Flashback to a few days ago, after Gunther, Harley and the Justice League parted ways.

He was hovering in the void outside the Oa star system, staring at the green light ring on his hand and lost in thought.

After Hal Jordan seized all the energy from the central energy battery, he destroyed all the light rings. With a smile of "contempt and ridicule" on his lips, he crushed his own light ring next to Kilowog's body.

Before the guardian died, he secretly passed on the power of his heart and will to Ganser, who was "good at studying pretending to be dead".

Ganser not only escaped with his life, but also gained more than 80% of the strength of his companions. Not only was his condition at this time not bad, but he was at the strongest moment in his life.

With only willpower, Gunther repaired the broken 2814 sector light ring.

Originally he hadn't figured out what to do with it.

Use it yourself in the coming days, or find a new Green Lantern to inherit?

He planned to return to Zamaron and discuss it with the little blue women.

But just after leaving Oa, the Book of Oa suddenly reacted.

The Book of Oa displayed in front of the Green Lantern Corps looks like a real green book. The cover is 20 meters by 30 meters in format, almost five meters thick, and is suspended deep in the Green Lantern Temple.

On weekdays, ordinary lanterns can go to the temple to admire the little blue man, touch it, and talk to it as long as they say hello to it.

But obviously, it's not a real paper book.

It is "non-intelligent" artificial intelligence that embodies the power of Green Lantern.

Non-intelligent means that it does not have the personalized, anthropomorphic wisdom and emotions of ordinary artificial intelligence. It is not artificial intelligence.

But the powerful computing power of artificial intelligence is even better.

It can be used as a super master brain and records countless information, but it surpasses the master brain and even transcends time. If Dr. Manhattan is above time and is a person who jumped out of the river of time, the Book of Oa can be regarded as a person who jumped out of the river of time. River artifact.

On the ability of omniscience, the first level of the complete God, the second level of the "Book of Destiny" of endless family destiny, the third level of the Voice of Heaven, "The Book of Oa" can be compared with "Tower of Destiny" and Mobius The chair and the three goddesses of destiny compete for fourth place.

Or, together they form the fourth gear.

Now, at the critical moment when the Green Lantern Corps is destroyed, the "Forbidden Chapter" of "The Book of Oa" has a new reaction.

The Book of Oa is the foundation of the Green Lantern Corps.

The "Chapter of Commandments" records the discipline and laws of Green Lantern.

"Chapter of History" has the most comprehensive history of the universe.

The "Chapter of Strange Objects" is an encyclopedia.

The "Character Chapter" records the past, present, and even future characters in the universe.

Harley occupies a very important space in the character chapter.

Of course, she is also included in the chapter of history.

Since she signed a peace agreement with the Green Lantern Corps, there are rules in the Chapter of Commandments that warn the Lantern not to "provoke" her.

The "Forbidden Chapter" records prophecies about the Green Lantern Corps and the Green Lantern, including several prophecies related to the destruction of the Green Lantern Corps.

"The Book of Oa" can be stored in the mind of the little blue man and bound to the soul.

As long as the little blue man is alive, the Book of Oa will not be destroyed.

"The prophecy that the greatest Lantern in history fell and the Legion was destroyed again has just become a reality. Now a new prophecy has been triggered."

Gunther's eyes flashed bright green, and countless information flowed out from the forbidden chapter of the Book of Oa: "Green Lantern Bearer. Earthling Kyle Rayner."

Ganser hesitated and struggled for a while, "Do you really want to choose another Earthling and give him the hope of Green Lantern's revival?"

"I had no choice, none of us had a choice. The prophecy of the 'Forbidden Chapter' was unavoidable. We tried. We wanted to stop Hal Jordan from destroying the Legion today, but in the end we drove him into madness.

This is fate, the last light ring is 2814, and it will eventually return to the 2814 sector. "

Ganser pinched the light ring and sighed, the green light energy on his body exploded, and a green light rushed out from the zenith cover, rushing towards sector 2814 and towards the earth.

At this moment, Harley and the Justice League have not returned to Earth, and are still rescuing Green Lantern in the void of the universe.

Earth, and Beach City are in the same state as the Beach City of Los Angeles.

At night, the alley behind the "Playaland" bar in XC District.

Kyle Rayner shook his head and took a deep breath of cold air in the alley that was mixed with the dim smell of urine, urine, and rotting garbage. He regained some sense and walked slowly to the opposite street.

He is a painter, hundreds of blocks away from the artist, and now he can only make a living by drawing concept drawings for advertising companies and illustrations for comic companies.

Although his career has not improved, Kyle is very satisfied.

Painting was his favorite job and he was addicted to it.

The beautiful girl he likes has become his girlfriend who truly loves him. What else is there to be unsatisfied about?

"Hey, it's a green meteor again, it looks like..."

Kyle unconsciously raised his head and glanced at the night sky, then looked there in a daze.

He had seen the Green Meteor many times, and everyone on Earth knew it was the Green Lantern.

But the meteor seemed to be coming straight this way.

"Oh, Fuck, it's really here!" The meteor did not fall on the nearby street, but it landed directly in front of him. The dazzling green light made his eyes so green that he couldn't see anything.

"Kyle Rayner?"

"You" Kyle rubbed his tearful eyes, and it took him a while to see the person in front of him clearly.

A little blue-skinned man wearing a red robe.

"Little blue man? No, you are not an entity."

