I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1017 is to make the heroes of Zhenglian feel like thorns in the back, like sitting on pins a

"Hehehe, aren't you majestic?"

Seeing Da Chao dumbfounded, Harley smiled proudly and circled him twice.

But with her smile, the majestic aura of the "cold Vulcan" she had created was suddenly broken, and Da Chao recovered.

"Is this your new magic? Have you broken through the realm?"

"Just new clothes."

Harry didn't continue to show off, and patted Yebi's dog's head, "It's all his fault, just like Xiangyun."

"Oh, I changed my 'skin'." Dachao suddenly realized.

"Harry, you were so beautiful and handsome just now!" Ivy said excitedly.

Yebi complained: "In order to achieve this concave shape, she asked me to collect water as a mirror and spend half an hour in outer space. If not, we would have come back long ago."

"Bang!" Harley slapped it hard and scolded: "I complimented you and you jumped up?"

"Harry, next time you can make a flame-shaped red mark between your eyebrows. It will look more cool." Ivy said with a smile.

"Well, let's go back and give it a try." Harry touched his forehead and imagined that scene in his mind. It was indeed very heroic.

"Ivy, you have great taste."

Da Chao was not interested in the beauty topic and asked: "Where is Meng Ge?"

"Here, that's him." Harley pointed at the charred "wooden pile" trailing behind.

Dachao calmed down, and sure enough he saw some of Meng Ge's characteristics in Mu Zhuanzi.

"Omaika, you took the opportunity to burn him to death?"

"Take advantage of the opportunity?" Harley narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Uh, he's not dead?" Da Chao calmed down a little and heard Meng Ge's heartbeat, his expression was a little embarrassed, "You were planning to have Jim Gordon assassinate you before?"

You have wanted Meng Ge dead for a long time. I thought you would kill him on the grounds that "Meng Ge resisted arrest". "

"That's a nice thought," Harley said sarcastically.

"What?" Dachao didn't understand.

Didn't she want Meng Ge to die? How could he say that he wanted to die?

"Who do you think wants Meng Ge to die most and who least wants him to die now?" Harley sneered.

Dachao frowned and said, "You seem to be implying that I hope he dies in the pursuit? Why do you think so?"

Selina's heart moved, and she understood the meaning of Harley's words that Dachao didn't understand.

"Tearing apart, the inside of the war fortress is littered with dead bodies. They are all scientists and space forces who developed the alien technology of the war fortress. There are more than a thousand people. It's so miserable, and there are rivers of blood.

They are all ordinary people, facing Meng Ge's energy rays without any resistance. "She sighed.

"I, I saw it." Dachao's face darkened.

Selina said softly: "Although I didn't go to the scene, the situation on Si Labu Island is probably worse than here.

Today Meng Ge escaped from prison and went on a killing spree, killing many people.

This fact seems to prove that there is a big problem with the ‘alien no-kill law’ advocated by the Justice League.

It also proves that Harley's earlier arrangement for Gordon to execute Mongo was illegal, but it could indirectly save the lives of more than a thousand people today.

Now that Meng Ge is not dead and has been brought back by Harley, what do you plan to do with him?

Find a prison and lock them up, and then repeat today's tragedy in the not-too-distant future?

Over and over again, one day he will become smarter and escape from the earth directly. When we relax our vigilance in the future, we can blow up the earth with a planet-destroying weapon? "

Seeing Da Chao's tangled, annoyed, and depressed emotions all mixed up on her face, Selina sighed: "Harry is really a petty bastard. If Meng Ge died resisting arrest, all the troubles would disappear, but she brought Come back alive."

Ivy didn't understand at first, but now she understands and is angry.

She pushed Selena and said unhappily: "Why let Harley be the 'bad guy', but let these hypocrites continue to have dirty hearts, clean hands, and shining lights?

Harley has done a great job, so it’s time to make them uncomfortable, embarrassed, miserable, and uncomfortable. "

Selena pushed her back, "If you're stupid, don't talk. Am I asking Hallie to take the blame for Zheng Lian?

I was using a tactful tone to explain to Ripman what Harley meant.

You said it so directly and in such an aggressive tone, didn't you see that Mandu was so embarrassed that he was embarrassed?

We are old friends, why do we have to make such a fuss? "

Dachao really can't stand the "quick words" of these women.

He felt that they were singing a double act, taking turns making fun of himself in different ways.

"How to place Mongo next is indeed a big problem, but I never thought of letting him die in the pursuit.

I didn’t even think about asking Harley to be a villain and kill him. I would play a good guy and feel relaxed while reprimanding Harley for not killing people.

I wouldn't do that, that's not who I am. ” he said loudly and seriously.

Harley nodded and said seriously: "Well, I believe you don't think so. You are a gentleman, so I use the method of 'a gentleman bullies his opponent' to deal with you.

The more gentleman you are, the more embarrassed and uncomfortable you will feel when facing the living Mongo I brought back.

If you are a dirty villain, you won't feel embarrassed at all now. There are countless ways for villains to deal with Meng Ge, but it will not bring any psychological burden. "

"Oh, I surrender. Stop talking and go rescue Si Labu Island."

Dachao plunged his head downwards and turned into red light and disappeared into outer space.

"Should we go?" Ivy asked.

"Go and have a look, so as not to be bullied by the Internet." Selina pointed to the ruins of the huge war fortress, "It is easy for people on earth to see it. When they saw that it was motionless, they guessed that the Mongo crisis was over.

