The Grandmaster's reaction was superhuman, but he had too little experience and insufficient understanding of the sinister nature of the human heart.

He never expected that the female mage opposite who "can only use magic and is very weak" would actually hide someone in her "slobber".

The golden light spitting out of her mouth was not strong, and the energy fluctuations were extremely weak, so he didn't pay attention.

He wants to smash her brains out before she can use stronger magic.

This decision cannot be said to be wrong.

What was wrong was that he recognized the wrong person.

The golden light in the female mage's mouth was very weak, but after the golden light blurted out, it rose up in the wind. In an instant, a big man in a red cloak flew out, punched his face, then spun around, went around behind him, and strangled him with his right hand. He twisted his neck hard.

"Stab la la" electric sparks flew and his head was ripped off.

There is no blood, just a machine head.

The hood was torn, revealing his true face

It was the mechanical Superman who committed a crime in Beach City and escaped without a trace!

"Tear apart Man?!" He could still exclaim in disbelief.

It was no longer Rann, but English was spoken subconsciously.

"Whoosh!" The female mage on the opposite side spit out a second golden light, and a figure enlarged in it.

"Cyborg?!" Grandmaster recognized him again and was even more shocked.

Cyborg landed in front of him, and without saying a word, he slapped his temples on both sides of his hands tightly.

"Stab la la la!" A strong magnetic storm flashing silver arcs shot out from the steel palm. The electronic eyes of the mechanical superman flashed at high frequency, and the sound was like a short-circuited radio. It was low and high for a while, and he was talking nonsense.

The strong magnetic and electric fields emitted by Cyborg's palms are equivalent to EMP bombs, ensuring that the robot superman's brain is short-circuited, his thinking is down, and he is unable to give orders or transmit soul data to the outside world.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The female mage continued to spit out golden light, spitting out Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter in turn towards the eleven machine hunters behind the Grandmaster.

Then she shouted: "Rich, go to Cyborg. The mastermind is next to the mastermind. He has reserved a CPU for you and immediately led the grass-headed god to descend on him.

Then work together with his electronic brain to enter the robot superman's brain and control his soul data. "

The whole process is a long story, but it actually happened at the moment when the rabbit rises and the falcon falls.

The female mage spat out the golden light without any interruption, spitting out the four giants of Zhenglian who could maintain their combat power in space one by one.

As she spoke, her face shape, height, and hair color were all changing.

His height has shrunk from two meters to one meter seven, his long face has also shrunk into a delicate heart-shaped face, and even his head has shrunk a lot, from a big head suitable for a height of two meters to one that perfectly matches his current height. Not a small head.

She changed from a completely strange alien woman in the eyes of the mechanical superman to Harley who could not be forgotten even if she turned to ashes.

The ninth vitality defense specialty is to control body tissues to change their appearance.

The strength of the robot hunter was unexpectedly strong. Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman were unable to sweep the battlefield for a while. Harley frowned and said: "Cyborg, you take the head of the mechanical superman into the dimension of my stomach. Superman, you go and solve the battle." .”

They are as efficient and fast as the soldiers under a general.

Harley opened her mouth, spit out a golden light of yellow light energy, and pulled the heads of Cyborg and Robot Superman into the stomach bag dimension.

The dimension of the stomach bag is equivalent to a small world. Although there are no laws created by Harley himself in the world, it is still very simple to shield the connection between the stomach bag and the external material world.

If there is no accident, it will be difficult to transmit the soul data of the mechanical superman.

It took about ten minutes, and Harley joined in, and the four of them worked together to take down the eleven robot hunters.

On the one hand, the machine hunter is powerful.

Another factor that affected the course of the battle was Harley's request to arrest at least two complete Robo-Hunters.

"Lyle, you are a liar! Lyle Gandolf, come out."

A quarter of an hour later, in the space of Harley's stomach, Cyborg's head was held in Cyborg's hands.

He was shouting angrily, surrounded by a circle of Zhenglian giants with complex expressions, and Harley's projection also stood beside him.

"Yes, Lyle is a liar." Harley nodded and said seriously.

When Harley transformed from an alien planeswalker back to her original form, the mechanical Superman was electrocuted by the strong magnet of the steel frame. The machine's brain short-circuited and did not see what was happening outside.

He also thought there really was a wizard named Lyle Gandolfo who was in cahoots with the Justice League.

"Lial, liar, she's a liar, she" Mechanical Superman looked at Harley, still not quite understanding.

"If you still think of yourself as a super criminal with such an IQ, you should go back to the laboratory and do scientific research."

At the moment, Harley's spirit is projected in the dimension of the stomach bag, and she can easily change her appearance to Lyle before, and then quickly change back again.

"It's you, how could you-" Robot Superman was stunned at first, unable to believe that the mage who was determined to hunt the witch and had a relationship with the Demon King's inner dragon was actually the witch Harley herself.

It’s so weird, why did you happen to meet them here?

She was so cunning and pretended so well that he didn't notice any flaws. She didn't even speak "universal" English, but spoke fluent Rann.

