I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1083 Sun-Eating Beast and Parasite

"If the essence of 'End of the Night' is magical life, then what does it do by absorbing solar energy? Can solar energy be converted into pure magic power? It shouldn't be, and it's not reasonable." Harley's little chest was full of questions.

There is light magic and holy light magic in the DC universe, and there are also elements of light magic in nature.

The Holy Light Healing Technique that Harley often uses is a magical technique based on the light element.

But light magic elements and sunlight are two different things.

Sunlight has wave-particle duality, but light magic elements are real magic particles. The difference between them is the difference between material science and fantasy magic.

The simplest and most straightforward difference is that Harley's God Force Field can block light element magic, but the God Force Field is almost ineffective against sunlight.

Only sunlight is converted into supernova radiation, and the God Force Field will treat it as a "superpower", with a defense of about 50%.

Just like the God force field can partially protect against energy guns.

God's force field is really a panacea. It can basically prevent some damage from any kind of damage. This is why angels and demons are generally more powerful than other gods and demons of the same level.

With doubts in her heart, Harley didn't stop devouring the "Sun-Eating Beast".

Now that she was sure that "The End of the Night" was a magical life and not a natural phenomenon, she found a more appropriate name for it.

If it responded to her cries and proved itself conscious, Harley would change its name again, from Suneater to Suneater.

If it proves friendly again, Harley will go ahead and change her name from Sun-Eater to Sun-Eater.

If it is honest and obedient, Harley will laugh and call it "Sun-Eating Brother".

"Gudong, Gudong." Soon the zero-level experience jar of the tenth defense specialty was full.

It can't be improved anymore, because Harley is only at level 97 at 13%, which is not enough to reach level 100.

During Zero Hour Crisis, Neptune and herself earned a total of nearly 0.2 level experience from Time Demon. When Zero Hour Crisis ended, she was level 96 at 32%, but Zero Hour Crisis had been over for two or three months.

During this period of time, she has been "training" in Silver City, with only so-so results. There are many angels, but her temperament is gentle, and her maliciousness is too low. It has only improved by 0.8 levels!

The level 0 jar is full, and Harley can no longer absorb the Sun-Eating Beast's magic power.

She has the God's Power Defense Specialty, so she can absorb the powers of heaven and hell without side effects and convert them into the power of blood.

But she did not activate the elemental magic defense specialty, nor did she activate the divine power defense specialty.

Therefore, magic and divine power cannot be transformed without side effects.

It’s not that it can’t be transformed, it’s that it can’t be completely free of side effects.

The focus is on side effects, magic marks, and magic debt!

If the magic power is left in the body, Hecate will use a "branding iron" to leave the "Seal of March" on her forehead.

"Do you want to transform? In fact, those side effects have very little impact on me." Harley hesitated.

If she is confident that she can raise her elemental magic defense expertise to level 9 before Hecate comes, then she doesn't care whether she has the Seal of March on her forehead or not.

If she hadn't met Goddess Asal, Harley would have been confident and kept the magic power in her body.

But Goddess Asal was once Hecate's maid, and she knew a secret that most mages didn't know: Hecate was not the first master of magic power, and there were even more ruthless bosses behind her.

"Alas!" Harley sighed, and a thought was projected to the dimension of the stomach bag, "Diana——"

Catching a glimpse of Yerby next to Diana, she became hesitant again.

Give the magic power to Diana. Diana is not afraid of the Seal of March, because she has already been imprinted with the Seal of March.

But after giving her the magic power, can Harley come back in the future?

If someone else takes the blame now, will she be embarrassed to ask for it in the future?

"What's going on?" Diana asked doubtfully, "What's going on outside now?"

"I have been able to see through the nature of 'The End of the Night'. It is not a natural phenomenon, nor is it an alien weapon. It is a magical monster, the 'Sun-Eating Beast'."

"Did you successfully communicate with it?" Cyborg asked in surprise.

"No, it ignored me and probably had no consciousness, so it was a 'beast' rather than a 'demon'. But I stabbed it and found a pure magic power in its body.

As you know, I serve God devoutly and do not want to let forces other than God pollute my pure flesh.

Unless one day, Brother God helps me to defeat the 'Demon Tyrant' Hecate and give the world's magicians a 'freedom of magic'.

So, now I have a problem, how to deal with magic power? "

Yebi had countless things in his heart that he wanted to vomit, but he was afraid of being beaten, so he held back his words.

Diana had no psychological burden and complained directly: "You are afraid of magic debt and Hecate asking you to collect debt. Everyone knows it, so don't put money in your face."

"Yebi, you help store my magic power."

Harley channeled the newly digested magic power into the dimension of the stomach bag, and a bright-colored magic rainbow fell on Yebi's head.

"Master Harley, I am truly pure in body and cannot be contaminated by any miraculous power other than the power of God." Yebi shouted excitedly.

"If you want to eat shit, you are only responsible for temporarily storing it and handing it over to Jim Gordon later." Harley said.

Yebi breathed a sigh of relief, but still hesitated, "Although Gordon has the holy light magic with the properties of hell, his mark comes from me.

As long as I don't trouble him, he won't be troubled by magic debt.

If you give him elemental magic now, his strength will skyrocket, but when the debt crisis comes in the future, even I won't be able to help him. "

This time, Harley did not say it publicly, but chose to use spiritual communication to tell only Yebi.

