I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 992: Blessings and Disasters

The super criminal "Ohm" stole a set of black-tech electronic equipment from the Star Laboratory and transformed it into a suit of armor that can absorb electrical energy. He is considered a superpower on the technological side and has just made his debut.

In other words, he officially made his debut today.

He unleashes violence on the streets of Los Angeles and draws energy from the power grid like a madman.

Kyle Rayner also just debuted today.

Well, he made an agreement with his girlfriend Alix a few days ago. He would be the hero, she would take the photos, and the two of them would reach the peak of their career and life together.

However, Los Angeles is a big city and has its own city guardian.

In addition to the "veteran" S-class hero Animal Man, there are seven or eight lower-level heroes.

Those heroes have established a complete information network and are each responsible for a city area.

When a crime occurs in a nearby neighborhood, they are often the first to arrive.

Kyle Rayner waited several days to pick up this "wild monster".

He and the cyborg Ohm have both just debuted, and it can be said that they will meet good talents and opponents, Wolong and Fengxiao.

They fought from the street to the end of the street, and then from the end of the street to the street. A full fifteen minutes passed. Harley, Superboy and Cyborg arrived at the scene. Their battle was still fierce, with no end in sight.

"What's going on?" Harley asked Animal Man next to her.

He had arrived a long time ago, but he saw that the hero was "Green Lantern" out of "respect". Well, the unspoken rules among superheroes have not disappeared.

——Another hero is fighting fiercely. Before the defeat is revealed, it is best for other heroes not to interfere.

This is a public place, and there are reporters and citizens nearby. If one hero is fighting and another hero comes off to help, it will make everyone misunderstand: Green Lantern is not good and cannot defeat super criminals, so he can only rely on Animal Man for help.

In this way, the "Green Lantern VS Animal Man" war will start on the Internet.

Just like fans of popular celebrities tearing each other apart.

In order to avoid similar situations, there are many unspoken rules among superheroes.

According to the unspoken rules, Green Lantern should not cause trouble in Animal Man's territory at all.

"Isn't he Hal Jordan? His hair is a different color." Animal Man said.

Hal Jordan has brown hair and this Green Lantern has dark blue hair.

"Do you still need to look at your hair?"

Harley was speechless. Green Lantern only wore a narrow eyepatch for one eye. What could this cover?

Well, this is pretty much the norm among superheroes.

Not to mention wearing a blindfold, Dachao showed his face directly and was still not recognized.

"You didn't tell everyone about Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps?" She looked at Chao and asked in confusion.

Dachao glanced at Animal Man and said, "We are waiting for you to come back. When it comes to Darkseid, be careful."

"Darkseid? And Hal and the Green Lantern Corps, what happened?" Animal Man was confused.

After he immediately determined that the Lantern was not Hal through "hair color" and skills, he was not surprised.

After all, there are 3,600 lanterns in the universe. Maybe a lantern comes to earth, or someone on earth gets the ring.

At this time, he only heard a few words from Harley and Dachao, and he was shocked to realize that something was wrong and another big event had happened.

"More details later, now..." Dachao said hesitantly: "Do you want to help him? He was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. It was so miserable."

"Heroes are like this when they first fight. The citizens of the street have been evacuated. Let him practice leveling."

Animal Man said generously with a smile on his face.

Looking at the streets, cars, and houses that were constantly being destroyed, Harley fell into deep thought. Should she learn from Marvel next door and create a disaster compensation system?

Now the DC world also has a super crime compensation bill.

But instead of asking the superheroes to pay, the US government is the one taking advantage.

Every year, Congress allocates a sum of money from the budget to the Justice League to maintain the operation of the watchtower and purchase insurance to compensate people for war losses. If it is not enough, it will be replenished.

After waiting for another 20 minutes, Kyle Rayner finally got his idea. He no longer fired energy beams with the cyborg Ohm, but attacked the enemy's vital points - slicing through the mecha's armor and grabbing the mortal criminals inside. come out.

"Bah bang bang!" After the battle, a group of Los Angeles citizens immediately rushed out of the streets, clapped excitedly and shouted: "Green Lantern, thank you."

"Green Lantern, you are welcome in Los Angeles."

"Green Lantern, it's great that you can come to Los Angeles. The earth is currently moving towards interstellarization. As the most prosperous city on the West Coast, it should lead the world and be the first to enter interstellarization. Animal Man Taicun, you are more interstellar."

"Yes, with you, we, the people of Los Angeles, will be able to enter the interstellar world, just like the former Beach City."

"Hey, what do you mean by Beach City? The Justice League has promised us that what happened in Beach City will never happen again."

"I mean, Seaside City once planned to attract investment and open a clean energy factory. Luther Group's Lexnote used alien battery technology. It's so powerful."

Animal Man's face under the mask was slightly distorted. Was he being disliked? Do you think his village is not interstellar enough?

With this new green light, the battle is like shit. The people seem to be invisible and they are still applauding and cheering. They are more enthusiastic than they are towards him. Is interstellarization so important?

Kyle Rayner was also stunned by the enthusiasm of the crowd.

Although he was very excited and enjoyed the cheers of the people, he honestly told everyone that he was not the Green Lantern of Beach City.

When the people of Los Angeles heard this, they became even happier.

The Green Lantern in Beach City was a bit ominous, but now this Green Lantern is very "clean" and equally interstellar.

