I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1125 Return from memory

Odin's Hall of Valor is called Valahar.

Without ever meeting Odin and Valahar, the Justice League named the final destination of the superheroes Valahar.

In the suburbs 20 kilometers away from the Hall of Justice, in the center of the private cemetery, if you peel back a layer of turf, you will see a black metal plate of about two square meters.

No key is needed. As long as a Zhenglian giant approaches, it can automatically sense and identify it, and then open a passage.

Walk down the stairs for about 50 meters, and you will enter a small world of another dimension with beautiful scenery and sunshine - a gift from the Shadow Bureau. The agents of the Shadow Bureau have specialized in solving dimensional rifts, alien invasions and the like for the government for many years. Tired work, this small plane was accidentally discovered many years ago.

This is Justice League’s Valahar, the resting place of superheroes.

On a piece of green grass, there is a long row of nearly a hundred white marble tombstones.

This is not the first time for Harley to come to this place, because almost every crisis has heroes sacrificed.

As a galactic admiral, she had to come to at least see off her nominal subordinates.

This time is no exception.

Although at other times, she would have wanted to find an opportunity to kill Faust. But Faust was recruited by her to represent Earth as an ambassador to Asgard in her name.

If she wants to continue to recruit younger brothers, messengers, and scapegoats in the future, she has to show off today and show that she is a good boss who values ​​emotions.

"Hi, Harley, let me introduce you to a new friend!" Zatanna waved to Harley from a distance.

When Harley came to the dug grave, she pulled a middle-aged man wearing a black trench coat with an expressionless face and introduced: "He is Sebastian Faust, Phoenix Faust." De’s son is also my college classmate.”

Although she was surprised that an old ghost like Faust could have a "young son," Harry only had a slight solemn look on her face, which seemed to be very sad.

"Hello, Sebas, please forgive me."

"I don't want to come at all, and I'm not sad." The second generation Faust was very cold.

After a pause, he straightened his expression and bowed to Harley, "Sorry, no matter what, thank you for everything you did for him."

Harley nodded slightly, with no expression on her face.

Zatanna was a little surprised, "What happened to you and your father these years? In the early years, you just complained that he was cold and indifferent to you."

She had a relationship with Sebastian during college. They were both magicians, the "second generation of magicians" from a famous master's family. They came to the same university and became a boy and a girl.

It was also because they were old friends that Zatanna volunteered to "carry the coffin" for the deceased's relatives when no one else knew that Faust had a son.

"I don't want to talk about it." Sebas flatly rejected his old lover's concern.

Zatanna, however, had a serious face and insisted: "There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome between father and son. Yes, back then he was focused on his own magic practice and lacked care for you.

Even if you awakened the powerful magic power at a young age, he would just seal it and not take the time to teach you.

But now that he is dead, as a hero. Later, you will give a speech in front of everyone, as a close relative of the deceased. Are you going to use this attitude to make his last journey degrading? "

If it were other people or other things, Xiao Zha would not say such words.

But first of all, she respected her father very much and did not want others to treat her as an "unfilial son." Then, Sebastian and her had an unusual relationship. The deep friendship between the two could make the topic more in-depth.

"Xiao Zha, you don't know anything. He is a bastard, a scumbag, and a bastard!" The second generation Faust was hurt by Zatanna's words, and he shouted out of control: "He doesn't even deserve to be buried. Here, he has defiled the sanctity of Valahar, and he has brought shame to other heroic spirits in this land!"

He was too loud, too emotional, and Valahar was too quiet. All the heroes looked over with shocked expressions.

Zatanna was even more at a loss and very embarrassed.

However, Harley still looked calm and calm, "Everyone is here, let's start the burial ceremony. Little Faust is going to give a funeral speech. You can say whatever you want, as long as it is about the deceased's life."

In the United States, when the deceased is buried, relatives and friends are usually invited to the podium to deliver speeches. The topic can be random, and they can indeed complain about the deceased's shortcomings and bad things.

However, speaking like the second-generation Faust definitely goes beyond the scope of complaining.

"This little Faust is a bit unfilial!" When the heroes lined up to lay flowers on Faust's coffin, Louise, who was holding a camera to take pictures, whispered to Harley.

"Don't try to persuade others to do good things before they have suffered. It's obvious that the old Faust did something very wicked to his son." Harry squinted at the little Faust next to the coffin, vaguely feeling that there was something abnormal about his magic power. .

Louise was shocked, "What's so immoral?"

"It's so bad that my son lost his temper at the funeral and called his father a beast. You are a reporter and have rich experience. You can guess for yourself." Harley said casually.

Louise's eyes flickered and she murmured: "Is this level of hatred a juvenile sex case?"

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched, and just when she was about to speak, she noticed that little Faust, who had been lowering his head, raised his head and glanced in Louise's direction with angry eyes.

"He heard it."


"Little Faust is a great mage with a very keen sense. I heard what you said." Harley said.

