I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 983 Planeswalker Lyle and Machine Emperor

DC spaceships have three ways of interstellar travel.

The first one relies on the sub-light speed engine, the spacecraft is close to the speed of light and flies at sub-light speed.

Travel is often only possible near star systems.

If the distance is too far, such as hundreds of light years, a round trip would take hundreds or even thousands of years, which would take too long.

The second type, the hyperlight engine, can open a micro wormhole and enter a hyperspace channel, which can span hundreds or thousands of light years in just a few minutes.

However, this technology is very high-tech.

As powerful as the Kryptonian civilization, it was also the super-light engine invented in the last millennium.

The colonial mothership that landed on Earth tens of thousands of years ago only had sublight engines.

Don't look at Harley and Green Lantern randomly turning on space teleportation. One of them relies on magic, and the other uses Green Lantern energy that is buggier than magic. Looking at the scope of the universe, it is very rare.

The current most mainstream way of traveling in the universe is actually sub-light speed combined with natural cosmic wormholes.

First fly to the edge of the wormhole at sub-light speed, and then travel through the wormhole through hundreds, thousands, or even across the entire galaxy.

Those natural space-time wormholes are like the portals on the game map. Countless portals form an interstellar map.

With interstellar charts, interstellar routes will naturally be produced.

There is an interstellar route between the Earth and Oa.

The Earth was once ridiculed by the Green Lanterns and advanced civilizations as a backwater, because the solar system is a bit far away from the mainstream star field, and it is separated by dozens of "galaxies" from the center of the universe.

Oa is at the "geometric center" of the universe.

Although the earth is the "mass (energy) center" of the universe, its location is indeed a bit "remote". There are no super civilizations or natural wormholes nearby - the distance from the wormhole is equivalent to no national highways and no highways on the earth. , there is no train station or airport, what is it if it is not a remote country?

In short, the straight-line distance from the Earth to Oa is billions of light-years, and flying directly at faster than the speed of light consumes so much energy that even the Green Lantern cannot sustain it.

The energy in the Lantern's lantern ring is limited. If the energy is exhausted during the transmission, it will be too uncomfortable to die.

Therefore, Hal also takes the "interstellar route" formed by natural wormholes from Earth to Oa.

Therefore, Laila and Tomatu can lead people to intercept him.

They knew that he was flying to Oa, and that he lacked energy and could only take the natural wormhole route, so they stayed near the wormhole in advance.

Harley and the Justice League also took interstellar routes and did not jump directly into space.

Yebi's strength is a bit stretched, but he can make time jumps across the universe with ease.

However, the Justice League's ship is not an Archimedes airship, and it carries a limited amount of energy.

At this time, in the dark and deep space of the universe, not a single star could be seen within dozens of light-years.

But it's not completely dark here.

There is a crimson vortex in the void with a maximum diameter of a hundred kilometers.

It rotates slowly and eternally, emitting faint red light and strong space-time fluctuations to the surrounding star field.

"Mechanical Hunter 2012.2814. Requesting to connect to the 'Master' of Biostar. Mechanical Hunter 2012.2814. Requesting to connect to the 'Master' of Biostar."

A message travels repeatedly through this cosmic wormhole.

About half a minute later, another message responded: "I am the Grandmaster, Mechanical Hunter 2012.2814. What news do you have over there?"

"Reporting to Grandmaster, Mechanical Hunter found the target on 2814.2012. Tomato and his 20 Green Lanterns. But they were discovered by others in advance and even escaped my detection."

"Who discovered them?" asked the Grand Master.

"There is only one suspected magician, a female mage with red hair and a height of two meters." The mechanical hunter sent back a picture.

"She didn't notice you?"

"I am a mechanical hunter, I have no breath of life." Mechanical Hunter 2012.2814 said.

"The opponent can survive in the universe. He is probably a master of magic. You can't deal with him. Send me the coordinates and I will bring someone to pick you up."

The mechanical hunter immediately transmits a set of numbers.

Just ten minutes later, a man in a cloak and ten identical machine hunters flew out of the wormhole and sped away in the same direction.

