I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1108 Spark House Purchase

"Can you tell me about the situation at that time?" Starfire took off her watch and handed it to Hal and asked.

Her watch comes from the planet Tamaran. It is a personal terminal similar to a mobile phone, with the functions of video recording, photo taking and radio.

Hal Jordan still couldn't refuse her.

He had intended to refuse firmly, as he had refused to so many journalists on and off Earth. But after seeing Starfire's appearance clearly, he recognized the identity of the other party, Princess Tamaran, a friend he had met several times.

Just like he couldn't resist an interview with Lois Lane, Hal gave Starfire a face.

"The Sun-devouring Beast went to the Xianglin Galaxy. You have seen its appearance. It looks like a black cloud swallowing the galaxy. I went inside, used its characteristic of devouring energy, and gave it all the energy in my body, and it Gone." Hal said flatly.

Starfire was shocked, "That's not what the news said. They said you sealed the Sun-Eating Beast with your life."

Hal sighed: "You are a friend of the Justice League and a well-known hero of the galaxy. I don't want to deceive you.

The Sun-Eating Beast crisis is just suspended, and more terrifying entities will appear in the future. However, if the truth is announced, it will not only cause panic among the people, but more importantly, panic and belief are both a kind of power. If you want to know more details, you can go to the Hall of Justice. Rip Man. "

Starfire nodded, "I understand, this information won't be on the news."

After a pause, she continued: "Hal, I understand the reason why you changed from Green Lantern to Time Demon, and I also know that the process of your return from Time Demon was almost all because of Beach City.

You are a good person with a strong sense of responsibility, so Beach City will become your burden and obsession.

So, when you sacrificed your life during the Sun-Eater Crisis, did you ever hesitate for Beach City?

What prompted you to do such great things?

Is it your own consciousness or pressure from the outside world? "

Hal looked at her deeply, and this question was not even asked by the famous Lois Lane in the universe.

With Louise's professional acumen, she probably considered it, but she also considered that the question was too sharp and might offend him, so she didn't ask.

This alien girl has no malice in her eyes, just curiosity.

“Seaside City is indeed my obsession, so you can see that even if there is no shortage of people, I am still working as a construction worker on the construction site.

I have seen it disappear and felt the pain of losing it.

Now I want to rebuild the seaside city with my own hands and witness its rebirth brick by brick.

But during the crisis of the Sun-devouring Beast, I forgot about the seaside cities on Earth. I only thought about how many civilizations there are in the universe, how many cities similar to seaside cities there are in each civilization, and how many people like me are deeply nostalgic for their hometown.

I don’t want the tragedy of destroying cities and homes to happen again, even if they are not on earth and they are not earthlings.

Therefore, although I was once a time demon, I killed countless people and destroyed the entire river of time, but I can sacrifice my life for countless "alien seaside cities". I only feel satisfied and happy, with no regrets, and no one's oppression. "

There was no trace of reluctance on the face of the dusty, stubble-covered man across from him. Starfire only saw sincerity, calmness and ease.

"Hal, you are such an amazing hero." She praised sincerely.

Hal smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I'm just an ordinary person."

Starfire looked him over, "Your green light power is gone?"

Hal was startled, "Well, I mean, what I think is not great. Of course, I have indeed lost all my power now and become an ordinary person."

"Hey, I feel more and more that you are the real hero now."

Starfire met Hal Jordan when Apokolips invaded Earth.

At that time, he was flamboyant, arrogant, arrogant, and liked to show off. Now he has changed a lot.

Back at the hotel, Xinghuo wrote quickly and wrote an essay titled "Greatness in the Ordinary". He sent the manuscript to "Polaris Weekly" through the watchtower signal base station.

Before waiting for the editor's reply, a message from her sister arrived first.

Starfire speculates that the editor-in-chief of Polaris Weekly sold his information to the Queen of Tamaran.

However, Blackfire's reaction was beyond her expectation of "cowardice". She only used the majesty of the queen to persuade her to go back and marry eight husbands. She did not shout or kill, but threatened to send people to arrest her - according to Knowing her sister, Starfire should have done this.

"It seems that the title of Galaxy Admiral is really useful" Starfire mused.

She immediately decided to move to Gotham and live in the Arkham community.

——When Blackfire finds out that she lives next door to Admiral Galaxy, he might not even dare to issue an order to send the "Tamaran CIA" to follow her, right? hey-hey

Starfire had a good idea, but when she came to Gotham, she was dumbfounded: she, a majestic princess of Tamaran, could not afford to buy a house in a lower-class civilization.

"8 million per square meter, why don't you grab it?!"

When she heard the quotation from the general manager of "Bingshan Guest House", she screamed out of control.

The Penguin wasn't angry either, and smiled gently: "Believe me, robbing a bank is far better than selling a house to make money, otherwise why would I bother? Princess Cory, do you still remember me?"

Starfire stared at him for a while, then shook her head and said, "Have we met before?"

"I've seen your husband's guards." Penguin smiled meaningfully.

"Fei Zong's bodyguard? During the zero-hour crisis?"

"Feizon? No, no, no, it's Prince Caris. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, you and your husband led the Tamaran fleet to be stationed in the waters near the Statue of Liberty."

Xinghuo's face changed slightly, "I remembered, you are the emperor of Gotham, selling Du Ping, and doing all kinds of evil."

