I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 980 The Green Lantern Corps is destroyed again

"Don't force me!" Hal growled: "I swore to myself, I will kill anyone who stops me, from now on."

"You can start with me."

Seeing the pain and anger in his eyes, Kilowog's heart softened and his clenched fists unclenched again.

"Hal, stop it, I'm not the only one here, there are Green Lanterns out there."

"Hahaha, I overturned Toktu and Laila, and overturned the green light they brought. They are my closest comrades and friends in the Legion.

Even if they can't stop me, what do other colleagues whose names I don't even know mean to me? "Hal raised his head and laughed wildly, his laughter full of sadness and pain.

Kilovog stared at him for a while, then loudly ordered: "Get Hal Jordan and deprive him of his lamp ring!"

The most brutal civil war in the history of Green Lantern broke out on the planet Oa.

Thousands of miles around were enveloped in the violent green light energy, and this time Hal finally couldn't hold back.

Facing the newly recruited Green Lantern after the Guardians regained control, Hal did not intend to hold back.

However, he did not deliberately kill them. He only beat his old friend Kilowog and climbed down, forcing the surrounding lanterns to retreat. He then found an opportunity to break out of the encirclement and rush straight to the Guardian Cliff.

There are guardians there, and there is a central power cell.

"Little dwarf, I know this is your trick. Kilowog and Laila are brave warriors, but they are not good commanders who are good at strategy. It was not their turn to lead the troops to stop me.

You deliberately arranged for them to lead the team because I have a close relationship with them.

I have very vicious thoughts and want them to die in my hands to break my will, but I will not be fooled by you. "

For some reason, after crying and "confessing" to Halle, Hall's mind became clearer than ever before.

Before today, he was so confused that he didn't even know that the guardian changed the spectral frequency of the central energy battery to be wary of himself.

Although he is now in pain, anger, sadness, despair, and filled with all kinds of negative emotions, his mind seems to have entered a "super intelligence" state and he immediately understands the guardian's sinister intentions.

"Now I have passed through the levels you set up and come to you. I know I can't turn back. I have fallen, but you have already fallen. Let us go to complete destruction in the fall!"

"Shut up, Green Lantern of Sector 2814, stop your evil behavior immediately!"

Dozens of tall energy projections appeared in the Oa sky.

The little blue man in blue leather and red robes, projected with green light energy, is a hundred meters tall, has a vast aura, and is as majestic as a god.

"Otherwise? You don't even dare to show up in front of me, and you are still yelling here." Hal said sarcastically.

The little blue man in the middle said coldly: "Hal Jordan, don't be arrogant, we have been prepared for today.

Come out, the new leader of the Green Lantern Corps, the greatest Green Lantern of all time! "

"Whoosh -" A central energy battery as big as a small house rose from the ground, suspended in mid-air, and projected a bright green light from the lamp mouth.

In the green light, an ethereal black shadow gradually appeared.

The shadow became clearer and clearer, and finally a thin hooded man emerged.

"Hal, long time no see."

He lifted his hood, revealing a red face that shocked Hal.


"Hehehe, I never thought I would see you again on such an occasion." Sinestro said with a weird smile: "Now you have become the biggest traitor, criminal, villain, and murderer in the history of the Green Lantern Corps.

I have become the last hope of Oa Star. What a wonderful irony! "

"Sinestro, even you can't shake my determination. Get out of the way, otherwise I will step over your body." Hal quickly regained his composure.

He knew that Sinestro had obtained the Parallax Monster, that the Guardians had been tracking Sinestro after the Crisis on Infinite Earths ended, and that the Parallax Monster was now sealed into the Central Energy Battery.

It's no surprise, then, to see Sinestro emerging from the battery.

However, he didn't understand that he had to sacrifice his life for Josenesto for the little blue man.

"Step over my body. Would you really do that? I doubt it."

Hal's vicious and determined eyes and the distorted expression of suppressed emotions were something Sinestro had never seen on his face before.

He felt inexplicably terrified, this disciple was in a strange state.

"Hal, after so many years, actually nothing has changed. Everything is still the same. You are still a hero and a good person." Sinestro said with a relaxed smile.

——Hal, believe in yourself, you are a good person, good people do not kill people randomly, good people know how to repent, cry and regret it!

Hal's "psychic transparency" works again, and he inexplicably understands Sinestro's inner thoughts.

"Good guy? I'm not anymore," he sighed.

He suddenly raised his hands and shot two violent energy beams at Sinestro.

"Boom!" Sinestro, who was blown up into the air, had a shocked and distorted expression.

——This little brother is indeed abnormal!

"Hal, you unexpectedly attacked——"

Before the words left his throat, he immediately swallowed them back.

Sinestro endured the pain in his body and fell to the ground with an elegant and handsome posture, with a calm smile on his face, "Oh, oh, this is really not your style.

