I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1082 The nature of the night

Harley rode on Yebi's back, flying deep into the star with Cyborg, while chatting with the two people from the Stomach Dimension.

"What's wrong with me?"

"You told Kyle not to work hard, and seemed to want him to fail. You also said that let us enter the dimension of your stomach. If 'End of the Night' were a person, you could sneak attack it during the battle - but when you said this, it was in the end of the world. Inside the night, if it was conscious, it would definitely be able to hear it and take precautions.

How does this sound like what you said or did? "Diana said.

"You think too much."

"Humph, you are the Witch Harley, every word and every action must have a deep meaning." Diana said firmly: "Unless you never need our cooperation, you'd better tell your deep plan. "

Harry thought for a while and sighed: "Okay, I can tell you, but you and Jon must promise not to reveal my words to a fourth person at any time."

"They can't even talk about tearing apart Man and Cyborg? Not at any time?" Wonder Woman was surprised, "Isn't this a battle plan?"

If it's a battle plan, no matter how much it needs to be kept secret now, it won't matter after the battle is over.

"No, it has nothing to do with the battle. It's Hal." Harley hesitated and said a name.

"Hal Jordan?" This result was far beyond the expectations of Heroine and Martian Manhunter, "What does it have to do with him?"

"He needs a chance to change his ways. If Kyle can't handle it, then Hal can descend from the sky at a critical moment and save a world and billions of people, cleanse his past sins, turn around, and become a hero again."

In fact, when Prince Cameroon came to find her at Quinn Manor, she had already thought that this "Final Night" might be an opportunity for Hal Jordan.

"That's it." The heroine suddenly realized.

"Hal is here already? Did he contact you just now?" Martian Manhunter asked.

“I’m not here now, but I thought this was a good opportunity, and just now, I quietly sent him a text message through the owner of the household dog.

If ‘Jiuye’ is an independent-minded person, if it hears my words and regards ‘vomiting people alive’ as its trump card, then it will be in trouble. "

——This is the insidious and cunning witch Harley!

Diana suddenly felt reasonable.

"You thought this was an opportunity, so you immediately agreed to Prince Cameroon's offer?" Her tone was a little strange.

"Isn't this an opportunity?"

"No, I just feel a little strange. You have always been indifferent to things that have nothing to do with you. Why are you so enthusiastic today. I didn't even expect this. You immediately considered everything for Hal."

Harley said sternly: "Harley Quinn, your word is like gold. I promised Time Demon that I will never break my promise if I want to save him."

"This is a good thing. Why do you want to hide it from us and make us swear not to tell others?" Martian Manhunter said.

"Hal has his own pride and dignity. He needs a chance, but he doesn't need charity from others. Therefore, we not only have to hide it from him, but also make everyone else truly feel that 'Thanks to Hal, the world can be saved.' .”

"I swear not to tell anyone." Diana swore first and then said: "Your idea is fine, but it will be easier with the help of Ripman and Kyle.

At least when a supernova really breaks out, Kyle will definitely not be able to stop it. "

Harley said: "You can't tell them! Rip Man can't lie and is easily exposed. Kyle is a Green Lantern and the successor of Hal's Lantern Ring. He knows the truth and cannot say that he looks down on Hal deep down." point.

At least have mercy on Hal.

Being pitied by a junior Green Lantern is probably the most unbearable thing for Hal - even if he doesn't know the truth, we know that Kyle knows it too.

I don't want to tell you unless you both can help. "

Wonder Woman looked stunned, "You are so thoughtful."

"Harley, you are such a good friend. Hal is lucky to meet you." Martian Manhunter said with emotion.

"Harley, be careful. There is a radiation wave ahead, and the gravity is beginning to increase sharply. We are probably at the edge of the star's debris." Cyborg reminded loudly.

The outer layer of a star is neither solid nor gaseous; it is a complex plasma.

As Harley and Cyborg continue to get closer, the unchanging darkness of "End of Night" is gradually replaced by a dark red mixture of black and red.

The void, where there were no atoms or radiation waves before, also had powerful radiation flowing everywhere.

"My steel frame can't bear it anymore and is deforming." Cyborg said sadly.

"Then just wait here."

Harley also felt great pressure. If it weren't for the nearly 100 points of pure defense, her body would be torn into pieces under the gravity of the star.

On the contrary, the strong magnetic and high-temperature radiation energy did not have much impact on her because "Jiu Ye" was absorbing energy and because of her defense expertise.

"Harley, it's been moving all night. It seems to want to evacuate." Half an hour later, Cyborg suddenly shouted.

Harry concentrated all his thoughts and felt carefully. He found nothing.

"How do you know it's evacuating?" she asked curiously.

Cyborg pointed at the dark red "sun" ahead, "The remaining star is less than 15% of its original mass, but the gravitational change curve has tended to balance, indicating that it no longer reduces its mass.

Mass is energy, and if the mass remains unchanged, it also means that the energy extraction from the star will stop throughout the night.

If you look at the star again, it is getting brighter and brighter than before.

Not only the brightness, but also the radiation intensity and temperature are growing rapidly.

This shows that the dark ‘night’ between us and it is decreasing.

If you don’t absorb energy and the ‘coldness’ decreases, isn’t that just running away? "

"That makes sense. Let's inform Ripman and tell them to be careful about supernovae." Harley said.


