I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1037 Sandman’s Dad

"That's right, Arthur, it's you." Harley looked at Neptune and smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't fly. This time you are going to the river of time. Neptune enters the river like a dragon playing in the shallows. He can do it with ease."

"Don't fool me, the river of time is not a big river." Neptune shook his head repeatedly, "According to you, the galaxy is also a river. Why can't I travel across the galaxy?"

"It's not that you can't, it's that you haven't been able to develop your potential. Recall, how did the sea gods in the Tomb of the Gods cross the galaxy and the dimensions of the universe and come to our earth?"

Harley walked up to him, tiptoed and patted his shoulder, encouraging: "Believe in yourself, you can do it!"

At the same time, she also sent a telepathic message, saying: "I am worried about whoever is going to join the other seven giants in Zhenglian, especially Tearman. I am afraid that he will never come back and die heroically.

Only you, brave and resourceful, are particularly suitable for this battlefield. "

She winked at him, "Don't forget 'Hallelujah Poseidon'!"

Arthur thought thoughtfully, "Are you sure it can be done?"

“I can’t guarantee that it’s 100% feasible, but I’m 10,000% certain that among your teammates, no one is better than you.

In the River of Time, you only need to solve three problems to become invincible. "

Harry once again mentally transmitted these words, and also deliberately wrapped his mental power with the force field of defense expertise: "First, you have the ability to survive in the river of time. Even Tear Man can physically immerse himself in the river of time. You are sure More adaptable than him.

Second, take control of the direction.

This is especially important because instead of simply judging whether you're up or down the river, you're finding your target in the river, at least targeting enemies and friends.

Use the power of your life force connection to sense and remember the life force of your companions.

When facing an enemy, lock onto and analyze his vitality.

Third, swimming and attacking.

Every drop of water in the river of time contains countless world information.

If ordinary people fall in, their bodies will not melt, but their souls will collapse under the wash of huge data.

You only need to do one thing to solve this problem - start by entering the river of time, immediately start meditating, and stop your thoughts.

After that, swimming is really your strength.

After the mind and body adapt to the river of time, it is no different from swimming in the sea. The resistance value may be larger, but it will not affect Neptune, right? "

"Only if the situation is as you say." Arthur muttered.

At this moment, his complexion completely returned to its previous relaxed and natural look.

Before the "58th Century Support Team" left, Harley took out four more cards with gold characters on a black background and said: "This is the 'Soul Transfer Preservation Card' that I received from the Voice of the Sky again. Please keep it just in case. .”

"Ah, there is such a good thing, please take it out as soon as possible." Atom Man took one excitedly.

"In addition, I want to emphasize that Arthur is the boss in this operation. No matter what decision he makes, you must obey him." Then she turned to Neptune, "Arthur, remember to protect them. Especially Wally, he is old Xiao, don’t let him act impulsively.”

Neptune nodded and took his card.

Lightning Kid Wally was surprised and a little confused when he saw this kind of card for the first time.

Barry leaned into his ear and whispered an explanation.

The Linear Man Waverider shook his head and said: "Everything of the Linear Man belongs to time, and dying in the river of time is the best destination."

Harley looked at the God of Knowledge, "Metron, are you going to the 58th century?"

Metron said calmly: "This team does not have the power to solve the crisis. I will only participate in the battle to end the crisis."

Harry took back the remaining cards and said: "Same as last time, to use the card, you must first join the 'Heaven Mountain Crusade', and the chest, cuffs, collar, and back must all have the mark of Christ."

As she spoke, she took out "trademark stickers" printed with various patterns and handed them to several people.

"Hey, why is there still an advertisement for 'Heaven's Young Master'?" Neptune asked, holding a "cloak sticker".

"Young Master is also a Christian." Harry said seriously.

"You are using this as a public weapon for personal use!" said Poseidon.

Harry said calmly: "You can refuse. If you refuse, you will lose the soul transfer card and your soul will be scattered after death. It's so miserable."

Neptune put the trademark on his back with a dull face.

Harley turned to the other heroes: "If you want to adventure in the River of Time, if you need an insurance policy, you must also become a Crusader and wear a uniform with the Crusader logo.

If you want to earn more merit points, you can also take off your original hero uniforms and put on priest robes. "

"How much merit can I earn?" Dachao asked.

"Depending on the hero level, 500 to 5,000 points." Harley said.

Da Chao's eyes lit up. With his level, he would definitely be able to get five thousand. This seems to be a huge sum of money, Louise——

Just when I thought that I could reduce my wife's sin level by a large amount, I heard Wonder Woman say in a disdainful tone: "A mere few thousand meritorious deeds are like asking me to change my uniform. I'm just dreaming!"

"Yeah, with my hero level, I'm afraid I can't get 5,000. It's not worth it." Green Arrow shook his head.

Da Chao looked at him with a dull face. It's not even worth giving you the maximum salary. When did you become so rich?

He still remembered that the last time hell was closed, Green Arrow had been busy for a week and finally caught a medium-horned dog demon. After successfully getting 100 merit points, he was so excited that he wanted to treat the heroes present to Chinese food.

"Harley, the price is not attractive, we are not that low!" Captain Atom said.

"Yes, the price is too low. It would be slightly more attractive if it was at least ten times more expensive." All the heroes agreed.

Dachao opened his mouth wide. Ten times five thousand is fifty thousand. Fifty thousand is even worth the value of the Demon Duke. Why are you buying it? Chaos in heaven!

He remembered.

Except for him, almost all mainstream heroes made a fortune in the last chaos in Paradise.

There are dozens of millionaires.

"Although the merits received by a single hero are not many, the sum of hundreds of us is also a million-dollar project, which can be considered." He said slowly.

