I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1038 The mastermind behind the scenes

"What do you want again?"

The boy took a bite of the apple, grew 20 years old, and became a young man again.

"Harley Quinn is my friend, can you forgive her sin of blasphemy against you? Now the universe is experiencing a zero-hour crisis, and she needs to enter the river of time to save the world.

As the master of time, you are also dissatisfied with those who disturb the river of time, right? "Morpheus lowered his head and begged.

"Did she ask you to come to me to plead for mercy?" the red-haired young man said while burying the apple core in the ground: "I thought she would come here in person. I heard that she is very courageous. She is not afraid of anything, and she should not be afraid of seeing me. That's right.

That little guy, I'm quite curious about her. "

"She is actually very timid and is very afraid of death. When she asked me if I could ensure her safety, I said I was powerless in front of you, and she immediately shrank." Morpheus said.

The red-haired young man turned into an old man again, and the core sprouted and grew into an apple tree covered with small red flowers.

"Actually, she doesn't have to be afraid. I have no ill intentions towards her and I don't want to hurt her."

"She said that when she had the idea of ​​getting close to the River of Time, she immediately felt a terrifying crisis, a life and death crisis." Morpheus said.

The old man chuckled and turned into a middle-aged man, and the fruit trees were full of red apples.

"She is very smart and has very keen senses. No wonder she is still alive today despite all the trouble."

"You said you had no ill intentions towards her." Morpheus said.

"I really have no ill intentions towards her, but if she dares to step even half a step into the river of time, I will definitely let her die without a burial place. Even God can't help her, I said that. However, this has nothing to do with me admiring her and having no regard for her. Malice is not a contradiction.”

"This is very contradictory." Morpheus said.

"I understand that she doesn't understand, but why don't you understand either?" The red-haired child started burying apple cores again, showing a very disappointed and angry expression. "I ask you, apples hanging on the tree that no one picks are slow. Is it slowly decaying and falling into pieces because I hate it?"

"Crack!" The red-haired "Big Daddy" who had grown into a young man bit off the apple in his hand and said vaguely: "I like eating apples very much."

Morpheus was thoughtful, but his tone became more confused, "Why?"

"You should ask her what she did. Of course, the time has not come yet, and she probably doesn't understand what she did.

Just like an apple before it falls to the ground, you don't know that after it rots into mud, a group of worms will grow in your heart - even if you stand high and see far away when the apple is hanging on the branch. "

Morpheus thought for a moment, kept his father's words in mind, and asked: "Why don't you stop the person who disturbed the river of time? You are the master of time."

"Why do you say he is causing trouble?" the red-haired old man said with a strange smile.

Morpheus looked thoughtful again.

"Goodbye, father." He bowed and said goodbye to the old man.

"I hope you really just come to visit me next time." The red-haired boy said softly from a distance.

Two hours later, it was dark.

A beam of starlight suddenly fell from the flowers outside Quinn Manor, and the little white lights combined with the black night formed a horse-faced man with long black hair.

"Harley." He called softly.


Quantum shift was triggered, and Harley's figure pulled out afterimages in mid-air, jumping directly from the living room to Morpheus.

"How?" she asked expectantly.

Morpheus shook his head and said, "He can't help you."

"I need his forgiveness, what do you mean by helping me?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Morpheus sighed: "We, the Endless Clan, cannot violate the rules of the universe we represent.

My father is the master of time. No one picks the apples on the tree. They lose moisture and activity as time goes by, and eventually rot into mud. Is it because my father doesn't like it and is he punishing it? "

"No, this is the law of nature." Harley frowned.

"Yes, this is the law of time. The law is here and it has nothing to do with personal relationships."

"I don't understand."

Morpheus said: "Don't treat my father as a human being. Remove his human side and erase his individual will. He is just the law of time.

Do you understand it?

You cannot enter the river of time. No, it should be "you will die after you step into the river of time". It is the function of the law, just like an apple will rot when hanging on a tree, just like gravity will make the apple fall to the ground instead of flying into the sky.

My father himself is not targeting you. What you have done in the past or what you will do in the future has triggered a certain operating mechanism of the river of time.

For example, you are like an apple on Newton's head. If you fall off the branch, it will definitely hit Newton's head.

For example, if you are an apple on a wild apple tree in a barren mountain, and no one picks it, it will definitely happen if it falls to the ground and turns to mud. "

"What have I done, what will I do?" Harley said blankly.

"I don't know, but you will definitely know in the future. Just wait, the answer lies in time."

"But now I have lost the ability to touch time." Harley said with a bitter smile.

"When the time comes, you will know it."

"Okay, I can wait, but your dad has been waiting for the outcome of this crisis?" Harley asked.

Morpheus pondered: "Perhaps you will know the reason when the final results come out."

"I want to know now."

"I am the Supreme, you are just a mortal, the Supreme is waiting for the results, why do you ask to predict the results?" Morpheus said lightly.

"Just because I know the Supreme, the Supreme is my friend." Harley said with a smile.