"Uh" Louise blushed immediately.

"My previous gaffe caused everyone to start speculating about my relationship with Phoenix. He didn't give me a hard time."

Later in the funeral speech, Little Faust made a big splash at the beginning, which made Louise and Chao extremely embarrassed.

"This friend of yours has a lot of personality," Harley said to Zatanna.

Zatanna expressed that she was also embarrassed, "He has always had a straight temperament."

"But I would rather he fucked my butt! The physical trauma can be recovered quickly, and the mental trauma can be diluted and forgotten, but the soul..." Little Faust was silent for a moment, then resentfully said: "I think I should tell everyone The truth is, because the Justice League and even the public opinion on Earth have been exaggerating about him these days.

It was as if he had truly become a perfect great man.

He doesn't deserve it.

A black magician who exchanged his son's soul for magic power from the devil is not worthy of the 'name of hero'. "

"Oh my God!" Zatanna covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Harley's expression also changed slightly.

She finally understood the reason why little Faust's magic power was abnormal: he had no soul, and his magic power was loose, erratic and not concise enough.

Even if he is a magic apprentice, his magic power is as flexible and strong as a steel wire.

Because the magic power contains the spiritual power, vitality and willpower of the mage.

Every meditation performed by the Master is equivalent to intense exercise by an athlete.

The muscles of athletes are hard and powerful, and the magic power is the muscles of the mage.

"What do you mean, little Faust is fine, isn't he? How can you say that his soul was sacrificed?" Louise and other heroes who did not use magic were puzzled.

"He is not a good person, at least not the 'legendary mage who is lonely and unruly but cares about human civilization' in reporter Ryan's article."

Then the little Faust talked endlessly, revealing the dark history of the old Faust in his memory in front of everyone.

Dachao touched Harley quietly, "What should I do?"

"Don't you think the image of Phoenix Faust in your mind is more three-dimensional and vivid now?" Harley said.

"Indeed, but—"

Harley waved her hand to interrupt him, "This is the purpose of the funeral speech, to tell the deceased's story through his relatives and friends, so that the real him can continue to survive in the memory of the guests."

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of dark wind suddenly blew up in the sunny lawn cemetery. Everyone felt a chill all over their bodies and a little confused in their minds.

Not only was Harry's body chilled by the cold wind, but his eyes blurred as he saw his "soul" being blown away from his body by the cold wind.

"Shit, what is this-" She immediately activated the nine defense specialties, and her soul, which was blown away by the wind like sand, suddenly returned to her body.

Then Harley saw an even more horrifying scene: everyone on the scene looked like rock statues that had decayed for many years. When the wind blew, a layer of colorful "soul dust" fell off the surface.

Harry gathered all his thoughts and forced himself to calm down.

In the next few breaths, she quickly confirmed two things: First, she was not dazzled, and what she saw was not an illusion, but others did not notice it, and they even continued the previous actions - Little Faust's speech , they were either listening or whispering; secondly, she had misunderstood before. What was blown away from the body by the "yin wind" was not everyone's soul, but something like a memory.

Because those "dusts" are like the green smoke of incense candles blown away by the "yin wind", and you can see blurry images, much like memory images.

What’s even more strange is that everyone’s memory images are the same, and the “dust of memory” is also floating towards the same location—Faust’s coffin!

Harley noticed that little Faust had the most and richest amount of "memory dust" floating around.

Like black smoke drifting from burning tires.

Faust's acquaintances, such as Sage Ochi and Lady Xanadu, are also like small car tires - the kind that are set on fire.

"Bang bang bang~~~~" The cold wind suddenly stopped, the memory dust retracted into everyone's body, and then there was a heavy slapping sound from under the coffin board.

Little Faust, who was telling his father's dark history, stopped suddenly, mechanically turned his head and looked at the coffin beside him.

"Faust?!" The guests were stunned for a moment, and then Dachao and several mages exclaimed.

Dachao has clairvoyant eyes, and the mage can sense the breath of life.

"Boom!" With the fiery red magic light, the coffin exploded from the inside, and a mage with a thin face and a moustache flew out from inside.

"Thank God, thank magic, thank everyone, thank you Miss Louise." Faust opened his arms, looked up to the sky and laughed, crying while laughing, "I'm finally back, woo woo woo, I'm finally remembered, I'm finally free from Returning from oblivion, woo woo hoo, hahaha.”

"Omag!" Louise suddenly recovered from the shock, pointed at old Faust, and exclaimed in disbelief: "That's him, he called my name in my dream!"

"Faust, what's going on? Why did you jump out of the coffin? There were only a few of your old belongings in the coffin before." Madam Xanadu shouted.

Only a mage's robe, an astrological disk, and a magic book were placed in the coffin, all of which were old items taken from the Faust Astrology Tower.

Now, a big living person suddenly jumped out. Ordinary people had not seen what Harry saw just now, so they were particularly shocked. Even Nabu was as surprised as he was.

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