I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1121 Luther is crazy?

Chapter 1121 Luther is crazy

"It's unbelievable." Louise was still in a daze during lunch, "But isn't two meters above sea level too short?"

Harry forked a piece of Mushu meat with chopsticks and said vaguely: "It is indeed short, my Quinn Manor is more than 200 meters above sea level.

But Gaia made it clear that He needs to sleep, and his power shrinks to the core of the earth. The wider the extension, the harder it will be for Him.

I was just being polite to him and said that it would be at least two meters away to ensure that human civilization would not become extinct.

Human beings are generally less than two meters tall.

My real thought is of course that it would be best to have satellite coverage as well. "

"Although it is short, it can indeed ensure that human civilization will not be destroyed by the attack of the destroyer-star energy cannon.

This is already pretty good.

After all, the goddess Gaia is also difficult. From the core of the earth to the surface, the extended distance increases by ten thousand times, and the extended range increases by ten thousand times the third power. It is too difficult for her. "Clark said with emotion.

"Do you think Gaia is selfless?" Harley sneered: "I gave him 1,500 points of magic power, which is equivalent to 150 demon kings. He is using my power to support this defense network.

I feel like He is at least 80% greedy! "

"That's not the case, she is the Mother Goddess of the Earth."

Harley said calmly: "So what about the Mother Goddess? Should I be stingy or stingy, should I be greedy or greedy.

Even if they are generally kinder and more tolerant than other gods, it is towards their own people.

I have saved more than a thousand civilizations and more than a thousand 'Earth Mother Goddess'. Only the Tamaran goddess Siel gave me gifts to thank me, while the rest wanted to occupy my divine power and refused to give it back. "

"Well, at least your goal of protecting the universe and protecting human civilization has been achieved! As superheroes, we all have to be aware of not being thanked when we do good deeds." Clark sighed.

"We should make this public and let humans build more basements, or build important cities and factories at lower altitudes." Louise said excitedly.

Harley shook her head and said: "After it is made public, human beings will probably embark on a crazy journey to seek death. In the end, not even the basement can protect them.

Gaia's defensive shield can only be the last trump card. Not only can it not be made public, there is no need to tell the superheroes, lest they become mentally slack.

On weekdays, it is better for all human beings to maintain a certain sense of crisis. "

"That makes sense."

The Kents were thoughtful.

"What if one day in the future the earth is attacked by an 'alien nuclear bomb' and humans discover the light film?" Cassandra asked.

Harley immediately said: "Who knows the details of the light film? If you then say, 'Fortunately, the Galaxy Admiral has long seen through that XXX is not a good person and spared a hand,' who will doubt it?"

Clark looked at her with a strange expression, "Did you plan it in advance and deliberately delay Darkseid's negotiations?"

"Negotiating with Darkseid? Why?" Cassandra was shocked when she heard this.

Harley briefly explained the whole story to her female apprentice before saying: "After the Zero Hour Crisis, Darkseid immediately sent his kind grandmother to negotiate with me. After several months of negotiations, the two sides failed to reach an agreement, and the Sun-Eating Beast crisis broke out again.

I terminated the negotiations and have not restarted them to this day. "

Clark added: "A week ago, the kind grandma came here again and found the Justice League. At that time, Harley was working as a coach on the Genesis Star."

"Even if there is a defensive gold film, it can't prevent the demon-like army and dark elites from Apokolips!" Louise worried.

Harley shook her head and said: "The defensive gold film can only be regarded as a flash of inspiration. I saw Adam the Wonder Man yesterday."

Then she told again about meeting Adam Qixia at the Sky Eye Club last night.

Clark frowned, "It's just one thing after another. It's hard to deal with the Sun-Eating Beast. Can't everyone live in peace for a few years?"

Harley rolled her eyes at him, "Your idea is so naive. Do those super civilizations pursue a stable life? They have been stable for too long before, and it is so stable that they feel depressed.

Now that the mountain that has been weighing on us for billions of years has finally collapsed on itself, it would be strange not to have some fun. "

Louise said thoughtfully: "This matter should not be a secret among the higher-ups in the galaxy. I have noticed it before."

"What did you notice?" Clark asked confused.

"Planet Daily subscribes to dozens of extraterrestrial news and magazines, haven't you read it? The mainstream media in Lann and Senagon often express opposing views on the same matter, and even quarrel with each other." Louise said.

"Really? I didn't notice." Clark was a little embarrassed.

"Harry, do we want to break up the fight?" he asked.

"What they are fighting for is the core interests of civilization. How can I persuade them?"

Clark's eyes flashed, "Let Kyle Rayner persuade me. You must know that Kyle Rayner is not the 'Last Green Lantern', he is the 'Torch Bearer' selected by the Book of Oa."

This means the Green Lantern Corps is not over, and the "torch" will be preserved by Kyle and passed on to the next generation of Lanterns.

"The torch bearer sounds full of ominousness. Once the torch is handed over, it will lose its value, and it is impossible to end up like Hal." Harley complained.

Now when she looks at Hal on the construction site of Seaside City, she feels like watching Jiang Ziya after The Legend of the Gods.