"Green Lantern, you will become the new icon of Los Angeles!" a reporter from the Los Angeles Daily News loudly announced.

Animal Man couldn't hold himself any longer.

However, Harley and others did not show up on the spot.

Instead, they appeared in front of the young couple after Kyle Rayner happily took his girlfriend into the sky and flew to the outskirts of the country where there were few people.

"My dear, Admiral of the Galaxy, tear apart Man!" Alex didn't have time to be shocked, so she happily picked up the camera hanging on her chest and clicked it at several people.

"You guys came after me?" Kyle was surprised and worried.

"Boy, you made a huge mistake, do you know that?" Harley said with a serious expression.

Kyle shrank his neck and hurriedly defended: "I, the guardian, must give me the ring, I."

Halfway through, he was startled. He didn't steal or rob, but saved Los Angeles. What's wrong with that?

"Where did I go wrong?" He regained his composure and asked with a straight face.

"You shouldn't drag your friend away in public. She is your girlfriend, right?" Harley said.

"Well, I'm Alyx, Admiral of the Galaxy. You are more beautiful in person than on TV and in photos. Wow, are you dreaming? I'm talking face to face with Admiral of the Galaxy." The blonde girl held up the permed and red hair. Cheeks scream with excitement.

Harley sighed, softened her tone, and said to the confused Kyle: "You are wearing a mask, which means you don't want to reveal your identity, but you took Alix and flew away, almost confessing to everyone - me and this There’s a lot of journalistic connections.”

"Ah, what should I do? My identity has been exposed?" Kyle panicked.

Dachao smiled gently and said: "Harry is too strict, you don't have to worry too much.

Be careful in the future and look for opportunities to hint in public - Alex did an exclusive interview with you, and you got to know each other because of the interview.

I will save a few more equally young and beautiful women in the future.

I guarantee you, no one will doubt it. "

He has reason to be confident, because that's what he and Louise are.

Seeing Kyle and Alyx, he couldn't help but think of himself and Louise, and his eyes couldn't help but become more tender.

Harley glanced at him sideways, vaguely guessing what he was thinking, and wanted to make a few sarcastic remarks.

But then, another doubt arose in her mind: Dachao's tone and demeanor were very natural and confident, indicating that he didn't know that Cobot had deduced his identity through the photos of him and Louise.

So, why did Zhenglian seek out Cobot?

Could it be that they only knew that Cobot knew the hero's identity, but didn't know how his identity was revealed?

It shouldn't be. It can clean the memory. Why not find out the reason and prevent the same loophole from being discovered by another person?

"Kyle, where did you get the light ring?" Dachao had already started to get down to business.

"A little blue man"

Kyle was very honest and told what happened in detail.

"What is Ganse doing?" Dachao asked in confusion.

Harley thought of a key point and asked: "Kyle, do you have a lamp stove?"

"What kind of lamp?"

His girlfriend touched him and whispered: "The green light stove in the shape of a portable lamp is specially used to charge the light ring."

Then, she apologized and explained to everyone: "Kyle is a painter and rarely visited superhero forums before."

"No, just a ring." Kyle said.

"Your lamp ring originally belonged to Hal Jordan, and his lamp furnace was destroyed in Beach City. If Gunther doesn't give you a new lamp furnace, how will you recharge the ring in the future?" Harley said.

Kyle scratched the back of his head and said blankly: "I don't know."

Harley looked at his light ring and asked, "Can you take off the ring and show it to me?"

Kyle didn't hesitate and handed over the ring immediately.

Harley felt it on her finger for a moment, frowned and said, "Put it on my hand, but it didn't struggle to resist? The energy is only 40%. What is Gunther planning?"

Da Chao was moved in his heart and said: "Is it possible that the central energy battery was destroyed and Ganser didn't have a portable light.

Does this imply that Kyle comes to you, or that you come to Kyle and then ask him to go to Fat Head to recharge? "


It's really possible.

Harley wanted to curse a few words, and then said harshly: Let the little blue man dream.

However, this Kyle Rayner is an honest child. She can refuse, but she has no reason to lose her temper with him.

"I'll ask Fatty later." Harley felt disgusted, but still handed the ring to Kyle and reminded: "Come to Quinn Manor before you run out of energy."

"Well, thank you, Miss Quinn."

Kyle understood what she meant, his chest was burning, and he was very grateful.

"Kyle, what are your plans for the future? Do you want to join the Justice League?"

"I thank you for the invitation, but I don't know." Kyle was excited and confused. "This is too sudden. I was just an ordinary painter a few days ago."

Dachao patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the door of the Justice League is always open for you."

On the same day that Green Lantern debuted, after the news was broadcast, a man with red hair and red beard, carrying an old leather bag and a cautious expression came to LASCU - Los Angeles Special Crime Defense Unit.

Mainly responsible for super criminal incidents that ordinary police cannot deal with.

However, it is not to steal the "business" of superheroes, but to enhance the government's participation in urban public security management.

Sometimes, police officers from the Defense Division also work with superheroes.

If superheroes were responsible for all supernatural cases, the credibility of the local government would drop sharply.

If the government relies entirely on itself to solve public security problems, it will be overwhelmed and achieve nothing.

As a result, some states in the United States have established special crime prevention departments.

Well, not all cities in the United States have this department.

"I know how the new Green Lantern was born, and I also found this." The red-haired man took out the green fragment to the SWAT police.

"Is this green light energy?!"

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