I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 988 The white light beyond the seven lights

"Can Harley's meditation method work?" The Flash was stunned.

Neptune said seriously: "Yes, this is how the meditation method was created.

There was no meditation in the world. When the first mage imitated gods and demons, he discovered that by running his thoughts according to their patterns, he could use their magic more easily, so the meditation method was born.

'Harley's Cunning' can be regarded as a kind of magic, a forbidden spell-level 'thought magic'.

It is entirely possible to create corresponding meditation techniques. "

"If it's so easy, why hasn't the devil invented it?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

"How do you know that the devil didn't invent the 'Witch Meditation Method'?" Neptune asked: "Since even you know that they are learning from Harley, how do they learn it?"

Da Chao was startled and said: "If there is a second person who has mastered 'Harley's Cunning', the color of the world will change, visions will appear frequently, causing hell and shaking the multiverse? Just like Harley."

"The more you talk, the more mysterious it becomes." The corner of Wonder Woman's mouth twitched.

"Do you think I'm flattering Harley?" Dachao glanced at her and asked, "Just pick one of the things she did, which one has a worse effect than 'The Color of Heaven and Earth'?"

Wonder Woman thought about it seriously and was speechless.

Neptune coughed twice and said: "There are high and low levels of meditation techniques, and there are also high and low levels of magic energy. The same magic and the same meditation technique will have different effects in the hands of different people.

Bateman has simulated Harley's thinking several times before, with great success.

It means that if he creates the 'Witch Meditation Method', the level will be very high.

I'm not kidding, you can really try it.

There is no way, the current superhero world is too complicated.

It’s okay if so many powerful and smart heroes are added every year to compete with us.

Even super criminals are constantly evolving, developing from a single advantage to hexagonal warriors. Those who are stronger than us are also more treacherous than us.

It’s so hard to be a superhero these days!

Not only are there more heroes and criminals have evolved, but the crisis on Earth has become more treacherous, complex and dangerous.

If we don't work hard to improve ourselves, sooner or later our lack of ability will lead to a catastrophic disaster, which will bring disaster to ourselves and the world. "

——There is no need to wait for the future. In fact, the disaster has already happened.

All the heroes sighed in their hearts.

"Baitman, do you think the 'Witch Meditation Method' is feasible?" Dachao was somewhat moved.

Bateman shook his head seriously and said: "It's best not to learn. Her thinking mode is very magical and can easily distort the soul and induce corruption."

"But you're fine."

"I have been practicing martial arts for ten years, and my will is as strong as iron. Even so, I don't dare to enter the 'witch thinking mode' often. It's hard to get in, and even harder to get out." Bateman sighed.

"Why is it so difficult?" Dachao asked.

"Well, it's like flying high." Bateman thought thoughtfully: "The reason why it is difficult for humans to quit drug addiction is because they can't get rid of the ultimate happiness of flying high.

Harry thinking makes it easier for people to achieve success, take evil paths, have low risks, and extremely high profits. The satisfaction of the soul is stronger than high flying, and it is difficult to quit.

But often taking evil paths doesn’t mean that you actively become a demon?

We are the heroes of justice and the enemies of evil! "

"Even without learning the witch's meditation method, Hal still fell." Neptune said softly.

"So we are less and less able to promote the witch meditation method. Some heroes are originally weak-willed. After learning it, won't they become more likely to become obsessed?" Bateman said.

"Then how do we deal with the increasingly difficult crises in the future? Darkseid is not dead, he is still hiding in the dark and plotting against us." Wonder Woman asked.

Bateman pondered for a moment and said: "During today's incident, I truly understood the 'two key points in dealing with a crisis' that Harley said last time.

The first is information, and the second is to go all out.

For example, when facing an unknown machine hunter, we will step forward to communicate.

From that moment on, whether the machine hunter is an enemy or a friend, the 'conflict' between us has begun.

However, Harley chose to observe secretly and conceal her identity to inquire about the situation.

