Harley has been plagued by "mental illness" for the past few months, and Harley has no intention of "beating monsters" to level up.

Even so, she has a blackjack defense.

If a pistol with non-special bullets hits her at close range, it will only break the skin and bleed, but will not cause penetrating injuries, let alone death.

Her "Three Guns and Six Holes" can cause blood surges and can scare people, but they don't do much harm to herself.

So, she did.

It frightened everyone present, including the sophisticated Falcone.

But after three shots, Harley was also stunned.

It felt like being hit by a bullet, but there was only a little pain and no impact of a normal bullet.

Looking down, she couldn't help but curse.

"Fake, it's a blank bullet!"

The old godfather smiled strangely, "Yes, it's a blank bullet."

Harley smashed the car window with the butt of the gun, threw the car, picked up a piece of broken glass, and pressed it against the old godfather's neck, all in one movement.

“Who says you can’t kill someone without a gun?”

Falcone waved his hands to the younger brothers who were approaching nervously.

"It's all over, put the gun away."

"Is it over?" Harley became even more nervous, but also very confused. The crisis sensor that had worked many times before had no warning at all this time.

"This is a test, a test for you and Gordon, and I am very satisfied with the result. Don't understand? Let's go into the room and talk slowly." Falcone smiled.

For an old man in his seventies to be so open-minded and dare to show off, Harry didn't want to lose his temper, threw away the glass piece, and said calmly: "Okay."

——Without the glass piece, she still has fingernails. Blackjack's defensive fingernails can easily pierce the arteries in this old guy's neck like the Nine-Yin White Bone Claws.

Well, Harley is confident that she can transform into DC Sabretooth Tiger in case of accident.

If the enemy is too strong, she still has Charon coins on her, and at worst she can summon "Hell Taxi" again.

"Gordon, this is not the first time we have talked face to face. Last time, you were bold enough to rush into Fish's bar alone and loudly asked her why she cheated on you.

What you get in response is a sap.

She dumped you on the hook in the freezer, next to the pigs, and I saved you.

Because your father is my good friend!

I told you that I treated you as a nephew and introduced you to Gotham. I said that I had no ill intentions towards you and I was not your enemy. At that time, you nodded repeatedly and seemed to believe me.

But what next?

You broke your promise to me and let Penguin go, and you came to my house and pointed a gun at me."

Gordon had a dull face and said nothing, obviously unconvinced.

The old godfather sighed, "Now, let me say it again, we are not enemies. I am very happy to have an upright, brave and capable police officer like you in the police department.

The existing black state system in Gotham is not your enemy. "

Having said this, he glanced at Harley from the corner of his eye, "Your real enemy is disorder and chaos, the madman who disturbs the peaceful and peaceful Gotham today."

Gordon still looked stubborn.

Harley mused.

The old godfather waved his hand and said in a low tone: "Forget it, you are still too young, you will understand gradually. Now, you go."

"You let me go?!" Gordon said suspiciously: "Falcone, what are you playing?"

"I have a heart-to-heart talk with you, but you don't listen, and you don't understand after hearing it. What else is there to talk about?"

The old godfather stood up, walked to Barbara, and gently smoothed her messy hair into order.

"You are a good girl. I'm sorry to have you go through everything today. Go back and drink a glass of warm milk and have a good sleep."

Barbara was trembling, but she didn't dare to resist.

"I'm not leaving, I'm going with Harley and Harvey." Gordon said.

"Okay, just watch from the side," the old godfather shrugged, and finally laid his eyes on Harry, who looked calm.

"Do you think I'm lying? About me and Gordon being supposed to be companions."

"BOSS, you don't need to lie, but I still don't understand." Harley said.

"BOSS" the old godfather snorted, walked to the window, and said slowly: "Like Gordon, you are too young and have experienced too little.

I have been doing business with people from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan since the 1970s. Over the decades, we have gradually become friends through business and personal relationships.

In the early years, their status in Hong Kong and Daiwan was similar to mine in Gotham.

But in recent years, starting in the 1990s, those big guys have used my connections to become immigrants in the United States, Canada or Australia.

Do you know why? "

"You probably know, 97 is here." Harley said.

"So, what changed after the arrival of 1997?" Falcone asked again.

This time, without waiting for Harry to answer, he sighed: "It was this country, this city's laws, culture, system and traditions that gave me the opportunity to establish the Falcone dynasty, rather than me breaking the system and establishing a relationship with the old one." A new order of institutional opposition.”

Harley looked shocked, and somewhat understood what the old godfather meant.

"The Falcone family, like the Gotham City Council and the City Police Department, are the building blocks of this social system, and they are also the cornerstone of maintaining this system.

For me to be an excellent Hedao Emperor is equivalent to the city council electing an excellent mayor.

The work of the mayor and I seems to be completely different, but the direction and purpose of our efforts are exactly the same - to maintain the prosperity and stability of the existing system.

I admire Gordon because he is brave and fearless, firmly believes in law and justice, and is willing to fight against all evil for the dignity of the law. "

The old godfather spread his hands and made an innocent and confused expression towards Gordon.

