I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 987 Weird, Harley Meditation Method

"Harley?" Dachao looked at Harley, asking if he wanted to re-equip the Iron Man body for Hank Shaw.

Harley remained calm and continued to ask: "You said the first body was made of Mother Boxes, but what about the second one? It is stronger than Robot Hunter, almost the same as your first body, and both are 'Superman level' .”

"The power of the Mother Box is only part of the reason why I became the 'Mechanical Superman'. What's more important is my soul. I have the same noble soul as Superman." Hank Shaw said with blazing eyes and an excited expression.

Harley could see that his words were at least eight percent sincere, and she really felt like she had the soul of Superman.

It was Superman's Soul that helped him become as powerful as Superman.

She wasn't sure if his words represented the truth, though.

Through soul digitization technology, Hank Shaw performed "soul genetic programming" on his soul.

Not an ordinary editor.

Hank Shaw almost frantically copied Superman's soul data and replaced the original part of himself.

The superior "soul gene" completely replaced his original "mediocre".

It is also a cybernetic body modified by the power of the Mother Box. Cyborg is obviously several levels weaker than the mechanical superman.

Even if the first body that Robot Superman gave up, the reconstructed Man of Steel is not much different from the previous one. It is still a Superman-level Man of Steel.

"We can't let you go free."

Facing a mechanical head that has lost its mobility, Harley no longer has to pretend to be true to her thoughts.

"I am willing to repent. I am now free from Darkseid's control." Hank Shaw said excitedly.

Harry said calmly: "What you said is just family talk, and you were full of lies before, how could you know that it would not be the same this time?

Also, you said you were free from Darkseid's control.

But in fact, after the Mother Box is integrated into the body, it will be difficult for you to get rid of its influence in your life.

It is not only physical matter, but also a large part of pure energy state.

So after you change your mechanical body, your new body will immediately strengthen several times.

This is a gift given to you by Darkseid, and it is also a bond that binds you forever.

Finally, even if there are no above hidden dangers, you are telling the truth, and it is also true that more than 7 million people in Beach City died because of you.

You said you repented, but the reason why you are arrested by us now is because you are hunting for Green Lantern.

You also rule the evil Machine Empire and are very interested in the 'Witch Hunting Squad'. "

Hank Shaw wanted to refute at first, but in the end, the incident of the 'Witch Hunting Team' made all his excuses go back to his throat.

"I am guilty, and I am willing to atone for my sins. If you want to save Green Lantern, you must rely on me. Robot hunters are a complete civilization. They need a mastermind, just like a bee colony needs a mother bee."

Hank Shaw first looked expectantly at Harley, seeing that she remained expressionless, then turned to the Justice League, glanced at everyone, and finally fixed his attentive gaze on Man's eyes.

“Robot hunters have rational thinking that surpasses humans. If not, they would not be able to become the ‘first generation space police’.

Therefore, after seeing me being ripped off by you, they will immediately choose a new master.

Now, they are probably competing in logic operations - all the machine hunters turn on their AI at full power, collide and compete with each other, and finally complete self-transcendence, realize the evolution of artificial intelligence, and give birth to a new master.

I can help you defeat the new master, rescue the captured Green Lantern, and completely solve the machine hunter crisis. "

Dachao thought for a while, then motioned Cyborg to hold Hank Shaw's head away from everyone so that they could not hear their conversation, and then asked Harley: "Do you want to try? I don't trust him either, but we have to save Levin Pull them.

Moreover, the robot hunter slaughtered a sector three billion years ago, which is a great hidden danger to the security of the current universe. "

Harley shook her head and said firmly: "No need to try, Hank Shaw's words are 80% true and 20% false, and you can't trust them at all.

Once he leaves the stomach bag dimension, once he escapes from the grip of Cyborg and Richie, he will not cooperate with us in saving people at all.

He will run away as soon as possible, return to the artificial planet Bio, continue to be his mechanical emperor, and then hate us even more. "

"How can you be sure that what he said is eight percent true and two percent false?" Flash asked curiously.

Harley said calmly: "Because this is the easiest way to deceive others, because I often deceive people like this. I smell lies, and Hank Shaw is still a bit young."

"Uh." The expressions of the giants were distorted, but they did not refute.

"Based on the priorities, there are three problems waiting for us to solve now." Bateman said slowly: "First, go to Bio, the base camp of the machine hunter, and rescue Laila and other lanterns.

This is the most urgent, the sooner the better.

The other one, what do we do with Hank Shaw?

It is difficult to distinguish the truth of his words, and it is difficult to accurately define his crimes.

The only thing is that letting him go free will be a threat to the earth and the universe.

Because he is likely to be a claw of Darkseid interfering with the material universe at this time.

Finally, how will the Robot Hunter respond? "

"Let's go to Biot first and discuss the remaining issues later." Da Chao said immediately.

After saying that, he looked at Harley again, "How?"

Harley nodded, "You guys continue to stay in the stomach dimension, and I'll ride Yebi to Biot by myself."

They were still one step late.

According to the coordinates provided by Hank Shaw, Yebi rushed to the boundary of the universe outside the sector as quickly as possible, but found no trace of Bio.

Well, the little blue man divided the universe into 3,600 sectors, but the universe itself is always expanding outwards, and there will be blurred boundary areas between sectors.

Biostar is hiding at the edge of the universe.