Because she concealed her identity, even though she had been in contact with the machine hunter, the conflict between the two parties still did not break out.

After she finds out the details of the other party, she can then decide when to explode. In this way, she has an information advantage over us in knowing our enemy and our ally.

In addition, as Hank Shaw said, Harley joined us and did not use tactics, but went head-to-head. There was still a chance of winning, but she still used her cunning to the extreme and then swarmed us.

Using all your wisdom and strength is the true all-out effort.

Even if you fail, you will have a clear conscience and no regrets. "

"That's a good summary, but how do we learn?" Neptune asked.

"Well, from now on, you must first use your wits and then your full strength when doing things." Bateman said.

"Isn't this just like following Harley?" Neptune said with a wooden face.

"I didn't say I won't learn from her, but I just live if I learn from her, and die if I imitate her. We learn her way of doing things instead of using her thinking to distort our own will.

I firmly believe that as long as we firmly believe in justice and light, no matter how tortuous the process is, we will usher in the final victory, because evil cannot defeat good and justice is eternal! "

Bateman gave up the low and hoarse voice of the past, and his tone was particularly high-pitched and passionate.

This is too much for Dachao's taste.

He looked at him with a look that could melt ice, "That's right, evil never defeats good, and justice is eternal!"

If he hadn't been in the small spaceship at this moment, he would have wanted to get out of his seat and hug him.

Several other heroes were also excited and excited.

In this enthusiastic atmosphere, the Justice League returns to Earth.

Arriving at the Hall of Justice, they were shocked to find Cyborg already waiting there.

"Did Harley drive you back halfway?" Bateman frowned.

"No, Robot Superman's head has been thrown on the Origin Wall, and I also filmed 'The Final Judgment'."

Cyborg said while projecting the video into the air.

"Hank Shaw, you personally admitted that the destruction of Coastal City was not an accident, but a deliberate mischief on your part. More than seven million people died because of you. Now you are sentenced to fall to the Origin Wall forever. Do you accept it?"

The heroes had strange expressions. The trial in the video took place in the stomach bag dimension. The yellow light energy device appeared in a small courtroom. Harley changed into the black robe of the justice. There was also a Green Lantern who acted as the jury and audience representative.

Cyborg stood in the dock holding Mechanical Superman's head.

"I refuse to accept it. My mind is controlled by Darkseid."

"If you weren't suspected of being controlled, I would have sentenced you to hanging on the wall? Hanging on the wall is not even torture."

"If you hang it on the wall, you won't be able to get it off. It will completely ruin your future. It's worse than death." Hank Shaw said excitedly.

"In any case, more than seven million people have died because of you, and you have been deprived of your right to life."

Harley struck the hammer a few times, announcing the end of the trial.

"Fake squid, splashing goods, I am XXXX"

Hank Shaw had a ferocious expression and cursed angrily, but he could not save himself from the fate of being spit on the wall by Harley and turned into a stone head with a distorted face.

Neptune whistled and said with a smile: "The Origin Wall is such a magical place, why not throw Mongo and those aliens up there too."

"There is no difference between hanging on the origin wall and being tortured." Bateman said solemnly.

"At least the reputation is better." Poseidon said.

Bateman lamented: “The key point now in the Alien Crimes Bill has become whether alien criminals share the same set of laws as human criminals.

Generally speaking, the same laws should be used to avoid racial discrimination and internal divisions.

If ordinary people accept that they will be hung on the wall of origin if they commit a crime, the punishment of hanging on the wall of origin can also be passed. "

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult." Dachao said.

"Legal matters are left to the judges and lawyers to worry about. The top priority now is Hal." Wonder Woman reminded.

Bateman looked at Cyborg and said: "Locate Hal's location through mobile phones, Justice League-specific watches, and public networks."

The steel-framed electronic eye flashed red quickly.

Half a minute later, he shook his head and said: "There is no trace of him, either he is not on Earth, or he deliberately avoided us."

"Where is Harley?"

When in doubt, Dachao thinks of Harley.

