I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1069 The ancient routine no longer works

"How many billions of dollars can you earn by filming commercials and appearing in variety shows? The top Hollywood stars only earn tens of millions a year." Harley doubted.

Jessica shook her head and said: "Of course you won't be able to make money in one or two years, but you can use your current income to get a loan from a bank, or even set up a 'hero company' and go public to make money.

If you don’t shoot commercials or appear in variety shows, it will be difficult to support yourself.

They are superheroes and modern boys and girls. They have enough food, clothing, housing and transportation. Not to mention the best, at least they are no worse than third-tier stars.

And when you are a superhero, high-tech equipment needs to be kept updated.

If there are casualties, there will also be medical expenses and housing expenses. "

"How much will their income decrease if they move from Philadelphia to Cleveland, and then change places every two or three years as needed in the future, to remote areas where no hero wants to go?" Harley asked.

"This." Jessica thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "Not sure, or even able to estimate whether the income will decrease or increase.

Although Philadelphia is a big city and its exposure within the city is high enough, looking at the entire United States and the entire world, Young Watchmen only have a few opportunities to grab headlines.

Alas, although the children work hard, their strength and influence are still lacking.

If, as you say, there is a major alien case in Cleveland that even the main league can't solve, Watchmen will never lack attention.

With attention, it doesn't matter if he's in Cleveland or Philadelphia.

In addition, the reason they moved was because of you, who gave them a noble new idea - wherever the most miserable and poorest place is, the Watchers will go.

When the people know about it, they will definitely be in awe.

The brand of 'Young Watchmen' can be raised several levels, and it is expected to surpass large heroic organizations such as the Justice Society and the American Society of World Governance, and be second only to the Justice League. "

At the end of the sentence, she changed from her previous frustration to extremely excited, “Even aliens will look at the Young Watchers because they follow your orders.

Because they value you, extraterrestrial media will pay attention to their movements, and famous reporters from the universe will also interview them.

Are you talking about being able to participate in the Galaxy Talk Show? Get sponsorship from galactic business giants? "

Harley rubbed her brows and sighed: "I asked them to leave Philadelphia because I hope they will abandon the traffic, leave the flashlight, and become 'old-school' superheroes down to earth.

So I told them they could leave if they didn't want to.

This is a screening, and the door of the Watchers is only open to true heroes. Those who want money, fame, or want to relax are not allowed to come in. "

"Even the Justice League accepts commercial endorsements. How can a modern hero abandon traffic? Moreover, the first and second generations of Silk Soul all debuted as a show.

After that, he mainly focused on business activities, supplemented by being a street hero. Jessica said unconvinced.

Harley said: "A hero team can accept people with different styles, but the hero team must have its own spiritual core.

Silk Soul can be a traffic star, and a member of the Young Watchers team can be on the show every day.

But the Watchmen cannot be a ‘traffic team’.

The reason why Laurie is disappointed with Young Watchmen is because all the current Watchmen are like celebrities.

You said that the Justice League also accepts endorsements, but none of the eight giants in the Zhenglian League deliberately wants to become a traffic star. "

Jesse Lai thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, the membership structure of the Young Watchmen will be greatly adjusted in the future.

Being able to sing, dance, and being handsome are no longer the selection criteria. Instead, being dull and honest, hardworking, hard-working, and low-key and simple will take their place. "

"Choose a few more tech heroes, and don't keep focusing on flashy superpowers. As long as there is any one of Pharaoh, the second-generation Night Owl, and Doctor Manhattan in the Young Watch team, you will not be short of money or equipment.

The technological products that money can buy are garbage.

Young Watchers must learn from their predecessors and at least be self-sufficient in technology and equipment. " Harley said.

"The wise boy has the wisdom of Ganesha and is the think tank and technical expert in the team." Jessica said.

Harley asked: "What high-tech technology did he invent?"

"He is good at analysis and imitation. As long as you give him enough money and a sample, you can quickly create a knock-off with five to six functions."

"So the Young Watchers' equipment is always a few grades lower than others? Then it's better to buy it from the Justice League."

"Yes, we think so too, so we work hard to make money on the show." Jessica said.

Harley sighed: "Find a serious tech guy."

Jessica responded and asked curiously: "Who is the favored one of the divine wizard? What abilities does it have?"

"Thunder Shazam, the strength" Harley thought for a while and said uncertainly: "It's probably on the same level as Rip Man in normal state."

According to Old Shazam, Thunder Shazam can surpass Superman and become the most powerful superhero in the world.

Harley thought he was bragging, but considering the six gods represented by shazam, Achilles granted physical damage immunity, Zeus's lightning was immune to most magic, Mercury's speed, and Solomon's wisdom. Magic Warrior Thunder Shazam indeed has no obvious shortcomings.

"Omaika, it's comparable to Ripman. This is a supernova who is about to shock the world. Can you let him join the Young Watchers?" Jessica said excitedly.

Harry shook his head and said: "He and the Watcher are not on the same path. The God's Favored needs to collect faith power for the gods, so they stay in prosperous cities with large populations to obtain a stable source of faith."

