I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1020 The Big Black Hand of the Pentagon

Nine hundred and ninety-nine thousandths, almost 100%, but it is not 100%. Its tenth power is 99%. That is to say, if Mongo is allowed to participate in 10 human rights activities every day, then he will There is a 1% chance of escaping every day.

The expected value of his escape was one hundred days, just over three months.

"This time Mongo escaped from prison while he was out for a walk. The cell designed by Mr. Miracle was not used, and the white dwarf restraint device was torn." Clark said with a complicated expression.

Harley smiled and said: "As long as you let him move, you are giving him a chance. The more times and the greater the movement, the greater the chance that he will escape from prison.

The greater the ‘Mongo state entropy’, the greater the chance of something going wrong.

This theory applies not only to Mongo but to all super criminals. "

"What if Mongo is not allowed to leave the cell and is deprived of his chance to relax?" Clark asked.

Harley shook her head and said: "It's useless. The Alien Crime Bill is a system and also represents an ideological attitude.

Its essence is respect for life.

The human rights of a living person are worth thousands of dollars, but the human rights of a dead person are worth not a dime.

When you are alive, it gives you great power. When you are killed, when you die and become a dead person, you immediately lose all power, but the living criminal who killed you enjoys great power.

If you don't let Mengge leave the cell, are you going to deprive him of the right to eat, go to the toilet, move his hands and feet, and stay healthy?

If you deprive him of all rights to normal activities, tie him to an electric chair with a chain, and if he dares to move, his head will explode with electric sparks.

Then his state will always remain one, and the entropy is zero, which indeed guarantees that he cannot escape.

But the problem is that doing so completely violates the Alien Crimes Act, and the point of your insistence on this bill in the first place is gone.

It would be better to just sentence him to death and grant him death instead of torture, which would appear more merciful. "

Clark was lost in thought.

It seemed to Louise that this was a new theory.

She became interested and immediately put her head in front of the phone camera and asked: "You mean, the Alien Crime Act is only effective for ordinary people and has no effect on extraordinary people, whether they are aliens or not? Why?"

"How do you define 'extraordinary'?" Before she could answer, Harley said: "Extraordinary people must have extraordinary abilities—the ability to transcend mortal understanding and common sense.

Even ordinary people can escape from prison, but for extraordinary people, opportunities that are not opportunities can also become opportunities.

The prison guards who imprisoned them are ordinary people. How can you ask ordinary people to imagine extraordinary means? "

"How can we change this? Is this an unsolvable problem?" Louise frowned.

Harley said without hesitation: “The solution is very simple, just re-legislate for superpowers.

Super criminals in the United States can return to the world every once in a while. The fundamental reason is the country's laws, which are established for ordinary people and do not apply to superpowers.

For example, put a bomb in the head of each super criminal that is enough to blow up the soul, and it will explode immediately after leaving the prison wall.

Even if the prisoners are not provided with handcuffs, shackles and special cells, you will see who among them dares to escape.

The technology of installing bombs in the head is very simple for today's earth.

But this is illegal.

Today's laws not only protect people's lives and property, but also pay more attention to people's rights.

Human rights are even higher than the overall interests of the entire society.

Because the makers of laws are individuals and the social elites of the United States, they certainly do not want their will to be overwhelmed or replaced by the collective public. "

"Do you support special legislation for superpowers and the establishment of bills to protect the collective power of society and suppress individual power?" Clark asked.

"Of course. I don't support it. There is something wrong with me legislating against myself!" Harley said matter-of-factly.

"If anyone dares to plant a bomb in the head of a super criminal, Senator Quinn will definitely impeach him in Congress," she added.

Clark's mouth twitched, "I thought you really wanted to set up death penalty for super criminals."

"No, I stand in the same position as you superheroes."

——We are all inseparable from super criminals.

You need them to maintain your superhero career, and I need them to do things and gain experience, and then be harvested by me.

"That's not what you said before." Clark said.

Harley sighed: "I am also a human being. People have two hearts, conscience and selfishness. My conscience tells me that harsh punishments for super criminals will help protect the interests of most ordinary people."

Clark felt a little uncomfortable. According to what she said, they opposed the death penalty for superheroes, which went against her conscience. Are they disregarding the safety of the people?

But their original intention is to respect life and hope to give everyone a chance to change their ways.

Harley could tell he was uncomfortable.

She also made him uncomfortable on purpose.

"Hey, it's ironic, right? I am a "reactionary" of superpowers, but I insist on establishing a bill that severely treats superpowers, just for the general public.

The Justice League represents justice and fairness, but they are unwilling to take their own lives as superpowers.

We did what the other party should do. You are progressive people and you should have insisted on reforming yourself to show your fearless "lonely warrior" spirit.

I am a reactionary official, a reactionary big capitalist, and a Taoist emperor, but I have become a lone brave man. What kind of world is this! "

Clark's cheeks turned red and he wanted to retort loudly, saying that he did not do anything "reactionary".

But even if Hallie exaggerated, Zhenglian did not think of the people, but in fact, she was right.

Louise said solemnly: "If harsh punishment of superpower criminals is beneficial to ordinary people, why does the national government, the representative of ordinary people, hold the opposite attitude to you?

