I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1109 Gordon and Cobot

Even if he died accidentally and became a "ghost", Gordon could never forget the life of going to the police station to clock in and work.

Just like before his death, he still got up on time every day, pretended to have breakfast, then left the house and wandered around Gotham - looking for cases that needed justice but could not get it through the law.

Of course, he will also deal with daily cases that can be solved by law, and will never go home until dark.

Gotham also has a law and order environment that keeps him busy all day long.

But in the past month, he has begun to become "lazy" and doesn't like to go out much. He always likes to circle around his house, looking around and touching the house with a satisfied smile on his face.

It's like meeting a precious toy that you can't put down, and that toy is his new home.

Quinn Manor was built on Indian Hill, which is not high above sea level, less than 200 meters above sea level. It faces the river on both sides, overlooking Arkham Asylum in the distance on one side, and backed by the large forest on the other - it was once a desolate salt-alkali land, and later Ivy Turn it into a beautiful fantasy garden.

There are not only various landscape trees, but also plants and flowers from other worlds. It is one of Gotham's most famous natural attractions.

Just beside the two-kilometer stretch of forest, there is a four-story building covering an area of ​​100 square meters (including an underground garage).

The building has a base of 80 square meters and a yard of 20 square meters. It is surrounded by beautiful flowers and green plants on three sides. Outside the door is the asphalt road connecting Indian Hill and downtown Manhattan.

The scenery is so beautiful that it was even included in the alien's "Earth Travel Guide".

The transportation is also very convenient. Walk 500 meters to the south and you will find Quinn Manor. Walk 700 meters to the north and you will find the best martial arts gym in the world. One kilometer further to the north is the famous "King of Fighters Arena" in the galaxy. Take a bus. Drive west for three minutes and enter downtown Manhattan.

The more Gordon looked at it, the more he liked it, and he didn't want to leave home.

Especially after the house was built, when his old friends came to congratulate him, everyone showed envy and jealousy, which made him very proud every time he thought about it.

So what if Harvey has several apartments? Can it be compared with his single-family garden villa?

Wayne Manor is old and grand, but even Bruce's two adopted sons feel that "Gordon Cabin" is more comfortable and often come to his house to share the bedroom.

Such a nice house, Gordon is willing to use it to entertain guests, but does not want to share it with outsiders.

However, Xiaolai's reasons are too convincing: First, the family is short of money.

Gordon passed away, and because he died in an embarrassing (cowardly) manner, he did not accept the pension from the police station (Gordon knew that he did not die in the line of duty). The family lost a lot of income, but the two children gradually grew up, and the education expenses Increasing day by day.

Although Xiao Lai himself is also a senior doctor and belongs to the high-income group, his family spent nearly one million US dollars building a garden villa at one time.

The land was free of charge, but Gordon had to pay for the building himself, and he used the best decorations.

If their family hadn't originally owned a house and sold it for hundreds of thousands, they would not only have exhausted their savings, but would also have to find a bank loan.

As for Gordon continuing to exchange "Heaven Mountain Merits" for money.

Yes, but only after repaying the loan.

He originally only had more than 200 merit points, but Harley sold the land at the price of 10 merit points per square meter, and 100 square meters was equivalent to 1,000 points.

Well, one thousand points of Heavenly Mountain Merit is equivalent to 100,000 Heavenly Merit, which seems a bit dark.

But considering the uniqueness and specialness of Quinn Manor, Gordon really felt that it was very worthwhile. He had earned more than two hundred points in less than two years of working, and he would have no problem paying off the debt within ten years.

After ten years of building a manor "worth several billions", on average, the "salary" has exceeded that of all wage earners on the planet.

He has much more money and opportunities than when he was a police superintendent.

In addition to being short of money, Xiaolai, as the mother of a chicken baby, also has a unique perspective: if they invite a polite and knowledgeable alien guest to rent their home, their children will be able to receive the most direct influence of alien culture.

"For the sake of the future of the children, just bear with it. It's only a few years in total." Xiao Lai advised.

Indeed, children only need a few years to grow up. When they grow up, they will no longer need to rent their house to aliens.

Although he decided to rent out the house, Gordon proposed harsh rental conditions and insisted on interviewing tenants in person.

"My family is short of money, so I can live by saving a little. Barbara will become a superhero in the future. How many aliens and alien cultures will she not see by then? Without good tenants, I would rather keep the third floor empty."

Then Xiaolai added a series of harsh terms to the rental requirements.

Accordingly, she will charge lower rent, which is cheaper than in downtown Manhattan.

She also called Cobot specifically and warned: "It's best to find an alien female college student who has just graduated. Well, it can't be too weird, and the one who looks like a human is preferred."

"Hey, Gordon, you didn't go out today?"

When Cobot brought Starfire to the door of "Gordon Manor", he saw a man in a wide-brimmed hat and a brown windbreaker, holding a broom to clean up the fallen leaves in the yard.

Although Gordon was dead, Cobot was not surprised to see him now.

I've already been surprised.

As the Godfather of Gotham, the most basic professional quality is to understand all the unstable factors in his "kingdom".

"Hell Detective" has become a popular urban legend, and Cobot must investigate the other party's identity.

"I'm waiting for you." Gordon said directly.

"Hehehe, you owe me a favor this time. I'll help you find the perfect tenant." Cobot's body swayed like a penguin, and his laughter was as loud and noisy as a duck's.

"Tell me about it." Gordon remained calm.

"A noble and elegant alien princess, a master proficient in 648 languages, and an old friend of the people of Earth, all three in one, what do you think?" Cobot said with a proud smile.