"The wise boy is also a favored one by God." Jessica said.

"Yes, the Ganesha behind him wants him to go to the Metropolis and replace Tearman and become the number one hero in the United States, but so what?

Do I care what he thinks as a mere Ganesha?

If you don't like it, get out of here and go back to India.

Thunder Shazam is my friend. "

The corners of Jessica's mouth twitched. Is this the 'magnitude' of Admiral Galaxy? Even a partialist friend can speak so confidently.

Three days later, the Young Watcher sent a text message to Harley. The four giants plus the eighteen "King Kong" all expressed their willingness to obey the leadership arrangements.

This was a bit unexpected by Harley. She had thought that someone would quit. After all, after being in the spotlight for so many years, many people can become popular stars individually, and they can also develop well if they quit a group and go solo.

By this time, 15-year-old "kid" Billy Bassent had been arrested by the police and sent back to the Youth Care Center.

The next day he was sent to Philadelphia.

On the same day, the Vasquez couple, who have adopted five children, overheard community volunteers talking about the story of the "poor kid looking for his mother": the kid who kept running away from orphanages and care centers because he believed His biological parents are looking for him, and he longs for the love of his parents. Unfortunately, no adopter can give him that kind of love.

The Vasquez couple, overflowing with love, were excited.

Craving love? Come to my house.

The next day, Billy joined the Vasquez family and returned to school for the first time in many years.

After a day at school, "fate" struck him as he once again plotted his escape from the foster home.

"My dear, I didn't dream last time. The man in the blue wide-brimmed hat brought me here."

Billy was not very scared when he saw old Shazam in the Eternal Castle, but he was very excited.

"That's right, you're not dreaming. That person's name is 'Stranger', and he's helping me find my successor."

Old Shazam was still dressed the same as before, with a simple old linen robe covering his tall but withered body.

But he lost his strong spirit and loud voice when facing Harley.

The old skin is like a mummy that has been stored in a coffin for thousands of years, without any vitality.

A pair of dim eyes seemed to be blind, without the luster of a living person.

He was dying of breath and had difficulty speaking. He could only use the lightning staff to support his body so as not to fall.

Anyone who sees him at this time can conclude that "this old ghost is not going to die soon".

"You asked me to be your successor? But last time you drove me away, saying I was unworthy of development." Billy said in surprise.

"You are indeed not the perfect choice at this time, but"

The old wizard was so tired after just a few words that he opened his mouth wide and panted hard.

"Hoo ho ho!" Billy would not be surprised if he farted on the spot the next second.

After a while, he continued weakly: "Did you know about the changes in the earth in recent years? A dark wave is sweeping the world, and the world is becoming more and more dangerous.

I feel scared about this. Look at me now. I am no longer able to face these challenges."

"You don't need to be afraid. There is a galactic admiral on Earth and a Justice League." Billy said.

"What do you know?!" the old wizard roared loudly, startling Billy.

After shouting, the old wizard remembered his weak body again, coughed a few times, and became as loud as a mosquito again, panting, "I am the leader of the Wizards Council, look at the throne here, there are seven wizards in total, from Since thousands of years, it has assumed the responsibility of protecting the world.

What I'm afraid of is not death, I'm worried about how the world will cope with the sweeping wave of darkness without the Wizards' Council.

Therefore, I need to choose a successor who can accept my mantle, that is you. From now on, the mission of protecting the world belongs to you, call my name, Billy Bassant. "

"What's your name?" Billy asked in a daze.

The old wizard almost jumped to his feet again and roared.

"The stranger told you, and what did he call me at that time?"

"Oh, I remember, Shazam-"


A bolt of lightning fell, and Billy transformed into a big man named Thunder Shazam in a red tights and a white cape.

"Omaika, have I become the one favored by the gods? The activation of the spell is Shazam——"

"Boom!" Lightning fell on top of his head again, and Thunder Shazam turned back into Billy.

"Oh my god, it's true!" Billy shouted excitedly: "Shazam!"


Looking at Billy who was having a great time, Old Shazam had an incomprehensible look in his eyes and a strange tone, "You know the one who is favored by God?"

"Of course, I also browse the puppy video hero forum. Gods lend their divine power to mortals, and mortals use special spells to induce divine power into their bodies." Speaking of this, Thunder Shazam asked in confusion: "What did you just say? You are about to die. ?

No, the up owner ‘Little Witch’ once introduced the ‘God’s Favored One’ in detail.

The final ownership of divine power belongs to the gods. If the gods die, the divine power will not be left to the gods’ loved ones, but will return to his ‘magic creditors’.

If you die, how can I be your successor? "

Old Shazam spoke in a difficult voice, "Do you even know about the 'magic debt'? This is the core secret of the magic world, and many great mages don't understand it."

"Core secret?" Billy was even more surprised. "If you go to the street and ask a kid, as long as he has a mobile phone and follows superhero news on the Internet, he will know about magic debt."

"Mobile phones, the Internet."

Old Shazam's old face was green and red. Damn it, times have changed and we can't deceive people with the same old tricks anymore.

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