"Jim Gordon is also a warehouse. If I can defeat Hecate in the future, I will get back the magic power left in Gordon. If I can't defeat Hecate, all miraculous power has a price. Gordon will eat me and use me. Yes, as my servant of God, you have enjoyed all the benefits, and you should pay the price."

Yebigou's face was twisted, and he silently stored his magic power.

In fact, Harley is not as heartless as she said.

When the magic debt crisis really comes, just spend some money to send Gordon to heaven.

She didn't believe that that stinky bitch Hecate dared to go to her god brother's territory to collect debts.

Turn off the God's force field, and the cold darkness pours into the body, and it is in a stalemate with the eighth-level food defense expertise; turn on the God's force field at the heart, and the "darkness" is debuffed, like ice and snow under the sun, melting into nutrients, and Harley absorb.

Harley then gave the pure magic power to Yebby, closed the God force field, and allowed the cold darkness to enter the body.

This cycle goes on and on, Harley is like a parasite, lying on the body of the Sun Eater, extracting magic power from its body, until... "BOOOM!"

Losing the suppression of the Sun-devouring Beast, the star residue used all its remaining strength to burst into a final cry.

The supernova explosion, intense white light and stinging sensation, interrupted Harley's blood-sucking behavior.

"Ahhh!" She let out a heart-rending scream in the aftermath of the supernova.

Even if all nine major specialties are activated, even if she has 97 points of defense, even if she has a protective golden light, even if she can "hundred into one body and share the damage", she will still be burned into a burnt sweet potato.

The power of the supernova is so powerful that the Hunyuan body has no time to share the damage. The protective golden light is like a piece of kraft paper on the stove. No matter how tough you are, it will still be burned to ashes.

Still, the 97 points of defense and the nine major defense specialties were the most practical and made her feel pain.

Like a copper pea in a wok.

"It hurts, it hurts!" A full hour later, when the supernova had already left the fluorescent galaxy, Harley shook her body and shed layers of black scabs the size of fingernails.

A smooth, white and tender Harley reappeared in this void.

A moment later, Fluorescent Star, Fluorescent Empire Hospital, special ward.

"Harley, I, I, I didn't, let, let you down! Even if I, I was exhausted and paralyzed, I didn't lose consciousness. I persisted until the supernova shock wave left."

Kyle, who was covered in bandages and turned into pot stickers, looked at Harley with determination and a touch of expectation in his eyes and said weakly.

Dachao said excitedly: "Kyle is a hero. He transcended himself. Even if the green light ring ran out of energy, it still could not stop his will to protect life."

The anticipation in Kyle's eyes grew stronger, and he looked at Harley intently, hoping to receive praise and encouragement from the Galaxy Admiral.

"Hey, didn't I tell you not to force yourself?" Harry felt disgusted. You worked so hard, but how could Hal, who was hiding in a corner and watching, show up?

Kyle became even more excited, "Harry, I, I understand, you are worried about me. I am a new recruit, you take special care of me, and you are afraid that I will get hurt, thank you! I will use more brave actions to repay your care."

Harley almost lost her temper.

Diana couldn't help it anymore. Now she only had half a life left. If she was braver, would she still die without a chance to survive?

And seeing Green Lantern being so fierce, Hal couldn't believe how disappointed he was.

"Don't force it, take a good rest, we will be there next." She said solemnly.

After saying that, she touched Martian Manhunter.

"Kyle, don't get excited. The wound on your body has opened again. I'm here to help you sleep." After Jon comforted him dryly, he directly used the power of his mind to soothe his spirit and let him enter the dreamland.

Dachao glanced at Kyle's chest, and the black and red blood had soaked the gauze, "You can help him summon a great holy healing spell, or call Yebi over.

There are zero Heavenly Merits in my account. Kyle is a newbie and hasn’t accumulated any yet. I’m just waiting for you. "

"This" Harley, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter all looked hesitant.

"What's wrong with him? The doctor on the fluorescent star didn't help him treat him?" Harley asked.

Dachao was full of admiration, "Kyle is a real hero. He blocks the fluorescent star. All ray bursts pass through him first before they fall on the surface of the planet.

Even if the energy is exhausted, he still uses his tenacious will to extract part of the green light energy. Even if he reduces the strength of his own defensive shield, he still has to keep the protective shield above the city from breaking.

He seems to have damaged his roots in the process of extracting potential.

The royal doctor of the Fluorescent Empire suggested that we send him to the Cadiz civilization next door for treatment.

Well, Cadiz's medical technology is more advanced. "

Seeing that Harry and others had different expressions, he quickly comforted him: "But we have a stronger Holy Healing Technique, using the Forbidden Curse Level Restoration Technique that can be used once every 10,000 merit points. Kyle will be a hero again tomorrow and can participate again." Fighting.”

Wonder Woman had no choice but to go see Harley.

"There is no problem with the recovery technique, but don't worry. Let Kyle rest first. The body can recover easily, but it will take time to erase the burden on the mind and soul." Harley said.

Martian Manhunter said with a natural expression: "I just checked with the power of my mind. His soul was injured and he needs to rest."

"Okay, let him rest first." Dachao didn't have any doubts, "What's the situation of 'Zhongye' now?"

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