I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 116 The Owl Appears

"I have always admired Harley, her fighting will and talent, but I didn't expect you, Boss, to appreciate her so much."

Bald Sass said with a strange expression as he watched Harley and Gordon walk out of the manor gate side by side.

"Four months ago, I wanted to kill her; three days ago, I thought I could bribe her with benefits; after yesterday, I decided to make friends with her."

Falcone sniffed the rose in his handkerchief bag and asked meaningfully: "Do you know why my mind keeps changing?"

Sass shook his head.

"Four months ago, her madness and power alerted me, and you also know how crazy the Hedao mercenaries were about her during that time.

If she wanted to, she could respond quickly and form a new gang.

I was worried that she would become a source of chaos and break Gotham's long-standing peace and harmony, so I had murderous intentions.

But in the past four months, instead of being crazy, she has completely calmed down. Even though she often went to Dr. Strange for psychiatric treatment, she never went crazy again.

Since she no longer takes the initiative to destroy my rule and the tranquility of my Gotham, I naturally make money with peace of mind, and do not want to provoke the local dragons who are embarrassing the Crusaders.

Yesterday, I heard that she volunteered to be arrested by Gordon. I became interested and wanted to see what she could do for Gordon.

So, there was a test today.

I'm very satisfied with the result.

I have dealt with all kinds of people in my life, and I know what kind of people are suitable to be business partners, what kind of people are suitable to be subordinates, and what kind of people can make friends. "

Sass frowned and said: "I don't doubt your judgment, but you never lack friends, right?

Why did you choose Harley and let her rise to the top and become a member of the family, on an equal footing with me, Fish, Nicola, etc., and the family status is second only to you? "

Falcone sighed: "Old Inzaghi from the Long Island dock is just a retired boatman. I have been friends with him for more than thirty years just because he is from Sicily.

I still have many friends like Inzaghi.

But at critical moments, none of these old friends in life can be relied upon in my career.

At most, at my funeral, they grieved more genuinely than others.

You can never have too many friends, especially now that people in the family have changed their minds, and I need a career friend even more. "

Saas is silent.

He understands the BOSS's dilemma.

There are more than a dozen dukes under the old king, and they are roughly divided into three factions: first, the senior Italians who started fighting against the old godfather decades ago, and those who survived, or their descendants; second, the Italians who were defeated The outsiders recruited include Chinese, Russians, and Latin Americans, represented by the Russian Nikola; thirdly, the elites absorbed from Gotham over the years are represented by Fish Mooney.

The old Italians were naturally loyal to the old godfather, but they also had small thoughts. They felt that the old godfather was old and a prince should be chosen from among them.

The Russian Nikolai's desire is very naked. He has been suppressed by the old godfather and has never given up the idea of ​​becoming the boss.

Fish, who had been trained by the old godfather since she was a child, should have been his assistant at this time - because she was a woman, the old godfather took it for granted that she would not have the ambition to be the boss.

Then reality slapped him in the face. Fish was a heroic girl, more dishonest than the others.

A large part of the reason why the battle for Arkham with Maroni dragged on for so long and seemed so difficult was because of the instability within the Falcone family.

On the other side, walking on the winding driveway outside the manor, Gordon looked at Harley's right hand for the nth time.

The ring reflecting the crimson light in the setting sun.

"Harry, did you really get a 'Ring of Power' from Falcone?" He still couldn't believe it.

Kissing the ring only means being accepted by Falcone and becoming a member of the family.

If Falcone personally gives her a ring that represents family power, it means that Harley is qualified to create her own "Quinn Family" under the Falcone family.

For example, the stolen goods stolen by the kittens have been sold to Masky under "Fish Sister" Fish.

Muskie is a direct subordinate to Fish and a member of the Fish family.

But if you zoom in to the entire Gotham, Muskie also belongs to the Falcone family.

Almost copied from the Western feudal lord system, the ministers' ministers were not the king's ministers, but the nobles of the kingdom.

"Hey, I didn't expect it. He became a Gotham boss all of a sudden." Harley stretched out her palm and looked at the ruby ​​ring, feeling a little unreal.

"Do you have a territory or a family? If not, you are just your own boss." Harvey said sourly, retracting his envious and jealous eyes.

"Even if I'm alone, when your director sees me now, he has to call out 'Sister Harley'!" Harley sneered.

"Harry, you can have a brighter future." Gordon hesitated.

"Is there a future for you to catch me in jail? Now, I admit it in front of you, yes, the masked female gunman on Bali Street is me. Come on, come and arrest me!"

Harley's momentum was overwhelming and she pressed forward step by step. Gordon looked struggling and stared at her without taking a step back.

"Jim, don't be impulsive!" Harvey grabbed his partner and said with a wry smile: "This is reality! On the first day you came to the police station, I warned you - don't be a hero."

"Jim!" Barbara also hugged her fiancé's arm and was about to cry.

After looking at Harry for a long time, Gordon sighed: "Harry, thank you for everything you did for me and Barbara. I know what you gave up for us.

In fact, before thanking you, I still owe you an 'sorry'.

It was me who revealed the news that you were hiding in Bali Street to the Crusaders, which led to you being surrounded and suppressed by the gcpd.

As a man, I broke my promise to you.

As a police officer, I failed in my duty. Not only did I fail to protect the plaintiff, I also betrayed you. sorry! "

"There's no need to say sorry. I'm not afraid to tell you that I bloodbathed Gotham Cathedral and forced all the secrets out.

