I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 986 Red Lantern Corps

"Why did you become the master of the Machine Hunter?" Harley asked.

Hank Shaw gave her a strange look, "I thought you were going to ask me who the person behind it was."

Harry's eyes flashed and he said, "I do know how to ask this question. Answer my previous question first."

Hank Xiao was silent for a moment and said: "I said I am innocent, do you believe it? The destruction of Beach City was not an accident.

On the day that Beach City was destroyed, I told you that Mongo originally planned to transform it into a war fortress and did not intend to destroy it.

It was Superman, Annihilus, and my battle with Mongo, which caused the engine power button on the console to be accidentally pressed, causing the energy to overload and the tractor beam to turn into a jet of energy blast.

I didn't lie at the time, I really thought it was an accident.

But after the data soul broke away from the old body, I suddenly woke up and got rid of Darkseid's control. "


This unexpected name caused all the heroes to change their expressions and exclaim in surprise.

Harley narrowed her eyes, noncommittal to what he said.

Hank Shaw said bitterly: "At first, I didn't know that I was plotted by Darkseid.

After Superman came back from resurrection, he talked to me and asked me how I became a "mechanical superman".

I said at the time that I couldn't remember clearly, and I only guessed that Luther had done terrible experiments on me.

Superman believed it because this was Luthor's style. Luthor was also guilty and had done similar things many times.

I didn't lie either.

At that time, I did think so.

Now I know I was wrong. "

He looked at Bateman and asked, "Did the Justice League ransack Luthor's laboratory and take away the source code for brainwave digitization?"

Bateman nodded slightly.

Hank Shaw smiled sarcastically, "You guys are taking off your pants and farting! Since you are worried about Luther using brainwave digitization technology to do evil, why not arrest him directly?

Life imprisonment, or outright killing, all hidden dangers will be gone.

Just delete the source code, can't he start over? "

"This is the difference between us and you. Superheroes have a bottom line of not killing people or framing people."

Bateman's voice was deep and hoarse, and his tone was sonorous and powerful.

Harley felt that Robot Superman should be sarcastic again at this moment, or at least smile disdainfully.

As a result, he was stunned, showed an extremely sad and angry expression, and shouted: "I can also stick to the bottom line of not killing people, and I can become a hero as great as Superman.

It's because you didn't give me a chance, and God refused to give me a chance to be a superhero. "

Harley's expression was slightly distorted.

What is the appeal of superheroes?

In her impression, except for Zha Kang, everyone she met, whether angels, demons or magicians, felt excited and honored to join the Justice League.

Well, except for Zaulie who has the idea of ​​joining the Zhenglian, Jason Blood has already become a member of the Zhenglian.

Jason Blood is the host of the demon prince Etrigan.

There is also a demon codenamed "Blue Devil" who also became a superhero.

Even super criminals subconsciously feel that superheroes are superior to others.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be any weird stories about neuro doctors secretly doing bad things to make money in order to maintain the high expenses of being a hero.

The former super criminal Plastic Man entered Zhenglian early.

Is it because being a superhero can make money through endorsements, be a saint in front of others, and honor your ancestors?

Well, many businesses look for superheroes as spokespersons, but none of them look for super criminals.

While Harley was thinking wildly, Dachao frowned and comforted the mechanical superman.

"Hank, as long as you have a heroic heart, no one can stop you from becoming a hero.

As long as you perform a heroic act, no matter what you have experienced in the past, no one can deny your justice and glory at this time.

If you are really wronged, we will help you, but you must first explain the matter clearly and make us believe that you are innocent. "

If Superboy deliberately used these words to induce Hank Shaw to reveal Darkseid's secret, Harley would praise him for being smart.

But she knew that with Dachao's personality, most of the time he was saying sincerely stupid things.

Because of Da Chao's silly words, Robot Superman's mood did become more stable, and he said: "Brain wave digitization is my technology. After the Justice League team deleted it, Luther went to the hospital and asked me to resume the previous experiment. data.

I agreed.

Because I was almost a disabled person at that time, I wanted to transform myself into a 'superman'.

I also need brainwave digitization technology.

But I was still too naive. Luther had been secretly monitoring me, planning to wait until I restored my original data and then immediately make me sick from fatigue, relapse of old injuries, and die.

I had no idea what his plans were or that he was spying on me.

It was Darkseid. He suddenly appeared in my office and gave me an advanced mother box. Combined with the high-tech weapons in Luther's laboratory, he repeated the birth process of Cyborg.

No, stronger than Cyborg.

The technology is more advanced and the mother box energy level is higher.

Through soul genetic engineering technology, my soul has also achieved 100% ‘superhumanization’. "

He looked at Da Chao eagerly and said excitedly: "You and I have the same soul. Superman, we are twin brothers beyond blood ties."

Dachao's expression was distorted, and he suppressed his disgust and said: "Darkseid controlled your consciousness after that?"

Hank Shaw nodded immediately and said with great assurance and urgency: "Yes, he used the anti-life equation to control my mind and let me collude with Mongo to destroy Beach City.

I used to think that the destruction of Beach City was an accident.

Now I recall that it was he who controlled me to do things secretly, causing the energy of the tractor beam to explode, burning Beach City into steam.

But that wasn't my intention, and I don't even know what I did.

