I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1018 Damn it, Harley is so petty.

A punch opened the head of Major Shenli, making a hole as big as the mouth of a cup. Purple-red liquid emitting radioactive energy gurgled out. He himself screamed and fell to the ground, twitching several times without moving.

Harley clenched her fists and was a little stunned. She shouldn't be so strong.

Even if a quantum critical strike is triggered, the basic attack is there, and then a critical strike, or a direct attack on the existence field, will not have this strength.

"Omaika, did you beat him to death?" Several heroes nearby exclaimed.

"He is not dead and will not die."

Harley looked around, and the corpses of prison guards in interstellar suits could be seen everywhere, in the ruins at the feet of the shouting heroes.

"Major Divine is equivalent to a weakened version of Captain Atom. It is an energy body composed of quantum radiation energy, separated from the structure of the mortal body." Wonder Woman retracted the mantra lasso and explained.

Harley sarcastically said: “I think you should pay more attention to the prison guards who were brutally murdered by super criminals, and the ordinary people who may be killed by absconding criminals.

Instead of surrounding me and showing mercy to a scumbag who deserves to be cut to pieces. "

The heroes looked at each other and frowned.

Wonder Woman said: "Harley, you are fast, let me chase the fugitive."

high speed?

Harley lowered her head and glanced at Yebi. Just now, it was carrying him and charging towards Major Mighty. The speed was at least over 70 points.

No wonder she could blow his "iron head" off with one punch.

Maybe she should become a female knight in the future, riding a dog and charging on the battlefield?

"If I chase them, they will only run away faster. And there is no one left now. Where can I chase them?"

"Well, you should have hidden your figure just now."

Wonder Woman was speechless when she thought that as soon as Harley showed up, the super criminals who had been at odds with the hero immediately became frightened and fled in all directions.

When the Justice League arrived with a large force, the group of super criminals who were killing prison guards everywhere in the prison shouted excitedly: "Brothers, we have the advantage, kill the Justice League and avenge ourselves!"

When Tearman arrived, they did not flinch. Instead, they fought over each other and shouted: "Tearman is my lifelong enemy. Anyone who robs me is an enemy of me!"

As a result, the witch Harley rode her dog to the outskirts of the battlefield. Before she got close or joined the battle, all the super criminals, regardless of foreigners, domestics, earthlings, aliens, superpowers, technological monsters or aliens, The dimension mages all screamed and fled.

Why is there such a big gap in treatment?

Isn't the Justice League supposed to be crime-busters and make enemies fearful?

Not only Wonder Woman was lost in thought, but all the superheroes who had participated in the battle were confused.

"She doesn't even work as a superhero on weekdays, so why is she more prestigious than us in the circle of super criminals?" On the edge of the battlefield, the telescopic man asked Mr. Excellence next to him in a low voice.

"I think you have confused 'prestige' and 'fear'. You can say she is majestic, but prestige is obviously not suitable for today's scene." Mr. Zhuo Zhuo said.

"Okay, why is she more majestic than us?" The telescopic man followed suit.

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo pondered for a moment, then whispered into his ear: "Haven't you heard? She often goes to the prison where super criminals are held to torture the prisoners."

"Of course I know, but under normal circumstances, they should hate her more and want to seek revenge from her."

Mr. Excellence shook his head and said: "Harley Quinn specifically challenges the most proud and special talents of super criminals, using extremely cruel methods to destroy their confidence, courage and even personality in all aspects, from psychology to body to soul.

In their eyes, she may no longer be considered a person, but a demon.

At least it left a shadow as thick and terrifying as a god or demon in their hearts.

However, this method of hers is too extreme and not suitable for our superheroes. "

Eagle Girl had been listening on the side. When she heard this, she couldn't help but said: "I also want my enemies to be afraid of me. I think this is majesty, the supreme 'prestige'.

Didn’t Batman bluntly say that he should use fear to deter the evil forces of Gotham? "

"Yes, super criminals don't dare to face Harley Quinn. I also think she is very majestic." Firestorm said.

