I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1070 Did Harley make a mistake too?

"Billy, please wait"

The development of things seriously deviated from the script written by old Shazam himself, and he needed to calm down.

"The Book of the Reflection of the World!" A spell summoned the "Book of Omniscience" that was half a man tall. He pressed his palm on it and searched for "Internet", "Magic Debt" and "God's Favorite" with his mind.

For a while, he twisted his face, as if chewing with his teeth, "Witch Harley——"

He was right before, even in the magical world, magic debt is one of the highest and most core secrets.

Generally only the master understands.

Those wild mages who have no inheritance, even if they become archmages, know nothing about the source and price of magic power.

If nothing else, there is an unspoken rule between powerful wizards or gods and demons - if you try to hide this secret, it will be easier for them to lend their power to the mage and reap a lot of benefits.

Even human mages who suffered losses from "divine usury" thought after becoming ancestors: I suffered a big loss back then, and now I don't get it back from my descendants. Wouldn't it be too stupid and such a loss? Moreover, I am also teaching the juniors to be smart.

This state lasted for countless thousands of years until "Witch Harley" was born.

She was also lucky enough to meet strangers back then, and also met the wizard group who was "expanding enrollment".

In order to recruit new blood, the wizarding group took the initiative to tell the "new members" the secret of magic debt, and then Harley slowly figured out the secret of magic debt.

But when she became famous and became a big boss, she never thought of following any unspoken rules.

Lois Lane has produced a program called "The Legend of Harley Quinn", which contains the detailed process of how she transformed from a mortal to a "golden nuclear bomb" by relying on magic and martial arts.

The final transformation, the price of magic power, and the mage's advancement route were all disclosed in detail.

Afterwards, Wonder Woman publicly shouted "Hallelujah", and the media began to pay attention to God's Favorite. When a reporter went to interview Harley, she once again revealed all the secrets of the God's Favored One.

Also because the secret of God's Favored One is no longer a secret, when the heroes faced the question of whether to borrow Harley's magical power, they did not consider the side effects and costs at all. They only worried about whether they would be embarrassed if they borrowed Harley's magical power. The ideas about heroes that affect him are all trivial things - at least that's what old Shazam thinks.

However, old Shazam only thought that "Harley's power" happened among superheroes - this was only known when other gods complained to him.

It wasn't until today, when he started to fool Thunder Shazam, that he discovered to his horror: Fuck, the information age is so scary, even mortal up masters can talk eloquently about the "God's Favorite".

Damn the information age.

He missed the simple days when it was difficult for a person to leave the village even ten miles away.

Blame it on Witch Harley, too unruly!

"Hey, what are you doing? What kind of book is this?" Thunder Shazam beside him couldn't wait. "Are you choosing me to be the one chosen by God? If you die, what will I do? What will I do to you? successor?"

"Who said I was going to die?" The old wizard glared and yelled angrily.

Thunder Shazam stared at his old face that had become "rosy" and his eyes that had become sharp and bright in surprise, and said nonchalantly: "You look better? Just now you looked like...you still said, and you still said"

——This old man didn’t seem to clearly say that he wanted to die?

"Since you won't die, why don't you continue to protect the world from the waves of darkness? By the way, there have been many crises on the earth, but you have never appeared."

"Idiot, the earth is in the material world and I am in Limbo. Is it possible that only the material world will be in crisis? Are you blind and unable to see the seven thrones here?

I am the only one left in the once prosperous and powerful Wizards Council, and everyone else died in the war against the dark wave.

Now a bigger wave is coming, and I'm going to get to the source.

But the Eternal Castle cannot be without an owner for a day, so I need a successor, understand? "

Thunder Shazam shook his head, "I don't quite understand. What's the difference between a descendant and a favored one?"

"With me, it makes no difference."

"Then what do I need to pay to become your favored one?" Thunder Shazam asked.

"You will naturally know when the time comes."

"Should we sign a contract?" Thunder Shazam asked again.

The old wizard looked up and down at Billy, who had become a burly man. There was a smug smile in his eyes, "The contract has been completed."

The contract has been made and there is no way to go back on it.

"When?" Thunder Shazam was shocked.

"When you called my name. If the contract had not been reached, how could you have become like this? How do you feel now?"

"It seems like there are a group of people living in my head, all talking to me. They are all telling me what I should do and who I should be. They are like chanting a spell, making me upset and unable to concentrate. Can I Turn it off?"

Thunder Shazam looked himself up and down and successfully changed the subject.

Old Shazam's eyes flashed slightly, "These voices all come from great beings, which are the divine powers they gave you.

As long as the divine power flows within you, the sound will never disappear.

In fact, they are not voices, but the wisdom of gods. Only by listening to their persuasion can you control the power in your body more smoothly. "

"I don't want to hear it." Thunder Shazam held his head and shook his head.

"You are free, and the choice is always in your hands. End the state of Thunder Shazam, give up the power of the gods, and return to your ordinary and weak body, and you will hear nothing."

