I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1071: Cang Dang is in jail

"The boy you specifically took care of, Thunder Shazam, Billy Bassant, he committed robbery and robbed a bank cash machine." The president of the Sky Eye Club said seriously.

Harley was caught off guard. She had just defended Billy's ridiculous behavior, but now she was immediately slapped in the face.

At the same time, she felt unbelievable, "Are you right?"

An important reason why Billy was admired by her was because of his principles!

I would rather sleep on the streets and drink cold water than steal or rob, and insist on working to support myself.

It's hard not to be moved by this stubbornness in an American boy.

But if the child immediately goes out to do evil after gaining power, the appreciation he once had will turn into double disappointment.

"Ding dong!" A video was sent to her mobile phone. In front of the self-service teller machine outside the National Bank of America, Thunder Shazam shot a golden lightning bolt with his finger. The cash machine spit out colorful knives like a convulsion. He and the lame boy Make money as much as you want, laugh as much as you want.

Harley looked gloomy, "What are they doing with all this money?"

"Drink beer, buy snacks, go to nightclubs to meet adult styles, buy the latest Lexnote mobile phones and various game consoles. In short, eat, drink and have fun, not do anything serious." Amanda said.

"The changes are so fast, it's like being under a spell." Harley murmured.

"What changes quickly?"

"He used to sell newspapers for seven or eight hours in a row in order to survive, but he could only earn a salary of a few hamburgers, but he still insisted on that kind of life and did not go astray." Harley said slowly.

Amanda was silent for a moment and said: "I don't know if his nature is like this or if he has changed too much, but according to my investigation, he skips classes, lies, loves to show off, and has poor self-control. I can't say how bad he is, but he is a long way from being a superhero. some distance.

If nothing else, his mind is far less mature than you said.

You didn't tell me who he was, but I know his name is Billy Bassent, and I know everything about his family.

Not only do I know that many people who are not stupid are trying to use Freddy Freeman to lock down his true identity.

Well, Freddie Freeman is the lame boy in the video, the 'brother' who shares a boarding house with Billy.

In addition to the police targeting Billy Bassent because of the bank robbery, many netizens are also searching for information about Freddy.

Do you want to help him solve these troubles?

It is easy to simply defeat the Philadelphia police, and it is not difficult to mislead netizens with false social security information. But as long as Billy Bassent continues this style and continues to do this, sooner or later even the Sky Eye Society will be unable to control it. "

"Send me the information and I'll get back to you later," Harley said.

"This Thunder Shazam seems to have your style. I don't like orthodox superheroes, but this kind of bad guy hero suits my taste." Ivy said with a smile.

Harry frowned and said, "No, he shouldn't be like this. He should be honest and upright to the point of being pedantic, just like another Tearman."

"People can change. What you saw before was an ordinary boy who had no power and was oppressed by the law and system. Now he has great power, cannot be restrained, and can show his true nature wantonly." Ivy said.

Harley shook her head and said: "It's not that I think he is honest and honest, but Shazam should choose people based on this standard.

When I first went to the Rock of Eternity to participate in the selection of Shazam, the old Shazam made clear requirements - integrity and honesty, the embodiment of virtues that are opposite to the seven deadly sins, and the ability to sacrifice one's life for justice without hesitation. "

"Maybe old Shazam is lying. He just wants to find an excuse to reject you." Ivy said.

Harley said quietly: "I thought so before, but after knowing his purpose,

Thunder Shazam has the power to bite back old Shazam!

All miraculous powers have a price, and those favored by God must pay a price if they borrow divine power.

The gods lend their power, but there is a price.

Although Shazam's Curse favors the gods, it is one of the contract laws of the multiverse and has the basic characteristics of fairness and justice. The treaty cannot allow the gods to do whatever they want.

For example, after Wonder Woman shouts "Hallelujah", I can't remove my power from her body through the air.

Only if she takes the initiative to end the 'Hallelujah' state can I have a chance to terminate the contract of God's Favored One.

As long as she has the chance, she can resist.

This is a limitation of Shazam's Charm.

Therefore, Thunder Shazam may beat old Shazam to death.

If you were old Shazam, would you choose a good old guy who doesn't know how to resist and can't kill to bully you, or would you choose someone like me? "

"But Billy has already robbed a bank." Ivy said.

"So I feel weird."

After Amanda transmitted all of Billy's "criminal files", Harley summoned Yerby and prepared to go to Philadelphia.

"No matter what kind of person he is, it has nothing to do with us. Is it worth spending so much energy on him?" Ivy asked strangely.

"That bastard old Shazam must be hiding something from me, and I want to find out."

Found Belgium, he was in Shazam mode, stealing Coke with that Freddy in front of the self-service vending machine.

His fingers shot out electric arcs, and the vending machine spit out dozens of cans of Coke.

Then the thunderous sand sculpture happily drank up all the Coke.

A few hundred meters away in mid-air, Harry's eyes flashed and he asked: "Yebi, have you noticed anything unusual?"

“No trace of mental control was found, and with the huge divine power of Zeus in his body, no one can control him silently.

Well, Zeus's lightning power is a bit similar to your god coming down to earth, both are immune to negative magical effects.

However, your god is almost 100% immune to coming to earth and is very domineering.

Zeus's can only be effective against ordinary elemental magic, and is immune to 70% to 80% at most. "

"No one controls him, why is he drinking so much Coke like a fool?" Harley said lightly.

"Maybe you're afraid of waste?" Yebi said uncertainly.

"That's nonsense. If you don't want to waste it, can't you just leave the Coke in the vending machine? Forcibly drink it all, and then bend over and rush to the toilet with a distended bladder. This is suffering and waste."

"He didn't drink it all by force, he was happy."