Ganser's energy projection frowned and threw the ring in sector 2814 directly, "You know what it is, put it on."

"Green light ring? What do you mean-"

Kyle had no surprise at all, but a lot of doubts.

But just as he was about to ask something, the little blue man opposite him had become illusory and quickly disappeared.

"Am I chosen?" Kyle held the ring, feeling confused.

"Hey, buddy!" After being dazed for a while, Kyle shouted to the drunken man who was drinking in the newspaper at the foot of the wall: "You saw what just happened, right?"

"Well, buddy, you're lucky, you were chosen by the little blue man and became a superhero."

The downcast white man with red hair and red beard nodded, his expression dull and numb.

Kyle looked down at the ring on his hand and wondered: "Why are you so calm? You didn't even scream."

"Ten years ago, I would have screamed. But now that superheroes are ruined, what else is there to scream about?

Let me tell you, don’t look at my brother who is in despair now.

Before I went bankrupt due to a bad divorce, I worked for a secret organization that specialized in superheroes, and I knew many of them. "The red-haired tramp said disapprovingly.

Looking at Kyle again, he suddenly struggled to get up, "By the way, buddy, you just became a hero today, you still don't know how to do good things, right?

Let me help you get married. Well, it only costs ten dollars. Let me buy a bottle of wine and let you have a good time.

If you show your kindness and add an extra ten dollars, let me find a cousin in the next street to have a good time. I can publicize your great achievements to reporters and let you open your own area in the Puppy Video Hero Forum as soon as possible. "

Kyle raised his middle finger to him and turned towards the entrance of the alley.

"Hey, don't go. If you don't have a ten-dollar knife, a five-dollar knife will do. I hate your green ass, and you won't do any 'good deeds' for a penny?

I curse you, green light bulb, sooner or later you will be as unlucky as me, Fake, fuck, Gan! "

Kyle tried to put on the light ring as he walked, the green light flashed, and the green light uniform of the same style as Hal Jordan was put on him, and then he swayed and floated into the air while shouting, leaving the red-haired homeless man alone. Yelling and cursing below.

After cursing for a while, the green light disappeared from the sky. The red-haired tramp was blown by the late autumn night wind and walked back with his neck shrinking.

"Eh!" Before walking back to the lair of scrap newspapers, he paused and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Just a few steps away, roughly where the little blue man landed, there was a 30 cm long green "metal piece".

Not sure if it's metal, but it shines with the same green light as Green Lantern, and is very conspicuous in the alley at night.

Unless you are blind, anyone who walks by can see it at a glance.

"It's strange. I was so high that I got dizzy just now? But I didn't get so high!"

The doubts in the homeless man's heart were quickly replaced by joy.

When he carefully picked up the fragment of green light, there was no explosion or corrosion, and it fell into his hands quietly.

"This thing should be an alien relic, related to Green Lantern. If you hand it over to the government, you should be able to exchange it for a sum of money, more than 20 US dollars!" The homeless man happily hid the fragment in his arms and quickly left the alley.

After a long time, the empty alley once again lit up with a hazy green light. It was an illusory little blue man floating half a meter above the ground.

"Alas!" Ganse sighed, and his figure completely disappeared.

Midnight, Apartment D207, second floor, Kravitz Apartment Building, Los Angeles.

"Alix, look at this." Kyle put the green light ring on the middle finger of his right hand in front of his girlfriend.

With a flash of green light, he transformed into a Green Lantern with white gloves, a green uniform, and a green eye patch.

"How about it, is this cool?" Looking at Alex with a slightly open mouth and a dull look on her face, Kyle was very excited and even flew into the air, striking a very coquettish pose often used by Hal Jordan.

"Hey, I took a picture of Hal Jordan, and you look exactly like him. What happened? Am I dreaming?" female reporter Alex exclaimed.

"You weren't dreaming, although what happened tonight sounds like a dream."

Kyle excitedly finished having fun at the nightclub and was about to leave from the back alley when he told the story of meeting the "white-haired grandpa" on the way.

"But why?" Alex asked puzzled.

"Maybe I was chosen."

Alex shook her head, "No, according to the report of Lois Lane, the famous reporter of the universe, when the light ring selects a target, there is no need for the little blue man to appear. The light ring can automatically select the person. By the way, did you hear the green light welcome speech? "

"What words?"

"Intelligent life has been locked! Kyle Rayner of Earth, you have a strong will to overcome fear. Welcome to join the Green Lantern Corps - this is the welcome speech that will be said after the Lantern is selected by the Lantern Ring." Alyx said.

"No, but I can use it. It belongs to me now. I want to be a superhero." Kyle said excitedly.

"Hero? You don't even have a real job." Alix frowned.

“Freelance painting is a job.”

"It's barely enough for you to pay the rent. If the hero's work delays some time, you may not even have enough to eat, and raising a family will become a luxury." Alex sighed.

"Don't do that, honey."

Kyle held the ring tightly, his eyes radiating with hope as if he had been reborn, "This ring represents many things, and it represents that we will escape from the mediocre life we ​​live in today.

You are the reporter, I am the hero, you take pictures of me, and we will become the darlings of the media.

We will certainly not be short of money then.

I've never heard of superheroes being short of money. "

"You be a hero and I'll take pictures." Alex's eyes began to shine. "Is it possible that I can become a famous figure in the universe?"


"Let's try tomorrow."

A few days later, they at least surprised Harley and Chao.

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