I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 981: Carry forward the skill of pretending to be dead

Sinestro was the first "old friend" Hal Jordan actively killed.

Before that, he just wanted to rush to Oa to find the guardian, and also wanted to steal the central energy battery.

Facing those who blocked him, he had no murderous intentions.

Even if there were casualties during the brawl, they were accidental injuries.

Leila, Tomatu, Kilowog, three lines of defense, three green light teams, Hal Jordan breaks through the bottom line every time.

But the final bottom line of "not taking the initiative to kill" has always been retained, and he still retains his former companions.

When he arrived at Sinestro, his mood changed for the first time.

Throughout the battle, Sinestro and Hal were at odds with each other, with Sinestro having a three-point advantage and Hal Jordan crushing them with seven points.

But Sinestro's constant talk, all kinds of provocative and provocative language, forced Hal Jordan to recognize the fact: You have fallen, don't be coy and do what a fallen person should do.

At this point, Hal Jordan finally broke through the bottom line and broke the neck of the crooked Sinestro.

The sound of "click" and the feeling of breaking his neck left Hal Jordan stunned for a long time.

He sat on the ground, Sinestro's body lying in his arms, his hands in a twisting position around his neck.

At that moment, he seemed to undergo a transformation.

And the second transformation will come soon.

"Hal, I can't let you do whatever you want, and I can't let you continue to make mistakes."

When Hal threw away Sinestro's body and walked towards the little blue man with persistent eyes, the pig-headed man Kilowog who had been knocked unconscious woke up again and came over.

He attacked from behind and knocked Hal several hundred meters away with one punch.

"Hal, have you ever thought about it, if you enter the central energy battery and take away all the energy, what will happen to us and what will happen to the Green Lantern Corps?

How many brothers are relying on the light ring to perform missions in outer space, or even fighting enemies. If you feed all the energy to yourself, everyone else will die! "

"What you said may be right, but I can't." Hal's expression was painful, and his cheeks were twisted and ferocious, "I forced myself not to think about the consequences of what you said, because I have more important things and things that must be done.

I want to correct everything to its original intact state. This is my road to salvation. I must do it. It is also what the little blue people owe me and they must repay it. "

"Don't be stupid, Hal, what you said can't happen at all."

"Let me try," Hal shouted.

"The green light energy is not yours, and it is not used for your experiments. It is the power that protects the universe, and we cannot abuse it for personal gain!"

"For the sake of Beach City, I must get the central energy battery."

After all the fighting and killing, Hal was already a little confused about his purpose of coming to Oa, but Kilowog's words once again strengthened his determination: No matter what, he must seize the central energy battery.

He wanted to give it a try.

Too many people died in Beach City, and many Green Lantern Corps members died in Oua. He wanted to see if he could go back to the good old days before Mongo destroyed Beach City. At that time, his family was still there, his hometown was still there, and there was no Green Lantern Corps. Dead man. Right now, at this point, his life is really terrible.

"Hal, I know the pain of losing your home and the people you love." The pig-headed man looked sad. "I am worse than you. My entire home planet was destroyed. My wife, daughter, and all my people were all destroyed." Turn into cosmic dust.

But I know that these pains are not the reason for us to do whatever we want and keep making mistakes.

Just because we have been hurt does not mean that we are qualified to hurt others. "

The pig-headed man is really Hal's good friend, to such an extent that he still wants to persuade his friend to turn around.

"Cheer up, Hal, although you killed Sinestro and many of your companions, you are not a bad guy like Sinestro, and you can still turn around.

You can change your past, remember, you are the greatest Green Lantern ever! "

"No, I can't, I don't want to!" Hal's heart was deeply hurt by the 'Greatest Lantern in History'. "I was the one who caused the destruction of Beach City. I was arrogant, impulsive and irritable. I, I want to Fix it all!


His light ring fluctuated with his mood, erupting into a beam of energy as thick as an arm, shattering Kilowog's shield in one fell swoop, turning him from a pig-headed man into a roasted whole pig.

This time Hal was really stunned.

Staring blankly at the huge steaming skeleton on the ground in front of him, he silently walked forward and sat down on the ground. The smell of burnt flesh and blood coming from his nose made him sick and wanted to think about all the bad things that had happened in the past few days. All the children vomited out.

But he didn't even retching, only tears could not stop flowing out.

"Hal Jordan, what have you done?!" the huge projection of the little blue man in the sky shouted indifferently.

"It's all you who forced me!" Hal looked up to the sky and roared angrily, "I just want my life to return to normal, and you don't even want to give me a trace of mercy."

"Trying to reverse what happened in the past is the most serious crime." Gunther's projection said coldly.

Hal looked back at Kilowog's corpse and murmured: "I know, but I don't care anymore.

It's too late to say anything now, both for me and for you.

There is no turning back now. "

He closed his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Nothing can change what is going to happen next. It is destined to be this way. There is nothing you can do, and I am not willing to change it."

"I have already crossed the line, and I can't even see the final bottom line. I'm sorry, Kilowog, I..."

Hal Jordan looked at his friend's bones and slowly took off the last ring on his hand, which was also his original ring that belonged to the Lantern of Sector 2814.

"Ding dong!" The light ring fell beside the corpse.

"I don't deserve it anymore."

Hal had no trace of sadness, no trace of regret, and no trace of happiness. There was no expression on his face.

"But, Guardian, I want the central energy battery, and I want to take away your power. I need the power to do something."