"So, why should we confront each other? Isn't the law you protect also the cornerstone of the existing social system?

Isn’t what you are doing achieving the goal of a stable society that I need? "

Gordon also understood. He was more angry than shocked and shouted: "I'm different from you. What you did is illegal."

"You guys are really stupid. The law is the embodiment of the will of the ruling class and a tool for the country to maintain its rule.

Who is Gotham's ruling class?

It’s a chaebol, it’s a politician, it’s me!

Remember, it’s not you who are self-righteous, let alone those civilians who are struggling to survive.

What are the elements that maintain Gotham's stability?

It is the joint efforts of gcpd and our black state to combat the chaotic elements that undermine this stability. "

Gordon became increasingly angry, "I want a stable society without crime and harm."

The old godfather said strangely: "My hobby is raising chickens. The tickling feeling when the chickens' beaks peck at the palms of my hands is a pleasure to me.

But the other rulers of Gotham, the rich and powerful, have less pure desires.

Otherwise, where do you think Harley’s video tape came from?

Although existing laws already reflect the will of the rulers, our rulers are even more greedy.

They hope that civilians will abide by the law in order to stabilize their rule; at the same time, they are eager to take action, hoping to gain more benefits and happiness by breaking the law against civilians.

In this case, Maroney and I need to exist. "

The old man walked up to the dull-looking Gordon, patted him on the shoulder, and concluded: "The Gotham now is the Gotham the Gotham ruling class wants.

You, Jim Gordon, a ruled class who adheres to the rules (laws) established by the ruling class, actually want to create a world where the ruling class is ruled by (laws). It is ridiculous. "

"No, it shouldn't be like this." Gordon's eyes were wild and he shook his head repeatedly.

"Barbara, take him next door for a drink to relax." The old man said kindly.

After the couple helped each other and left, the old godfather looked at Harry again and said, "Do you understand?"

"Oh, I understand. Boss, don't worry, I am very aware of current affairs. I would rather work hard to become a member of the ruling class than be a fool who uses the ruling class to set rules and change the society that the ruling class wants." Harley Sighed.

"I originally planned to kill Gordon with one shot." The old godfather muttered: "You were at the police station yesterday. You should have felt that Victor didn't hold back."

"I'm also surprised. You don't have to lie, but you keep saying that you and Gordon are not enemies." Harley said.

Falcone said slowly: "Over the years, I have killed many friends, as long as they offended me or were involved in conflicts of interest.

Gordon deceived me and did not follow the rules to submit his name. He should be killed as a warning to others.

There are two people who made me change my mind, and you are one of them.

When I heard from Victor that Gordon actually sent you to prison, I felt something in my heart - if I encounter a thorn and source of chaos like you in Gotham in the future, I can leave it to the hero. It saves me a lot of trouble to deal with the capable tough guy Gordon.

For example, in order to buy you, I have to spend at least one street and five nightclubs.

If Gordon takes care of you, wouldn't it be equivalent to making five nightclubs?

So, in the face of visible interests, I decided to forgive Gordon for his offense against me. "

Harley's pretty heart-shaped face was slightly distorted.

Inexplicably, she thought of Vince, the last drug police officer who had surrendered.

The reason why Vince is valued by the anti-narcotics team is simply because he is an expert in anti-narcotics.

In another usage, Vince has become an expert in supply development.

So does Gordon.

So, what about the Batman of the future?

Whose city is his efforts protecting?

It’s so dark and so hopeless, but thankfully she’s not a superhero.

"BOSS, are you using blank bullets to test my loyalty?" Harley asked.

"I knew from the beginning that you were not someone who could abide by tradition." Falcone said calmly.

"Uh, what are you going to do with me?" Harley was a little embarrassed.

"Are you still willing to join the Falcone family?" the old godfather asked.

Before the old man could make a mistake, Harley took his right hand, pursed her red lips, and kissed the ruby ​​again.

"BOSS, I am willing to return to the family." She said sincerely.

Five nightclubs are worth a lot of money!

Falcone's old face twitched a few times, retracted his hand, and sighed: "I know your relationship with Gordon, and I deliberately asked you to kill him just to test how much you value friendship.

If you kill him without hesitation, you will still be the manager of five nightclubs on Bali Street and a small boss of Sars led by the Falcone family.

Facts have proved that you value friendship far more than the glory and wealth within your reach, and I am very satisfied.

I would be more satisfied if you were willing to admit that I also have a kindness and friendship towards you. "

Harley said sternly: "BOSS, if you forgive me and give me a share of the industry, it is definitely a great favor.

What happened today and what you just said to Gordon showed me your open-mindedness and wisdom accumulated over the years. I really hope to have a mentor like you. "

Falcone stared into her eyes for a long time, and a friendly smile gradually appeared on his old face.

He slowly took off the ruby ​​ring on his right hand and threw it to Harley.

Looking at her astonished little face, he smiled slyly and said, "Harry, welcome to the Falcone family."

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