A small-scale sonic boom channel opened, connecting the two spaces here and the outer space of the fluorescent star.

When the channel was opened, Cyborg's broadcast signal was also transmitted.

"End of the Night" can absorb all radiation, and naturally it will not let go of signal waves containing energy. Therefore, staying inside "End of the Night" cannot directly contact people outside through quantum signals.

"They have pushed the fluorescent star and hid behind Saturn." Cyborg said.

"Now you can test the sonic boom channel to see if you can teleport 'The End of the Night' to other places." Harley said.


In the dark red void, a white "pillar of air" suddenly rose up to reach the sky and the earth.

It has a diameter of more than ten kilometers and a height of more than a hundred kilometers.

"Hufufu~~~" Harley and Yebi were sucked in first, and then all the spaces and materials near the air column were sucked into the interior like smoke under the range hood and disappeared without a trace.

The "sun" in front even pulled out a long "line of fire", pouring a steady stream of white air into the column. The line of fire quickly turned into a torrent of flames, dyeing the white air column into a dazzling golden red.

"BOOOOM!" There was another explosion, and the air column that penetrated the world suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a steel skeleton that had lost energy.

"Buzz!" The space door opened, and Yebi carried Harley back to her original position.

"How is it?" he asked weakly.

Harry shook his head and said, "There is no trace of 'The Last Night' in Limbo."

"What exactly is it? Life, or weapons? Matter, or energy?" Cyborg said blankly.

Harley looked around and saw a supernova about to explode.

"Your methods are ineffective. Let's go to the stomach pouch dimension to recuperate. I'll try my methods."

"Be careful." Cyborg was swept into Harley's throat by a beam of yellow light.

"Master Harley, I want to remind you that although I can control magic elements, supernova is not magic, and I will definitely not be able to withstand it.

Although I can travel through the material world and Limbo at will, the super radiation and super gravity of the supernova can distort time and space, making it impossible to escape even if I want to. "Yebi said nervously.

"Man, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman can all fight against Supernova, but you're still the Son, and you're so cowardly." Harley stuffed it into her stomach with disdain on her face.

Yebi actually wants to go back to hell.

If she couldn't bear it, her stomach wouldn't be safe.

A simple supernova has confidence in its master. If a supernova is coupled with an "end of night" that even it can't figure out, then...

"Now that they are all gone, come out and let's talk." Harley stepped on the "prominence" on the surface of the "stellar debris" and shouted towards the "darkness".

No one responded to her.

The speed of darkness breaking away from the remnants of the star has not slowed down either.

"You don't even have the courage to show up? What are you afraid of?"

Still no one responded to her.

Harley sighed, and the yellow light energy emerged from the body, turning into a streak of yellow light, leaving the star residue and flying towards the darkest and coldest place.

Flying to the center of her feelings, the yellow light energy retracted into her body again.

Then, the nine major defense feats, the first food defense specialty is turned on, the second shameless defense specialty is turned on, and the third god force field is turned off

"Crack, click, click!" The white frost climbed up her body surface, and the heat and vitality in her body were like a fish being pulled by a fishhook, struggling to be dragged away.

Then close the fourth and sixth notes defensive feats, fifth, and sixth.

Except for the first and second defensive specialties, all others are turned off.

"Kaka!" She was frozen into an ice lump, 99% of the heat and energy on her body surface disappeared, and her heartbeat was inaudible.

"End of the Night" was unable to absorb more energy, and could only turn into a poisonous snake of darkness and cold, burrowing into her pores.

"End of the Night", which swallows all energy and uses the sun as food, VS the eighth-level food defense expertise that digests all matter and energy.

Harley felt like she was biting the air with her teeth. She could clearly feel the air, but couldn't use any force.

"Damn it, the eighth-level defense expertise is at least the single-object universe level, but it can't even deal with 'The End of the Night'!"

"What does it come from?"

Harry was shocked and confused.

"By the way, when the God force field was deactivated just now, the chill increased the most. Is it related to magic?"

Harry thought, and the canceled God's force field slowly appeared in his heart again.

Just appears in the heart.

"Bang bang bang!" Her heart beat hard for a few times, and her "teeth" finally encountered a soft "solidified air", and a strange energy entered her body.

——The discovery of higher pure energy, is it stored as the starting energy for the tenth defense specialty?

This message was transmitted from the "evolutionary treasure" deep in her soul to the sea of ​​consciousness.

This was not beyond her expectation.

Even if she has selected energy for the next stage of expertise and stored it in a level 0 experience jar, the evolutionary treasure will still remind her whenever she encounters other pure energy.

If you encounter a certain energy repeatedly, you will be reminded repeatedly.

At first, Harley felt very annoyed because she encountered too much energy in reality. For example, standing in the sun would produce radiant light energy; being hit by electricity would produce electrical energy; eating a fruit containing magic would produce elemental magic. .

Later, after her first deathbed transformation, she was able to freely control every thought, so she arranged a separate thought to process this type of information, and she was completely liberated "by herself".

Therefore, she shouldn't be surprised, but she still couldn't help shouting, "Oh my God! It's actually magic power. How could it be magic power?"

There’s nothing strange about newfound pure energy.

Not only was it not unusual, she had seen it countless times.

"Bad street" elemental magic.

But when it appears in the body of "End of the Night", it means too much.

"'Zhong Ye' is a magical beast? A demon god?"

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