Mr. Excellence rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, and said slowly: "I'm afraid the focus and trouble now is not who is more majestic or domineering, the Justice League or Harley Quinn."

"What's the meaning?"

"The biggest problem with Mongo's escape from prison is not the capture of the criminal, but after the capture of Mongo, it lies in our Alien Crimes Act and the different positions of the Justice League and Harley Quinn."

The black man with eyepatch frowned more and more as he spoke, "When I look at her face now, I always feel that the corners of her mouth are curved upward, which is a sarcastic smile.

As she glanced over, her eyes seemed to show mockery of us and our ideas. "

"Are you thinking too much? I didn't see anything." Eagle Girl doubted.

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo shook his head and said: "No, I'm afraid I think too little. She hasn't left yet, and she probably wants to embarrass us and make us laugh."

"I think you are out of your mind and your ideas are too weird." Firestorm said strangely.

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo said seriously: "You don't have to believe my words, but don't insult my wisdom.

The man standing in front of you is the third smartest person in the universe. "

"Third?" Firestorm looked disdainful, and the surrounding heroes also had strange expressions.

——Even if you brag about not having to pay taxes, you only dare to think of yourself as "third". It's really a bit low!

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo noticed their expressions and said calmly: "The first is to save the future, and the second is to respect the past. I am the third wisest person in the world."

"Hiss~~" Firestorm took a breath of hot air, this guy

The eyes and expressions of the heroes next to him changed, and they were obviously more respectful.

Regardless of whether he is the third smartest person in history or not, it is definitely extraordinary to be able to say such lofty words.

When Mr. Zhuo Zhuo saw this, he was secretly proud and grateful.

Thanks to Harley for helping him correct his mistakes that day, otherwise he would have been acting coquettishly.

Although Mr. Excellence likes to show off, he is not very good at showing off and has to rely on Harley's guidance, but he is indeed a rare "smart general" in the Justice League, and he can guess Harley's thoughts and actions.

When the "Mongo Prison Break Incident" came to an end for the time being, Harley immediately called all the heroes together and first directed them to clean up the ruins with their own hands, find the bodies of each victim prison guard, and put them aside.

At the same time, the cordon was also lifted, allowing the TV station's helicopter to approach the airspace of Slab Island.

Then she arranged for flying superheroes to go to outer space, remove the mutilated limbs of the killed scientists and space soldiers, and place them side by side with those of the prison guards.

Finally, he threw the burnt Mongo to the ground and said, "Mr. President has once again authorized me to be the 'Galaxy Admiral'."

——So whatever I criticize you next will be well-founded and well-established. You can’t just contradict your boss casually.

I don’t know how many people understood her subtext.

She continued: "Meng Ge's escape capsule has entered the hyperspace wormhole. If I hadn't arrived in time, he would have definitely escaped.

Use your superpower brains to think about how he will take revenge on the earth after he regains his strength?

There are also these people, prison guards, scientists, and space soldiers. They are all the real heroes of the earth. Now they are all dead. Their deaths are meaningless, but they are certainly very worthless.

They should have become social elites and the backbone of civilization in their own fields. They should not have the task of supervising super criminals because they do not have the ability.

Now they are dead, their wives, children and children have lost their fathers, sons and husbands, and nearly two thousand families have been torn apart.

This could all have been avoided, you all know what I mean.

Whose responsibility is this, and whose fault is it?

How should we make up for our mistakes next and prevent such incidents from happening again?

In other words, do you really have the ability to prevent tragedies from happening again? "

After saying that, she remained expressionless and only glanced at the heroes with stern eyes.

At this moment, not to mention the smart heroes with "super brains", ordinary elm-headed people also understood that she put the responsibility for the accident on them and ridiculed their "superhero concept".

Although her expression was serious and there was no sarcastic curve at the corner of her mouth, many people who caught her gaze felt that there was a cold and contemptuous sneer on her face.