"Is Hank Shaw lying? Bio is a golden planet with a machine structure, bigger than the moon. How can he escape so fast?" The Flash asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "Eight percent truth and two percent lies. You must tell the truth if it can be verified, and you must tell lies if it cannot be verified.

We have captured several robotic hunters, and sooner or later we will be able to decipher their chip information.

Even if the core secret cannot be cracked, at least Bio's location can be locked, and Hank Shaw must understand this. "

Wonder Woman asked, "What now?"

Harley pondered for a moment and said, "You guys go back to Earth first, and I'll bury Hank Shaw."


"Throw the origin wall." Harley said.

"These" heroes hesitated, looked at each other, and did not refute.

Da Chao said: "Do you want to have a trial first? Now that the 'Beach City Trial' has become the focus of global attention, Hank Shaw, as the mastermind, will at least go through a formality."

"Do you think form is more important, or is it more important to eliminate the threat of Darkseid in time? Or, are you happy to see several lawyers arguing with each other in court? Hank Shaw suddenly laughed, turned around and taunted you a few words, and then Are your souls escaping in front of everyone?"

"Can he still escape now?" Da Chao asked sarcastically.

"What do you think?"

"I have no idea."

"You don't know if you dare to put him on trial publicly. Are you confident, or are you arrogant?"

Dachao touched his nose and said, "I have confidence in you."

"Sorry, I have no confidence at all. I don't know what will go wrong next or what arrangements Darkseid will make. Facing the unknown, the best choice is not to give the other party any chance."

"Okay, you send him to the Origin Wall." Dachao said helplessly.

Cyborg said: "The scenes seen through my electronic eyes will be stored in the memory for a period of time. In other words, I recorded the interrogation of Hank Shaw just now in real time.

Clips can be taken and given to the court.

The interrogation we just had, and Harley's verdict at this time, is a special trial. "

"Not bad, not bad!" Neptune patted his shoulder with approval.

Cyborg grinned.

Bateman suddenly said: "Cyborg, follow Harley to the Origin Wall and take a photo of Hank Shaw's hanging on the Origin Wall."

Harley gave him a sideways glance.

Da Chao also looked back and forth between him and Harley, with thoughtful expressions on their faces.

"Are you worried that Harley will secretly send Hank Shaw to hell?" Dachao asked Bateman after Harley left with Cyborg.

"I don't think so." Bateman said calmly.

Dachao looked at him, doubtful in his heart, and changed the subject: "Without Hank Shaw, we can hardly track Biostar. What will happen to Lila and those Green Lanterns?"

"We'll discuss the decision after Harley comes back. Too many things happened today, Hal's fall, Green Lantern's second destruction, Central Energy Battery explosion, Robot Hunter, Sector 666, Robot Superman, Darkseid, Red Lantern Corps .”

Bateman pressed his temples tiredly, "We will be very busy in the next period of time."

"Look at it. Although there were a lot of unpleasant things today, the rewards are greater." Neptune looked relaxed and said with a smile: "An accidental encounter with Hank Shaw was like winning the MEGA (American Mega Millions lottery). prize.

Think about it, if we don't deal with him today, how much harm will he cause to the earth and the universe by hiding in the dark in the future?

We have solved a cosmic crisis! I can't wait to have a drink to celebrate. "

"You just want a drink, right?" Wonder Woman complained.

Martian Manhunter, who had been rarely speaking, slowly said: "What happened today had a great impact on me. It was not the content of the matter, but the process.

I find that the style of doing things in Justice League is a bit out of step with the times. "

"Why do you say that? We have only been established for a few years, why are we falling behind?" The Flash asked in confusion.

Martian Manhunter said: "If it were us to deal with these matters today, we would have a conflict with the Machine Hunter, but we still couldn't find any trace of Laila, and we didn't understand the origin of the Machine Hunter, let alone the existence of Hank Shaw.

We may be able to return to Earth safely this time, but we will inevitably face crazy revenge from the machine hunters.

Many people will die.

After going through all kinds of hardships to resist the harassment of the main robot hunters, they never imagined that behind them was Hank Shaw, and behind Hank Shaw was Darkseid.

But Harley just changed her way of dealing with the crisis.

She didn't come prepared.

Like us, she doesn't know about Hank Shaw and the Darkseid behind him.

However, her caution and cunning ensure that she will never let the opportunity slip away when it comes.

This shows that our efficiency in doing things is much lower than hers.

But our enemy Darkseid is not as foolhardy and reckless as the super criminals on Earth. He has a single advantage and is easier to target.

Just relying on ourselves and our current habits, we are absolutely no match for Darkseid at full strength. "

The Martian's words made all the heroes present fall into deep thought.

"Jon is right, the Justice League must continue to reform." Aquaman sighed.

"How to change it?" Flash asked.

Neptune thought for a while and said: "Well, in the future, we must be more cunning and learn more from Harley. The enemy is treacherous, and we must be more treacherous than him."

"How can we learn from the witch Harley, who is also known as 'Demon Sorrow'? Many demons follow her as an example, but they still cannot learn from her cunning." Dachao shook his head.

Neptune looked at Bateman, "Don't you have the 'Harley Thought Mode'? Teach us, or develop a set of 'Harley Meditation Method' and practice it as a meditation skill.

In the future, when encountering something, take three deep breaths first, don’t be impulsive, don’t act recklessly, and then use meditation to enter Harley’s thinking mode and make your mind brighter. What do you think? "

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