"I'm not really an emperor, he's just a governor at most. But you sold Du Ping to me, and we all have each other." Cobot said with a smile.

Starfire blushed and said awkwardly, "That wasn't my idea. I found out about it afterward, and I had a fight with Caris."

"Hehehehe" Cobot smiled but said nothing.

"Are you here specifically to find me? I don't have Du Ping to sell it to you, and I will never touch that thing." Xinghuo said warily.

"This is my company, and the general manager of Bingshanke Anju is me! What I just wanted to tell you is that selling money and robbing are not as profitable as real estate speculation," Cobot pointed to his nose and said proudly .

"If you don't believe it, you can log on to Bingshanke Anju's website. It has the name of the general manager on it."

"Why? Why did you Du Fan become the boss of a real estate company?" Xinghuo asked blankly.

"Oh, they all come out to make a living. Of course they do whatever they want to do to make money. After selling drugs for a lifetime, the money I earned is not enough to pay the down payment for a house on Arkham Island. Why bother? Why bother?" Cobot Xixi sighed.

Looking at the absent-minded alien princess, he continued: "You are not wrong to suspect that I am waiting for you specifically.

Every distinguished alien guest will be received personally by me.

Look at us now, you are the princess of a high civilization, but I am talking to you face to face. How many high-ranking officials and dignitaries come to Arkham Island to buy houses, isn’t it just for this kind of opportunity?

So, you don't have to worry about my ulterior motives.

Even if I really have a purpose, it's just to please you and have another way to make money from interstellar trade. "

"Eight million per square meter is too expensive. I can't afford it." Xinghuo murmured.

"You are the Princess of Tamaran. It is actually not expensive if you exchange it for Tamaran currency." Cobot took out the Paradise Mountain Tablet from his pocket and searched for the real estate market in Tamaran. "It's only thirty to forty thousand square meters. It's not as good as yours." A quarter of the capital’s core area.”

"I didn't bring that much money," Starfire said.

Cobot didn't show any disdain when he heard this, and his attitude was as gentle as ever, "Princess Keli, the house prices on Arkham Island are too exaggerated and very uneconomical.

Why don't I help you pick one in downtown Manhattan?

For only $8 million, you can buy a mansion near Central Park and not too far from Arkham Island.

If you are tight on money, houses in Queens and the suburbs of New Jersey are not bad, and you can live very comfortably for a million dollars. "

"Why is there such a big difference?" Starfire asked in surprise.

Cobot's eyes flashed, "When you planned to buy real estate on Earth, why did you first think of Arkham Island?"

"Because of Harley Quinn?" Starfire thought thoughtfully.

"Why does everyone want to be her neighbor? My reasons don't apply to everyone."

Cobot pondered and said: "There are probably three reasons. First, many alien guests came to Earth because of her. However, in recent years, Miss Quinn has been reclusive and mysterious, and rarely comes out to socialize, so they want to Living near her will give you more opportunities to see her.

Second, safety.

If you are not from Gotham, you may not know that there is an unspoken rule in the Gotham underworld - you would rather blow up downtown Manhattan and offend the entire Justice League and the American government than light a firecracker on Arkham Island at night to avoid disturbing people. To Miss Quinn. "

"Is that an exaggeration?" Starfire clicked her tongue.

"Everyone respects her." Cobot nodded solemnly.

"The last reason is that real estate speculators all over the world are eyeing Arkham Island.

Due to some historical reasons, no one was willing to invest in Arkham Island when it was first developed.

In order to build Arkham Island, the Gotham government has specially introduced many preferential policies. For example, the property tax will never be higher than the average in Gotham City.

Not a ratio, but the total tax per square meter.

Even so, the housing prices on Arkham Island were not too high in the past few years and were not as high as those in downtown Manhattan. But then aliens came and more and more people came. The property values ​​increased but the property taxes were not high. It was an absolutely high-quality asset! "

What he didn't say was that Mayor Harley set the property tax on Arkham Island himself.

Starfire hesitated, "I'll take a look."

Seeing that she was planning to leave, Cobot quickly said: "My Bingshanke Anju is Gotham's largest housing rental and sales platform.

No one is as useful as me. Even most of the Wayne family's properties are listed on my website.

And, you know, I have very good connections in Gotham. If you don't have enough money, I can provide you with a zero-interest loan. "

"Zero interest rate, are you sure? Or do you have other purposes?" Xinghuo asked warily.

"Hey, making friends with the princess of Tamaran civilization is my goal and my biggest gain." Cobot said with a smile.

Xinghuo thought for a moment and said, "I don't want to buy a house anymore. You can help me rent the cheapest one with a private bathroom."

"You are a princess, this request" Cobot was very surprised.

"I have suffered more than you have ever seen." Xinghuo said quietly.

Cobot started to investigate the history of Starfire, with a thoughtful look on his face, "I have an old friend who recently built a small building next to Quinn Manor. His wife wanted to find an alien language for their children. Teacher, asked me to pay attention to the less wealthy civilian alien tenants.

As long as you agree to tutor for two hours three times a week, you can rent the third floor of her house at a low price, with two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms, with a large balcony and a parking space."

Starfire's eyes lit up, "I'm a reporter, and I can work part-time as a tutor in alien languages."

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