I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1019 The Emperor’s Horse

Metropolis, the Kent family's new apartment.

Half past nine in the evening.

Clark Kent wore black-rimmed glasses and lay on the sofa with a tired look. Although his eyes were staring at the LEX LCD TV in front of him, they seemed to have lost focus.

He pressed the remote control casually with his right hand.

"Stab it~~"

On the CNN news channel, a well-known editorial commentator was speaking harshly to the beautiful host: “In less than two months, the Earth’s first interstellar prison has become a big joke.

It turns out that both the Justice League and those Justices are fanciful and daydreaming.

Do you think that relying on the reputation of golden nuclear bombs to make alien civilizations look at us differently, the earth's civilization is really as advanced as them?

Nonsense, we are a primary civilization that has not yet left the earth, and we are a ‘primitive civilization’ in the eyes of higher civilizations.

Since we are a primitive civilization, we should have the consciousness of "I am a barbarian".

What happened to sentencing alien criminals to death?

Being uncivilized and uninterstellar will surprise our alien allies?

Has any alien civilization officially established diplomatic relations with us?

Apart from tearing apart Man, what benefits have the aliens brought to the earth, and why should we please them? "

Clark sighed and pressed the remote control.

On the Los Angeles Evening News, the camera scanned the rows of corpses, many of the shots were mosaic-ed, and the host’s voiceover sounded: “A total of 325 prison guards, including the warden, none of them survived.

Facing the extraordinary prisoners, their safe house was like a cardboard box, easily torn apart.

Then, like opening cans to get luncheon meat, they were picked out by super criminals and killed in various cruel ways.

Because there are many alien prisoners in Slab Prison, some of them even have the habit of eating organic life raw, that is, eating our compatriots, just like we eat canned meat.

In addition, when we look up at the sky, we can see with the naked eye a 'star' that is synchronized with the earth, Mongo's war fortress.

After the Galactic Admiral seized this trophy, he selflessly presented it to all the people of Earth.

Other countries have not yet had time to land, and our country, the United States, has priority in exploration. Over the past few days, a total of 824 scientific and technological workers have arrived, as well as 300 space soldiers responsible for outer space operations.

Unfortunately, when Mongo escapes from prison, they don't have time to escape.

It was very cruel, Mongo absolutely hated the people on Earth, and did not let them go because they were non-combatants, let alone keep them as prisoners of war like we did with his gladiators.

He didn't treat us as human beings.

They all died, burned into skeletons by energy rays, and smashed into pulp by fists."

"Alas!" Clark's face became even more dejected. He couldn't bear to look at those scenes and changed the channel again.

ABC News broadcasts live footage of "Adolwa Air Force Base" in real time.

Most of those killed in developing War Fortress had military backgrounds or were being employed by the Pentagon.

The body is currently being flown to the air force base closest to Slab Island.

"Ooooh, daddy."

In the footage, an eight-year-old black girl was crying with tears in her eyes, and her mother also held her in her arms and cried silently.

The camera switched to an old woman in her fifties next to her.

"Jamie, my son, he is only 23 years old. He is still studying for a master's degree at MIT and will graduate tomorrow. He is so good that he has even received an offer from Paradise Mountain Technology Company, woo woo woo."

Clark couldn't help but close his eyes and also wanted to close his ears.

This woman is very similar to his mother Martha, not in appearance, but in her simple temperament and love for her son.

He pressed the remote control again, and a familiar female voice reached his ears. When he opened his eyes, he saw "Qingmei" Lana Lang.

This is an exclusive interview, Lana Lang’s exclusive interview with Harley, alongside two Justice League superheroes, Firestorm and Mr. Excellence.

"I thought it would be the Zhenglian giants who would be the 'representatives' of superheroes. Of course, I don't mean to look down on you two."

Dachao seemed to see the message "please despise me and let me leave" on Mr. Excellence's black face.

Firestorm next to him was even more restless, and from time to time he would turn his eyes to Harley, who was sitting upright with a serious face.

"Reporter Lang, Firestorm's combat power is at the T0 level in the Justice League. He can become the absolute main C. Whether he can subdue Mongo who is preparing to escape from prison for the second time in the future depends entirely on him."

Hearing Harley's comment that he was a hero with T0 combat power and returned to C, Firestorm smiled "shyly" and felt excited in his heart.

He has never received such high praise.

But then, it's up to him to prevent Mongo from escaping from prison for the second time?

In other words, if Mongol breaks out of prison again and starts another massacre, is he fully responsible?

——No, I can’t, I’m beyond my power!

Old Professor Stein shouted in his heart.

"As for this outstanding gentleman, just by his name, you can tell how outstanding he is. In fact, he is the most intelligent person in the Justice League, and he is the third in the world in scientific research, technology and strategizing.

Well, the first wise people are left to future generations, and the second wise people are the sages under the feet of excellence.

He can see far because he stands on the shoulders of giants! I humbly consider myself third in the world.

With his resourcefulness, any evil thoughts and plans of Meng Ge and those alien criminals will be able to escape and be aborted. "

Mr. Excellence's dark face turned red.

"Now, Reporter Lang, do you understand? They are both powerful and can be called Zhuge Liang and Guan Yunchang of the Justice League.

I know that the purpose of this interview is to discuss the Mongo jailbreak incident and future prevention and response measures.

These answers all lie with Zhenglian Zhuge Liang and American Guan Yunchang. Just ask them. They are the protagonists. I will check and fill in the gaps. "

Reporter Lang really turned his cautious eyes to "Zhenglian Zhuge Liang" and said, "I didn't expect Admiral Yinhe to speak so highly of you, but I believe she won't do it without aim.

