Street homeless man Turner Joshua feels like he's in luck.

He originally worked as a janitor in the Special Crime Defense Unit in Los Angeles.

I vaguely heard that the organization I served was quietly conducting human experiments on super awakening.

The boss above is also very interested in alien equipment, magic items and other things that can create superpowers.

Therefore, after picking up the green-light-emitting fragment in the alley, he immediately had the idea of ​​exchanging it for money.

It's just that today is different from the past. He went bankrupt in the divorce lawsuit, has been a homeless man for several years, and his career in the Special Crime Defense Division has almost disappeared.

It took him a few days to barely convince a young special police officer who still remembered him.

Neither of them are friends, just a few acquaintances.

"I know how Green Lantern was born."

Paired with the Green Lantern news that was just trending, this sentence helped Turner meet the director of the Special Crime Defense Division.

Two days later, he arrived in the American capital from Los Angeles.

Led by several people in black suits, they entered a building near the Pentagon.

The dark corridor had no lights on, and the dark room only had a thin gleam of light coming through the cracks in the windows.

Even with his eyes wide open, Turner couldn't see the person opposite.

But he didn't care.

He doesn't care what the U.S. government wants to do, as long as the other party is a big shot and is interested in his words and things.

"Mr. Turner, I'm glad you took the initiative to find us. Your information is very useful to us." The person on the other side said gently.

He has a rich and powerful voice, and he is a very energetic middle-aged man.

Turner composed himself and said: "It is the duty of a patriot to report to the government in a timely manner any extraterrestrial events that may threaten national security."

The other party seemed very happy and said with a smile: "Exactly right! The United States needs patriotic people like you. Now, can you repeat to me what happened that night?"

"Of course." The red-haired and bearded Hutner repeated what he saw and heard.

During this period, the middle-aged person in charge interrupted him several times and asked him for details.

"You also picked up an alien item?"

"That's right." Turner opened the cowhide bag.

In an instant, green light filled the dark and spacious office.

He could almost clearly see the facial outline of the person opposite him, as if he had seen it on TV. Was he a general? Or a congressman?

"This is pure green light energy, God!" he exclaimed in surprise.

Turner said with a proud smile: "I think you are right. There was no such thing in the alley before. It only appeared after the little blue man arrived."

"It's such a big piece, such a bright green light, and it's in a dark alley. Why didn't Green Lantern notice it?" the middle-aged man asked doubtfully.

Turner had wondered about this question before.

But in the past few days, he has been looking for the "correct" answer: "I guess he was too excited to become the Green Lantern. He radiated green light himself, so naturally he couldn't find the green energy block under his feet.

And Green Lantern just came out of the bar. You know, drunk, high, or stoned?

That guy flew away, I bet he must have been high. "

The middle-aged man accepted this explanation and took the green fragment in his hand and rubbed it carefully, "We should be allowed to keep it. It is related to national security. Mr. Turner, what do you think?"

Turner sneered and said: "Sir, I have no objection, that's why I took the initiative to ask you to contact the Defense Department.

It’s just that I have been in a difficult situation recently. The divorce lawsuit almost cost me my life, alimony, lawyer fees, and I am also unemployed.”

"Please believe in the U.S. government, we will never let patriots feel cold." The middle-aged man shouted to the door: "Deacon, take Mr. Turner out, and the bonus and new job will be arranged."

Deacon who walked in was a strong man wearing a black suit, black magic mirrors and a cold expression.

He doesn't look like a human resources manager or financial manager.

But the red-haired Turner didn't notice this.

Because he felt that he had only told the story of the birth of Green Lantern, and there was no need to kill anyone to silence the secret.

Thinking of the bright future, he was overjoyed, "Thank you sir, I love the United States, long live the United States!"

When he turned around and walked out, the man in the shadow stood up and vaguely wiped his neck with his right index finger.

After "sending" Turner away, the middle-aged man immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"King, this is 'General'."

"Wade Allin? There are no 'shoguns' in the shogi club, only knights and praetorians."

"Haha, but I am indeed a general." The middle-aged man smiled.

"Either, be your American brigadier general, or be a 'knight' who defends the king in the Shogi Club. You can choose both, but don't bring your Pentagon position to the Shogi Club." The 'King' said calmly.

The Shogi Club is an international espionage organization led by "ordinary" Americans who have close ties with the U.S. military.

Well, there are a lot of attributive words.

It is nominally a special agent organization serving the international community, specializing in handling global super events.

In fact, the main leaders and even most of the agents are from the United States and have close ties with the Pentagon, but they claim to have nothing to do with the US government.

For example, Wade Allin, who calls himself ‘The General’.

He is an American general and joins the shogi club to become a "knight".

The organizational structure of the shogi club completely follows that of chess, with one king, one queen, two chariots - equivalent to the "rooks" in Chinese chess, two bishops (bishops), two knights, and eight praetorian guards. That is, a pawn.

Knights are an aristocratic class in the West, corresponding to "horses", and their status is in the upper-middle level of shogi.

At the beginning of its establishment, the Shogi Club defined itself as a superhero organization dedicated to serving the government.

At the beginning of Crisis on Infinite Earths, Harley held a small meeting of heroes, and all the leaders of the "superpower organizations" in the United States were invited.

Maxwell Lord, the "king" of the shogi club, is also among the "giants".