You tried your best, but your ability was limited. After a hard fight, you were captured, and the crusaders pointed at your head.

And the person who betrayed me was not you, it was your partner Harvey Bullock! "Harry pointed at the middle-parted head and said indifferently.

"Is that why you didn't save me? But I also fought tooth and nail for you. I was captured after fighting hard and had a gun pointed at my head." Harvey was a little excited.

"If I really blamed you, I would have found an opportunity to shoot you a few months ago. I didn't save you just because you were basically a traitor!" Harley sneered.

"You're talking nonsense!" Harvey's face turned pale and he glanced at Gordon subconsciously.

Gordon also looked at Harvey and said in a trembling voice: "What does she mean?"

"She's talking nonsense, I'm not Falcone's spy."

Harvey waved his hands and shouted excitedly, as if he had been wronged.

"What evidence do you have?" Gordon turned to Harley.

Harry smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Think about it with your brain, why did Sass kill you?

Because you didn't submit your vote, you tricked Falcone.

But what about your partner? He is a veteran police detective with ten years of experience!

Don't say you don't understand what this means.

With such information in Falcone's hands, why would he dare to point a gun at him?

Thinking again about the blank bombs, a scene that was obviously prepared in advance. Could it be that Boss Falcone has precognitive abilities? "

"Falcone promised me that he would not hurt you, so -" Harvey turned pale, too ashamed to look at Gordon.

"Brother, I can't help it. Just like the witch Sister Harley said, you let the Penguin go. You are clean and you have no scruples, but I -"

"Stop talking!" Seeing that the forty-year-old man looked embarrassed, his eyes were red, and he almost shed tears in the street, Gordon stepped forward and hugged him.

"Harvey, stop talking, I forgive you."

"Jim." Bearded Harvey put his face on Gordon's shoulder and cried.

Harry got goosebumps all over his body and touched the stunned Barbara next to him, "Be careful, your husband may be snatched away."

Barbara smiled awkwardly, "Thank you, Harry."

"Harry, I guess I have to apologize to you again."

Gordon let go of his partner, his eyes clear and clear.

"I'm very grateful for everything you have done for me and Barbara, and I really appreciate you treating me as a friend, but I think from this moment on, we have to part ways."

Harley looked at his determined eyes and asked curiously: "Because I became a Hedao boss?"

"Because I'm a policeman!" Gordon said solemnly.

"Have you compromised many times?" Harley asked.

"Yes, I hope to defend the dignity of the law, but I have compromised many times with the black bosses and the crusaders, for my own life and the safety of my family and friends."

Gordon looked at her calmly, "Harry, I am thirty-five years old and an adult who has experienced ups and downs.

The ideals in my heart come from my own experience, not the passion of a young man.

It is indestructible and will not be defeated by setbacks.

I am willing to defend the law with my life, just because the law can bring benefits to more people, rather than gain false reputations such as integrity, nobility, and greatness by defending the law.

Even if I compromise again and again, I will still stick to my ideals. Even if you call me hypocritical, it doesn't matter. "

"Well said, come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

Harley gave a thumbs up and praised her, then quickened her pace and walked away from the small group of people with a calm expression.

"Gordon, you shouldn't say that," Harvey said hesitantly, "She would be a good friend, really."

"I know," Gordon said solemnly, looking at Harley's back, "It's precisely because she is a good friend that I can't be friends with her."

"Why?" Barbara asked puzzled.

Gordon said: "I'm worried that my belief in law and justice will be shaken when I face her committing a crime in the future. I might as well cut off the relationship now. It will be more natural for us to get along with each other in the future. And"

After a pause, he smiled bitterly: "She only considers me a friend because I have faith and am a good policeman.

I gave up my ideals and flattered her - she was such a big boss, and I was no different from other policemen, but I was not qualified to be her friend.

Isn’t it very contradictory and ironic? "

After leaving Falcone Manor, Harley first went to the Strange Psychological Clinic.

"As expected, I said yesterday that you would definitely come back today." The bald doctor didn't have any surprises.

"What a coincidence this time." Harley briefly recounted her experiences over the past two days.

Strange's expression changed and he asked, "You haven't chosen a site yet?"

"Every carrot has its own pit, and I, a new carrot, have no pit. However, Boss Falcone said that he will arrange a task for me tomorrow." Harley said lazily while lying on the armchair.

"I'm going to give you a suggestion, do you want to listen to it?" Strange said mysteriously.

"What inside information do you have?" Harley became interested.

"If Falcone asked you to choose a territory, you would choose Arkham Island!"

"Falcone is going to build a high-end apartment in Arkham. It's a billion-dollar project. Can he give it to me?"

"Hey, high-end apartment areas are worthless, so you just choose remote and desolate places, such as Indian Hills!

If you believe me, do as I say; if you don't believe me, just pretend I didn't say anything. Strange whispered.

"Can't you speak more clearly?" Harley said.

Strange hesitated for a moment and said: "Harry, after we have been together for so long, I have considered you a friend. But some secrets are too important. Telling them clearly will cost both of our lives."

All I can tell you is that Falcone is not the pinnacle of power in Gotham either.

If you have apparent ownership of Arkham, you have a good chance of reaching that circle. "

When leaving the small clinic, Harley was not sure what Gotham's highest power circle was referring to.

politician? Chaebol?

Until she passed through the sewers and returned to her Owl Airship.

Looking at the airship that resembled an owl's head, she suddenly realized: Dr. Hugo was probably hinting at the Court of Owls, and there was their important industry under Indian Mountain!

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