"She and I parted ways near the Origin Wall. Even Tomato's Green Lanterns were brought back by Yebi and I."

"What is she doing at the Origin Wall?" Dachao asked in confusion.

"I also asked her, and she said it depends on the scenery." Cyborg said awkwardly.

The corner of Dachao's mouth twitched, "Let's go see Tomatu first, ask about their plans, and try our best to meet their needs."

Harley actually wasn't lying, she was really looking at the scenery of the Origin Wall.

But instead of standing outside the origin wall and looking at it, she hung herself on the wall. The level 8 cheeky defense made her consciousness as hard as steel and could even penetrate the origin wall.

The shameless defense upgrade to level eight is actually today.

At that time, Harley had the idea of ​​visiting the Origin Wall.

Throwing Hank Shaw against the wall, he just went along for the ride.

If there was no Justice League around, Harley would turn Hank Shaw's soul into data, and then find pigs and dogs to convert his soul into data.

Extract the soul gene fragments of pigs and dogs and replace the Superman soul gene fragments that Hank Shaw cherishes, desires and respects most.

Let him be a pig and a dog in his soul, and then be sent to the nine levels of hell, where he will suffer all the pain.

However, Zheng Lian was on the sidelines, and it was a waste of time and energy to toss in soul genetic engineering - she had to re-research Hank Shaw's technology. She had not done similar research herself, and she pulled back before taking that step.

In addition, hell has recently been reformed and no longer tortures the undead.

It was not worth spending too much effort on just Hank Shaw, so she simply threw him on the wall of origin and let him be slowly assimilated, saving time and effort, and getting him along the way.

At this point, somewhere on the Origin Wall.

Harley turned into a 10,000-meter-tall stone sculpture, with her eyes slightly closed and her expression peaceful.

Consciousness was like an embroidery needle thrown out by Dongfang Bubai, piercing deeply into the wall and continuing to extend inward.

Contrary to her expectations, she originally thought she would meet Pappetua again, but she didn't expect that the first thing she saw would be a golden world.

Like a traveler in the dark, she suddenly entered the vault with the lights on, and her eyes were dazzled by the golden light.

"My dear, this is the yellow light energy, the power of fear among the seven emotional spectrums. I have entered the emotional spectrum energy pool. Why is it yellow?

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. Even if you enter the emotional energy pool, you should first go red, or purple—"

Just as Harley thought this, her "eyes" were dazzled by the sudden red light again.

If it weren't for the level 8 cheeky defense, her blood would be ignited by the "furious" emotion that filled her chest.

There are seven emotions on the emotional spectrum, corresponding to seven colors, with red being anger.

Harley has level nine green light and yellow light defense expertise. She is not affected by the emotional power of the green light and yellow light energy pools. She also has defense against other light colors, but cannot defend 100%.

So she was caught off guard and almost lost her temper.

Fortunately, she has more than one defense specialty, and the other eight specialties are activated, especially the second will and soul, and the "connected defense network" formed by the seven basic power defenses, allowing her to immediately stabilize her mood and continue to swim in the "sea of ​​​​wrath" with willpower. ".

"Can you extract some of it to activate the defense expertise?" Harley was excited and immediately tested it.

Five minutes later, she sighed in disappointment and continued to spread her willpower forward.

It can be extracted, but the efficiency is extremely low.

She hung it on the wall for about three to five days and could barely activate the zero-level defense specialty.

If you hang around for 180 years, you can rise to level five. If you hang on for 18 billion years, you can rise to a high level (level seven or above).

"It's better to go back and find the Red Lantern Corps."

Perhaps her will and spiritual power were not strong enough at this time, and the "hole" dug in the wall was too small.

After that, Harley saw orange greed, green will, blue hope, cyan compassion, and purple love.


The will continued to break through, and the dazzling white light rushed towards his face. Harley's thinking and will were like a thin steel wire thrown into a grinder, being crazily twisted, broken, melted, and changed.

She screamed and jumped down from the origin wall.

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