I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 985 Luck favors smart people who are prepared

"I only know that the robot hunter is not alone. There is someone behind it. As for who it is, what its strength is, and what its personality is, I have no idea. Of course, I have to be cautious." Harley said matter-of-factly.

“No matter who you are, what strength you have, what power you have, or what personality you have, it’s useless in front of a combination like you and the Justice League.

Together you can even defeat Darkseid, so what are you afraid of?

He actually pretended, deceived, and set up traps. He still lied and tried to trap me when he came here alone, and he refused to fight an open duel. It was so unbearable for a strong man. ” shouted the mechanical superman.

Several giants of the Justice League vaguely agree with what he said.

If Harley hadn't followed this time, they would have found the Machine Hunter directly and asked what it was doing. Was it looking for Green Lantern? Was the previous Green Lantern rescued by you? who are you? What do you want to do? Can you give us the green light?

After it is confirmed that it is the enemy, the robot will be subdued and the mastermind behind it will be questioned. Finally, all Zhenglian troops will be dispatched, Feng Xiaoxiaoxi and Yi Shuihan. Oh, no, it is the heroes who win and return home together.

They originally planned to do this, but Harley disagreed and ridiculed them for being stupid.

Harley looked at the mechanical Superman and sneered: "According to your logic, a big man who can withstand a two-hundred-pound sack must throw the cart aside and carry the sack on his shoulders himself.

Even if it wastes ten times a hundred times more time and energy, even if it costs more but is less efficient, even if it is ridiculed as a brainless fool, it doesn't matter at all?

If you have the strength of two hundred kilograms, you have to show the magnanimity of a two hundred kilogram strongman. "

Dachao nodded in approval: "Harry is right, even if you are powerful, you must use wisdom to improve efficiency and reduce trouble and losses.

For example, this time, according to our original habit, we directly find the machine hunter, and it will definitely send the information.

Hank Shaw knows that he is not strong enough and will definitely hide.

He even took Lyra and other Green Lanterns and completely disappeared.

But our goal is not to prove our strong demeanor by fighting anyone.

Saving Green Lantern is the purpose of this trip. "

The mechanical hunter was stunned and said, "What if I am not the leader this time?"

Harley smiled lightly and said: "If the mechanical hunter is a good person and is saving people, come and communicate with me, and then everyone will be happy if the matter is settled.

If the robots gave up communicating and started robbing people, Lyle Gandolf would fight them.

Make sure that the advantage is mine, but not too big, so that the people behind the scenes feel that they have a chance, and then continue to raise their bets.

If you never show up and there is always only the robot hunter, I will decide according to the situation whether to be captured at the last moment due to exhaustion or to escape in embarrassment.

In short, through the positioning of those people in Tomatu, I will find your home base and figure out the purpose and power of the machine hunters.

Just like you said, I have the entire Justice League hidden in my belly. I even dare to go to Apokolips. Is there any dragon or tiger's den in the material universe that I dare not break into?

I just waited and waited for you, and I heard the secret about the machine hunter, which was very unexpected.

I originally planned to return to Earth first and let the Justice League toss around.

Now God has taught me another lesson: good people will be rewarded, and bad people will be punished by God.

Look at you, look at me, and you will understand everything. "

"Are you a good person? You are capable of cheating and kidnapping." The mechanical hunter said angrily.

He was so frustrated with his defeat this time.

As soon as I woke up today, I didn't even have time to brush my teeth when I received a message from the Robot Hunter with the number 2012 in sector 2814: It was discovered that the Green Lanterns were in internal strife, and a group of Lanterns lost their power and fell into a coma.

He became slightly more interested and kept it focused.

When he was gone, he immediately asked the machine hunter to take action.

Because the Robot Hunter did not fly a spaceship, he could not "carry" dozens of Lanterns.

They can fly in space and, like the Green Lanterns, don't need a spaceship.

But Green Lantern has a light ring, which can be used to imprison prisoners, and can also use green light energy to build aircraft. The robot hunter of "Green Lantern Unit-1" does not have these abilities.

It will take some time to dispatch the spaceship. If the spaceship arrives, the Lantern who comes to the rescue will also arrive. Will the news that the mechanical hunter returns to the world be discovered by the little blue man?

After waiting for almost an hour without seeing the Lantern coming, Hank Shaw finally determined that Oa had probably had an accident.

At this time, a machine hunter's spacecraft also arrived nearby.

He picked up over twenty Green Lanterns without spending a penny.

——I’m lucky today!

He thought happily at that time.

Afterwards, the robot hunter disguised himself as a rescue robot and gained partial trust from Laila and others.

Not only did he know that another group of Green Lanterns might have been trapped in the JDN-W09 universe wormhole - Laila found that no Green Lantern came to pick her up for a long time. First, she was sure that the second line of defense of Tomato and others had also failed, and then she also speculated that the Green Lanterns had failed. Something terrible happened to the Legion that she didn't expect.

If Tomatu succeeds, he will definitely come to rescue them, because they left Oa together.

Of course, Laila was not stupid and did not tell the machine hunter about Oa's accident. She only said that some teammates might appear in the JDN-W09 universe wormhole.

There are indeed many coincidences today.

When Harley and Zheng teamed up to rescue Tomato, the machine hunter happened to be cheating on Laila, and both parties just missed it.

Harley and Zheng Lian went to the star field where Laila was. The machine hunter got the news from Laila and immediately rushed to the star field where Tomatu was.

At this time, the factor of luck fades away, and details and wisdom begin to become the main factors determining success or failure.

