I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1001 Restarting peace talks on Apokolips

"Harry, it's good that you respect human rights and value other people's freedom of choice, but..."

Da Chao hesitated for a moment with a tangled face, then lowered his voice to a very low level and said, "I love freedom, but I still hope you can buy a 'guarantee' for me."

Now his father is enjoying happiness in heaven, his mother is by his side, he lives in a big house, his wife is beautiful and virtuous, and his son is lively and cute. His life is so happy that he doesn’t want to change it!

Harley deliberately thought carefully before saying, "How about this. You write a written application to give up your freedom and entrust your human rights to me on a limited basis until this River of Time crisis is over."

"Is this necessary?" Dachao suspected that she was teasing him.

"It's better to be more formal. What if something happens and you blame me?" Harley said.

"You still don't understand me? How could I be so unreasonable?" Dachao said dissatisfied.

"You won't, but others will. If you form a system and there are no exceptions, things will be much simpler."

Then Harley took out her phone and shook it, "It won't be too much trouble. I will send you a message through the guardian dog later, and you will enter the 'Life Insurance' APP download page.

After entering the APP, just follow the instructions and fill out a form.

That is, clearly write down the names of the people you want to buy insurance for.

For the sake of our long-standing friends, I will not set a maximum number of people for you. "

Hearing this, Dachao suddenly thought of a lot.

"If it's someone else, is there a limit on the number of people? Is there still a charge?"

Harry shook his head and said, "There are no other people. Don't tell anyone else, lest the news spread and affect social stability."

Dachao frowned, seeing what she meant, he just planned to take care of himself this time, regardless of the life or death of the heroes.

Hearing this, Kyle couldn't help but interjected: "What are you talking about, the legendary restart of the universe?"

He has not experienced the Crisis on Infinite Earths, but he has seen the "three-class division of people" on the Internet: first-class people who maintain memories of Earth 0 universe, second-class people whose memories have been modified on Earth 0 universe, and third-class outsiders from the underworld.

Apparently Ripman and the Galactic Admiral were talking about it.

"I still have a mother. By the way, if the universe restarts, can Alyx be resurrected?"

Harley shrugged, "I don't know what will happen in the future, and I'm not even sure whether the current preparations will work."

"I have a mother, and relatives and friends back home." Kyle looked at her eagerly and repeated.

Harley didn't answer, deliberately pretending not to understand his subtext.

Seeing Kyle's face turning red with embarrassment, Da Chao couldn't bear it and gently touched her shoulder, "Give Kyle a 'life insurance' too."

"Kyle voluntarily gave up his 'freedom' and 'human rights'?" Harley asked.

Dachao frowned and said, "Can you please stop talking about giving up freedom and human rights? It sounds very uncomfortable and harsh. We just want to protect our current life."

"So this is a thankless task!" Harley said lightly: "You want to protect your life and place your life in my 'dream safe'.

But after putting your life in the cabinet, doesn’t it mean it falls into my hands? Isn't it essentially that you are temporarily giving up your freedom and human rights?

It feels uncomfortable to hear it now. When you really understand and feel this, will you still feel uncomfortable and blame me? "

"Putting it another way doesn't change the essence, but it adds an anesthesia injection. We are all smart people. We understand each other tacitly and feel comfortable. We won't blame you." Da Chao said.

——Isn’t this the way the American political elite deals with the people in reality?

Use anesthetics and gorgeous clothes to cover up the reality of lack of freedom and human rights, and feel comfortable shouting for freedom and human rights?

Harry stared at him for a while, then said with half sarcasm and half emotion: "I thought you were an honest person who only understands light and doesn't understand darkness. I didn't expect you to be of such a high rank."

"What did you say? I'm discussing life insurance with you, don't go too far." Dachao frowned.

"Okay, let's just talk about life insurance." Harley nodded, taking her good advice, and looked at Kyle and said: "The purpose of life insurance is to protect everyone's freedom and human rights from blasphemy and tampering by evil conspirators.

There is no 'independent consciousness' involved in the management of this insurance, and I am not the administrator.

The Dream Library originally existed in the dream dimension, and now that your dream books are put together separately, it does not deprive you of anything.

Do you want to be insured? "

Without waiting for Kyle to answer, she turned to Da Chao and asked, "So, does that make you feel more comfortable?"

Dachao frowned and said, "You seem to be telling the truth."

Harley's eyes lit up and she gave a thumbs up, "Yes, what I said is the truth."

After returning home that night, having dinner, watching cartoons with his son, taking a shower and lying on the bed, Clark finally thought about life insurance.

I took out my mobile phone and logged into Housekeeper Dog. Sure enough, I found a system email and went in to download the "Life Insurance" APP. The interface was indeed as Harley said, very indirect and clear.

But when registering the circle of friends, Clark remembered something. He wanted to protect his own life, but filled in other people's names. What if others didn't agree?

He hesitated, then consulted with Louise.

"Send a message and ask." Louise felt that personal rights should be respected.

"Harry asked me not to tell anyone." Clark hesitated.