"It's actually a princess? Who is it?" Gordon was shocked.

"Princess Starfire, do you remember? During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, she also led the Tamarans to support the Earth. She lived in Gotham for more than a month. Her news has been on the hot search many times."

Gordon was stunned at first, and then said warily: "I also know that you bought a lot of alien weapons and Du Ping from her."

Xinghuo, who was waiting in the car, became anxious and quickly came out to defend himself: "No, it's not me. I don't know about that."

She was extremely embarrassed. Why did everyone on earth know about the dirty little tricks of the Tamarans?

Seeing the princess in person, Gordon was a little embarrassed, "Hello, Princess Sparkle."

"Princess Keli, please wait a moment while Gordon and I have a few words alone."

Cobot smiled kindly at Starfire, pulled Gordon and hobbled into the living room on the first floor, and said in a low voice: "Think about it with your mind, selling Du Ping is such a shameful thing, even the leader of the Tamaran guards would not do it. I'm willing to get involved, even I arranged for my younger brother to do it, do you think a princess of a country will be condescending?"

"If it weren't for the alien weapons and Du Ping, why are you so enthusiastic? I wouldn't doubt her at first, but with you, I have to think more." Gordon said.

Penguin glared at him, "I'm the boss of the rental platform. You want to rent a house, and she needs to rent a house. Isn't it my job to help you complete the transaction?

Moreover, I still need to sell Du now? "

Gordon said: "If I rent the house to Princess Spark, based on the rent of 3,000 US dollars a month, you can only get one-third of the one-time payment, which is 1,000 US dollars. What are you trying to do?"

Penguin looked at him with contempt, "Who cares about the commission? What I need is connections and friendship, and first-hand alien information."

"What can you, a Taoist godfather, do with your alien network?"

"Gordon, your vision is still too narrow." Penguin straightened his tie and said proudly: "Recently, the US government has been trying hard to attract investment and attract extraterrestrial civilizations to invest and build factories on Earth.

They need wealthy alien businessmen to bring advanced technology and funds for the development of the solar system to the United States.

Hey hey hey, where are the most aliens on Earth today?

Gotham Arkham Island!

Who knows the most aliens on Arkham Island? "

He pointed at himself and said proudly: "Did you know that President Abao personally called me half a month ago and hoped that I would go to Metropolis to be his advisor on extraterrestrial affairs.

I refused.

Humph, working for the US government is not as comfortable as being a tycoon yourself? Even if it's just the alien guy's comprador. "

Gordon was stunned, "Did Mr. President really invite you?"

Cobot took out his Paradise Mountain XR mobile phone, flipped through a call message, and handed it to Gordon.

It has the phone number and the time and duration of the call.

Sure enough, it was the president's office.

Gordon's expression is complicated. Even Cobot has become a guest in the White House, a noble second-class alien comprador, and a first-class Gotham entrepreneur. Can the world still distinguish black from white?

Soon, he firmly believed: This is the meaning of the existence of the Hell Detective!

Even if he is a guest in the White House, even if he is a distinguished 'second-class alien comprador', even if he is a Gotham real estate tycoon, as long as he crosses that line, the Hell Detective will still ask him to report to hell immediately!

Cobot saw a cold light flashing in Gordon's eyes, his heart beating uncontrollably, and a few drops of cold sweat suddenly forming on his forehead.

"What do you think of me like that? I'm helping you introduce tenants, and we are old friends." He said sarcastically.

"Princess Spark can stay here, but I will keep an eye on you from now on. Once I find out that you have colluded with alien criminals and betrayed the interests of the earth and threatened the security of the earth."

Cobot interrupted him angrily: "Fuck you, I really did something wrong, and Harley will handle it. You are not qualified to threaten me."

"Don't flatter yourself, she has nothing to do with you, and she won't help you take responsibility." Gordon pointed at himself with his thumb, with a hint of arrogance on his face, "I am the spokesperson of the God of War, understand this Isn’t identity meaningful?”

Cobot's face turned green and white, and he no longer felt as proud and proud as before. No matter how much money you make or how much political capital you make, it can only be useful while you are alive, and it can only be useful to ordinary people who are alive.

Look at Gordon. He had no money and no power before, but because he followed Harley, not only did he no longer have to worry about his longevity, but he also lived in the "second mansion in Gotham". He had so much power that he could control life and death, and control reincarnation.

He was a little sour and a little lost.

"Gordon, I heard that your whole family is worshiping the God of War?"

Gordon is the spokesperson of God, his daughter Barbara is a pastor, and his wife also seems to believe in "God Hallie". The Gordon family secretly found the most correct path, and they were ahead of everyone else!

Gordon solemnly said: "We are still Christians and belong to the 'Shaojun Sect', similar to the Virgin Mary Sect in Christianity.

What they worship is not the God of War, the God of War, or the Young Master.

True faith is not to worship a certain being, but to practice correct doctrines and concepts. "

Cobot said: "I believe whatever you say and obey it. Well, you are the patriarch of the Shaojun sect, right? Can you bring me into a sect and let's be church members?"

"You?" Gordon glared at him and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, the sect's teachings are mainly based on morality, the law as the criterion, and customs and beliefs as the reference, and fight against injustice in the world!

You, the extremely evil villain who cannot be dealt with by the law, are the targets of the attack. "

Cobot's cheek muscles twitched a few times and said: "So I need you to save me!"

Gordon said strangely: "Shaojun's religion only has one way to redeem bad people. Beat them to death as soon as possible to prevent them from continuing to increase their sins while they are still alive."

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