Before Harley could explain the situation of the Sun-Eating Beast to Da Chao, Emperor Alex of the fluorescent civilization came with several important ministers after hearing the news.

The Emperor once again solemnly expressed his gratitude to Kyle Rayna for saving their planet, and then invited Harley to their Imperial meeting to let all the despondent and sad councilors who had lost their star know the details.

"Alas, you may not know that Savati has a very important significance on our planet."

The difference in Emperor Alex's condition made Harry feel strange.

Although the previous emperor looked to be in his early sixties with gray beard and hair, his cheeks were rosy and shiny, his eyes were bright and gentle, full of wisdom, and he looked like a master who had practiced internal skills for many years.

Now he has become a useless person who has been drained of all his inner energy by using the star-absorbing technique.

His eyes were red and swollen, as if he had been crying. The skin on his face was loose and deep wrinkles appeared. His beard was slightly messy. His tall body was trembling and he needed the support of two attendants.

"Sawati is the sun god of the fluorescent civilization and the main god in the faith, similar to our God. In addition, they also call the stars in the home galaxy 'Sawati'." Da Chao explained in a low voice.

Louise in the corner interjected: "It's not 'God', God is omnipotent, omniscient, supreme, and represents all creation and rules in the world.

Savati is more like Gaia, who has the personality of the sun god, or Nuwa in the eyes of Easterners.

In short, He is the combination of the God of Creation, the God of the Sun, and the God of Civilization. He is great but not omnipotent. "

Dachao glanced at Emperor Alex, who was frowning, and felt a little embarrassed. "They are almost the same. In Greece and the East, Gaia and Nuwa are comparable to 'gods' and are very almighty."

He thought Emperor Alex was dissatisfied that his "god" was not omnipotent.

Although I don’t understand the beliefs and culture of fluorescent civilization, they have just lost their star. Naturally, there is no way to stay in this star system, which is very pitiful. Harley also refused to go to the Imperial Parliament to let the fluorescent people know "how she died."

Going to Parliament, she was shocked again.

Those old men and women in gorgeous clothes all looked like they were mourning the death of their heirs and their parents.

People who don't know think that their descendants will all die in the final battle with the Sun-Eating Beast.

Suspicious in his heart, Harley didn't ask any more questions, "We arrived a little late. If we arrived within ten hours of the Sun-Eating Beast swallowing the star, we might still be able to save your Savatti.

As you can see, we have been inside the Sun Eater for less than two hours. It has drained the energy of the star, leaving only an extremely unstable residue. "

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot,..." Many old men and women started to cry in low voices, which made Harry confused and confused. He didn't understand what he said and it offended them.

"The Sun-Eating Beast refers to the 'end of the night'? Is it a monster?" Prince Cameroon did not cry, but his expression was also very sad.

"Yes, it is a strange monster that can be seen and felt, but does not exist in the material world or Limbo at all.

So, I gave it a new name.

The Sun Eater is a magical creature, probably irrational, and the star energy it absorbs seems to be converted into magic power.

It’s very strange. Before I could understand it, a supernova exploded and the sun-devouring beast escaped.”

Harley thought for a while and said hesitantly: "I'm not sure how it left. I can only guess that it can exist in the gap between the material world and a certain dimension at the same time.

That dimension is not Limbo, but a more mysterious and inaccessible place that is probably full of magic.

You have just lost your home, which is very painful, but the fluorescent star is still there. With your technological level, it is not difficult to rebuild your home.

If there is any need, we are also willing to help. For example, let Tearman help push the fluorescent star to a certain star system. "

After disclosing the situation of the Sun-Eating Beast to the fluorescent man, Harley planned to take the people away.

Fluorescent stars are not primitive civilizations. They can travel across galaxies. Even if they really need help from the earth, they only need to push the planet hard and give it a sub-light initial speed. After decades or hundreds of years, the planet will fly When you reach your destination, if you call Da Chao again, might he be Da Chao's grandson?

Help slow down and fix the position.

"Miss Quinn, please wait!"

Hearing that Harley was leaving, Emperor Alex came over again with help.

"Please come with me to Savati's church. I have something very important to tell you, related to the Sun-Eating Beast." He called Harley aside and waved away everyone, saying in a low voice.

Out of curiosity, Harley got on the emperor's exclusive luxury speed car, and, surrounded by a group of dignitaries, came to the "Savati Cathedral" in the center of the city, adjacent to the royal palace.

The church was cleared early, and apart from the guards who were standing ready, there was no ordinary person, not even the priest.

After passing through the tall and majestic hall and coming to the statue of the god carved from brown wood, Harry immediately said "Huh", "Your Savatti is not pure faith, is he also a god?"

She had previously thought that Savati was like the "God" of pre-travel and modern society, and that it was just a place of pure faith. After all, the fluorescent civilization was technologically advanced and was obviously a technological society.

But in the wooden statue of the god, she sensed the strong residue of the divine power of faith.

Divine power fluctuations are also very powerful.

At least on the same level as Shazam, the kind with a divine power level of 100.

However, this is the DC universe. She often encounters alien mages and alien gods and demons in Limbo. It is not surprising to see an alien god here.

"Savati was once a powerful, noble, benevolent, and kind god. It's a pity that I couldn't see Him sooner." Harley bowed politely to the statue.

This was her first salute since coming to Fluorescent Star.