"How did she do it? There are tens of millions of people related to her."

"This time she scaled it down, and only those close to her were protected," Clark said.

"Then let's take a look at her and just write about her family."

That night, Harley received a call from General Lane and wanted a life insurance policy of her own.

"Did your son-in-law tell you? I asked him not to tell anyone." Harley said.

"He respected me and asked me. But don't worry, I don't have to respect other people."

But after Ryan, Harley's phone calls never stopped.

It was passed down to ten, and even before one night passed, all the superheroes and well-connected dignitaries knew about it.

Harley simply turned off her phone, and then sent a "Notice About Giving Up Your Freedom and Human Rights to Buy Life Insurance" to superheroes and ordinary people in her circle of friends.

She removed the gorgeous fig leaf and stopped giving them anesthesia injections. She even more nakedly exposed the fact that life insurance endangered personal freedom.

Then she turned her phone on again the next day. A whole day passed and no one called her.

In the following days, a conversation began to circulate widely in the superhero community: "Have you heard that Harley Quinn is already preparing for the Crisis in the River of Time?"

"The crisis in the River of Time is not news, and it is not surprising that Harley Quinn is well prepared."

"She got a 'life insurance', and I'm hesitating. Do you want to buy it?"

"I am also weighing the pros and cons. When it comes to freedom and human rights, I must be cautious!"

"That's right, the crisis won't break out for a while anyway, there's no rush."

A few days later, a hero did think carefully and called Harley to get a life insurance policy.

But more people just wait and see.

After all, the crisis is just a symptom, maybe it is not serious, maybe it has not restarted the crisis, maybe...

As long as they are conflicted about the "crisis of human rights and freedoms" in their hearts, they can find countless reasons to delay.

Harley can't live a leisurely life without the interruption of superheroes. Darkseid and the River of Time crisis require a lot of time and energy to find out information.

In addition, the heaven is wide in and out, so she has no way to level up, so she can only find the creation star.

She has been getting along well with her Heavenly Father recently.

She appreciates the rich experience of the creation star warriors, and the Heavenly Father appreciates her "non-deceitful" and powerful force.

"Harley, there's some trouble over there with Alex. Tearman wants you to go back."

On this day, Harley was finishing her "one-on-one duel" with four New God warriors, and Orion came over on his skateboard.

The superhero Orion on Earth is just a clone, and his true body is still the crown prince on the Genesis Star.

"What's going on over there on Apokolips? Have you found any trace of Darkseid?"

The Justice League is now focused on two things, Darkseid and the Time Crisis.

Time Crisis After asking Heavenly Father to no avail, Orion took on the task of finding Darkseid and monitoring Apokolips.

Well, Heavenly Father doesn’t know much about the time crisis. He only guesses that someone is attacking the end of time.

The river of time has a beginning and an end. The Gao Dynasty where the Crisis of Infinite Earths occurred is the place where time originated. And this time crisis is suspected to start from the end.

Morpheus revealed more information, because his father was the master of time, and he had visited his father's palace at the end of time.

He told Harley that if outsiders dare to enter the end of the river of time, they will inevitably encounter the "time guardian" at the end of time.

It is possible that the two sides are fighting.

Knowing the news, Harley was both relaxed and felt that time was urgent.

Relax because the temporary crisis will not break out, and the guardians of time are still resisting!

Time is running out because the mastermind behind the scenes has access to the 'Guardian of the End of Time' arranged by the Master of Time, which shows how powerful he is.

This puts a lot of pressure on Harley.

She had to improve her strength as soon as possible. Her eighth-time mother river defense specialty was only at level eight. Would it be safer if she could upgrade it to level nine?

"I found no trace of Darkseid, but Apokolips has changed from chaos to order, and there is no longer a war for the position of the Dark Lord, which proves that he is indeed lurking in secret and is planning something." Orion said.

"You mean, Apokolips was in chaos before, but when we found Robot Superman and found out that Darkseid pretended to be dead, Apokolips quickly restored order?" Harley said thoughtfully.

"Yes, it is like that."

Harley thought for a moment and suddenly smiled, "We know that Darkseid is not dead, and Darkseid also knows that we know that he is not dead.

I do not want to maintain this dangerous tacit understanding.

Orion, do me a favor, go to Apokolips and tell me that I want to resume the 'peace agreement' that was negotiated but suspended with Darkseid. "

Orion's expression changed and he said in a bad tone: "You want to make peace with Darkseid?"

Harley said: "I can't even see other people now, and you still want me to have sex with him? Moreover, I need to know his status. Do you remember the peace treaty? I will help him expel the 'Tears of Destruction'.

Since you want me to treat him, I must at least meet him and diagnose his body. "

More importantly, the earth cannot be used as a target!

By signing a peace contract with Darkseid earlier, she would be able to feel at ease earlier, so that she would not have to worry about that old Yinbi coming up with a second "mechanical superman" all day long.

Orion hopes that the earth will become a buffer zone between the Creation Star and the Apokolips Star.

He had previously disagreed with both parties signing a peace agreement.

"I am a proton and cannot see him."

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