I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 999 Harley teaches you how to be a high-quality Phoenix man

It wasn't until a week later that Kyle Rayner, accompanied by Da Chao, came to Quinn Manor.

"I was planning to come here four days ago, but I heard from Bateman that you went to work in Silver City—"

Harry waved his hand and sighed: "I went, but I didn't make it. I've been drinking at Brother Morpheus's these days."

Da Chao was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "What do you mean you didn't go?"

Harley glanced at Kyle. He had a gloomy expression and his head was lowered, making him appear nonexistent.

"I'm not allowed to come in and insist on giving me a day off."


Harry frowned and said, "Ask me why, haven't you gone to inquire about the unrest in the Mother River of Time these days?"

"Oh, it turns out it's for the chaos of the Mother River of Time." Dachao suddenly realized, "We have arranged for Zatanna, Orion, and Mr. Miracle to be responsible for this matter. We have been busy with other things recently."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Kyle.

"Is Paradise going to close down again?" Dachao asked again.

"Business as usual, but strict entry and exit restrictions. I can go in, but I can't leave until the time crisis is over."

In reply, Harley asked curiously: "What are you busy with?"

Dachao looked at the new Green Lantern again and sighed: "Kyle's matter is a bit troublesome."

Harley heard that it was about Kyle Rayner. Although she didn't know what it was, she lost 80% of her interest. She just said lightly: "The light ring is out of energy? Do you want to recharge it?"

"No, he has a complete green light inheritance and does not need to find an ion shark to recharge."

Dachao sighed and was about to tell Kyle Rayner's miserable experience when he suddenly caught a glimpse of little Helena on the sofa opposite.

The child had two pigtails and sat there as neatly as an adult, looking at them quietly with his big, clear, bright blue eyes.

"This is Helena, how old is she?" Dachao frowned.

"Don't you know how old she is?"

There was some ambiguity in these words. Dachao was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized that Helena and his Jonathan were born around the same time.

Can Jonathan understand adults at his age?

This little girl seems to understand, she is very smart.

Several thoughts swirled in Dachao's mind, and he said: "Let Helena go play outside."

"Whatever you say, no matter what she does." Harley said.

"What I said is not suitable for children to hear. It's too cruel." Dachao sighed.

Harley wanted to ask how cruel he was, but suddenly saw Kyle beside him with wet eyes immediately, and said: "Helena, did you hear what Uncle Superman said?"

"Oh!" Helena responded, climbed off the sofa, and trotted out.

"She's so good."

Thinking of his son who cried every night and didn't brush his teeth, Dachao felt a little envious of Bateman.

"Kyle's girlfriend Alyx was murdered."

Only then did he tell Kyle's unfortunate experience.


In Hallie's mind, she fantasized about Kyle excitedly opening the refrigerator and discovering his girlfriend's mutilated body, which made her feel slightly queasy.

"Have you killed that pervert, Major Divine Power?"

"No, he is just a thug of a special organization in the military. Probably a general wants to steal Kyle's green light inheritance." Dachao said.

"Whether Major Divine Power is following orders or not, it is definitely right to seek revenge from him for what he did." Harley said.

Dachao raised his eyebrows and said: "We are not looking for you today because of Major Shenli. Kyle settled the grudge between him and Kyle himself."

Harry couldn't refute these words.

The person involved was not in a hurry, and it had been several days, so the results were probably already in place. Why was she so excited?

"You are looking for me to help warn the Pentagon?" Harley asked.

"No, I've already warned them."

"How did you warn me?" Harley asked curiously.

Dachao said coldly: "I used super hearing and super vision, and Cyborg used super hacking skills to steal the black files of all the military committee generals, including the Minister of Defense, which was enough to completely ruin their political careers and ruin their reputations." jail.

I swear to them that once another government agency takes action against Kyle Rayner, all of the information will be released, and Cyborg will ensure that every country and every major media receives a copy. "

"Every general has dirty information?"

"More or less, there are, of course, patriotic generals who are upright and law-abiding."

For example, General Sam Lane.

"You are so brave." Harley smiled.

"As long as we don't deviate from justice and the law, we have nothing to fear." Da Chao said solemnly.

Then he squinted at Kyle Rayner and said pointedly: "The only one who can defeat the Justice League is ourselves. Once we lose our belief in justice, once we cross the bottom line, we ourselves will collapse without the enemy taking action.

The same is true for a single hero. As long as his faith is firm, the enemy can only break his spine and murder his life, but he will never be able to defeat him. "

"Bah bang bang." Harley clapped a few times, "That's really good. But what on earth do you want from me?"

"There are two purposes. First, Kyle is now shouldering the mission of inheriting the will of the Green Lantern, but he is confused about the future path. I hope you can give him wise guidance; secondly, his lover has died, can you help him?"

"Guidance of wisdom" Harley's beautiful face wrinkled, "Kyle, what did Gunther think? Did he leave you a message?"

“I didn’t even know that the little blue man that night was called Gunther, and I had no idea what he was thinking.

