I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1036 Who will be the 39th Galaxy Admiral?

Half a day after receiving the news about Hal Jordan from the 58th century.

Or the Hall of Justice.

This time, almost all the famous superheroes on earth have arrived.

There were also several guest reporters, as well as the White House representative, General Ryan of the Pentagon.

It's almost like a hero meeting.

"Are you sure that the Hal of the 58th century is really our Hal?" Dachao was the most excited.

The comrade-in-arms did not fall, but chose to sacrifice silently for the righteousness. He was a little too happy and relaxed, but he was very sad when his friend died. In short, he felt happy and sad, and his mood was very complicated.

Martian Manhunter glanced at Harley and said: "I checked Councilor List's memory, and it is indeed Green Lantern Hal Jordan, and his age is right.

Arthur, Wonder Woman, and The Flash and I think it should be right, but Harley has a different view. "

After saying that, he also asked for everyone's consent, and pulled everyone's mental power into his own mind space, recreating the Hal Jordan he saw in Councilor List's memory.

The memory fragment lasts only a quarter of an hour, and the contact time between Lister and Hal Jordan is extremely short.

They barely communicated.

Lister and many military and political bosses of the Earth Federation Government in the 58th century were guarding outside the "time and space portal", waiting for famous heroes from the past and future.

It feels like people in the 21st century open a history book, turn the pages and read the history of heroes. Whoever they think is the most powerful is summoned from the pages to the present world.

"Oh my god, I thought that the time bubble in the 31st century was enough for science fiction, but I didn't expect that there is such a thing in the 58th century. It's incredible." The Atom exclaimed.

He belongs to the "Technical Group". Previously, he worked with heroes such as Da Chao and Mr. Zhuo Yuan to cooperate with Brainia 5 to build a "time satellite" - launched into the river of time to detect changes in time and space in the past and future. In the rift of entropy Issue an early warning when approaching.

"This is Hal, the Hal of our universe!"

When Hal Jordan walked out of the shining white space-time door, many heroes on the scene let out excited shouts.

That Hal Jordan is not wearing an ordinary Green Lantern uniform, but "Green Goblin Hal" who changed his uniform into the "Green Goblin Armor" after seizing the Green Lantern energy battery on Oa.

The name "Green Goblin" comes from Harley.

It vividly describes the now obsessed Green Lantern Hal.

Even if the Green Goblin next door knew about it, would he still dare to come to her to ask for the copyright?

Green Goblin Hal only chatted with the consul for a few words, and then Senator Lister personally awarded him the medal of the Galactic Admiral. Hal flew into the sky and rushed towards the "" that gradually showed traces in the 58 universe. crack".

He was gone never to return.

The hyperspace satellite of the 58th century transmitted detailed information about the annihilation of his vital signs.

"This is Hal, our friend!" Da Chao said firmly with red eyes.

Bateman also said: "This is not the era of multiverses. We have only one material universe. Apart from our earth, where else can Hal Jordan appear?

In addition, the little blue man possesses ‘uniqueness in the multiverse’.

There is only one race of little blue men in the multiverse, one Green Lantern Corps, and one central energy battery.

This Hal is clearly powered by a central battery.

The combination of so many factors almost sealed his identity. "

"Yes, he is Hal." Several giants who had been to Oa Star that day agreed.

But Bateman slowly shook his head and said: "There are also a few doubts. First, why can people in the 58th century summon Hal?

In addition, why is Hal? His purpose of snatching the energy of the green light is to resurrect Beach City, not to defend a strange world. The change of thinking becomes a bit abrupt. "

Da Chao looked at the golden metal-skinned 'Guardian of Time', "Wanderer, you are a linear person and know the river of time best. Is it reasonable to summon Hal from the 21st century in the 58th century?"

The Waverider nuzzled at Harley, "She was guarding her in the 21st century, and even our linear group didn't dare to get close to her, let alone get people from her.

But once the time crisis began, she released the blockade on the timeline.

The Crack of Entropy approaches the 58th century certainly after the Crisis begins.

So, summoning your Hal Jordan is entirely possible. "

Bateman frowned and said, "Is it possible that the 58th century can arrest people from us at will?"

The Waverider shook his head and said: "Any behavior that disrupts the process of history is strictly prohibited by the Guardian of Time. Even if the technology in the 58th century is sufficient, it cannot be done."

"Then what happened to Hal and the other 27 heroes from different time and space?"

"Alas, time and space are collapsing now, and the Linear Group headquarters is..." The Waverider expressed a pained expression, "I hope Cunmo hasn't conquered the vanishing point yet, but it's obvious that the Time Guardians are too busy to take care of themselves, and even need rescue, and are simply unable to maintain the past. Time order.

At this special moment of destruction of the universe, there is no need to care about the laws of time. "

"If you can pull people at will, why do the Archon representatives come to the 21st century in person?" Cyborg asked doubtfully.

Neptune shook his head and sighed: "We have sacrificed 38 galactic admirals, and 80% of them have no confidence in their own vision."

"The 38th Galactic Admiral."

Da Chao grinned and subconsciously looked at the 21st century Galaxy Admiral, with strange eyes and a strange mood. He should have been 100% sad after so many great heroes died, but now he was about 0.1% gloating.

