Starfire successfully moved into the third floor of "Gordon Manor". The entire floor belonged to her, and the monthly rent was only $3,000.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the courtyard, her heart moved.

The scenery here is beautiful, quiet in the bustle, a single house, with a forest in the back, flower gardens on the side, and convenient transportation. Especially because it is very close to Quinn Manor, Tamaran spies would never dare to come here to harass her.

After moving to the third floor, she was even more satisfied.

"Although the homestead is only one hundred square meters, the actual usable area is very large." In the evening, the eldest daughter of the Gordon family carried a basket and walked directly into the forest behind the house through a small door.

It's not accurate to say it's a forest, because there are many beautiful and colorful flowers and plants inside, and it's more like a carefully cultivated botanical garden.

"You can come here to run, exercise, relax, and read. This garden does not belong to our family, but our family can enter it at will."

Barbara took her for a walk in the woods and actually picked a basket of fresh fruits and vegetables. "This used to be the vegetable garden of Quinn Manor. They gave up here in recent years. It seemed like Sister Hallie had opened up a garden in Wonderland." New farmstead.”

"It's weird, it feels so much quieter." Starfire said confused.

Barbara smiled and said: "It's not an illusion. It is indeed quieter here and the air is better, because there are many magical plants planted outside the forest. Some can absorb sound waves, some can filter out mixed light pollution, and some can purify the air. Harmful ingredients are all the work of Sister Ivy, she is a plant magician and a master of magic, very powerful."

Then she turned serious and warned: "However, she especially hates people who destroy plants. Starfire, you can play with the animals in the forest, pick fruits to eat, or climb to the 'Avatar Fluorescent Tree' in the middle of the pool to sleep. But never cut down the trees or pull out the vines.”

"Yes, I remember." Starfire looked around, "Where is the end of the forest? Can you just walk out?"

"It's best not to go to the end. There are fences blocking the way and there are no doors. This is a private garden. However, if you go up the mountain, you can directly enter Quinn Manor. Do you know Sister Harley?"

"I've met several times." Starfire nodded.

"I sometimes walk through the woods and enter the manor from the mountain. There is a plant wall made of magic vines. It can recognize people. When it sees an acquaintance, it will open a door. If it is a stranger, it will be very unlucky. .

If you plan to go to Sister Harley frequently, you can say hello to Sister Ivy first. "Barbara said thoughtfully.

"I haven't decided how long I will live on Earth yet."

Starfire hesitated for a moment, then confessed her situation.

She found that although Barbara was not very old, she was very smart and mature.

The key is to feel relaxed and comfortable talking to her.

"So that's it." Barbara Qiong's nose wrinkled slightly, "Although I don't know your Tamaran marriage customs, a marriage without love. At least the marriage cannot go against the wishes of the parties involved."

Starfire shrugged, "So I ran away."

After opening up to Barbara, Starfire soon learns her little secret: a hero trainee who is training under Harley Quinn.

Moreover, their family is a believer in the "Young Lord of Heaven". Her father is the spokesperson of God, which is equivalent to the combination of the pope and the judge. She is a pastor, and her mother and brother are pan-believers.

"What did she teach you?" Starfire was very curious after hearing that Barbara was practicing the "Martial Arts Code".

Not only was she curious, her sister Blackfire also organized a group of extraordinary research groups to analyze the abilities of "Witch Harley".

Not only do I want to understand her, but I also hope to decipher her secrets, preferably to create a second and third "Witch Harley".

Because the "golden nuclear bomb" single-handedly affects the cosmic status of a civilization.

Comparable to the earth in 1945, the United States suddenly detonated a nuclear bomb.

How can other countries not be extremely concerned about the Manhattan Project?

"She was busy with the Sun-Eating Beast crisis. She didn't come back for several months, so she just asked us to exercise."

Barbara said and rolled up her sleeves, letting Starfire see her white, tender, hard and well-proportioned muscles.

"What's the use of this?" Starfire even felt that these muscles affected Barbara's physical beauty. She had a small oval face but a six-pack abs. Although she was handsome enough, she lost her feminine charm.

"I have only been exercising for more than four months, and in less than half a year, I can bench press 250 kilograms with one hand!" Barbara said excitedly.

"Um, is this strong?"

Starfire looked down at her arms. They were slim and slender, but could lift thousands of tons with ease.

Barbara nodded seriously, "I am not a superpower, and I have not been injected with genetic drugs. It is rare on earth to have such strength in a purely physical body.

Before practicing Sister Harley's "Martial Arts Code", I also worked as a trainee with Batman for two and a half years. My strength was stuck at about 80 kilograms and I couldn't go up. I could only practice skills and flexibility. "

She waved her small fist and said confidently: "Now I can knock down LeBron James with one hand."

Starfire hesitated and said: "Pure exercise can double your physical fitness in just a few months. It is indeed amazing, but she is the Witch Harley."

Barbara said seriously: "Even if she is Witch Harley now, she was just like me at the beginning, just an ordinary girl. Without more than ten years of hard training, she still can't beat an ordinary person."

"You mean, the "Martial Arts Codex" will allow you to continuously improve and double your strength every four months?" Xinghuo asked in shock.

"How can it be?"

Barbara finally saw that the alien sister in front of her knew nothing about martial arts.

"Don't you Tamarans have any training methods? No examples of becoming strong through training?"

