I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1122 Old Friends in

Luther's serious look made Harley suspicious. She looked around and saw only five cameras from different angles above her head.

She called the warden and asked him to turn off all the cameras temporarily.

Luther stood there stunned and seemed to be sensing it carefully, "That feeling seems to be gone."

Harley rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "You've probably been in prison for a long time, and you're beginning to feel unbearable.

It is said that the average time for a super criminal to escape from prison is only half a year, but you cannot escape from prison. Too famous and too rich are also burdens! "

The corner of Luther's mouth twitched a few times, then he opened his head and looked around, observing the surrounding area. The expression on his face gradually returned to its usual calmness.

"Harry, I'm serious. The feeling of being watched before came not from the prison camera but maybe from the prison camera, but the person who stared at me with evil eyes was definitely not an ordinary prison guard."

After a pause, he analyzed again: "Oh, I made a mistake and forgot one very important thing - your deterrence is too strong.

If he was watching me and saw you coming, he would avoid it on purpose.

When you asked the prison guard to turn off the camera, he also turned away his malicious gaze, making you mistakenly think that I was mentally ill and was driven crazy by the incarceration environment. "

Harley stared at Luther seriously for a while. There was indeed no madness in this guy's eyes, only calmness and wisdom.

She was a little confused. Was he acting, or was there really an evil person targeting him?

"Otherwise, you decorate your own prison. Use your smartest brain in the universe and Lex Group technology to build a prison specifically for you in Stryker Island Prison. The security measures are all made by You do it.

Of course, you can also run away.

But you will lose my friendship and trust, and you will be hunted down by me personally. "

That being said, Harley is actually not worried about Luther escaping from prison at all.

Ordinary super criminals escape from prison because they are empty-handed and poor, and one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry.

Luther is different.

If he gives up his status and wealth, he will not be able to bear the reduction in his living standard.

What's more important is that other super criminals can gain a sense of achievement and success in committing crimes. And Luther, even at the initial stage of his sense of accomplishment and achievement, was cheered and recognized by the public.

As for the intermediate stage of Luthor's achievements, it is more advanced: proving the concept that "human beings do not need superpowers, human beings can control their own destiny, and I, Lex Luthor, am the representative of mankind."

The highest stage of Luthor's achievement: surpassing Superman.

Elementary, intermediate, and advanced achievements cannot be accomplished by "rats" hiding in the sewers.

He must shine brightly and stand in the spotlight.

Therefore, even though Luther had a smart brain, he never thought about escaping from prison.

Escape from prison is tantamount to admitting that you have failed and that you are a lowlife. When you see Superman, you feel a little shorter than yourself.

Luther's eyes lit up, "Harry, although you are not the smartest person, your wisdom is almost as good as mine.

Supervising yourself is a genius idea.

Not only was I going to build my own cell, I was going to build a prison.

This is Tear Man's territory, and the residents are very unfamiliar to him. "

In Great China, it sounds ridiculous for ordinary businessmen to build prisons, but in the United States, prisons, like supermarkets, can be privately run or even listed on the market.

"You can build a prison, but you have to wait until next time, and this time you have to live on Stryker Island." Harley said.

"Next time." Luther looked down at his orange prison uniform, "If there is a next time, I have to get out first!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but complain in his tone, "I told you after the zero-hour crisis that you must form a team with me when you encounter a big crisis in the future.

As a result, the Sun-Eating Beast had such a good opportunity, but you ignored me and didn’t even return my calls. "

Harley said angrily: "I wasn't on Earth during that time, so how could I answer your call?

Moreover, the sun-eating beast cannot be solved by technological weapons at all.

How many super civilizations and advanced civilizations have tried it? Even if you are smarter than them all, can you still be worthy of the entire civilization of the universe? "

"I'm better than Mr. Excellence, the Atom and the others. I heard that you asked them to study Twilight's genes, but you clearly know that I am the number one genetic expert on Earth." Luther complained.

Harley sneered: "If it were you, Twilight, would you rather be studied by a just and kind-hearted superhero, or by a serious super criminal?"

"Does Dusk have a choice?" Luther thought thoughtfully, "It seems that the information I got from the Pentagon was not comprehensive."

"You have a lot of opportunities in the Pentagon, so just ask them to help you commute your sentence. I don't encounter a few major crises throughout the year, so it's not easy to wait." Harley said.

"Alas, this is not the first time I have been in prison. Except for the crime against humanity, the total time I spent in prison the previous few times did not exceed a year.

But this time is different. I have offended the president and violated the unwritten rules of American politics. Congress and the White House not only cannot be relied upon, but have been blocking my release.

The military is also a bastard who eats people but not their bones. They want to monopolize my Kryptonian genetic technology and the 'Shield of Light' project. "

"The world is a dangerous place and there are too many bad people."

Luthor, known as the "Super Villain Leader", sighed.

Harley just wanted to laugh.

Deserve it!

"Let's come out first and then talk. Anyway, you have a smart mind. Without the Kryptonian genes and Limbo satellite projects, you can still do other things."

Luther looked at her with burning eyes, "I need to do something big that will stir up public opinion and make the people applaud, otherwise I'm worried that the military will eat me up and wipe me out - even if they get benefits, they won't pardon me."

