I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 982 Saving the Lantern

After leaving Oa Star, Dachao seemed to remember something, and said to his companions and Harley riding on Yebi's back: "Do you still remember that in Ganser's memory, Hal did not kill the first and third soldiers?" The second batch of Green Lanterns intercepted him.

Those were the ones led by Laila and Tomatu.

They are still in outer space waiting for rescue.

But the Green Lantern Corps has died, and there will no longer be a Green Lantern to save them.

We should help them. "

"They are not dead yet?" Neptune asked doubtfully.

"Hal left behind a ball of green light energy." Dachao said.

"Stop bothering, Ganser is not dead either. He also said that he would reorganize the army and 80% of the time he would rescue people." Harley said.

Wonder Woman frowned and said: "Lyla and Tomatu are old friends of the people of the earth. We cannot sit idly by and ignore them due to emotion and reason."

"You are free to do as you like, I will go back first."

Harley didn't have a good impression of the two green lights who "eat everything".

Hal Jordan was definitely at fault for what happened today, and it doesn't matter that he was guilty of a heinous crime.

But when they first met, his Green Lantern companions were no different from the indifferent little blue men, and neither showed sympathy or pity for his experiences.

Not just this time.

Before the end of Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Little Blue Man, who was wiped out for the first time, announced the disbandment of the Green Lantern Corps. It was Hal Jordan who turned the tide and established a new "Earth Green Lantern Corps" on Earth.

As a result, when the Little Blue Man returned, Hal's old comrades such as Lyra and Tomatu secretly contacted the Little Blue Man, and even without Hal's knowledge, they recruited Legion members and returned to Oa to rebuild the "Guardian Green Lantern Corps".

"It won't take you much time." Dachao advised.

"The attitude of those Green Lanterns towards Hal was too cool, and I didn't like it. I wasn't even happy to talk to them, let alone save them." Harley was very direct.

With her current strength and realm, few people can make her do or say things that go against her will.

"They just stick to their principles and don't feel sorry for anyone. Only those who can be strict and self-interested can stick to the bottom line. Hal will sink because he breaks the bottom line." Bateman sighed.

"It's too early to say that Hal has fallen. He just killed a few Green Lanterns who tried to stop him. Who hasn't killed anyone yet?" Harley said.

"You said it too easily. Thousands of people died on Oua." Da Chao frowned.

"Superheroes are different from ordinary people. Once the bottom line is exceeded, superheroes may even be more terrifying than super criminals." Bateman said solemnly.

Wonder Woman also sighed: "Killing even my best friends, Hal is no longer the person we are familiar with. Of course, I have not given up on him. I hope to find him as soon as possible and help him find his former self."

Neptune said: "I don't know what Hal's state is now, and I don't like those green lights, but leaving them to die in outer space is equivalent to the sinking of our belief in justice."

"I'm not stopping you from saving people, why are you excited?" Harley said helplessly.

If there was no Justice League, even if she didn't like them, if she met them on the way, she would not ignore them.

But now Zhenglian has decided to save people. She is out of sight and out of mind. Why should she be denounced by these Zhenglian giants?

She's not a superhero.

Dachao looked at the dog sitting under her, "We are not sure about the specific location of Laila and the others. The space is vast and vast. They may have exhausted the green light energy in their bodies before finding anyone."

After saying that, he asked Gouzi directly, "Yebi, are you okay?"

"Not good. Although I am a divine dog, there is no scent for me to smell in the deep space of the universe." Yebi said.

"Go give it a try."

Several giants are now flying the Zhenglian spaceship, which is twice as long as the F35 fighter plane and very small in size. Harley is riding a dog floating outside, and a group of Zhenglian men are crowded inside.

Following Da Chao's order, pilot Diana immediately opened the hyperspace channel and jumped to the star field where Tomatu team was located.

As soon as it landed, the dog barked, "Found it, come with me."

"So fast? Didn't you say 'not very good'?" Dachao said in surprise.

Yebi said: "Good luck, we are very close to the target."

"What a coincidence?" Dachao grinned.

Then the smile on his face quickly solidified into confusion, "Yebi, why did you open the space door?"

"The target is a hundred light-hours away. Even if it travels at the speed of light, it will take 100 hours."

"But you said it was very close, and you said you were 'not very good'." Da Chao said with a wooden face.

He highly suspected that this bitch was dishonest and trying to imitate Harley's pretense.

"Interstellar travel is measured in light years, and now the distance is measured in light hours. Isn't it still close?" Yebi's tone was very unconcerned.

"The target can be found within a hundred hours of light. It doesn't rely on smell. What does it do?" Bateman asked curiously.

"I am very sensitive to the power of magical elements, and the green light energy also has some magical properties. In addition, I am a child of hell, and I have a strong sense of soul and life.

Well, I can only find the breath of life, but I can't identify my identity. "

More than twenty lanterns, led by the chicken-headed lantern Tomatu, have woken up, but they are unable to speak or move, like floating corpses trapped in coffins.

It hadn't been too long since they were in trouble. Although they were wondering why no Lantern comrades came to save them, they were not too depressed or desperate. Until Martian Manhunter destroyed the Legion through telepathy and the central energy battery exploded, haha Tell them what happened to you who swept across Oa alone.

"How could this happen? Where should we go now?" The chicken-headed man Tomatu looked desperate.