The Alien Crime Bill was not enacted by Zhenglian. Zhenglian only expressed its support. The people who formulated it were ordinary people and legal experts. "

"Can the U.S. government represent ordinary people? Are you kidding? Even the American people themselves don't think so." Harley sneered.

Louise choked, "The U.S. government certainly does not represent the interests of superpowers."

"The topic is too far-fetched and it's boring to talk about it. If nothing's wrong, should I hang up?"

Clark wanted to talk to her in detail about Meng Ge and his 'revolution', but after all, the problem had not been resolved.

But when he opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say or where to say it.

Harley had made it clear.

That night, Clark tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Also suffering from insomnia like him are Bateman, Firestorm and Mr. Excellence.

Bateman's reasons for insomnia were the same as Clark's.

Firestorm and Mr. Excellence have trouble sleeping and eating because they have become Mongo's caretakers inexplicably.

Not only are they currently stationed outside the temporary cell of Meng Ge, but they will also be responsible for any jailbreaks in the future.

In fact, the Pentagon and White House bosses also have trouble sleeping.

The next afternoon, General Lane came to Quinn Manor in person.

"Harry, Meng escaped from prison and killed so many people. What do you think should be done with him?"

"That's really weird. The Alien Crimes Bill is there, and I'm not a lawyer."

General Lane smiled bitterly and said: "If we do things according to the law, why should I come to you? I also know that you are not a lawyer."

Harley didn't answer or speak.

General Lane had no choice but to express his purpose directly in a tactful tone: "Harley, in terms of vision, neither the Pentagon nor the Justice League is as good as you.

If you go according to your previous plan and let Meng Ge die of illness in prison because of his acclimatization, how many innocent families will be spared the pain of losing their fathers, sons and husbands.

The Justice League killed Jim Gordon and indirectly killed nearly two thousand people this time. "

Harley smiled weirdly and said, "What, you want Gordon to try again?"

General Lane nodded quickly and then asked doubtfully: "Isn't Gordon dead? Can we still try?"

Harley did not explain what happened to Gordon, but just shook her head and said: "After Gordon died, I secretly swore to myself that those who stopped him from 'slaying the dragon in his dream' should pay the due price. Therefore, I will never do anything to Meng Ge again." Take action."

"What is the connection between making the Justice League pay the price and taking action against Mongo?" General Lane asked confused.

Harley chuckled and said: "The connection is too great, even if you want to deal with the heroes of the Justice League, it's useless to kill them.

Destroying their bodies only strengthened their will and beliefs.

And many heroes are my friends, how can I hurt my friends?

You can't kill people, you can only kill your heart.

If I let Meng Ge die of illness, they would blame me for once, and then feel relieved, completely throwing away the double mental and physical burden of "worrying about Meng Ge running away again". "

"So, it was obviously you who went after Meng Ge, but you didn't take the opportunity to kill him?"

General Ryan secretly cursed the pervert in his heart. While saying that he couldn't bear to hurt his friends, he used the most violent means to kill their hearts.

"I can't let Meng Ge die of illness, but you can. It's not technically difficult." Harley smiled strangely.

"We." General Lane looked hesitant.

"Look for the Shadow Bureau, they are all masters of black magic." Harley said.

"It's not because of technology, but because we did it, which is tantamount to committing a taboo." General Lane said slowly.

"What are the taboos? Even the president of the United States can have a lot of imagination. How many times have you assassinated the presidents of southern countries?"

General Lane said with a solemn expression: "The president is just an ordinary person, and his methods of revenge are also very ordinary. There is no way he can compare with super criminals.

If the government secretly murders super criminals in prisons, it will be an "open brain" and it will become the consensus of the world.

For our own safety, super criminals will definitely attack us.

The government cannot bear it. "

"So, you come to me and want me to take the blame? Do I look like you've been taken advantage of?" Harley sneered.

"No one dares to bother you."

Harley sneered several times and asked, "Now that I have made my attitude clear, what are you going to do?"

General Lane said helplessly: "No one can force you. If you don't do it, the only choice is the Pentagon. Well, maybe Wade can take the blame."

"Which Wade?"

"An old subordinate of mine used to be in charge of the Super Crime Defense Division. He let Major Divinity take the blame for his failed attempt to seize the Green Lantern inheritance and was dismissed from his position.

Let him be reinstated and let him and the Defense Department shoulder this heavy responsibility. "

At the end of the sentence, General Lane showed a relaxed smile on his face.

"You seem to be very impatient. Is there any other reason that I don't know about?"

General Lane nodded and said: "If Meng Ge didn't touch 'our' war fortress, the military wouldn't be in a hurry to kill him.

He dares to take action against the fortress, and he also has the highest authority that even Steel Skeleton cannot shut down. We won't feel at ease until he dies. "

Harry suddenly realized, everyone on earth knows what kind of virtues Americans have. For arms orders worth billions of dollars, or energy markets worth tens of billions, they can launch a war to destroy the country, and the value of a war fortress.

Even if it becomes the "War Damaged Edition of Harley Quinn" and is placed in the "seafood market" of the universe, it can be exchanged for at least ten literary stars.

Nowadays, mere alien devils and alien prisoners dare to threaten the interests of the "American country" worth ten cultural stars. It is strange that the Pentagon has no evil hands.

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