They stood restlessly and lowered their heads subconsciously.

Dachao sighed in his heart, stood up and said slowly: "Perhaps, we can hand over powerful super criminals to alien allies for detention."

"Isn't the defense system of Slab Prison completely interstellar and in line with advanced civilization?"

"Theoretically, that's the case, but..." Dachao said hesitantly: "We still don't know how Meng Ge escaped from prison, and we're not sure which link went wrong."

Harley sneered: "If something happens in the Earth Prison, we still have a chance to recover. If Mengge escapes from prison on another planet, we will have to wait for revenge to come."

"If I had known this, I might as well have sent him to hell." A hero muttered in a low voice.

This time, the corners of Harley's mouth really curved up, and she looked specifically at the Zhenglian giant.

Those giants are as powerful as gods. How keen are their perceptions?

He sensed it immediately, and then raised his head to meet her sarcastic eyes.

Dachao subconsciously identified the head.

The Flash looked embarrassed.

Wonder Woman cocked her neck and looked at her with stubborn eyes.

Neptune looked calm and just shrugged.

Cyborg lowered his head, Martian Manhunter looked expressionless, and the Bateman Bat fighter was on its way.

"I've said what needs to be said, what should be done, you guys." Suddenly a strong wind blew above her head. Harry looked sideways and saw that an interview helicopter was lowering its height to let reporters and photographers down.

"The reporter is here, you come with me to be interviewed."

"You said 'we'?" Atom pointed at himself, "Doesn't that include me?"

Harley glanced at the crowd, and many heroes were running away.

"Everyone, no one is allowed to leave, come with me to the press conference." She said sternly.

The old Flash sneered: "I'm old -"

Harley interrupted him and said: "You can run faster than a young man like me. You can run and jump, but you can't talk? If you can talk, you can be interviewed."

The old man lowered his head like a criticized elementary school student.

"I want to pick up my daughter from school." Animal Man said hesitantly.

"Call your wife."

"My wife is pregnant and needs companionship." Neptune said, touching his nose.

"She is accompanied by a baby in her belly."


"Fake, are you finished yet?" Her meaning was so obvious, how dare they make excuses? !

Harley was angry, "Today you must take up the responsibility of superheroes, the people need-"

Superman shouted: "Harley——"

"Don't interrupt me, the people need an explanation. You chose and promoted the "Alien Criminals Act" and resolutely protected Mongo——"

"I'm not a superhero! My brain is broken and I need treatment," the voice from before wailed.

Harley was startled, and turned around to look. The heroes turned sideways to make room, allowing her to see Major Mighty lying on the ground, bleeding profusely.

All the heroes looked at her with strange expressions, and some even had playful looks in their eyes.

Harley, on the other hand, was an old god and was not embarrassed at all, "I know you are a bastard and not a hero, but you also need to explain to the people why you surrendered to the alien devils and committed adultery."

"I'm not a rapist." Major Shenli was so excited that his blood spurted out.

"I saw you commit adultery."

"There are only four reporters. With so many of us, we can't cover them all." Neptune muttered.

"We have plenty of time."

Outside the crowd, Firestorm touched Mr. Excellence, gave a thumbs up and praised: "You are so smart, you guessed that Harley is petty and wants to torture us."

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo nodded proudly, "Just bear with it. She has been holding back for several months and finally waited for this opportunity."

"Mr. Excellence, Firestorm, you two come over and do an exclusive interview with me." Harley's voice without any emotion came over.

"My dear, I forgot that not only is she petty-minded, but she also has sharp ears."

Firestorm Ronnie immediately retracted his consciousness into the "life matrix" and let Dr. Stein come out to control the body.

(ps: Firestorm is the fusion of two people, a strong young man and an old and frail old doctor. The two bodies are fused into one through the life matrix, and the two souls can take turns controlling the body.

Before, it was young Ronnie's consciousness that was controlling "Firestorm". Now he shrank and released the innocent old doctor. )

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