I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1000 Da Chao: Please don’t respect me just because I am your friend.

Harley said: "If I were him or Hal, I had a 'Phoenix' level talent.

I will use the light ring as a medium to understand the essence of green light energy.

Get rid of the shackles of the central energy battery and the Book of Oa, throw the light ring down the toilet and flush it into the Atlantic Ocean, and truly embrace emotional energy.

If you continue to use the platform of the Green Lantern Corps to work hard, no matter how great your achievements are - even if you save the multiverse, Green Lantern will think that you are where you are today, all because of the Green Lantern Corps who made you a Green Lantern, all because of their support, all because of them platform.

Green Lantern will only care about you if you don't care about the Green Lantern Corps. "

Kyle admitted that this was feasible to some extent, but it was too extreme and selfish, and it sounded a bit harsh to him.

"Using the power of the Green Lantern Corps to develop, but in the end abandoning the Lantern Ring, isn't it a traitor and a heartless person?"

"After Superman became Superman, he didn't give up his original job. It's up to you whether you want to give up the light ring or not, but you have to let 'Miss Daughter' understand that you can live a better life without the Green Lantern Corps," Harley said.

"So, what should I do?" Kyle was confused.

Harley said calmly: "Abandon your messy thoughts and constraints, and don't think about the responsibility of rebuilding the legion.

Now you should focus on cultivating, improving yourself, and living your own little life.

When you reach the point where you can use green light energy without the light ring and lamp furnace, you can do whatever you want, be a "heartless man" who starts a new business, or stay on the original platform and be a "dove occupying the magpie's nest" and a crooked son-in-law.

Once you show your ability to be a boss even after leaving the Legion, no matter what your choice, the Little Blue Man and the Green Lantern will kneel down and lick you.

On the contrary, as long as you are inseparable from the Lantern Ring and are constantly being checked and balanced by the "Book of Oa", you will always be just a replaceable head on the majestic tower.

The little blue man treats you like a chamber pot. You use it when you need it and it still smells bad when you don’t.

Green Lantern only uses you as a backup. When the little blue man returns, what happened to Hal Jordan yesterday will happen again. "

"How can I continue to be a Green Lantern if I lose my lantern ring and lantern furnace?" Kyle asked confused.

Harley said disapprovingly: "Does Hal Jordan have a light ring now? He is the most powerful green light at the moment and is the boss!

If he had reached this state earlier, how could he be in the situation he is facing now? "

Da Chao said with a complex expression: "I shouldn't have brought Kyle here to seek 'wisdom' from you. Your suggestions may be useful, but they ultimately lead to tyranny or evil.

It deviates far from the right path that superheroes should take, such as justice, sacrifice, and dedication. "

Harley sarcastically said: "When the Green Lantern Corps of Earth was disbanded, Hal Jordan sacrificed and contributed to the overall situation, silently handing over the rights he had earned.

The majestic inheritor and reinventor of the Green Lantern Corps didn't even get a corps leader.

Forget it, in order to limit his power, the little blue man kept making small tricks. The greatest Green Lantern in history was actually troubled by a yellow flaw and killed millions of people in the city.

This is the reward for taking the ‘right path’.

The little blue men themselves are not on the right path. If you follow them on the 'right path', the road will be skewed, the car will be crooked, the car will be crashed and people will be killed.

Now Kyle is also the inheritor, shouldering the responsibility of rebuilding the Green Lantern Corps.

The result was even worse. As soon as he took the "right path" arranged by the little blue man, his girlfriend crooked into the refrigerator. "

"Harley!" Dachao shouted sternly.

Harley glanced at Kyle, who suddenly had red eyes and a painful expression, and stopped talking.

Dachao sighed and spoke slowly: "Kyle, although what Harley said doesn't sound good, it seems to make some sense.

Don't think too much now, put aside the responsibilities of the legion for now.

Don’t be bothered by Tomato’s enthusiastic expectations, encouragement and encouragement, just live your own life.

In addition, you have to practice hard and try to get rid of the shackles of "The Book of Oa". The Guardian is indeed not authentic in this regard.

When you have nothing to ask for from the Green Lantern Corps or the Guardians, you truly control the direction of your destiny. "

What he said was almost the same as what Harley said before.

It shows that he has actually been convinced by Harley.

"Those Green Lanterns in Tomato don't even want to work to support themselves, so let's send them away," said Harley.

"Working? It's not even a part-time job, right? The star coins they have are enough for daily expenses." Dachao asked doubtfully.

Harry said: "A few days ago, the chicken-headed man Tomato came to Quinn Manor and wanted to be with the Lion Shark, so I invited him to stay in the manor and be a 'green light tutor'.

He had promised well at the time, but when the news came that Kyle had recast the lamp furnace, he immediately abandoned Helena and ran away. "

"Let the deputy commander of the legion tutor a three-year-old child?" Da Chao's mouth twitched, "You really can think of it."

Harley glanced sideways at him, "Even the most powerful god of war in the universe and the most powerful god of war in heaven is teaching Helena martial arts. How can he, a down-and-out lantern who lost his lantern ring, be wronged?"

"Helena is only three years old, doesn't it matter?"

His grandma takes Jonathan out to chase pigeons in the park every day.

"You think being a superhero is easy?"

Harley glanced at Kyle, "If you don't work hard today, you will be miserable tomorrow.

There is only a moment to stand in the sun and enjoy the applause.

More often than not, superheroes have to face darkness and cruelty that are far beyond what ordinary people can encounter. "

——What's going on? Why do you think what Harley said makes sense again? Every time he questioned her, she could say something that convinced him.

Dachao's expression was tangled.

"Miss Quinn, I understand what to do." Kyle rubbed his face, feeling better, and asked expectantly: "Can you help me channel Alex's soul?