"Haha, his stomach is bloated and uncomfortable, but he can still be happy."

Yebi pondered and said: "Coke is known as the 'happy water for fat houses'. Maybe, how can adults understand the thoughts of children?"

"I was already called 'Witch Harley' when I was 15."

"He is just an ordinary kid, you are not ordinary."

When the thunder sand sculpture ran to the square and performed its magical ability of "shooting lightning with fingers" to pedestrians and tourists, Harley quietly rode away on Yebi.

The purpose of coming here this time is just to see the thunderous sand sculpture with my own eyes and confirm whether his actions are true or whether he was plotted against him.

The result.

Yebi didn't notice any abnormalities, and Harley shouldn't have noticed any abnormalities, but she got the "Incomplete Nightmare Demonized God" from the Voice of Heaven some time ago.

Back in Gotham, Harley did not go to the manor, but came to the Gotham subway station alone and entered the Eternal Castle again.

"You're still here. Didn't you say that you should choose Thunder Shazam and immediately go into hiding, leaving the castle to him?"

Old Shazam left the throne in the hall and stood in front of the Seven Deadly Sins demon statue on the steps below.

"I was going to pretend to be dead and hide, but I didn't end up dead." Old Shazam said with a wooden face.

"There are thousands of excuses for hiding. As long as you have the will, you can always die in a reasonable way."

"I will leave, but I have to leave with confidence. Now I am not confident with Billy." Old Shazam said.

Harley looked into his eyes and said: "He lied, stole, robbed money, skipped classes, and was extremely stupid when he went to nightclubs to watch stripteases. His identity was exposed. The police are about to bring him to justice. Countless netizens are doxxing him and are about to discover him." home address.”

Old Shazam's eyes flashed, "Help him."

"I want to know the reason. Why has a simple child changed so much?"

"Alas, after suddenly gaining the power of God, the young man failed to keep his heart. However, I firmly believe that Billy's nature is not bad. As long as he is given time to adapt to his current power and life, he can truly realize his mistakes.

If someone could help him, the process would be greatly shortened. "Lao Sha praised.

"This is not the answer I want." Harley said calmly.

Old Shazam frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Harry looked at him steadily for a while and said, "Goodbye."

After saying that, she left neatly.

The huge Eternal Castle became quiet again.

After a long time, old Shazam raised his right hand, holding an apple-sized silver-blue ball of light in his palm, and said quietly: "She seems to be aware of it."

"Ignore her and continue." A dignified male voice said calmly.

"What if she interferes?" Old Shazam asked worriedly.

"How could she interfere? She doesn't even know what happened to Thunder Shazam," the majestic male voice sneered.

"I once explained to her the relationship between the demonization of nightmares and the Seven Deadly Sins." Old Shazam said hesitantly.

"Did you tell her the truth?" the majestic male voice said angrily.

Old Shazam immediately explained: "No, I only revealed the 'appearance' to her and told her that when the gods and demons experienced the demonization of nightmares, they cut off and abandoned the seven deadly sins such as arrogance, jealousy, anger and other illusions.

Those phantoms merged together and eventually evolved into the Seven Demonic Gods of Original Sin. "

"I didn't take the initiative to mention this to her, it was her teacher who introduced her here." At this point, the old wizard smiled bitterly, "Everyone knows that I know best about nightmare demonization."

"In that case, what are you worried about? As long as you and I didn't tell her, she would never have imagined that nightmare demonization could be artificially simulated and controlled."

Lao Sha sighed in admiration and tossed it gently with his right hand. The blue light ball floated above the statue of the Seven Original Sins.

"The city of endless pain, open!"

"Buzz, buzz," the seven statues of original sin gods and demons vibrated slightly, and the evil and dark power rose from the surface of the stone statues.

"The pit of eternal misery is solved!" Old Shazam recited the second spell.

"Buzz buzz" The statue of the God of Original Sin vibrated more intensely, and the sound of seven layers of malice could be faintly heard.

“Exalted Creator, great Jehovah, give me the crystallization of your divine power, your divine will, your divine love.”

"No, I'm going to tear you apart, Jebadaya Canaan, you beast, you dare to steal my origin, ah~~~" Seven voices, both male and female, wailed in pain, and the top of the statue rose A ray of blue light floated towards the ball of light.

Old Shazam had no reaction to the original sin demon's curse. He only continued to recite the incantation with a serious expression: "Astringent desire, guard against lust, punish with flames!"

A circular space-time window opened above the light ball, and opposite it was a dance hall with explosive music.

Thunder Shazam stared at the "ragged" big sister on the stage with an expression of obsession.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" Like a little mouse shouting, a little devil with a sharp mouth and red eyes struggled out from above Thunder Shazam's head, jumped into the window, and came to the Eternal Castle.

"Go!" Old Shazam shouted, and the little devil who looked somewhat similar to Billy, the Phantom Man, exploded into a ball of smoke and merged into the ball of light.

"Hey, is the Demon of Desire about to become a demon? So fast." The majestic male voice asked in surprise.

Lao Sha praised: "The purer the person, the fewer the seven sins that can be separated. Billy is a good boy, he doesn't have much sinful desires, and his desire demon naturally takes shape faster."

"He is good, but not perfect. Continue to help him purify his humanity——"

"Bang!" Before he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred on Thunder Shazam's side. The door of the nightclub was kicked open, and dozens of policemen with guns and ammunition rushed in.

"Thunder Shazam, don't move, don't resist, we know you are powerful, but we also know you are Billy Bassant.

Raise your hands and surrender, you are arrested, you can escape, but now you attack the police and escape, the crime will be increased! "

"Mother Fuck!" Old Shazam was stunned.

"Witch Harley, it must be her." The majestic male voice gritted his teeth.

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