"Although one million is a lot, with so many people, there isn't much left," Huo Feng said.

Dachao's cheek muscles twitched. Damn it, just saying what I said in reverse becomes a reason to oppose me?

Harley was dissatisfied with their attitude and continued: "In addition to the trademarks and uniforms, there are also slogans. Just like last time, I shouted 'Hallelujah' before dying, and a small gift worth 1,000 merits."

"It's less than before, who cares?" Some heroes complained.

Dachao almost couldn't hold it in anymore. You are rich and can show off, but if you do this, how can I have the nerve to 'work a small job' alone?

In recent times, he has been under particularly great pressure in terms of merit points.

Because of the last rebellion in Paradise, in order to explain to everyone why the limit of the "Infinite Paradise Limited Direct Card" is 300,000 sins, Harley disclosed Louise's sin value, which is a full 300,000!

After Dachao came back from resurrection, he immediately heard about this and was so anxious!

Well, he didn’t know that after Louise went to Silver City once to film the documentary “Young Master’s Entry” for Harley, her inner sense of the sanctity of heaven and God was greatly reduced, and she often spoke uncontrollably and blasphemous things about God. if.

For example, Silver City is an alien planet and God is an alien. Currently, her sins have doubled and are still growing.

If Dachao knew about this, he would most likely lose his hair.

The DC universe has six dimensions.

The four-dimensional material universe, the five-dimensional limbo (god domain), and the six-dimensional DC universe manager space.

These three dimensional worlds constitute the sum of the DC universe.

It is equivalent to building a three-story building on an open space. This building is called "DC Multiverse". The first floor is the material universe, the second floor is the five-dimensional divine realm, and the third floor is the residence of the building manager.

Of course there is more than one room on a floor.

Before Crisis on Infinite Earths, facing the road on the first floor, there were 52 facades, representing 52 universes, which together formed the "Ten Thousand Heavens".

The essence of Crisis on Infinite Earths is to take back the 52 storefronts on the first floor and open a new store.

For example, there were originally 52 shops and 52 types of businesses on the first floor, including a noodle shop, a wonton stall, a soy milk shop, a clothing store, and a tuck shop. Now the landlord has taken back the shops and opened a large supermarket.

Only one store.

There are also many facades on the second floor. Heaven occupies one facade, Hell is one room, the eight divine realms occupy eight large rooms, and the remaining different dimensions occupy small rooms.

The third floor is first divided into three large single rooms, which are divided into monitors, counter-monitors, and casters.

In addition to the three large single rooms, there are other areas.

For example, the Big Daddy of the Endless Family, the ‘Time Master’, can also occupy a large room on the third floor.

In fact, every member of the Endless Family has a room on the third floor, and they are also the administrators of the universe.

Destiny, the boss of the Endless family, lives on the third floor all year round, while Morpheus the Sandman rarely goes to the "third floor".

The dream dimension is like a staircase connecting the second and third floors.

In other words, Morpheus can go directly from the second floor to the third floor through the dream dimension.

After Neptune led the team to set off to the 58th century, Harley found Sandman first, and then Sandman put on his robe and slowly rose up. The dream kingdom under him was like a picture on silk cloth in the wind. The long silk cloth was floating in the wind. The city on the cloth is also twisted and turbulent.

In the dream kingdom, distortion and change are the norm, and regularity and order will not appear in dreams.

The purple-black robe on Morpheus is very long, and the hem hangs at his feet, like a flag, making a hunting sound.

He rose into the "air", the silver five-pointed stars blinked at him, a full moon bowed to him, and the surrounding dark clouds looked at him and whispered.

Morpheus continues to rise.

Ascending in dimension, from the five-dimensional dream kingdom to the six-dimensional world.

The DC world has three floors. The divine realm on the second floor, such as the heavenly realm, is rooted in the material universe on the first floor, which is equivalent to the first floor supporting the second floor.

The dream dimension is the "foundation" of the Endless Family's room on the third floor.

Time master, fate, death, etc. all live directly above the dream dimension on the second floor.

The twisted dream world came to an end, and Morpheus stood in front of a door with a colorful square pattern.

"Father, it's me." He knocked on the door twice.

Got no response.

He pushed the door gently, and it opened directly, and a colorful world appeared in front of him.

Square checkered floors in various colors of red, orange, yellow and green.

Colorful lattice Western-style manor building.

Colorful trees and even lawns

In this strange world, the roads are neither smooth nor straight. It is like walking on the surface of an erected pipe, spiraling upward along the inner wall of the pipe.

Morpheus walked very steadily and did not fall.

Under an apple tree, he saw an old man with long, fiery red hair who looked majestic.

The old man held the apple tree with his hand, and the tree was full of red flowers.

"Hello, father." Morpheus greeted politely.

"Before you came, I was fine, but after you came, I may not be."

Morpheus took two steps forward. The old man with long red hair became 20 years younger. His long shawl hair turned into short ear-length hair. The small flowers on the apple tree shrank into buds, and suddenly the leaves fell, and the buds turned into buds. Big, round red apple.

"You only come here when you need help. What do you want this time?"

When Morpheus also came to the tree, the red-haired middle-aged man turned into a hairless young man.

"As your son, can't I just come here to visit my father?" Morpheus said.

The young man sneered: "Of course you can, but you have never done this. In addition to the fate of my eldest son, each of you must ask for something when you come here.

Destiny owns the "Book of Destiny". He has no need and has never been to me. "

After saying this, he turned into a teenage boy, holding an apple in his hand, and his face was as red as an apple.

"I'm sorry, father." Morpheus was a little embarrassed. "I have another favor this time. I hope you can help me."

Are they too unfilial?

The old man at home is left alone to guard the empty nest, and when he has "no money" he comes back to squeeze the old man's coffin book.

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