create my magic. The so-called magic is the priest's self-understanding of the power of the gods.

If I have other pastors in the future, you will be their ancestor.

Of course, when they break through the Great Priest, they have to create their own 'exclusive magic'.

Just like a magician, you first learn other people's magic, and then become an official mage after choosing a path.

If you open up a new path, you will be promoted to Archmage.

You are currently just a priest apprentice. After this period of training, your energy and spirit have almost reached the threshold of a formal priest. As long as you learn a magical skill, you can be promoted to a formal priest.

Then you can go out and be a superhero. " Harley said.

"How should I learn magic? I can't create, I don't understand it at all." Barbara said blankly.

"Just because you don't understand, you started a new training."

"Oh, how do I train?" Barbara began to look forward to it again.

Harley handed her a 12.9-inch Paradise Mountain tablet and said, "Starting today, online classes."

Following her instructions, Barbara opened the tablet with a confused look on her face.

A chat group has been established and a shortcut has been created on the desktop.

When I clicked in, there was only one avatar on, named "Sage Aoqi".

Barbara dragged the address book list, including Stranger, Old Shazam, Kent, Xanadu, Constantine, Big Sister, Father Carlisle, Bishop Van Helsing, Zatanna, and Morpheus.

It dazzled her.

"Sage Aoqi is the 'class teacher' and is responsible for teaching you the 'Nine-Nine Divine Lists'. Others are only responsible for helping you broaden your horizons. If they happen to be online, they can also help you answer questions."

In order to gather these people, Harley also spent a lot of thought.

First, she had to let them all have at least one Paradise Mountain mobile phone and activate the watchdog; secondly, she had to convince them to give her face.

"They are all famous wizards, right? I am a priest, am I the professional counterpart?"

Barbara didn't know everyone, but everyone she recognized was a magician.

For example, senior sister Gemma.

Gemma is an exorcist nun in name, but she has actually been practicing light magic.

It's not magic, it's the same holy light magic as old Father Carlisle.

I heard that Gemma will go to Silver City to "study abroad" in the near future, and her "doctoral supervisor" is her former teacher Carlisle.

"Don't worry, every qualified magician is proficient in borrowing power, borrowing the power of gods, borrowing the power of demons, and borrowing any messy power.

You only learn the knowledge of borrowing power and developing new 'witchcraft' from borrowed power. " Harley said.

In fact, she herself can teach Barbara the technique of borrowing force, but her way is "too wild".

When other mages borrow power, they study how to use it after borrowing it.

That is, developing magical skills.

This is exactly what Barbara needs to learn.

Harley, on the other hand, is studying how to steal power through deception and never return it to the owner, or thinking about killing the owner of the power.

In other words, she tricked and deceived people into making the power her own, and didn't do much research on the specific techniques for using power.

Could this be taught to Barbara?

Because of the earth's diplomatic strategy of "no alliance, no hegemony, or even formal diplomatic relations, and only willing to maintain friendly relations with all civilizations" announced by Harley over the weekend, alien envoys have been leaving the earth in spaceships one after another these days.

Inside the earth, major news media and various experts are also discussing this matter.

Therefore, when there was no news about Phoenix Faust's obituary in the first few days, Harley didn't care. She just thought that Louise wanted to avoid the hot spot of "interstellar diplomacy".

But another week passed quickly, and not only was there still no movement from the Daily Planet, but even the "Walahar Funeral" promised by Tearman was not held.

Harley understood that the couple must have forgotten Faust again.

Sure enough, after calling to inquire, Louise jumped with excitement on the other end of the phone.

"Oh my God, it's unbelievable. Not only did I forget about it, I even lost the manuscript.

When you told me the story of Faust that day, I set a plan in the 'Reminders' on my phone.

That evening I began writing Faust's news.

Because everyone was paying attention to interstellar diplomacy in those days, I planned to push the news back two days to make headlines.

As a result, guess what, the electronic manuscripts and printed manuscripts I wrote turned into blank paper, and the words disappeared. "

Harley was both surprised and enlightened. She was surprised that "magic dissolution" was so terrifying. Not only did it disappear from people's memories, but also the written records disappeared.

Suddenly, it is more reasonable because "magic dissolution" dissolves existence from the "root".

"Do you still remember the content of the original manuscript?" Harley asked.

"I completely forgot about it before, but when you asked, I vaguely remembered it again. It's so weird! Do all magicians go through this kind of deathbed transformation?" Louise's voice was filled with fear.

"Magic dissolution is just one type of transformation at the end of life, and it's not even the most terrifying."

"No wonder the success rate of dying transformation is only one in seven. I thought it was exaggerated before, but now it seems that one in seven can survive, which only shows that every magician is extraordinary.

If it were me, the survival rate would be no more than 80%. Louise murmured.

——If it were you, with your talent, you would never experience the deathbed transformation in your lifetime.

Even if he eventually dies in a terminal transformation, it is an "advanced" way of death that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Harley complained in her heart and said, "Try writing another manuscript. I will call you in three days."

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