The robot hunter looks like a human wearing a red space suit.

After flying at sub-light speed for three minutes, they stopped.

A three-hundred-kilometer-long meteorite belt floats quietly in front.

A few hundred kilometers in outer space is almost the same as a "point".

But if you want to find a few people in the meteorite belt, it is not much easier than fishing for coins in a pond.

At this time, a robot hunter jumped out of the meteorite belt to guide them.

12 people went straight to the back of a 200-meter-diameter meteorite.

A ten-meter-diameter magic circle was opened there, and twenty-one Green Lanterns were piled together like corpses, still in a coma.

In the center of the magic circle that exuded light golden light, there was a slender female mage meditating cross-legged.

Obviously, this is a planeswalker who travels in the stars.

Accidentally passing by the battlefield of the Green Lantern Team, the Lantern who fell into a coma was brought here to "hide".

Regardless of whether the female mage had the idea of ​​hiding her whereabouts, her behavior substantially affected the search operations of the machine hunter.

"who are you?"

The Grandmaster led a team of machine hunters to approach openly, and the Master was immediately alerted.

She spoke Rann.

If the earth is a remote part of the Milky Way, then the Beidou Galaxy is the most dazzling pearl among the many civilizations in the Milky Way.

The Beidou Galaxy is composed of multiple advanced civilizations such as Rann, Senagan, and Beichen. The Rann language is also widely used in the galaxy.

Recently, the United States is also planning to offer alien language classes in high schools, and Rann language is also one of the options.

"I am the master and they are my servants."

The hooded man's face and body were hidden under the thick cloak. Although his voice was also in Lann, it was surprisingly familiar.

The female mage's pupils shrank for a moment.

"Who are you? I've never heard of your name."

The hooded master said proudly: "I am the master of Biostar, the Galaxy Mechanical Emperor.

Sorceress, I want the Green Lanterns. Give them to me and I will pay you a satisfactory amount of star coins. "

"Grandmaster, you are a polite person. Even if there are many people, you have no idea of ​​taking my 'slave' by force. This is very good. I am willing to discuss business with you.

However, I am a mage and do not need star coins. "The female mage stood up and said in a gentle tone.

"What do you want?" Seeing that she was easy to talk to, the Grand Master was willing to put aside the plan to rob her by force.

After all, the opponent is a mage who can travel alone in the universe, and magic is his weakness.

"Knowledge and wisdom are the purpose of my journey in the material universe. And wisdom can be obtained by communicating with wise men."

The female mage smiled and said: "First tell me what you do. If you really have the strength and wisdom of the 'Machine Emperor', I am willing to give these Green Lantern slaves to you for free, just as a friend."

"Ordinary people are not qualified to be my friends." Grandmaster said calmly.

The female mage pondered for a moment and said: "I am not an ordinary person, but you call yourself the Mechanical Emperor, and you are followed by a group of machine servants. You are obviously a person on the technological side, and you probably don't understand the affairs of the extraordinary world."

"What do you think."

The female mage lowered her head and glanced at the Lantern lying on the ground, "Do you know the Witch Harley?"

"Harley Quinn? Who are you and how do you know this name?" The Grandmaster's tone was more guarded.

"Well, that's why it's most annoying to deal with a technological civilization like yours." The female mage sighed helplessly and said, "Everyone knows about Witch Harley in the supernatural world. The reason why I treat these few... Green Lantern is interested because they once sealed the Witch Harley in the central energy battery.

I wanted to pry the green light secret out of their mouths. "

"You haven't said who you are yet, where are you from?"

"Have you heard of the Witch Hunting Team?" the female mage asked.

The Grandmaster nodded slightly.

The female mage pointed to her chest with her thumb and said proudly: "I once followed the second prince of Sannomiya and joined the magic team!

I once surrounded and killed the Witch Harley.

Tell me, am I an ordinary person? "

"Oh, that's it."

The guard in the Grandmaster's heart dissipated, and he looked at her with a bit more contempt. Does this experience make you proud?

"Do you know about Robot Hunter?" he asked.

The female mage shook her head, "I am a planeswalker from another dimension. I don't understand or am interested in things like machines and technology."

