I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 114 The person who betrayed the boss the fastest in history (please subscribe)

"GCPD, don't move!"

In addition to Gordon, two other people followed, Gordon's partner Harvey and Gotham Mayor James.

Harvey is holding Mayor James at gunpoint, seemingly holding him hostage?

"Gordon, what are you doing?" Harley asked in surprise.

When Gordon saw her, he was stunned for a moment. Then he turned to Falcone and put the gun behind his head. He huddled behind the old godfather and shouted to Sasse who had drawn his gun on the opposite side: "Do you want to If he dies, shoot. You know how fast I am, we tried it at the police station yesterday."

Sass looked uncertain, sheathed his gun, and raised his hands as a sign of harmlessness.

Seeing that the audience was under control, Gordon shook out a roll of paper towards Falcone.

It's an arrest warrant.

"Mr. Carmel Falcone, I am now arresting you for the murder of at least Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, Cobot and me.

Maybe Cobot and I are not enough to attract public attention, but if you are involved in the Wayne couple's case, you will make headlines, and the judge will not dare to release you easily.

Now, come with me. Whatever you have to say, you can say it after you get to the police station. "

The old godfather glanced at the arrest warrant with a faint look and said with a smile: "You are so brave. In more than half a century, you are the first GCPD who dares to point a gun at me."

"I have no choice. You forced me, but I have no choice. If I fight hard, I can at least die with you!" Gordon roared ferociously.

Mayor James bowed to the old godfather in fear and apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Falco Cabinet.

When I got off work at noon, Gordon and Harvey suddenly burst into my car and kidnapped me.

He is crazy. Not only does he want to arrest you, but he also wants to send me to jail.

Well, he had a warrant for my arrest, too.

I wanted to resist, but they put a gun on my back, and I had to lie to the manor guards and say they were my bodyguards before I could."

The old godfather waved his hand nonchalantly, "I understand, this matter has nothing to do with you, go ahead."

Mayor James glanced at Gordon fearfully again, and when he saw that he had no objection, he hurriedly ran out.

Seeing the mayor's cowardice, Harley couldn't help but wonder: "The arrest warrant was signed by threatening the judge with a gun? It has no legal effect at all."

The old godfather still looked calm and slowly explained: "The Municipal Law and Court will regularly issue a batch of blank arrest warrants with seals but without filling in the suspect's name for the police station to facilitate the use of the detectives of the crime team in emergencies. "

"Stop talking nonsense and take him back to the police station immediately." Harvey shouted to his partner.

Gordon dragged the old godfather out.

"The farce should end." The old godfather winked at Sasse.

The gloom on Sasi's face disappeared instantly, he smiled and clapped his hands, and two big black girls came in escorting a blonde girl.

"Oh, No——" Gordon shouted in horror when he saw the square-faced blond girl, "Barbara, you, why are you here? I personally took you to the train station yesterday."

It is precisely because he no longer has his fiancée to worry about that Gordon dares to be a lone hero.

Kidnapping the mayor and storming Falcone Manor were all dangerous jobs that could cost you your life if you were not careful.

"I'm sorry, Gordon, I, I'm worried about you." The blond girl burst into tears, her red lips trembling, she was extremely scared and guilty.

She knew it was all over.

Falcone looked at her gently and said to Gordon: "You are so lucky to meet such a good girl.

The last time Victor went to your house, he scared her to tears and she couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

But this time she learned that you were being hunted by me. Even though she was extremely frightened, she bravely came to my manor, knelt in front of me and begged, hoping that I would let you go. "

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched, this kind of woman.

"Gordon, surrender honestly and I will spare her life." The old godfather said calmly.

Gordon closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness, "Barbara, don't be afraid, you will be fine."

"Oh, No——Brother, don't do this!" Seeing Gordon's dejected look and the machine gun in his hand slowly lowered, Harvey became anxious.

"This has nothing to do with me. You asked me to help you, motherfucker. I'm risking my life with you. You can't let a good situation go to waste for the sake of a woman!"

"Sorry, Harvey, she is not 'a woman', she is Barbara, my fiancée."

"Bang!" Gordon dropped the gun in his hand to the ground.

He gave up the struggle completely.

"Gordon, Fuck Squid!" Harvey looked desperate.

Harley wanted to laugh.

After a while, the old godfather sat back in his armchair, and Gordon and Harvey knelt side by side in front of him.

The two of them had their heads hanging down and looked ashen on their faces. Barbara, who had a square face, also collapsed on the carpet, hugging Gordon and sobbing.

"Gordon, your father and I are good friends, and I have always treated you as my nephew. Once you offended me, I gave you a chance. It is really embarrassing that things have reached this point."

"Under the Falco cabinet, you can kill me. I have no regrets, but please keep your promise and let Barbara go." Gordon begged.

"No, sir, please, please let me and Gordon go. We will leave Gotham immediately and never come back again."

Tears ran down Barbara's face in two streams.

Harvey opened his mouth and wanted to say, did you two forget someone?

The old godfather pointed at Barbara and said slowly: "This scene is not suitable for a lady to be present."

Two bodyguards in black immediately came up and dragged Barbara down who was crying and struggling crazily.

The old godfather stretched out his hand, and Sass handed over his pistol.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely depressing, and Gordon's heavy breathing could be heard clearly.

Harry frowned and took a step forward with his left foot. His body under the cute long dress that reached his knees was tense in the wind.

Suddenly, the old godfather turned his head, looked at her and said, "You have joined the Sars law enforcement team, and you will be responsible for carrying out this execution task. Is that okay?"