It's all Harley's fault. He caught them doing "heartbreaking" some time ago. Seeing her getting retribution, even if it wasn't her, he still wanted to see her laugh.

Neptune continued: "However, the 'future people' of the 58th century have full confidence in Harley.

Harley Quinn has never missed a beat, which has become a coffin-breaking historical fact.

They believe that even if she doesn't take action herself, as long as she chooses someone, she can solve the 'Entropy Crack'. "

Da Chao glanced sideways at Harley again, was she feeling proud? Or is he secretly mocking the failure of the Justice League? The reputation of so many heroes combined is not as good as hers?

Harley tilted her head at him and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

His stern face turned slightly red.

——It's all Harley's fault for making him sensitive and suspicious.

"Well, why do you suspect that Hal is not Hal?"

"It doesn't feel right," Harley said.

"Just relying on feelings is not convincing." Da Chao said.

Harry sneered and said: "I am not the one who is going to die. I advise you not to die. I have to convince you with reasons. Is there any justice in this or the law of the king?"

Da Chao was embarrassed, and the hero who supported a trip to the 58th century looked embarrassed.

Bateman tactfully advised: "The suspicion of Hal's 180-degree change in attitude has not yet been reasonably explained.

Why did he abandon Beach City?

What he silently sacrificed was not only his own life, but also his obsession with changing the past. "

The Flash said: "I understand that there is some danger in this trip, but I am not advocating that all personnel be dispatched to attack the rift of entropy.

Sending people who are proficient in time travel to explore the news and determine whether Hal is alive or dead is low risk, but the reward is that we have a clear conscience and no regrets. "

At this point, he sighed bitterly and whispered: "When I heard the news that Hal had been trapped in the river of time, I thought of myself immediately.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, I also fell into the river of time. You thought I was dead, but I was actually suffering in pain and praying for someone to save me.

So, I wonder, could it be the same for Hal?

No need for everyone to take risks, I can also travel through time, I will go there myself. "

He had already said this, and no one among the heroes present, including Harley, objected to exploring the cracks of entropy.

However, the special operations team heading to the 58th century ended up with more than one person.

No Barry yet.

"Barry, let me go, the earth needs your wisdom to build the cosmic treadmill, and Iris and the child in her belly must not lose you.

I can only run, even the pulse of the 31st century can replace me. "Wally, the Lightning Kid, said.

Barry shook his head and said: "You just became a hero——"

Wally said loudly: "I have just made my official debut, but it has been three months since I became the Flash, and these days I have been traveling between the present and the future to find out information about the time crisis for the earth."

Under his strong request, and after he promised not to act recklessly but to inquire about information, Barry reluctantly agreed to let his wife and brother go to the 58th century on his behalf.

"I have fought against Cunmo and know how good he is. Even if we encounter him this time, we can still escape." The Wanderer will also go with Wally, which is why Barry is relieved.

"My atomic suit can travel through time and space, and I will bring experimental instruments to personally measure the 'entropy of time' data." Atom Man volunteered.

Dachao glanced at Councilor Lister next to him. Ever since Harry rejected this consul representative, it was as if someone had had his soul removed. There was no vitality on his face, and his eyes were full of numb sadness. He felt so unkind to his motherland. His fate was completely hopeless.

He couldn't bear it and said: "I will go too. We should never give up hope at any time. This is true in the 21st century and the same is true in the 58th century."

Liszt blinked, and there was a trace of vitality in his dim eyes.

"Thank you, Ripman, you are the greatest hero in human history." He said gratefully.

Harley glanced at him sideways and asked, "Baitman, how is your investigation going?"

Bateman said with a solemn expression: "We have tried all non-magical means, but we have not been able to find any trace of the war eagle.

His family said he disappeared for almost a year.

When Mrs. Xanadu was divining the location of the war eagle, a deep wound opened on her forehead, as if she had been struck by a knife and was on the verge of death. "

"It seems that it's probably him." Harley thought thoughtfully.

"You said you were going to the Tower of Destiny to find the god behind the war eagle. Do you have any clues?" Bateman asked.

Harley shook her head slightly, "Don't mention it. The ghost ambushed me there. After that, they only focused on fighting and nothing was achieved."

Then, she turned to Dachao, "Do you know how to use this information?"

Da Chao solemnly said: "I will persuade War Eagle to turn around and use his past as a superhero to awaken his faith and conscience as a hero."

Harley secretly sighed in her heart. When War Eagle was a hero, he was always in focus with his younger brother Bai Gemeng. When you mention the heroic past to him, you are not shouting, "Remember your lovely idol, remember your mission, and don't forget your original intention." Ah", he still has to explode?

"You stay and let-"

Her eyes fell on Wonder Woman, who didn't seem to have a very bright mind.

Then he looked at Neptune, who was hiding in a corner and pretending to be fine.

"Let Arthur be the 'Admiral of the Galaxy' of the 58th century for you."

"What?" All the heroes were surprised.

Dachao looked puzzled.

Neptune almost couldn't hold the golden trident in his hand.

"Harley, are you right? I can't even fly."

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