To be honest, I was a little disappointed when we met again. Because I had higher expectations for you. "

He pointed to his empty left hand with his right hand, "You are so fully armed, and while you are still reminiscing about old times, you attack without any martial ethics. Hal, when we first met a few years ago, I said that your potential is more than I will be stronger than me in the future.

I will probably be defeated by you today, but there is a question - can you surpass me in a fair fight.

You'll never know the answer. "

Hal looked down at his hands, which had ten fingers and were covered with light rings.

“Sinestro, I know what you mean, and I don’t care about the stupid ‘is it over you’ question.

Now I don't care about anything, but I want to appreciate your desperation. "

Hal opened his hands, and the light rings fell off automatically, flew away from his fingers, and fell to the ground with a "clinking" sound.

Only one remains, his own.

At this moment, on the planet Oa.

"What happens after Sinestro confronts him?" Harley asked.

After realizing something was wrong, she and the Justice League rushed over immediately.

The planet Oa is littered with dead bodies, and except for the little blue man Ganser, there is no one alive.

All were brutally murdered.

Thousands of Green Lanterns and dozens of little blue men, all dead.

"Sinestro was no match for Hal Jordan. His neck was violently broken - Hal Jordan did not use the green light energy. He used his own strength to vent the most primitive desire for destruction in his heart."

Ganser sat slumped among the corpses of his clansmen, staring blankly at the sky, and his voice was as hollow as if it came from a robot's mouth.

"Break your neck with your hands." Dachao didn't want to believe that Hal had done such a cruel thing.

But at this time, the corpses everywhere proved that his teammates had really fallen.

Harley glanced around the pile of corpses nearby and asked doubtfully: "Where is Sinestro's body?"

"Didn't you find it?" The heroes also looked around, but couldn't find the target.

They spread out again, searched the area carefully, collected the scattered corpses, and buried them in graves.

"It is true that Sinestro's body was not found, but I guess that the body was affected by the energy beam, melted into debris, or simply evaporated and disappeared."

Wonder Woman pointed at a huge skeleton on the ground and said with a complex expression: "Just like him, can you guess who he is?"

The skin and flesh of the skeleton melted away, leaving only some twisted bones, with burnt flesh that looked like asphalt stuck to the surface of the bones.

Standing two and a half meters tall, he was not only tall, but also very wide and thick. He could even hide an adult in his clearly burnt ribs.

Its mouth is huge, split almost to the base of its ears, like a pig's mouth

"Omag, this is Kilowog, Hal's best friend to the Green Lantern Corps." Dachao shouted in disbelief: "Even kill him, Hal. God, what on earth was he thinking? ,doing what?!"

"He fell in pain." Arthur sighed.

"We should have come to Oa earlier." Flash said regretfully.

Bateman pursed his lips and said nothing, but the regret on his face was even worse than that of The Flash.

Because he analyzed it as the team's think tank, he felt that Hal's problem was not big. He was incapable of committing crimes. If he didn't commit crimes, there would be no serious sins. If there were no major sins, the Guardian would not punish him.

But I don't want such an accident to happen.

"You said his light ring has run out of energy?" He looked at Harley, there was no blame in his tone, only confusion and confusion.

He believed that Harley wouldn't make a mistake in such a small matter.

But the reality is that Hal, who has no energy, slaughtered the entire Green Lantern Corps.

"The original owner is here, you ask him." Harry mouthed to Gansen.

Facing the questioning looks of the heroes, Gunther hesitated for a while.

"Yes, we closed the connection between his light ring and the central energy battery. He only came to Oa by absorbing the energy I projected, but he snatched many rings on the way."

"He can also use other people's light rings?" All the heroes were surprised.

At this time, Harley has confirmed the Ion Shark's statement about Hal's "willpower incarnate".

She no longer marveled at any miracles he performed with green light energy.

Her doubts lay in other aspects.

"Since you know he is coming to Oa and you want to arrest him and seize his lamp ring, why do you still send people to stop him?"

Ganse lowered his eyes and said: "The meaning of him being slapped on Oa is different from being arrested and taken back to Oa."

Harley stared at his pale face and said indifferently: "You are a master of mental power and can completely show your memories to others. I want to see Hal's 'fall' with my own eyes."

Gunther frowned and said nothing.

Harley said calmly: "Do you think you still have a choice? Jon."

Martian Manhunter hesitated: "Really? Gunther is not a criminal."

Harley said: "After the trial, it is determined that he is not guilty, so he is not a criminal. Now we need to know what he did."

Dachao asked strangely: "What can he do?"

Harley looked at them with even stranger eyes, "Hal is still your teammate, but he suddenly 'falls', don't you think it's strange?"

"Do you suspect that Hal's killing spree is related to the Guardians?" Bateman turned to Gunther thoughtfully, "Master, please forgive our rudeness.

We just want to know what happened to Hal, and you can block any irrelevant content. "

Ganser pondered for a moment before pulling everyone present into his spiritual space.

Through his "window of the soul", they watched the entire process of Hal's "fall" from Ganser's perspective.

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