Harley was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course, I have killed people before, and I am not afraid of killing people."

The old godfather nodded happily and handed the gun to her.

Harley took the silver Beretta and skillfully opened the magazine. The yellow bullets were fully loaded.

She grinned with an inexplicable look in her eyes, reloaded her gun, took a step forward, turned behind the old godfather, and put the pistol against the back of his head.

"Fake, Harley, are you crazy?!" Sass reacted the fastest and immediately drew his gun and shouted.

"Harley—" Pulika's expression changed drastically. After a moment of hesitation, she also drew her gun and pointed it at Harley.

"Crack, click, click!" In an instant, four or five people in the room and seven or eight guns were all aimed at Harley's head.

Gordon, who was ready to die, was stunned by the surprise. He raised his head blankly and looked at Harley blankly.

Harley smiled at him, then lowered her head and said to the old godfather who still looked calm: "Sorry, BOSS, I can't let you kill Gordon."

"Why?" he asked curiously.

"He helped me. Although he accomplished nothing, he tried his best, but his ability was a little lacking." Harley said with a smile.

Gordon's face was a little distorted, and he said calmly: "I, I am a policeman, that's what I should do."

"Yes, he is a policeman. He is just completing his job and not dealing with the situation but the person. Didn't he put you in jail yesterday?" the old godfather said slowly.

Harley nodded and sighed: "Yes, you are right. I had a misunderstanding about gcpd before, thinking that they were police officers, so I only thought that Gordon was working and fulfilling the responsibilities of a police officer. .

Later I discovered that gcpd was just a black state with a police name, so my expectations for gcpd suddenly dropped to minus 99999.

Since then, it seems that Gordon has become very affectionate and kind to me.

At least he fought for me a few times. "

"Hey, young people today, do they despise traditions and oaths like this?" The old godfather shook his head gently, "You kissed my ring half an hour ago."

"Well," Harley was also a little embarrassed, "I understand that you need to be persistent in life, but you also need to know the choices. Sorry, I made a choice."

"Sister Plica, please bring Barbara here. Let the three of us leave. Before leaving, I will give an explanation to the boss, I promise!" Harley's eyes were cold and her tone was solemn.

Pulika looked at the old godfather, turned and left.

"Well, Sister Hallie, when you mentioned three people just now, didn't you include yourself?" Harvey licked his face and gave Hallie a half-hearted smile.

"No, BOSS will be very angry after we leave. You just stay here and act as his punching bag." Harley said.

"Don't be like this, I've risked my life for you too!" Harvey stood up excitedly, but before he could get closer, Harley kicked her into the air so fast that no one could react.

"Bang——" Harvey flew upside down four to five meters and hit the sofa. After a few hard bounces, he breathed out.

"Harvey!" Gordon was shocked, "Harry, you can keep me, please, please take Harvey and Barbara away."

"You are just a piece of wood that was snatched away by me, and you have no business to speak." Harley said unceremoniously.


At this moment, Barbara returned to the living room again. After getting rid of the big black girl, she immediately threw herself at Gordon, crying.

The old godfather tilted his head and asked doubtfully: "I'm not mean to you, am I? The GCPD case, the Crusaders' revenge, a team of gunmen who obey your orders, one street, five top nightclubs, wealth, health, power and status, what about you? I have everything.”

"Yes, BOSS, you are very good to me." Harley sighed.

"For a little police detective who arrested you yesterday, you not only gave up your wealth and status, but you will even be hunted down by the Falcone family in the days to come. What a price, is it worth it? Falcone said puzzled.

Harry smiled lightly and said: "Wealth and fame are certainly touching, but they are always things outside the body. You can throw them away today and pick them up tomorrow. But if some things are lost, they can never be found again."

As for the Falcone family's pursuit of a group of ordinary people, it was useless except to provide her with experience points.

"What?" Falcone asked.

"Comfortable!" Harley said with a smile: "You killed Gordon elsewhere. After I found out, I would only shrug with regret, feeling that the only good policeman in Gotham was gone, but I would not avenge him.

But I couldn't bear it. He died miserably in front of me, but I just stood aside and did nothing. That would make me confused.

My thoughts are unclear and I have a knot in my heart, which will make me feel uncomfortable for a long time. "

"You are very interesting and live a very transparent life, more transparent than most old people." Then Falcone closed his eyes and said no more.

A few minutes later, surrounded by dozens of people and hundreds of guns, Harley took the old godfather to the front yard.

A car stopped at the door of the building.

"Check to see if there are any bombs behind the chassis and seats." Harley said to Gordon.

After a moment, he shook his head, put Barbara into the back seat of the car, and said hesitantly: "Take Harvey with you."

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will break your wife." Harley said impatiently.

Just when she was about to push her old godfather into the back seat of the car, he spoke again.

"You said you would give me an explanation before leaving,"

"Don't worry, I'm not Gordon who only makes promises but never fulfills them. I'll give you an explanation after I leave the manor," said Harley.


"I can't wait any longer. I want it now. At least you have to let me know what the explanation is." The old godfather said.

"The old man is very old, but he is still so stubborn. He betrayed the gang, held the boss hostage, and stabbed him three times. Are you satisfied?"

Harley turned the gun, pointed it at her lower abdomen, and fired three shots.

"Harley!" Gordon was shocked, Falcone was shocked, and the gunmen who came around were also stunned.

"Motherfuck!" Harley lowered her head and was stunned.

There are only three chapters today, and there will be three chapters per day in the future, with a total of 9,000+.

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