She has always been a good person, she should go to heaven now, right? "

"Is Alex a Christian?" Harley took out her phone and asked.

“Even though we don’t go to church, she and I both believe in God.”

"Just wait a moment."

Harley turned on her phone and started fiddling with it.

Dachao stretched his head over and observed with his super vision. He found that she first entered the watchdog, then opened it and downloaded an APP called "Book of Life and Death".

The Book of Life and Death APP page is extremely simple. There is only one search box. Enter "Alix" and hundreds of messages will pop up immediately.

Then he saw Harley choose the time and place, there was only one entry left, and there was a photo of a white young woman with long blond hair, that was Alex.

"I bought it!" Dachao immediately exclaimed when Harley clicked to enter.

There is only one bloody word in the entry: evil spirit.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked nervously.

"It's a pity that your girlfriend neither went to heaven nor to hell. She became a ghost and stayed in the world. It seems that she has committed at least one murder at the moment." Harley said.

"Wraith?" Kyle, who had always been materialistic, was a little confused.

"Have you seen The Ring? Your girlfriend Cheng Jiaye." Harley said.

"Gaya Coco is a character in "The Grudge"." Dachao reminded her that she was wrong.

"Does it matter?"

Dachao glanced at Kyle who was holding his head and moaning "Oh, No~~"

It really doesn't matter.

"Are you sure? I have never seen this Book of Life and Death APP before." He asked.

"What I just asked Richie to write is actually just one function - to realize the database connection between the watchdog and the Golden Palace of Silver City. It is a very simple small program and very practical."

"Really? Check Hal." Da Chao asked curiously.

"No one from Hal is dead, how can we check?"

"I have read "Journey to the West" and know about the 'Book of Life and Death', which records his life. With experience, I can guess Hal's state at this time." Dachao said.

"You use Buddhist rules to ask God? How brave are you? Are you not afraid of going to hell?"

Dachao said helplessly: "You created the 'Book of Life and Death'."

"My book of life and death is an 'APP for checking life and death'. Can it be the same as the pagan 'book of life and death' you talk about?"

Dachao knew that he could not win against her no matter what, so he simply ended the topic, turned to Kyle who was covering his face and crying bitterly, and comforted:

"Don't worry, there are mage heroes in Zhenglian who are good at exorcism, and they will definitely be able to help you solve Alex's problem."

"Kill him like we did to Kayako?" Kyle asked fearfully.

"No, I'm just helping her out." Dachao wasn't too sure either.

Harley pursed her lips and did not take the initiative to take on the exorcism task.

If you use 'God Exorcism' to help Alex, it will definitely involve the military and the inheritance of the lamp ring.

But she had already made a decision in her mind not to get involved in Kyle's bad things.

If Alex was an ordinary person and Kyle was an ordinary person, and they were unable to take revenge, Harley would be filled with righteous indignation and look for opportunities to smash the heads of Major Mighty and the people behind the scenes.

The problem is that Kyle Rayner is not an ordinary person, and he is fully capable of dealing with the murderer on his own.

If she goes to meddle in other people's business, isn't it because the dog is trying to get rid of the mouse?

Dachao and Kyle didn't want her to help exorcise the demon. After asking about the location of Alex's ghost to no avail, the two prepared to leave.

Before soaring into the sky, Da Chao suddenly remembered something, "Harry, you went to the Dream Kingdom a few days ago?"

Harley nodded.

"For the turbulence of the river of time?"

Harley nodded again.

Dachao hesitated and said: "Are you asking for the reason, or are you preparing for the 'universe restart'?"

"I didn't ask the reason, and I didn't make complete preparations." Harley understood what he was thinking and said directly: "I want to use the Book of Dreams to lock the 'life IDs' of my relatives and friends just like during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

But if I really restart the universe this time, I may not necessarily control the process, and having a life ID is of little use. "

"Who knows what will happen in the future? You must have hope, so you have made preparations, right?" Dachao said.

"Well, Brother Mo has put the dream book codes I need in a 'room', and I have also made special arrangements for them.

Not sure how effective it will be, but you must be prepared.

Even if I don’t have a dominant position in the restart, I will fight for some authority, and relying on that authority to preserve my own life is enough. "

At the end of the sentence, Harley had a relaxed and proud smile on her face.

If you only have the Dream Book, it will only take a few days.

This time she and Morpheus have made more and more complete preparations, and the effect will be better than last time.

As long as you keep your own life, others can restart it.

Restarting the super criminal is equivalent to refreshing the "experience monster", which can only be good for her.

Dachao took a few steps closer to her and asked with a tangled look: "This time, is it the same as last time, did you choose someone you know or have been in contact with?"

Seeing his expression, Harley smiled and said, "Don't worry, I learned my lesson this time and won't make the same mistake as Crisis on Infinite Earths again."

The confusion on Dachao's face was replaced by worry, "There are some heroes you know. Have you considered their attitudes?"

Harley smiled again, "Don't think about it."

"Why don't you think about it? Didn't you say you learned the lesson?" Dachao frowned.

"Because I didn't consider them at all. This time I only protected ordinary people who are familiar with me. I stay far away from them, how can they blame me?"

Harley was very proud of her cleverness.

Dachao's eyes widened, "You ignore them? That's not what I meant! I mean you should discuss it with them, and after understanding their demands, include their interpersonal relationships in the 'vault'."

"No, I can't interfere in the lives of heroes casually. Their right to freedom is sacred and inviolable." Harley shook her head firmly.

Dachao was anxious, "What about me? You don't care about my mother, my family and friends?"

"Although we are old friends, I still respect your freedom and rights."

Dachao opened his mouth and almost blurted out a sentence: Don't "respect" me just because we are old friends, and I don't want to be free anymore.

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