It wasn't until I threw away the original old body made of Darkseid's mother box and re-entered the new body. With the tenacious will of Superman's soul, I was able to slightly break away from the control of the anti-life equation and regain some of my memory and all of my rationality.

Don't worry, I'm completely normal now. "

Several giants from Zhenglian looked at each other and said nothing.

After a long time, Bateman asked: "How did you leave the earth, and how did you find the machine hunter?"

"Every superhero has his own secret base, Superman has the Fortress of Solitude, The Flash has Star Labs, Bateman has the Batcave, and I am no exception.

My consciousness was uploaded to the mastermind of the lair, and a mechanical body was rebuilt.

After that, I didn’t dare to stay on Earth for long, so I immediately escaped into outer space.

At that time, I only vaguely felt that something was wrong with my soul, until I vaguely heard Darkseid's voice——"

"Shit, is this after the Apokolips Incident? Darkseid is also pretending to be dead. Why has everyone started pretending to be dead recently?" Da Chao screamed in shock and glanced at Harley strangely.

"Harry, you have set a trend." Arthur, the King of the Sea, said strangely.

"Darkseid is not dead. He is still hiding in the dark and planning the earth. This news is too terrible." Wonder Woman's face turned pale. "He is already so powerful, and he still engages in conspiracy and conspiracy to let others live?"

"Why is Darkseid pretending to be dead? Has he ever died? What is the Apokolips Incident?" Hank Shaw asked repeatedly.

Da Chao roughly told Harley about using the Doomsday to plot against Apokolips.

"When Darkseid came to me, the Apokolips incident had not yet happened, and the Earth and Apokolips were in peace talks." Hank Xiao said blankly: "Why did he want to find me?"

"I remember," the Flash's expression changed, "The day Hank Shaw turned into Robot Superman happened to be the day before the final negotiations.

Darkseid has decided to sign a peace contract with us and vowed never to attack the Earth again in the future.

As a result, a nail was buried in the earth the day before signing the contract. How treacherous!

If Harley hadn't been more cunning, our planet would have suffered greatly. "

"Farke, Darkseid is obviously a bigot and a rough guy, he looks like a reckless tyrant, how come he has such a delicate and cunning mind?" Neptune scolded.

“With Darkseid’s size, ferocious appearance, and violent temper, he should be an enhanced version of Killer Croc, King Shark, or even Groot.

But with strength greater than Superman and a brain more cunning than Luthor, it's too much. "The Flash sighed.

Several Zhenglian giants cursed and had a layer of white hair on their backs.

They are not as powerful as Darkseid, their brains are not as cunning as his, and they are not as ruthless as him. How can they fight?

Then, all the heroes subconsciously looked at Harley, with complicated eyes and slightly relaxed expressions: Fortunately, we also have a strong and cunning companion.

"Harley, do you have any plans against Darkseid?" Dachao asked expectantly.

Harley frowned and looked at Hank Shaw, who had only one mechanical head left, "Are you sure you heard Darkseid's voice?"

"Without his guidance, I would never have found the artificial planet Bio." Hank Shaw said with certainty.

"Bio is the lair of the machine hunter?"

"Well, it was a planet composed of machines and electronic instruments. After the robot hunters were exiled by the guardians, after billions of years of evolution, they formed a unique and autonomous mechanical civilization, and even built a home planet.

But their masters are not as intelligent as I am.

After I defeated it, I successfully became the mechanical emperor who controlled Biostar. "Hankshaw said proudly.

"Why did the majestic Mechanical Emperor come out to hunt down Green Lantern on his own?" Bateman asked in confusion.

"There are 3,600 sectors in the universe, which correspond to 3,600 Green Lanterns and 3,600 Machine Hunters.

Although there are more than 3,600 machine hunters in the entire universe, there are not thousands of machine warriors left on Planet Bio.

In addition, the news of the robot hunter's appearance in the universe cannot be known to the Guardians or ancient civilizations, especially not to the Red Lantern Corps.

The robot hunter was relatively restrained by magic. I was worried about an accident, so I decided to take action myself.

Just to be sure, I brought ten machine hunters, but I didn't want to... Alas! "

"Why is there another Red Lantern Corps? What is their relationship with the Green Lantern Corps? I remember the Zamalans of the Purple Lantern Corps said that there are only two legions in the universe, the Green Lantern and the Purple Lantern." The Flash asked curiously.

"The Zamaron people are also little blue people, female little blue people. Just listen to what the little blue people say, but don't take it seriously." Harley laughed.

"The Red Lantern Corps has a grudge against the Machine Hunter?" Bateman asked.

"The hatred is as deep as the sea! The robot hunters massacred Sector 666, but a few people survived, and later they established the Red Lantern Corps." Hank Shaw said.

"It's really strange. How did the little blue man let the 'enemy' master emotional energy?" The Flash asked puzzledly.

Dachao said seriously: "We can talk about the Red Lantern Corps later, but now we have to go to Bio to rescue Laila immediately.

We fought the machine hunters for a while, long enough for them to send a message to Biostar.

Hank, if Bio knew that you were captured by us, what would the robot hunter do? "

"A new master will be chosen immediately." Mechanical Superman looked at the heroes expectantly, "But don't worry, help me recast my body, I can control them again."

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