There is no force at all, because the divinity shown in the divine power is very pure, gentle, and has a motherly nature that makes people feel like spring breeze. It can be seen that Savati is not only not an evil god, but also a good god who protects mortals.

Good gods are definitely a rare species in the DC universe.

After listening to her words, Emperor Alex felt as if some switch had been touched, and he burst into tears. He knelt down in front of the statue and cried: "Savati is our mother, our sun and earth.

He has protected us for 80 million years, from the barbaric primitive civilization to the current overlord of the galaxy. He has protected us from wind and rain, but we failed to protect Him, wuwuwu."

Harry's heart moved, "Is Savati's death related to the Sun-Eating Beast?"

"The day the sun sets is when Savati dies. This is a legend, but just a few hours ago, I received Savati's last oracle. He said, 'Child, the night is coming, my destiny. Take care of yourself as we head towards the end, woo woo woo.”

Emperor Alex looked like his own mother had died, holding the legs of the wooden statue and crying loudly.

Harry's eyes fell on the huge pattern on the chest of the old emperor's crown uniform.

It was a golden circle with a wavy stripe around the outside.

I hadn't noticed it before, but now look at the decoration behind the statue.

The pattern on the old emperor's chest is not the "five-clawed golden dragon" that symbolizes power, but the "cross" that represents Savatti and fluorescent faith.

Could it be that he is the "Pope Emperor" who combines politics and religion?

"Don't be too sad. For gods, life and divine power are not the most important. You also have a 'Bible', right? As long as Savati's teachings are passed down from generation to generation, then He will always live by your side. In your hearts.”

Emperor Alex was stunned, stood up and saluted Harry, "Thank you, I understand what to do."

Wiping away his tears and snot, he said solemnly: "I called you here to warn you, be careful of the Sun-Eating Beast, its target may not just be the stars.

Earlier at the State Guesthouse, Miss Louise said that Savati was like Gaia or Nuwa, the sun god.

I didn’t know much about Gaia and Nuwa at first, but I understood it later after checking the earth culture information brought by Cameroon.

She was right, Savati was not God, He was more like Gaia and Nuwa.

God is high in heaven outside the Garden of Eden, but Gaia is deep in the earth, silently guarding mankind.

Do you know what I mean? The target of the Sun Eater may be the spirit of the planet! "

Harley's expression changed slightly, and while she was shocked, the look in her eyes at the old emperor in front of her became a little more solemn.

To have such an opinion, this old emperor is not simple!

She admitted that she probably underestimated the alien emperor.

"Did Savati say something to you?"

Emperor Alex shook his head bitterly, "Savati didn't come to say goodbye to me until he died. He seldom spoke, and this was the first time in my life that I communicated with him.

I have this idea also because you revealed the nature of the Sun Eater, a monster that swallows the transformation magic of stars.

Magic, devouring, monsters, Savati's death, all together, made me think of it.

Before this, we all thought it was a strange natural phenomenon, a weapon of a super civilization, or even a weird star. "

"This is very important information."

In order to thank Emperor Alex for his candor.

Also because of a few words with him, Harley was deeply touched and no longer regarded fluorescent civilization as a featureless "NPC".

She decided to stay for two more days to encourage the fluorescent people who had just lost their homes.

Well, she gave an exclusive interview to Fluorescent Nation.

In the program, the greatness of Savati was praised, the wisdom and courage of the fluorescent people were praised, and the personality charm and noble character of Emperor Alex were praised.

In addition to saying nice things to make the fluorescent people happy, she also promised to continue to pay attention to the future of the fluorescent planet until it settled safely in the new star system.

Because it was a live broadcast, the whole process lasted for almost two hours. When Harley left the TV station, Louise said anxiously: "Harley, something happened. There was a conflict between Tearman and the elders of the Imperial Parliament."

Harley is the only one who participated in the "Fluorescent Star" interview. The Zhenglian giants each have their own tasks: tracking the sun-devouring beast, sending messages to the major supercivilizations in the universe, and broadcasting the sun-devouring beast's characteristics, abilities and dangers.

However, three reporters from Planet Daily followed. One of their purposes for coming to the fluorescent star was to conduct an on-site inspection of the advanced news system of aliens.

It is a very rare opportunity to visit Fluorescent Star No. 1 TV Station.

"For what?" Harley asked curiously.

"The Empire Elders want to burn the alien named 'Twilight', and Tearman wants to stop it." Louise said excitedly: "Thanks to the fact that the Fluorescent Star is still an advanced civilization, how can it even sacrifice living people?" Come out? Or the parliamentary elders who represent the highest power."

"Twilight, this name" Harry frowned: "Why did they burn Twilight?"

"Twilight came from an alien planet. She traveled all the way to the Fluorescent Star to warn them that the 'end of the night' was coming, but they suspected that she was the sun-devouring beast she had brought.

Isn't this repaying kindness with hatred? So when Tearman knew about it, he immediately took action to stop it. "

"There is actually someone who can warn the Sun-Eating Beast" Harley was surprised, "Why didn't anyone tell me such important news?"

Perry said: "Actually, Miss Mu Mu lives next door to us. Well, she has been living in the State Guesthouse before and was treated as a VIP by the fluorescent people.

The fluorescent people probably think you already know, but we haven't had the chance to meet you, and we don't know that you care about it. "

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