He took off all the rings, but the green light energy uniform on his body did not disappear.

A green energy channel visible to the naked eye appeared between him and the central battery.

His power at this time was actually stronger than before he threw away the lamp ring.

A tragic battle, or massacre, broke out between Hal and the remaining Lanterns.

No one could stop him, and he would hold back no more.

They had already killed Kilowog with their own hands, and no one on this planet could make him hesitate.

In Gunser's "memory video", Harley and the Justice League discovered for the first time that Hal could be so powerful.

"If this level of combat power had been unleashed earlier, Mongo would have been nothing, even Darkseid wouldn't have been afraid of him."

Although it was very inappropriate, Harley couldn't help but want to complain.

"Why can Hal still use green light energy after losing his light ring?" Bateman asked in confusion.

"He draws energy directly from the central energy battery." Da Chao said.


Dachao also wants to know.

"Gunther, can you explain it to us?" Wonder Woman looked at the little blue man.

Ganser was silent for a moment and said: "The Lantern does not become a waste if the Lantern Ring is lost. As long as the Lantern Ring is within the range of will induction, the Lantern can control it and extract energy from it.

You can think of the central energy battery as a giant light ring. "

"So, Hal has obtained the highest authority of the central energy battery?" Bateman's heart moved, "Is this why you targeted him?"

Gunther was silent again.

"Where's Hal Jordan?" Harley asked.

Ganser didn't say a word, but showed everyone the last scene in his memory: Hal entered the central energy battery, and endless green light exploded on Oa, like a sun exploding on the surface of the earth.

Eventually the light dissipated, the central energy battery disappeared, and a man in green metal armor walked out.

He doesn't have a light ring, but the green light energy fills his limbs and bones.

He still wears a Green Lantern energy uniform, but has changed from the Lantern "tights" to a powerful and domineering green armor.

His eyes were cold and emotionless.

Before entering the battery, he was still crying, and when he came out, he seemed like a different person.

He destroyed all the Green Lantern rings on Oa, and even crushed the ring that belonged to him that he just dropped next to Kilowog.

He also drained the Green Lantern's energy and even psychic powers from the Blue Man's corpse.

Then he rose into the sky and disappeared into the deep space of the universe.

After only being separated for a few hours, teammate Hal has become such a stranger.

The heroes of Zheng Lian were in complicated moods and could not speak for a long time.

"How did you survive?" Harley asked.

Ganser said: "Hal Jordan keeps saying that he wants to steal our power, so naturally we are unwilling to let him get his wish.

Before he died, my companion transferred most of his spiritual power to me, and I..."

He paused for a moment and looked at Harley with a complicated look, "After you pretended to be dead to trick the Lantern Ring a few years ago, we have been trying to crack your trick of pretending to be dead."

"Uh, you who have studied the art of pretending to be dead have become masters of pretending to be dead one by one? Even Hal, the Green Lantern Demon, was deceived?" Harley looked weird.

What the hell, the technique of pretending to be dead is still flourishing in the DC Universe.

But if pretending to be dead becomes a trend, how can she pretend to be dead in the future?

"They didn't pretend to be dead. It was just me. I was buried among the corpses of my companions."

Ganse's always indifferent tone was filled with sadness and helplessness.

He was the best at playing dead, and none of them were good at it, so they decided to give their energy to him.

"It's not easy to learn the art of pretending to be dead perfectly." Ganser sighed.

Harley nodded and smiled: "I couldn't agree more with this. Those who laugh at me for pretending to be dead are idiots.

You can't fight, you can't escape, your life is almost gone, if you don't pretend to be dead to save your life, you are really dead. "

The Zhenglian giant's expression was contorted, but thinking about it carefully, her words seemed irrefutable.

"We have to find Hal immediately before he causes a greater disaster." Bateman reminded.

"Well, let's go back to Earth first. Hal may be in Beach City." Da Chao said.

Harley looked at the little blue man and asked: "What are your plans for the future of the Green Lantern Corps? Why don't you disband the Corps for the second time and retire to the mountains for the second time?"

Gunther's wrinkled blue face twitched a few times and said firmly: "I won't hide this time! As the last Guardian, I swear to what the Green Lantern Corps once fought for - justice, kindness, kindness, and peace. , will continue to be under my protection."

As he spoke, he hooked his fingers, and a broken ring flew out of the blood-stained soil beside Kilowog's corpse and fell into his hand.

The ring that originally belonged to Hal Jordan, but was crushed by him in the end.

At this time, the ring of the light ring broke, leaving only half of the green light mark on the ring surface.

"The green light always shines and shines for eternity!"

He held it and recited the Green Light Oath, and the dazzling green light shined through his fingers.

When the light dissipated, he opened his palm, and a complete ring appeared in his palm.

About the same time, in the antimatter universe, somewhere in the star field.

Sinestro rubbed his neck, "Crack, click, click!"

"It's a fluke, it's really a fluke this time! I didn't expect Hal to be so strong. Fortunately, when Gunther asked me to crack the Witch Harley's trick of pretending to be dead, I didn't refuse.

Now I'm not dead, Hal Jordan is. Hehehehe! "

He had a smile of success on his face, "I guessed it right, he had reached the critical point, and only one person was left to step forward and give him the last push.

Now that he has no bottom line, how much 'achievement' can he have in the future?

Hahaha, I'm looking forward to it! "

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