"It's so shameless. The dignified General Yinhe, accompanied by seven giants from Zhenglian, actually came to deceive and attack me, an ordinary person." His face was full of shock and indignation, and he was even filled with righteous indignation at the end.

It's so ungrateful to have martial ethics. Several of you can fight me evenly, but now we're united together, and you're even attacking and cheating.

"It's you who are stupid. I already called myself a liar. Lyle Gandalf, isn't he the liar Gandalf?" Harry sneered.

"But you speak Rann!" the mechanical superman said angrily.

"I'm speaking in Rann, but the pronunciation of Lyle Gandolf has not changed. You are an American who has spoken English for decades and has a supercomputer brain, but you still don't realize it. What else can you be but stupid?" ?" Harley sneered.

"I'm not stupid, it's you who are too cunning, Witch Harley, you are Witch Harley!" Mechanical Superman shouted.

Several giants in the main alliance, such as Diana, Aquaman and The Flash, nodded slightly with expressions of approval on their faces.

If they were mechanical supermen, there wouldn't be any surprises in the ending.

"Stop talking nonsense. Now I'll be lenient if I confess. Tell me clearly about Beach City and Robot Hunter." Harley scolded.

The mechanical superman was probably too excited and didn't listen to her words. He was still immersed in his own emotions and muttered to himself: "You are superheroes, why are your methods so dirty?

So many heroes, the entire team of Zhenglian giants, and the witch Harley, refused to fight me openly. Instead, they relied on deception and sneak attacks to swarm me.

You are as depraved as Hal Jordan.

You are no longer righteous, maybe you have never been truly righteous and bright.”

Harley was impatient and winked at Cyborg.

Cyborg didn't quite understand what his senior meant and looked at her doubtfully.

"Use the electric gun to wake him up." Harley frowned.

"Oh" Cyborg hesitated a little, but still obediently stabbed the mechanical superman a few times.

Not to mention, the effect is really good, and the mechanical superman immediately recognizes the form at this time.

"First tell me how you found me. After answering my questions, I will answer yours." He said.

"Meeting you in outer space was purely a coincidence."

Dachao looked at Hank Xiao, whose appearance and temperament had changed greatly, with complicated emotions. "Hal had an accident. We went to Oua to look for him, but we only found..."

After a pause, he concealed the tragedy on Oa and continued: "On the way back to Earth, we decided to save the Lantern who was left in outer space by Hal.

There were two groups of people, two green light teams. Tomato was close to Oa and was found by us first, but when we went to find Laila, we found that they had disappeared.

We were worried that they would be picked up by people with malicious intentions, so we planned to go to nearby civilized planets to inquire about them. "

Having said this, he looked at Harley with admiration, "Harley is very smart and thought of a better way - to return to the vicinity of the wormhole in the JDN-W09 universe, which is the star field where Tomatu's original place is.

However, our delay was a bit long.

Before approaching Tomatu and Hal's battlefield, your robot was discovered. "

"You discovered the robot hunter, but the robot hunter didn't know about it?" The mechanical superman was stunned and shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible, they are the most powerful and the most adept at detection and tracking of the robot hunters in the universe.

The purpose of the Guardians creating them is to protect the universe sector. Not to mention other functions, its armed strength and investigation capabilities are absolutely top-notch in the universe, and it can even sense life forms that are ten lights away.

Light travels a distance of ten minutes!

There are almost no vital signs reconnaissance aircraft in the universe that can achieve this effect. "

He was telling the truth. Precisely because the robot hunters had extremely strong detection capabilities, they secretly returned to the material universe and even created an artificial planet in the material universe without being discovered by other interstellar forces.

Dachao said strangely: "Your robot hunters may be very strong, but they can't compare to a dog from Harley's family."

"Harley is really alert. We are going to fly over directly to find or wait for the spacecraft that will take away Laila and learn the news about Tomato from them.

Harley suggested approaching slowly from a distance and not alerting the enemy. "

The mechanical hunter looked at Harley in confusion and asked: "Since you saw the mechanical hunter, why didn't you arrest it immediately, or ask it why it thought of setting an ambush to lure me?"

Harley sighed: "Yebi can indeed detect life forms within the star field, but your machine hunter is not a life form.

Yerby did not discover it beyond visual range.

The two sides were very close, almost visible to the naked eye, when they saw the machine hunter.

From such a close distance, I could clearly see its appearance and found that it looked very featureless.

So I guessed that it was an assembly line product, there would be many similar robots, and there was a big force behind it.

I also saw the flashing signal light on its forehead, indicating that it can call people at any time, and the people behind it are also paying attention to this matter. "

The mechanical hunter asked suspiciously: "The distance is so close, why didn't the mechanical hunter find you?"

Harley smiled and said: "My dog ​​is not a mortal. It is a dimensionality reduction attack to deal with pure technological creations that do not understand magic."

"Even if you suspect that the Machine Hunter is from a certain force, you will not disguise yourself and hide the entire Zhenglian team to ambush me. You have the power to defeat the entire universe in an upright manner, why are you so wretched?" the Machine Hunter yelled unwillingly.

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