Morpheus glanced at her and said: "I just guess that this crisis is not a simple personal behavior. It is the follow-up to the last crisis on infinite earths and the beginning of a new multiverse in the future.

Perhaps the person behind the scenes is acting completely according to his own will, but his actions have already been planned by fate. "

Harry realized something and asked, "Can you confirm the identity of the person behind the scenes?"

"I don't know, I didn't even ask my father this question. Harley, the Endless Clan can help friends, but as the embodiment of the laws of the universe, we can't get too involved in many things." Morpheus said quietly.

Harley nodded, "I understand, I can handle the rest myself, thank you!"

The Time God, the Time Trap, the Linear Man, and the Time Lord are the four major organizations, or forces, in the River of Time.

Time gods are gods and demons who understand and control the laws of time. They consider themselves servants of the master of time.

Even though the God of Time has never seen the Lord of Time, their laws of time are under the Lord's control and are controlled by the Lord. What are they if they are not servants?

The Time God is to the River of Time, similar to the Four Lords to the Dream Kingdom. Oh, no, now there are five Lords, and Rachel must be added.

Time trapper, time trapper, a person who hunts time.

Representing the end of time, sitting at the end of time, overlooking the entire river of time, it has the ability to modify history and erase time.

This power is not his natural talent, nor is it obtained through practice, but is a gift from a great existence.

Even a mortal can become a time trapper if he gets that power.

Those trapped in time are to the river of time, just like ghosts who have received the power of God are to heaven and earth.

He is the overlord, ruler, and strongest man of the River of Time.

Linear people are a collective name for a group of creatures in the river of time. They also live at the end of time and form a force outside of time, the Linear Group.

Linear groups are to the river of time, just like earthworms are to farmland, playing the role of channeling and managing the river of time.

The Council of Time Lords, a group of time masters from the material world, is responsible for protecting history from being modified.

In this zero-hour crisis, the Council of Time Lords did not show up because those time masters could do nothing.

How can we maintain history when time is swallowed up from both ends and the past disappears?

The gods of time shrank and disappeared, taking the same attitude as their master.

Therefore, from the crisis to the present, only the time-trapped and linear people are struggling and working hard.

The end of the river of time, the home of linear people - the vanishing point.

After the Waverider exposed the location of the vanishing point and took Da Chao and others back to the 21st century Earth.

"Hahaha, those who go against me will perish, and those who obey me will be killed!"

Cunmo raised his head and laughed, clenched his fists with both hands, and shot two white lightning bolts forward.

Several old men wearing luxurious priest robes knelt on the ground, with shock and fear on their faces. They were reduced to ashes in the lightning, leaving only a few incomplete skulls that "clanged" on the rock floor.

And around him, inside and outside the "Linear Room", similar broken skeletons can be seen everywhere.

This is the headquarters of the Linear Man.

There was a bloody massacre here today, and no one was left except the Treader who escaped.


Cunmo raised his head and took a sharp breath. The remaining bones of the linear man floated out wisps of red mist, floated to his side, and was absorbed by his body.

Cunmo's momentum skyrocketed visibly.

"Hmph, this is the Linear Man, a race that claims to be all-powerful and has supreme authority in the river of time. Why don't you kneel at my feet and beg for mercy? Rubbish!

You have such a powerful power but don’t know how to use it, why don’t you give it to me and let me”

Cunmo narrowed his eyes and carefully felt the power in his body. This level should surpass him, right? Do you want to try it? Although the two share the same goals, there is only one boss and only one supreme leader.

"You are so inefficient!"

A cold male voice sounded in his ears, causing Cun Mo to shiver. The previous ambitions and cunning thoughts disappeared instantly like popsicles on the road at noon in summer.

"Boss, you're here." He was respectful and showed a flattering smile, "The Linear People have a great reputation. They claim to be the strongest organization in time, but they are actually rubbish. It only took me half a day to break through the 'Linear Room'.

The reason for the delay until now is simply that they are too good at hiding and have been wasting some time looking for the 'vanishing point'.

But don't worry, I've been doing two things. On the one hand, I'm dealing with the Linear Man, but on the other hand, I haven't relaxed my control over the Crack of Entropy.

It has now reached the 59th century, and the 21st century, our world, is almost here. "

"Don't make mistakes!" the cold male voice warned: "According to my plan, you must swallow the power of all linear people and control the 'Linear Chamber' before you are qualified to face the Justice League.

Now that the Justice League has assembled, you are not complete. "

Cunmo said confidently: "The only linear human left is the Treader who fled the 21st century. If I absorb his power, I will be a complete 'Cunmo'.

As for the Justice League, haha, they are vulnerable, I know them too well. "

The cold male voice said angrily: "You know nothing, even I have to watch Harley Quinn every minute while looking for the time trapper. Your attitude will go wrong sooner or later."

"Don't worry, boss, I won't be careless. I will control the Linear Room and monitor Harley Quinn and every old friend of the Justice League. Control their past, present and future."

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