Mr. Excellence, can you tell us how to solve the Mongo problem from both technical and tactical aspects? "

"That's it." Mr. Zhuo Zhiguo gritted his teeth and searched for a solution.

——I’m sorry, my brain is empty, what should I do? Now countless people are watching the interview, and it will be broadcast by countless alien media in the next few days. What should I do? Who will save me?

"Oh, it's terrible." Clark shook his head and changed the channel.

BBC Commentary Today.

"I think there is nothing wrong with the Alien Crimes Act itself. Mongo's escape is a special event and cannot become a routine or representative event."

Clark's eyes lit up. This commentator was insightful. At least he didn't follow others' opinions.

He turned over and sat up, adjusted his glasses, and watched carefully.

“If you want the happiness of interstellar civilization, you have to experience the pain of interstellar civilization. This pain is called sacrifice.

Nearly 2,000 people died today, but there are more than 7 billion people on our planet.

Pain only happens to a handful of people, but happiness is enjoyed by seven billion of us.

What if a jailbreak happens again in the future? We have the Justice League, who can bring the prisoner back.

We have police officers who are not afraid of sacrifice and can once again build a more perfect and sound prison. "

"What are you talking about?" Clark was so angry that he almost smashed up his apartment.

If he misses and hits the remote control hard, the remote control will be like a meteor and blow up the building.

"Have you not noticed his identity? Professor Rob Vince, one of the drafters of the Alien Crime Act, and a White House legal adviser who receives a government subsidy."

Louise was wearing a nightgown, wiping her wet hair as she walked over and sat next to her husband, "The butt determines the head. He is representing himself, the drafters of the bill, and the U.S. government, but only It doesn’t represent the people.”

"You also think the Alien Crime Bill is wrong now?" Clark said frustrated.

Louise immediately shook her head, but her tone was very hesitant, "In the long run, the bill is absolutely correct, but..."

After a moment of pause, she frowned and said, "Is this an unexpected single incident, or is it an irreparable safety flaw?"

"We really built Slab Island according to the standards of the highest-level super prison in the 'Throne World'. Mr. Miracle designed the private cell for Mongo. Even Orion, who had seen the Genesis Prison, was full of praise. " Clark sighed.

"Since the prison has no flaws, how did Mengge escape?" Louise asked doubtfully.

"He suddenly broke off the restraint gloves made of the white dwarf star core, and then tore off the shackles and belt made of the same material. It was probably a burst of power."

Dachao thought about himself, he might be able to crush the white dwarf star core, after all, he found the star core.

Thinking about it this way, it’s not surprising that Meng Ge was able to escape from prison.

But the Star Core Gloves are not the only defense

Louise pondered: "Judging from Harley Quinn's reaction, she seems to have been waiting for this day."

"Indeed, I haven't seen her as excited as she is today for a long time."

"Why is she 100% sure that Mongo will escape from prison?" Louise asked.

Clark frowned and said, "Do you suspect Harley of causing trouble? She can definitely do it, but I definitely don't believe she would do that."

Louise shook her head and said: "I don't believe she will secretly do anything to release Meng Ge. What I mean is that you should ask her for advice on how to imprison Meng Ge.

She is sure that Meng Ge will escape from prison, which means that she has seen the loopholes in Slab Prison, or has gained insight into something deeper. "

Clark's eyes lit up, he hugged his wife's face excitedly, gave her a breath, and said excitedly: "Why didn't I think of this before? I'll go find her right now."

Louise pulled him and said, "There's no need to go there in person. She might be resting now, so just use the video call."

Clark did as he was told.

As soon as the call was connected, he judged from the voice coming from the other side that Harley was not sleeping, and was watching news related to Mongo's prison escape like him.

In addition to the newscaster's voice, there were bursts of heartfelt laughter.

Eighty percent of them are laughing at their incompetence.

Clark looked a little unnatural, and when he saw Harley on the phone screen, he always felt that the corners of her mouth curled up, and there was a faint sneer in her eyes.

"Why are you looking for me so late?" Harry really grinned as soon as he opened his mouth.

Clark felt more and more on pins and needles, like thorns on his back, and like a lump in his throat.

After pondering for a while, he asked the question.

"Yes, I had guessed that he would escape from prison, not because I discovered any security holes, and I am not an escape expert.

The reason is simple.

There is an allusion that a certain minister of a certain dynasty saw the usually frugal emperor asking his attendants to help him find the best horse one day, and he immediately judged that the emperor was going to be extravagant and extravagant.

Because if you have the best horse in the world, you have to match it with the most expensive saddle.

With the best saddle in the world, he himself had to put on the most luxurious hunting clothes.

Wear the most luxurious riding and hunting clothes, and your regular clothes must also be upgraded accordingly.

In the end, the emperor would wear the best and most luxurious clothes, food, housing and transportation. Isn't that just a sign of extravagance?

Your Alien Crimes Act gives human rights to alien criminals.

With human rights, he will naturally not be mistreated in prison. He must be given food, food, things to use, and things to play with (ps). These are all opportunities for him.

A strong man of Meng Ge's level would have a certain chance of escaping even if he was guarded with the cruelest means.

This is an unchangeable fact.

If you let him eat in the prison cafeteria, he has a one-thousandth chance of escaping; if you let him go out for fun, his chance of escaping is one-thousandth; if you let him have the opportunity to interact with other prisoners and prison guards, there is another one-thousandth chance.

In the end, the chance of him escaping from jail is 999/1000 times 999/1000 times. Haha, use your super brain to calculate, how many months is the expected value of his escape? "

(ps: I saw at Station B that European and American prisoners can also play Xbox 360 in prison, and can even smuggle mobile phones in. Prisoners can use their mobile phones to surf the Internet and play games with foreign netizens.

It's not just limited to ordinary prisoners, it can also kill people who are strong and strong. )

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