If he followed Zheng Lian's idea and jumped directly into JDN-W09, he would definitely alert the nearby machine hunters.

Harley was habitually cautious: the reason why they went back was because Lila was in danger, because the person who rescued them might have bad intentions.

Since he had already predicted that the other party had bad intentions, Harley would of course treat them as prepared enemies.

How can we treat the enemy with fairness and justice?

Of course, she had to sneak closer to see if there was any chance of sap or trickery. After all, she had an advantage: she knew they were enemies, but they didn't know she existed.

Isn't it stupid to not use such a huge advantage and expose your identity directly?

Harley doesn't want to be stupid.

Therefore, instead of taking the "right path" of the JDN-W09 cosmic wormhole, she asked Yebi to jump a light-year outside the wormhole and then "slowly" approach.

Not only that, she also let Gouzi enter the gap between Limbo and the material world - equivalent to the shadow realm of the earth.

Her caution paid off.

She found the Robot Hunter on a dog, and found that it looked "too ordinary", like a robot warrior on an assembly line, and her vigilance immediately increased by three levels.

Robots that can survive, navigate, and investigate alone in the universe are already terrifying.

There may be thousands of existences like it, which is even more terrifying.

And if thousands of terrifying robots are controlled by someone, shouldn’t this sound the highest alarm?

As her mind turned, Harley immediately came up with a damaging move - to use the ninth life force defense specialty to become another person, and then "Harley's belly can punt" and stuff the Justice League into the stomach dimension.

At least there is nothing for her to fear in the material universe!

A small episode occurred during this period.

When Hallie revealed her plan, several Zhenglian giants were hesitant and thought she was baffled.

"We are just here to save people, why are we doing all this? Ask the robot where Laila is. If it has evil intentions, wouldn't it be enough to just let Cyborg read his chip?" Wonder Woman said.

"Why do you say it's 'too ordinary'? Maybe it's the same as Cyborg. It's unique in the universe, and there are no millions of robot soldiers like you imagined." Da Chao said.

"It's too complicated to think about. Is it necessary?" The Flash said, clasping the back of his head.

Aquaman didn't comment because he couldn't fly and couldn't participate in the battle in outer space.

Cyborg didn't express an opinion, because he was called a giant, but his qualifications were too young - he was only 18 years old this year, and he was a big kid.

Martian Manhunter has always been a man of few words.


He didn't object to Harley's plan, but he was curious about why she called the robot hunter "ordinary".

He found it anything but ordinary.

Its technology is so advanced that it is equivalent to half a steel frame.

If one force controls thousands of machine hunters, it must be the overlord of the universe.

But according to the information he collected earlier through Green Lantern, there is currently no "AI Emperor" that controls the huge mechanical empire in the material universe.

“Its outer armor is too smooth, and it doesn’t wear any special decorations. Its body surface coating is too regular, and although the red and black colors are bright, it doesn’t show any personality.

Especially the robot's head is featureless.

An AI with independent consciousness will make itself unique.

Like Annihilator.

He obviously has the same body as Tearman, but he is obviously different in appearance and dress.

Annihilus is doing it consciously.

In addition, the robot is sending signals to the outside world.

When I saw it, I immediately thought of soldiers in military uniforms, so I thought it was just one of thousands of similar robots. "What Harley said makes sense, but it doesn't completely convince everyone.

However, she didn't need to completely convince them.

She is the boss now, and they have become accustomed to following her wild plans in the past few years.

Afterwards, Harley put the Justice League and Green Lantern into her stomach bag, then sneaked into the meteorite belt, and used the power of the God of War to open the defensive circle.

The battlefield where Tomatu is located has been inspected countless times by machine hunters. It is impossible for her to return to her original place. She can only create the illusion that she has arrived and is hiding under the magic barrier.

Later, the breath was deliberately leaked, allowing the robot hunter to finally discover the "abnormality".

As The Flash complained, the logic of this action was too complicated.

But it’s really simple to do.

The effect is even better than expected.

"Hank Shaw, I have answered your questions in detail, now you answer the questions for us?" Harley asked.

"I still have questions." Robot Superman said.

Harley wanted to punch him a few times and curse a few times.

However, Richie had already told her that there was a big difference between Hank Shaw's brainwave digitization technology and his soul quantum magic. One was pure technology, and the other was 20% technology and 80% magic.

Richie can prevent him from escaping or even paralyze him.

But the memory information in his digital soul cannot be forcibly analyzed.

"You ask."

She really had a few questions in her mind, and only Robot Superman could answer them.

"You probably didn't know that I was the master of the Machine Hunter before, right?"

"I guessed there was someone behind the Robot Hunter, but I didn't expect it to be you." Harley said.

"But I think your method of dealing with me seems to have been planned for a long time." Hank Xiao said puzzledly.

"Actually, when I saw Robot Hunter, I subconsciously compared you with Cyborg. I was thinking of you, and when I heard your voice, I recognized it immediately.

Then I was multitasking, talking nonsense to you, and at the same time projecting a ray of consciousness into the stomach dimension as I am now, and discussing a plan to deal with you with the Justice League.

In fact, since your last "escape", I have been simulating the battle plan in my mind for the next time I encounter you.

After you escaped last time, you left behind a mechanical corpse. After checking it with Cyborg and my Grass-headed God, we found that your main consciousness memory chip is still in your head, not hidden in your chest or soles of your feet.

If you hid it on the sole of your foot, Superman would have hugged your thigh and ripped your foot off. "

"Can you answer my question now?" Harley asked.

"You ask."

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