"I'm afraid it's difficult. The earth has been very peaceful recently. But the Milky Way." Harley looked hesitant.

"What happened to the Milky Way?" Luther asked hurriedly.

"It seems that a war is about to break out between Lann and Senagan, Star Wars! Or, can you be a 'peacemaker'?"

Peacemaker is definitely bullshit.

With Luther's character, if he and the Pentagon come together, he will most likely help the earth realize the interstellar transformation of super criminals - from the super criminals of the earth to the interstellar criminals.

But, Harley would rather be a jackal than a sheep in Earth’s civilization.

Adam Strange was brought to Rann by Zeta rays. Why did Zeta rays fall to Earth?

She'd be a fool if she believed in a test malfunction.

"Tell me in detail." Luther said excitedly.

"You go to the Pentagon, they know more details than me. The military is also more radical than me, and they want to gain benefits from Star Wars."

"Thank you, this is really an opportunity." Luther's eyes flashed, "Those bastards are greedy, even if they have no idea, I will say a few words to make them lustful and unable to stop.

Of course, Harley, don’t worry, I have a sense of discretion and will not sink the earth stupidly. "

If we say that the four-dimensional material universe, the five-dimensional limbo, and the six-dimensional manager dimension are the "three realms" of the DC universe, humans, gods, and demons all live within the three realms.

Then, outside the Three Realms, there are also mysterious realms that are unobservable and difficult to access.

For example, the source of magic and Hecate's hometown is an existence beyond the three realms.

At this time, in another plane outside the Three Realms.

On a huge crystal wall, scenes of Stryker Island Prison and Luther's cell after Harley left were playing.

Luther was holding his cell phone, with a gloomy expression and hesitation, still muttering: "Son of a bitch, as soon as Harley left, he stared at her again."

"He's so sharp."

In the mysterious dimension, behind the crystal wall, the young man in blue uniform and red cloak said.

The man with long red curly hair next to him nodded, "He is hesitating whether to call Harley Quinn."

"Why can he sense your presence?" The young man in uniform asked doubtfully.

The man with red curly hair pondered: "Probably because I adjusted my brain waves to the same frequency as his, my mind, soul and even body are moving closer to him, and his spiritual sense feels threatened."

"He is just an ordinary person, does he deserve this from you? Although he always boasts that he is the most intelligent in the world, I don't think his wisdom, memory and experience are of any use to you." The uniformed young man said.

"Whether it's worth it depends on our next plan. If you plan to go back, it's worth it; if you still stay here, it's meaningless." The man with red curly hair said quietly.

"I don't know. It depends on Superman. He doesn't agree to interfere with the current Earth 0." The young man in uniform said hesitantly.

"Well, he is the BOSS, but don't you have your own ideas? Do you miss your universe?" the red curly-haired man asked.

"Of course I want to, but it has disappeared." The young man in uniform said bitterly.

"Although Hal Jordan has fallen, his idea of ​​creating a perfect parallel universe is actually right."

The man with curly red hair said slowly: "This world can be without pain and sorrow, and everyone can live in their own paradise.

He gave us a good start, and the river of time in the multiverse has taken shape. "

"You mean, the parallel universe that created our original world?" The young man in uniform frowned and said, "What Harley Quinn said to convince Hal Jordan makes sense.

The person we miss is not a substitute in a parallel universe.

It is a blasphemy against the people we truly care about if we use them as a substitute for the people in our hearts.

You also heard the songs of the undead from Beach City. They were forgotten and replaced by people from parallel universes. They were all very sad and angry.

Even if we can fool everyone, we can’t fool ourselves. "

"What she said makes sense! People in Beach City can at least go to hell and go to heaven." The man with red curly hair became excited, "But what about your world and mine?

They were reduced to ashes, and their bodies and souls were directly annihilated in the antimatter energy storm.

Nothing is left behind, everything returns to the origin of the universe.

Do you understand what this means?

As long as our world comes back, the world will be real and the same as before!

The so-called parallel universe only applies to people on Earth 0, because the universe on Earth 0 has not disappeared, so for them, other similar universes are "fake".

But you are different from me. The ‘falseness’ in their eyes is the resurrection of our original world.

Those lives, our relatives and friends, have also returned from the origin of the universe. "

The hesitation on the uniformed young man's face gradually disappeared, and he said firmly: "You convinced me.

As long as you can return the 'Supreme Universe' to me, I will listen to you. You say, what should we do now? "

The man with red curly hair reached out and touched the transparent crystal wall in front of him. Through it, he could see everything in the material universe.

"Convince Superman first, only he can break the wall of heaven."

"He is now focused on Louise and has no interest in the outside world."

Hearing "Louise", a trace of sadness appeared in the eyes of the man with curly red hair, "Louis is dying quickly. This shouldn't be the case, death and disease shouldn't exist in heaven!

We have to convince Superman that Lois can be saved only by leaving.

But before that, I have to get Lex Luthor, who is the key to our future plans. "

"He doesn't even have superpowers, what can he do?" The young man in uniform didn't understand how much his companions valued Luther.

"At least he has access to the Cosmic Tuning Fork, which we need. Also, he is now participating in the Pentagon's Rann-Senagon War, which is also a great opportunity for us."

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