If you want to pass it on to me, just give me the lamp ring and the fragments of the central energy battery.

Why did you only give me the light ring but leave a fragment for others to find? "There was obvious resentment on Kyle's face.

"Well, you're not too stupid to see that Gunther interfered with this fate."

Harley first praised him, but then said disapprovingly: "The first piece of wisdom I give you is to never look for reason in the little blue man's behavior.

They are two different species from us, with completely different behavior patterns and ways of thinking.

For example, can you think of using robots to manage sectors of the universe?

They can.

He even took it off.

You say that normal people have lost their temper and caused the tragic death of countless billions of people. At least they have to be autistic, guilty, and silently repent for hundreds of millions of years. From now on, they should be cautious about their words and actions and never repeat the old path.

But what did the little blue man do?

When the Robot Hunters failed, they turned around and began studying the spectrum of emotional energy, and then created the Green Lantern Corps.

Moreover, the failed machine hunters have not been cleaned up, and now they have once again become a hidden danger to the security of the universe.

Another example is this time, when Hal and I parted ways in Beach City, he was still a good guy, but he was forced by the little blue man and turned into a bad guy.

As long as they understood his situation, gave him some sympathy, and arranged for his friends to speak kind words and enlighten him, instead of deliberately arranging for his friends to betray him, the tragedy would not have happened. "

Dachao also agreed: "The guardian's thinking is indeed different from ours."

Kyle Rayner murmured: "It's not me who wants to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps now, it's the Green Lanterns in Tomatu, and they say it's my responsibility.

But I'm not even sure if I want to continue being a Green Lantern, so how can I be in the mood to build the Green Lantern Corps? I didn't know what to do either, and Gunther didn't say anything.

Nor did he leave the methods of making rings and lamps to me as the outside world thought.

I have no idea how the lamp furnace was successfully cast.

At that time, it was like a program was triggered, and the fragments evolved into a lamp furnace. I was in a daze and didn't know what I had done. "

"So you didn't get the Book of Oa either?" Harry frowned.


"Stop fussing." Harley said calmly: "Just be a Green Lantern of Earth. Don't think about the Green Lantern Corps, inheritance and responsibility, and don't care about the expectations of those young men in Tomato."

Kyle stared at her blankly, shocked by the answer.

So irresponsible.

"Harry, are you saying that Tomatu and the others are not good?" Dachao said dissatisfied.

Harley said: "Believe it or not, even if Kyle worked hard to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps brick by brick, as soon as the little blue man returns, Kyle will immediately lose control of the Corps.

As long as the little blue man gives the order, they will still point their swords at Kyle? "

Dachao hesitated and said: "The Green Lantern Corps has rules that last for billions of years, and they are too law-abiding."

"Discipline is more important than favor? You are almost a moral model of a hero, but you will steal dirty information from a military boss for your teammates.

You broke the law and violated morals and the precepts of being a hero.

But given another chance, you would do it again, right? "

Dachao was speechless.

Harley sneered: "If the earth is now a god-level civilization that overwhelms the universe, Green Lantern will never be so decisive towards Hal.

If all the people on earth died and Hal was the only earthling left, their loyalty to him would not be that low.

The Green Lantern Corps is equivalent to the old money family in the DC area of ​​Manhattan.

Hal or Kyle are like a "Phoenix Man" from a poor mountain village.

There is no need to mention Phoenix Man's talents, but there are seven or eight brothers and sisters in his family, who are like vampires. They all hope to take advantage of their daughter-in-law's family so that the family can escape from poverty in the mountains and become rich and noble city dwellers. .

Even the ordinary girls in the city look down on Phoenix Man and despise him from the bottom of their hearts. Do you expect the noble ‘Miss Green Lantern’ to value the efforts and dedication of ‘Phoenix Man’ Kyle? "

"This is too vulgar." Da Chao frowned.

"All the great principles in this world are vulgar after all. The behavior of those Green Lanterns is more vulgar than my words."

Dachao struggled for a while and asked, "If it were you, how would you solve this dilemma?"

"How does Phoenix Man get out of this situation?" Harley asked.

"I don't like the term 'Phoenix Man'." Da Chao said.

He felt that in front of Louise, the general's daughter, he somewhat fit the mold of the "Phoenix Man".

Then he added: "Don't always think about getting rich by relying on your father-in-law's family connections, be down-to-earth and rely on your own efforts."

Harley glanced at him with disdain, "Obviously you have already worked out the answer in reality, so why are you still saying it wrong?"

"Shall I make it?" Dachao was stunned. After realizing the reaction, he immediately turned red and said excitedly: "I'm not the Phoenix Man!"

Harley smiled and said, "If you didn't change a track, didn't make a name for yourself in a more advanced field like superheroes that is beyond the reach of your father-in-law, but continued to follow the same routine, would you be a Phoenix Man?"

An ordinary young reporter from the countryside, a general's daughter from a big city, this...

Dachao is dumb.

Then, he thought thoughtfully, "Do you suggest that Kyle leave the 'original green light platform'?"

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