"Laud, sometimes generals can do more. For example, this time, I got parts that are suspected to be the green light's central energy battery." General Wade said excitedly.

The king was surprised and asked: "You are not mistaken, it is the central energy battery?"

"Hehe, before the 'Green Lantern Corps of Earth' was disbanded by the Little Blue Man, I personally visited the 'Green Lantern Building' in Beach City and it was exactly the same feeling." Wade smiled.

Maxwell wondered: "Why did fragments of the central energy battery fall to the earth?"

"The Green Lantern Corps is finished again. The central energy battery was taken away by Hal Jordan. Well, the energy was taken away and the battery exploded. Did you know?" General Wade asked.

"Who did you listen to?" Maxwell was surprised again.

"So, generals are much more useful than knights." General Wade smiled proudly, "Coincidentally, Admiral Galaxy convened a small meeting of heroes yesterday, and General Lane was also among them. As for me, I am staying with my old boss. .”

"I didn't receive an invitation." The leader of the Shogi Club said in a gloomy voice.

"Don't be angry. Only the top hero organizations participated, Zhenglian, Zhengxie, Zhishihui, Infinite Heroes, Young Watch——"

The more Maxwell listened, the angrier he became. Hearing the word ‘Young Watcher’, he couldn’t hold it back any longer and said angrily: “It’s too much of a lie. Even the Young Watchers participated, but they didn’t invite me!”

"Don't look down on the Young Watchers. They have two S-class heroes now, and you only have B-class powers. The gap is really big."

The "King of the Shogi Club" took a few deep breaths before calming down and said slowly: "Although our Shogi Club is not well-known, we made outstanding contributions during the Crisis on Infinite Earths!

It is we who maintain stability in the world in the dark.

It was we who took down those cult leaders who preached eschatology and disrupted social order.

Some alien allies have bad intentions and secretly import contraband to the earth and promote prohibited ideas and theories. We are secretly fighting against them.

I have worked hard, shed blood, and died for Harley Quinn, and she cannot do this to me. "

"Even if she asked you to go, when it comes to extraterrestrial affairs, you can't even fly and can't survive in space, so what can you do?" General Wade gradually became impatient with his woman-like complaints.

Maxwell was choked and asked in a muffled voice: "What was said at the meeting?"

"There are five points in total. First, the Green Lantern Corps is destroyed again."

"Mother Farke, I can't believe Hal Jordan is so ruthless." The king said in shock.

"Hey, why do the government and the military tolerate the Zhenglian giants in every possible way? Once any one of them becomes mentally disturbed, the same effect will occur.

What happened on Oa can only prove that our national policy of supporting heroes, restraining them with morality and honor, and not excessively forcing them is correct. "General Wade sighed.

"anything else?"

“Second, inquire about Hal Jordan, but when you meet him, don’t irritate him and inform Zhenglian or Harley Quinn immediately.

You can go to the Green Lantern section of Puppy Video and check out Superman’s direct @green light to go find him.

Third, Darkseid actually pretended to be dead, and the earth needs to strengthen its security and increase monitoring of Apokolips - you see, you are not capable of doing this kind of thing, and you can't do it, so what should I discuss with you? "

"Crack, click, click." A subtle sound of bones moving around came from the microphone on the other side.

General Wade said quickly: "The fourth point will definitely shock you. The guardian was so crazy and sinful that he actually used a robot hunter to manage the universe. As a result, the robot lost control and slaughtered the entire 666 sector.

Countless billions of planets, countless billions of living people were slaughtered, holy shit, our universe is too dangerous.

Think about it, we have a 1 in 3600 chance of extinction without our knowledge. "

Maxwell was indeed shocked and was stunned for a long time before asking: "How does Harley Quinn plan to deal with the machine hunter?"

General Wade said: "It's very simple. Use public broadcasts to inform the entire universe and publish the news on Interstellar News.

In short, this is not a matter for the Earth family.

The little blue men have to take action, and the super civilization has to take on greater responsibilities.

In addition, this piece of information can also stimulate the Red Lantern Corps. They have a blood feud with the Machine Hunters for genocide. Why don't you scream with excitement after receiving the news?

As for our earth, there are too many bad things that we can’t control - these are Harley Quinn’s original words. "

"Even the Red Lantern Corps showed up, it's a cosmic thing."

Maxwell discovered to his dismay that he was indeed incapable of participating in those things.

"The fifth thing is Mechanical Superman." General Wade recounted Zheng Lian's chance encounter with Hank Shaw and even his punishment before saying: "I'm not looking for you for these things, remember? I picked up the green light. Central energy battery!”

"It's a fragment." Maxwell said calmly.

"But can it be repaired completely, or transformed into a lamp furnace? It contains powerful green light energy, which seems to be inexhaustible."

General Wade said excitedly: "Laud, we can create a Green Lantern Corps of our own!"

"You know energy extraction technology, can you create a ring?"

"I wouldn't, but Hal Jordan definitely would have! The new Green Lantern at this time may not be able to do it, otherwise why would he become the 'Green Lantern Successor'?

I even doubt that he got the Book of Oa, otherwise he wouldn't be able to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps. "General Wade said.

"So, when you call me, do you want me to invite the new Green Lantern to join the Shogi Club? Or snatch his Book of Oa? By the way, has he joined the Zhenglian now?"

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