"Give up?" Thunder Shazam clenched his fist. He felt that he could punch through the earth at this time. With this kind of power, should he give up?

He hesitated.

"You make me older so Admiral Galaxy's divine power won't have such side effects."

Old Shazam said proudly: "You are not old. 25 is a person's golden age. At this time, you have the most energy.

Being 25 years old forever is a state that everyone dreams of.

Now you are 15 years old, and you will be 25 years old after becoming Thunder Shazam. 100 years later, you will be 115 years old, and you will still be 25 years old Thunder Shazam.

So, you understand, this is not a side effect, it is a huge benefit.

Harley Quinn is just a martial arts god, and her followers are not that durable and are not even qualified to carry your shoes. "

"Wonder Woman doesn't deserve to carry my shoes?"

Thunder Shazam looked at the old man with obvious suspicion. This guy was full of lies. Could he be an evil god?

He reached into his trouser pocket and took out his cell phone.

"What are you doing?" Old Shazam narrowed his eyes.

"I don't have WiFi here?"

“What are you doing online?”

"I" Thunder Shazam's eyes flashed.

"Boom!" Old Shazam stomped his staff vigorously and shouted majestically: "Tell the truth! If you dare to hide anything in front of your god, you will be punished by horrific divine punishment."

Thunder Shazam shrank his neck, "I want to check your identity."

"You check."

"No signal - Omaika, suddenly there is one, is it magic?"

Old Shazam glanced at his old Paradise Mountain 6S. Thunder Shazam logged into Puppy Video Network, and then entered "Anti-Evil God Scam Special APP" in the search box.

"Bang!" The old wizard was furious and hit Thunder Shazam's head with the thunder staff in his hand.

"Bastard, who do you think I am? Even Harley Quinn has to bow respectfully and call me 'Shazam' when she sees me. You, you - make me mad!"

If the magic debt crisis wasn't approaching, and if Billy didn't have the "superconducting talent", he swore that a bolt of lightning would burn him to ashes.

"Do you know General Galaxy?" Thunder Shazam asked in surprise.

"I am the president of the Wizards Council, the leader of the human wizards in the world, and Harley Quinn is just a great wizard."

Thunder Shazam became suspicious again, lowered his head and continued to look at his phone.

"Hey, you need to activate the household dog to check."

"No need to check, just dial 212-137-8749. This is Harley Quinn's private number." Old Shazam said calmly.

Thunder Shazam was hesitant, but he actually dialed the number.


"My dear, he is really the Galaxy Admiral!" Thunder Shazam shouted excitedly.

"You recognized it just by hearing it?" Old Shazam felt very uncomfortable.

"Old Shazam?"

"Hello, I, I am Billy, Billy Batson, oh, you may not have heard of this name, I am called Shazam——"

"Boom!" A thunderbolt fell above the head, and the phone exploded into parts.

Billy was dumbfounded, "W-do you react every time I say your name? It's so unintelligent."

After the new hero Thunder Shazam appeared in Philadelphia, he not only caused quite a stir in the local area, but also became a popular figure on the Puppy Video Network in just a few days because of his silly behavior that was very different from normal heroes.

He doesn't hide the fact that he is a novice hero and a God's favored one, and directly uploads videos of his daily development of abilities.

"Hahaha, this Thunder Shazam is so funny. He even uses lightning power to charge other people's mobile phones, and there are these tests."

Ivy held the mobile phone and came to Harley, and said with a strange smile: "Is this what you call young, mature, smart and intelligent?"

Harley looked sideways, but it was a video of Thunder Shazam testing his abilities.

A tall young man with a golden lightning logo on his chest, a mosaic-made boy. The boy threw one middle school textbook after another into the sky like a flying saucer. Thunder Shazam cheered and shot strips of golden lightning with his fingers, and the lightning fell on the books. Above, confetti flew and filled the sky.

"That's cool. I've wanted to do this for a long time. To hell with math books, science books, and history books!" This is the top comment.

Harley was a little embarrassed. She did praise Thunder Shazam in front of Ivy and Selena.

She has always admired people with principles, but Billy Bassent was very principled at a young age.

Ivy, Selina, and herself, like Billy, are all orphans. Ivy has never been averse to deceit and abduction. Selena almost became the number one thief in Gotham. Not to mention Harley herself, she was a brother. Godfather Tan.

But no matter how hard life was, Billy insisted on making money to support himself through legal means.

This is rare.

In addition, the last time Billy called her, although she didn't have time to say a few words, she understood the whole process afterwards.

Billy still remained clear-headed and knew how to question when faced with Shazam's magical power. This cleverness was praised by Harley again.

In the end, Billy's experience was very similar to hers. His father was in jail, and his mother abandoned him and remarried. He helped his companions in the orphanage, beat up the administrator who bullied them, and had no choice but to run away. He was simply a little Harley.

"Hey, he is still a child. He has no teacher to teach him, so it is understandable that he behaves badly." Harley couldn't help but defend Billy.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Her cell phone rang, and it was Amanda Waller.

"Harry, that kid you fancy, he robbed a bank."

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