"Robo Hunter is the predecessor of the Green Lantern Corps."

The female mage was shocked, "Were they made by the Guardian? What is your relationship with the Guardian?"

"I have nothing to do with the Guardians, but I am indeed the master of the Machine Hunter now. Before the emergence of the Green Lantern Corps, the Guardians had divided the universe into 3,600 sectors and sent machine hunters to act as sector police, just like the Green Lantern Corps today. role."

"Why have I never heard of this?" the female mage asked doubtfully.

"It's very simple. The machine hunter later lost control and slaughtered an entire sector of life. The Guardians exiled the machine hunter to the antimatter universe and deleted that period of history."

"Sector, not a planet?" the female mage said with wide eyes.

There are only 3,600 sectors in the entire universe. Killing all life in one sector is equivalent to wiping out one in 3,600 living people in the universe.

How many billion should it be?

"In fact, history has not been completely covered up. If you are familiar with the organization of the Green Lantern Corps, you will find a strange phenomenon. They claim to control 3600 sectors and send a Lantern to each sector, but there is almost no sector 666. news."

"Sector 666 was massacred? This number is really real"

"If you can find the star map of sector 666, you can go and take a look for yourself." The Grandmaster puffed up his chest and said proudly: "Now you know who I am? I control the entire 'Machine Green Lantern Corps'!"

"The Machine Emperor is well-deserved." The female mage complimented with a respectful expression, and then said strangely: "This kind of news should be concealed as much as possible, why did you tell me directly?

Knowing that the robot hunter appears in the universe, the little blue man still has to go crazy? "

"You have a grudge against Witch Harley, we can be friends, and I'm not afraid of the little blue man."

The female mage heard this and said enthusiastically: "I am Lyle Gandolf, the master of natural elements. I have a life-long friendship with Raskov, the second prince of the Third Palace. The Hell Demon King Neilong also has a close relationship with me. I don't know who my friend is from. Under the supreme sect?”

"What sect?"

"The emperor is not alone, without friends and backers, right?"

Before the Grand Master could be alert, she explained: "Sorry, it may be a bit presumptuous to say this. However, I am currently setting up a 'Witch Hunt' for the Second Prince. Seeing the power of the universe, I can't help but explore the details, and then hehe, You know."

"You still want to deal with Harley Quinn?" The Grandmaster's tone became more interested.

"Haha, we are forming a 'Witch Hunting Brigade'. Is the Emperor interested?" the female mage chuckled.

"Isn't it a 'squad'?"

"The team failed, and the squadron also failed. Now if we want to recruit Witch Harley, we have to form a large army at the legion level. Or, we need to find a giant as a backer.

You are the machine emperor, controlling the machine hunter army, and artificial intelligence cannot be born naturally. There must be a great being behind you who created you and supports you, right? Can you introduce me to him, maybe I know him. "

The female mage has a warm attitude and expectant eyes. She has even walked out of the magic defense circle and came to the opposite side of the grandmaster.

"You guessed wrong. I am alone. No one created me. I created myself. However, I am somewhat interested in dealing with Witch Harley." The Grandmaster said calmly.

The female mage said displeasedly: "I have been so honest, there is no need for you to hide your origin.

In addition, only if you tell me who is behind you, will I know whether you are really reliable.

Witch Harley is too cunning to arrange for people to disguise themselves as her enemies and sneak into the witch hunting brigade. "

"I have no backer, just myself." The grandmaster said impatiently.

"Really?" the female mage confirmed again.

"No one is qualified to be my backer."

"In that case -" the female mage smiled strangely, opened her mouth, "Whoosh -"

A golden light spit out and shot directly at the grandmaster's facade.

"You attacked me?!" The grandmaster's dynamic vision and reaction speed are "superhuman".

The energy fluctuations of the golden light were weak and not powerful enough. He did not dodge or dodge, but advanced instead of retreating. He raised his fist and pounced on the mage.

In the next microsecond, the iron fist was going to smash her head.

"BOOOM!" After a moment of subtlety, his iron head was punched and stunned.

"Tear Man?!"

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