Although Jiang Ziya was drained of his "destiny" by Yuanshi Tianzun and thrown away after using it, at least he could enjoy the wealth and wealth in the world.

Hal Jordan was squeezed to a pulp, and his "Time Demon" cultivation, along with his peerless talent of "half the willpower of the universe," disappeared overnight for the green light.

Not to mention wealth and wealth in the world, in the end, one has to rely on Harley to survive.

According to his original ending, should his soul fall into the hands of the Dog God and be squeezed again?

Harley feels that Kyle's future ending will not be better than Hal's.

Clark said: "No matter how biased you are against the Green Lantern Corps, you cannot deny that they do maintain the order of the universe. With the Corps here, many innocent civilians will die less.

As for the ambitions of the rulers of higher civilizations, I would rather they continue to endure it with frustration. "

"Kyle has disappeared for several months. Do you have any news about him?"

"He'll always come back," Clark said.

Although we didn't see Supergirl at Kent's house, it was a meal that was enjoyed by both guests and hosts.

After the meal, we chatted for a while, and at almost dusk, Harry was ready to take his female apprentice to leave.

An unexpected person came over.

Find her apartment in Metropolis.

"Lina? Why are you standing outside the door like this? You have my phone number, right?"

Seeing the girl huddled on the steps at the door, Harry was surprised and at the same time, his tone also sounded reproachful.

She is Luther's sister, Lena Luther, who is only 21 years old this year. She is now the acting president of Lex Group and the CEO of Lex Mobile Company.

"If it hadn't been for Yebi's reminder, I wouldn't have known there was a person squatting in front of my house. I was going to go back to Gotham directly."

Lina has ear-length blond hair, and her thick hair wraps a small pale cheek, which makes her look very pitiful.

"I want to see you in person, but I don't want to disturb you." Lina smiled shyly, her smile a little bitter.

"It must be because of your brother, right?" Harley said directly.

Lina nodded slightly and said awkwardly: "He wants to see you."

"I met him two months ago." Seeing Lina's expression darken, Harley sighed, "Okay, let's go see him now."

"I won't trouble you, right? If Sister Harley, you have something urgent." After getting the answer she wanted, Lina began to feel uneasy again.

"Nothing urgent."

Harley took out her mobile phone and called the Stryker Island Prison. She made an appointment with Luther and asked Lina to stand next to Yebi while Dog Shengzi led a few people to wander towards the beach.

"Have you called your mother recently?" Harley asked.

Mrs. Luther was released from prison. Well, that was a few years ago. Luther was influenced by Brainiac and committed crimes against humanity and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Mrs. Luther ran back from Paradise Mountain to run for her son.

After Luther was released from prison and the company was on the right track, Mrs. Luther took the blimp again and went to the small town of Paradise Mountain to "practice Buddhism".

"Yes, we talked last week, she was very good." Lina said.

"Do you want to go see her?"

Lina's eyes lit up, "Is it okay?"

Harley said: "I'm going to work in Silver City tomorrow. If you are free, be prepared to wait for me at home."

"Free." Lina said immediately.

Seeing the joyful look on her face, Harley said hesitantly: "Actually, I can send you to Heaven Mountain every other month, or even shorter. It used to be once a year, mainly because I don't want to disturb your parents."

There are dozens of old men and women living in the small town of Paradise Mountain. They are determined to study the Bible in order to achieve salvation after death.

Harley's previous rule was to open a "Paradise Mountain Flight" every June or at the end of December to allow people from Paradise Mountain to come back, or their relatives to visit relatives in Paradise Mountain.

Almost no one came back from the mountains.

Every time I visit relatives, the airship is overcrowded and I have to make several trips.

Even if you don't see your relatives, you can still see Paradise Mountain.

If it is changed to one "flight" in January, the town of Paradise Mountain may become the "Golden Week Scenic Spot" before the epidemic.

"Lina, I will open a back door for you. If you want to see your mother from now on, just give me a call."

"Is this okay?" Lina said hesitantly: "Others can also call Tianshan Mountain through the guardian dog. If I know that you take special care of me,"

"Does their dissatisfaction affect you or me? Don't think too much. You can't make everyone like you, and you can't do things that satisfy everyone.

Be more comfortable, free and easy, and be happy. "

Stryker Island is not far from Metropolis, and in a few sentences I have reached it.

Cassandra and Lena stayed outside, and Harley met Luther alone in the visiting room.

Compared with two months ago, he looked much more haggard.

His face was pale and thin, his bald head was dull, his eyes were covered with thick dark circles and were bloodshot.

When he was brought over by the prison guards, he seemed extremely anxious and nervous, looking around suspiciously.

"Which song is this? Mental illness, medical parole?" Harley said calmly.

She felt like this guy was faking it.

"Harry, someone is watching me," Luther lowered his voice and said nervously: "Take me out of here, not out of prison, I mean, to a place where I'm not being watched at all."

Harley frowned and said, "You are a special criminal. Of course there are surveillance cameras pointed at you."

"It's not a camera. I don't know what to say. Recently, a pair of malicious eyes have been staring at me." Luther couldn't suppress the fear in his heart, and his expression was a little distorted. "He seemed to see my soul through my skin. .Fake, it’s so weird.”

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