The crisis is over here, but some netizens may say strange things if they do not support Si Labu Island. "

Harley said: "I'm going home now. Who dares to say weird things about me? However, we are indeed going to Slab Island. After waiting for more than a month, we finally waited for Meng Ge to escape from prison. I have to be ashamed of those heroes.

The more embarrassed and uncomfortable they are, the more relaxed and happy I am. "

"Yes, we are going to see Zhenglian Joke." Ivy was so excited that she just clapped her hands.

"A lot of people died today." Selina reminded.

Harry immediately said: "It's all Zhenglian's responsibility. Let's remind them to recognize this."

Harley originally expected to see the scene where the battle was over and the heroes were scattered among the ruins of the prison with their heads lowered and sadly mourning the victims.

After all, she did spend a long time in outer space.

Nearly 40 minutes have passed since the level 14 alarm was sounded on Si Labu Island. The prisoners either escaped or were subdued by Zhenglian.

But he didn't expect that when the "Qilin Dog" jumped out of the space door, a sound of shouting and killing rushed towards him.

Dozens of superheroes fought with more than a hundred prison inmates.

"Fake, are the super criminals so rampant? Instead of escaping immediately after escaping from prison, they fight with the vigilantes here? This is a rebellion!" Harley asked in surprise.

Well, she misunderstood.

Most of the people imprisoned on Slab Island are enemies of Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

Every hero has a fan base composed of "lifelong enemies", but now there are too many superheroes, resulting in an insufficient number of super criminals. There are even super criminals who work part-time as fans of several superheroes.

For example, The Flash, Green Lantern, and Bateman often share "fans."

Faced with the shortage of "fans" of super criminals on Earth, Green Lantern decisively gave up on internal involvement, sold domestically and exported, and imported alien super criminals from the universe.

He also has this ability.

So, there are many alien super criminals on Slab Island. Where can they escape?

They are all waiting for Mongo’s alien spaceship!

They stayed where they were and fought with the heroes, and the super criminals native to Earth were unwilling to be cowards—mainly because they saw that I had the advantage and thought it would be profitable.

Thus, the scene that Harley saw appeared.

"Harley Quinn?!" When Harley was confused, someone suddenly looked up at the sky and shouted in a high voice, "The Witch Harley is here, the Witch Harley is here~~~"

"What, Witch Harley? Mother Fake, King Mengge, where are you? Come and save me, Witch Harley is here." An alien who looked like a pterosaur shouted desperately to the sky.

"Witch Harley is here, get out of the way and stay out of the way!"

The tawny rock-skinned silicon-based man drove away the Animal Man who was fighting him, knocked over his fellow criminals in front of him, and sprinted towards the outside.

When he rushed to the beach, he remembered that he was a stone man who couldn't swim. He tried to brake suddenly, but he used too much force and was too late.

He fell headlong into the sea and sank several times.

"Perverted Harley is here, run!" There were many super criminals who reacted the same way as the silicone people. They looked up at the sky and immediately fled in the opposite direction, either flying, running on their feet, or jumping into the sea and disappearing.

In the blink of an eye, most of the scene that was originally hot and tight was cleared, leaving only some superheroes dazed and dazed, and super criminals who tried to escape but were stopped, looking anxious and swearing.

"What's going on? Why are they running away?" Kyle Rayner asked puzzled.

Wonder Woman had a super criminal under her feet, and tied the other with a mantra lasso in her hand. When she heard the words, she just raised her mouth to the sky with a complicated expression.

"I know Harley Quinn is the reason, but why are they afraid of her?" said Green Lantern Jade on the side.

"Why are you afraid of her?" Wonder Woman asked.

The unlucky guy who was stepped on by the metal boots kept silent, and the one who was choked by the mantra lasso happened to be Major Divine Power.

He couldn't help but tell the truth under the influence of magic: "She is a pervert, and she likes to play perverted games with us super criminals.

I don’t know about Slab Island, but I was tortured by her three times on Stryker Island in Metropolis before.

Three times, every time, life would be worse than death.

Okay, okay, let me go, don't let me fall into her hands again. "

"What kind of perverted game?" Jade looked him up and down. His metallic skin was like mercury, his upper body was purple, and his lower body was yellow. He was very ugly. Harley Quinn probably wouldn't play that kind of perverted game with such a person.

Major Divine Power shouted: "She and I are better than each other, so we challenged my specialties. I have 'Silver Armor' skin, and my speciality is immunity to energy and physical attacks, so she competed with me on my ability to withstand blows."

"How?" Even Wonder Woman was aroused by his words.

"Boxing, I punch her, she punches me, she is a devil, she laughs while punching me. Mercy, mercy, let me go." Major Divine Power wailed.

"You're a grown man, and you've torn apart three states with one punch, and you're still afraid of boxing with Harley Quinn? You're a coward!" Jade said with disdain.

"Her punches were different, like a bomb exploding under the skin. She hit me specifically on the head. Her eyes were full of perverted excitement——"

"Hey, Major Shenli, you are so brave, how dare you slander me behind my back!"

The "Qilin Dog" trailed a trail of flames and landed next to Major Divine like a meteor. Harley took advantage of the situation and punched him on the head.

"Boom~" The quantum critical strike happened to be triggered, and a hole directly exploded in the back of Major Divine Power's head.

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