"Although Ganser said that 'the green light will last forever,' Oa, who left at the same time as us, has gone to nowhere.

Otherwise, you should go to Earth to rest first. Tomato, you have been on Earth for two years, and the watchtower also has inter-galactic information and communication technology. "Dachao warmly invited.

It is not difficult to send them back to Oa, but Oa is too dangerous at this time.

The Green Lantern Corps divides the universe into 3,600 sectors and defines itself as the cosmic police, offending countless interstellar evil forces and civilized overlords who intend to expand their power.

If they knew that the Legion was destroyed and the battery was destroyed, would they let the Green Lantern dead species lose their power on Oa?

Tomatu is not stupid either. He was very grateful for the concern of his "old friend from Earth" and agreed immediately.

Da Chao looked at Harley and asked warmly: "Our spaceship is too small, can you expand the area of ​​'Xiangyun'?"

Harley's face was expressionless and she didn't say a word, but she patted the dog on the head.

Even in outer space, Yebi has his feet on the auspicious clouds.

Because the essence of Xiangyun is magic element, not water vapor.

Now that the auspicious cloud has expanded outward, it is equivalent to building a magical ecosystem in outer space, and you can even breathe fresh air.

"Thank you, Miss Quinn."

Chicken Head Green Lantern didn't know her attitude towards them, so he forced a smile and thanked her.

"Next we have to go find Leila. Alas, Hal was actually lenient at first."

Da Chao looked complicated.

The experience of this group of lanterns once again proves the old saying, misfortune brings good fortune.

Being abandoned in outer space was originally the biggest disaster, but instead of missing out, Oa, who was supposed to be safe, faced a brutal massacre.

Except for Ganser, who developed the skill of pretending to be dead, no one survived.

"Hal." Tomatu's expression was bitter, and he had a thousand words in his heart, but he couldn't say a word.

The process of finding Tomatu and others was surprisingly easy, which made several giants of the Justice League feel that it would be a smooth journey, and they would find Laila and others, and then return to Earth.

The result was far beyond everyone's expectations.

Half an hour later.

Yebi jumped out of the space door and sensed the star field with a diameter of 200 light hours. He shook his head for the nth time and said doubtfully: "There is no breath of green light energy, not even life.

Weird, we've searched for an area within five light-years.

No matter how big the error is, it can't be more than five light years, right? "

"A third party appeared and picked up Laila and the others." Harley's eyes flashed and she said slowly.

"Is it Gunther?" the chicken-headed Green Lantern said excitedly.

Harley shook her head and said, "You are obviously closer to Oa. If Gunther wants to find him, he should look for you first."

"A passing interstellar merchant ship?"

No one can answer this question.

It might be an interstellar merchant ship, it might be an interstellar pirate, or it might even be a slave trader.

Many interstellar merchant ships would originally play the role of pirates or slave traders when they see benefits.

If the Green Lanterns still have their light rings, even if they encounter slave traders, they will be as honest as regular merchant ships.

If a group of lanterns lose their lantern rings, and the captain discovers that the Green Lantern Corps has been destroyed. Not to mention the lanterns who make more money by selling them to the slave market, the bounty each lantern receives in the black market alone is enough to make him rich.

After discussing in the spaceship for a while, Bateman suggested: "Go to the nearby civilization star field and ask, at least tell them the name of 'Galaxy Admiral', let them know that you are paying attention to this matter, and warn the bad guys not to do anything wrong."

"I didn't know my name was so useful." Harley laughed.

"Laila and the others have lost their power now." Dachao said worriedly.

"You can go find them, or you can use my name to pretend to be powerful, but I have big things to do and I have to go back to Earth first," Harley said.

Dachao said: "What's the big deal? There are dozens of people in Laila, and they are all old friends of the people on Earth."

——Making sure they are safe is the big deal now.

“Is the trial of Meng Ge considered a big deal?”

"There is no law, how can we judge?" Da Chao said.

"I will invite the innocent souls of Coast City who have gone to hell to participate in the trial. Their demands are the highest law."

"The Wrong Soul of Coast City?" When the heroes heard about her plan for the first time, they were all shocked.

Bateman calmed down first and frowned: "They are all painful undead souls who have fallen into hell. They have no humanity and rationality, only the instinct of resentment. Let them participate in the trial, and the result will be self-evident."

"I originally planned to let Hal Jordan select the 'Jury of the Undead'. The carefully selected representatives will definitely not be the ghosts with only resentment and chaos." Harley said.

"This" all the heroes were stunned, it seemed very feasible!

Da Chao thought for a while and said: "The jury of the dead can wait for a few days. We'd better determine the whereabouts of Laila's people as soon as possible.

Harley, you don't need a lot of time either.

Do you have any good strategies? End this matter as soon as possible and return to Earth as soon as possible. "

Harry was impatient and was about to refuse again, but suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

She turned to the worried-looking chicken-headed Green Lantern, "Does Lyra know that you are ambushing Hal behind?"

"You know, there are twenty-three of us, Oua, Laila, who left with them, and twenty-one of us. It was originally Plan B to prepare for unexpected events."

"That's easy, let's go back." Harley said.

"Return to where?" Chicken-Headed Lanternman didn't know why.

"I went back to the star field where I found you before and searched everywhere aimlessly. It's better to just sit back and wait."

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