Starfire pointed at herself and said proudly: "I am an example of someone who works hard and achieves extraordinary things."

Barbara shook her head and said, "You are a superpower."

"People with superpowers also need to exercise."

"If ordinary Tamarans work harder than you, can they surpass you?" Barbara asked.

Starfire hesitated for a moment, thinking that her sister Blackfire was very diligent. She only slept three hours a day, did not fall in love, did not attend entertainment banquets, and spent all her time on exercise besides political affairs. But if she did not share her power with She, Blackfire, will never be able to awaken the power of "Starfire" in her lifetime.

"No, exercise cannot change genes. It can only develop talents that have already been awakened." She shook her head.

"But martial arts can do it. I'm just an ordinary person. Now I can fight against E-class and D-class superpowers. When I grow up, I will definitely be stronger than Batman and Green Arrow in the past." Barbara said with confidence.

"How far can the peak of "Martial Arts Code" be reached?" Xinghuo asked curiously.

"I don't know. In fact, my martial arts talent is not outstanding. Several of my companions who train with me are better than me.

For example, 'Third Senior Sister', she is about the same age as me and has no superpowers, but she has already completed a transformation. She smashed a wall with one punch, bent a car's shock-absorbing steel plate with an inch of strength, and lifted two tons with one hand. Heavy barbell.

Before she practiced the "Secret Book", she could only lift a maximum of two hundred kilograms, and she needed two hands. "

"Hiss" Starfire gasped, with shock on her face.

Barbara can bench press 250 kilograms, which is considered normal, but the "Third Senior Sister" is the same age, has no superpowers, and has the same training time, but her strength is increased 20 times? !

I have only been practicing for a few months. If I continue to practice for a few years or more than ten years, is it possible that another "little witch" will appear?

"Why is there such a big difference?"

"Third Senior Sister is a martial arts genius. I am just a priest. My talent is not as good as hers, and my training programs are also different." Barbara's expression was natural, without any jealousy or envy.

Starfire wanted to ask how they exercised and what was so special about the "Secret Code".

But you don’t need to think about it to understand that it is the core secret of Witch Harley and cannot be spread casually.

Starfire is happy with her new surroundings, and so are the Gordons.

He doesn't have any bad habits, he is enthusiastic and lively, and he can chat easily with others.

The living habits are also very similar to those on Earth. At least she likes to eat all the dishes cooked by Xiao Lai.

In addition, they were greatly impressed by Starfire's knowledge and knowledge.

Although she is a princess, Starfire's childhood experience was really rough. She has been to many places, seen many things, and is very familiar with the major forces and events in the galaxy.

Her foreign language proficiency is among the best in the galaxy, and both Barbara and little Gordon have benefited a lot from their daily conversations with her.

Basically, Xiao Lai's goal of recruiting alien tenants at low prices exceeded his goal.

In the next few days, Starfire also met several of Barbara's friends, Dick, Jason, and "Third Senior Sister" Cassandra.

Meeting these people gave Xinghuo a rare sense of surprise and belonging.

She wants to stay.

"I want to stay on Earth and be a superhero."

With a decision in her mind, she went to the Quinn Manor next door that day, found Harley, and expressed her thoughts.

Harley had a strange expression, "Are you a Tamaran or a princess, and now you want to be a superhero on Earth?"

"I also know that this idea is strange, but I can't suppress this impulse." Xinghuo's face showed some confusion, and then quickly disappeared, thinking: "I guess it has something to do with the environment of the earth. Few other civilizations have Super hero.

Even if there is, it is related to the government and the military.

Heroes like yours, with complete free will and a pure concept of justice, are still loved by the people and are trusted and supported by the government. They are almost the only ones in the universe. "

Harley thought about it carefully and realized that Starfire was at least half right. No normal civilization or country would allow free, powerful, and uncontrolled "outlaws" to exist.

At least for superheroes, this was a great time when superheroes were as great as gods.

"Okay, I'll help you register with the Sky Eye Society. From tomorrow on, you will be a legal superhero."

Even the new gods from the Genesis Star and the demons from hell can come to Earth to be superheroes, so Harley has no reason to reject aliens.

Xinghuo was overjoyed and asked hesitantly: "What if my sister comes here?"

Harley smiled and said: "This is simple. Our rice emperor has a glorious tradition - providing diagnosis, treatment and asylum to foreigners in the name of freedom, democracy, equality and justice."

"Why is politics so bad?" Starfire was confused.

"It's very simple. You find the Resettlement Bureau and tell the people there about your identity and experiences. Then the United States will provide you with asylum. Even if your sister comes here in person, she can't take you away against your will."

"Why did the United States provide me with asylum when I told me what happened to me?" Starfire asked strangely.

Harley said solemnly: "Because the United States holds high the banner of equality, freedom, and democracy and opposes all unfreedom, inequality, and undemocratic things in the world.

This is the national policy of the United States!

Providing shelter to unfree aliens is a perfect expression of the fearless courage and free will of the American people. "

Xinghuo was horrified and moved, "So it's a national policy. You Americans are really a great nation."

Harry suppressed a smile and nodded proudly: "You can even get a green card and become a member of a great nation."

That afternoon, she went to the Resettlement Bureau. When she told her her thoughts and experiences, the official opposite turned pale, trembling, and seemed to be overly frightened and about to faint.

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