I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 979 Spiritual Transformation

Hal resisted Gunther's orders and absorbed the energy of the green light inside the little blue man's projection body.

How will the Guardians treat him afterwards?

Harley felt that the Guardians would be very angry, and then summoned the Green Lantern Corps to discuss removing Hal from his position and expelling him from the Green Lantern Corps.

Hal's Green Lantern furnace was destroyed, and the Green Lantern ring almost lost power.

As long as the light ring is unbound to him through the Book of Oa, the light ring will take the initiative to break away from Hal's finger one second before the energy is exhausted, fly back to Oa, or look for the next Green Lantern in Sector 2814.

As for Hal who lost his lamp ring.

Let him die on earth as a mortal.

After all, he didn't make any big mistakes.

After all, he was once the leader of the Corps and made great contributions to the Green Lantern Corps.

There's no need to do things too radically.

This is the most normal solution in Harry's mind.

But the Guardian's arrogance and emphasis on the "Secret of the Green Lantern" (ps) exceeded her imagination.

Before Hal got close to the Oa star system, he encountered the Green Light Team who came to arrest him.

"Why are you here?"

The deep space of the universe is vast and vast. It is already harder to meet a living person than winning the lottery. The chance of encountering a living person is an acquaintance is even lower than impossible.

Therefore, when Hal saw the oncoming Green Lantern Team, he was stunned for a moment and immediately reacted.

"The guardian located my ring and asked you to arrest me?"

"Hal, you understand the rules of the legion. Give up resistance, take off the ring, and let us take you to see the guardian."

The leader of the Green Lantern Team is none other than Leila, the "old friend of the people of Earth" in Zheng Lian's heart.

Green Lantern Lyra shares the same name as the Prophet from Crisis on Infinite Earths.

She also looks human, but her skin is purple.

After Green Lantern is selected by the Lantern Ring, he will undergo special training for about half a year.

After passing the test, they will be dispatched to the corresponding sector to perform tasks.

According to the statistics of countless Green Lantern warriors in the Book of Oa over billions of years, the average lifespan of a Green Lantern after entering the Sector is only three years and nine months.

Laila and Hal, students in the same class, have also weathered many difficulties together such as the Crisis on Infinite Earths and the Crisis of Legion Disbandment. Compared with Green Lantern's "lifespan", their time together has been considered "a long, long time".

But the deeper the friendship became, the more angry Hal felt when he saw her and her old friends.

"You are all my friends, you all know me, and you know what Coast City means to me, and now you are standing against me under the orders of the little blue man."

"Hal, the moment we put on the Green Lantern Ring, we gave up our personal emotions and vowed to put the Guardian's orders first.

This is a rule, a system that the Green Lantern Corps has existed for billions of years. You don’t understand. "Zipilela said with firm eyes.

"I don't want to argue with you about the green light system."

Hal really didn't want to argue with her, because he knew that her first trial mission to become an official Lantern was to return to her hometown and deal with her biological father who wanted to be the interstellar overlord.

"We are friends. I have rescued you at least three times, and you." He looked at the comrades she brought with him, and said with trembling lips: "I was once your leader, and I personally recruited many of you into the legion.

I taught you how to fight, how to protect the universe sector, and even saved you many times.

Now I need your help. I hope that out of past kindness, you will get out of the way and pretend you have never met me.

My request is that simple, okay? "

The other lanterns looked hesitant and looked at each other, but Purple Laila replied firmly and forcefully: "No! Hal, you are my friend, but I am different from you.

I swear allegiance to the Guardians and am proud and honored to abide by their laws.

The orders of the Guardians are above all else, this is the second commandment of the Green Lantern Corps! "

"You're just a moron, the green light commandments of shit are just making sure we do the little blue man's bidding like slaves."

"Shut up! Get Hal Jordan."

Laila shouted sharply and rushed forward first.

"His ring doesn't have much energy left, we can-"

"Boom!" Before she finished speaking, Hal had already arrived in front of her very quickly. The energy fluctuations erupted from the light ring in his hand were not too strong, but the glow of the fireflies easily shattered her green light energy shield.

"This is impossible!"

"Bang!" The green fist had already hit her forehead. When she woke up a few minutes later, she saw that the battle was over.

Twenty Green Lanterns were suspended in the void like meteorites.

Among them, Hal Jordan stood proudly with a cold face.

"This is impossible." She said in disbelief: "The guardian said that your light ring has no energy."

Hal looked down at his right hand. The green light on the surface of the lamp ring was flickering and was about to go out completely.

"Yes, my energy is about to be exhausted." Hal Jordan's eyes shifted to Laila's right hand. "Originally, the energy was enough for me to go to Oa and fight with you, but it was used up. So, you have to compensate me."

"You only used so little power to defeat all of us?!" Laila said harshly.

Hal slowly floated to her, "The strength of the Lantern is never determined by the amount of energy in the lantern ring. The source of our power is willpower, and will is everything."

He took her right hand and took the ring off her middle finger.

"What are you doing? This is my ring. Do you want to use it? It's impossible!" She cried out again.

Hal Jordan put on her ring without any hindrance.

The light ring responded to him, flashing bright green light.

"Nothing is impossible." Hal took off other people's light rings one by one and put them all on his fingers.

"Uh~~~" Incomparably dazzling energy filled his body, causing him to moan in relief.

"Laila, I have to correct what I just said. With the same strength of will, more green light energy does mean stronger strength."

Before leaving, the ring in his hand shot out more than twenty green lantern energy balls, which landed on each Lantern who was unconscious and suspended in the void, forming a light protective film of energy on their bodies.

After jumping out of the space wormhole again, Hal encountered the second wave of interceptors.

"Tomato, it's you, you plot against me?!"

When he was passing through a meteorite belt, he bumped into a giant transparent network, which turned out to be the tentacles of an interstellar parasite.

On the whole, it looks like an octopus, but it can be completely invisible and block any detection of mental power and energy.

"I'm sorry Hal, I feel ashamed to ambush you in this way, but I can't help it. You defeated Leila's team and you are stronger than me." The chicken-headed Green Lantern looked guilty, but his eyes were firm.

"Surrender, this is a parasite unique to my home planet. It is a powerful creature at the level of the starry sky. The more you struggle, the tighter it becomes. You can't break free no matter what."

"Why? You are my friend, and I don't ask you to help me, but please don't interfere in the matter between me and the little blue man!" Hal said angrily.

"Hal, I am a subordinate of the Guardians, and so are you. We cannot disobey their orders. This is the commandment of the Green Lantern Corps!" Tomatu said solemnly.

Hal's face gradually turned red and twisted, "What have those little blue people done for you, and you are willing to be their dog? We have fought side by side countless times, and I have saved your life many times. Are all those friendships fake?"

"If you have a point, I will stand by your side, but what are you going to do now? You don't know what the central energy battery represents?"

Chicken Head Green Lantern also became excited, "I can't watch you destroy the Legion, destroy Oa, and destroy yourself."

"I advise you one last time, leave me!" Hal's eyes were covered with ice.

"Don't even think about it——"


Hal suddenly exploded, and the more than twenty rings on his fingers shone brightly, making his whole body look like a green sun.

The parasites that were wrapping around his body and trying to burrow into his seven orifices were torn to pieces.

With just one blow, Tomatu's suit was shattered, bird feathers flew everywhere, and his body lay in the dark void.

But Tomatu didn't come alone. Like Laila, he also brought a green light team.

One by one, they fell in the face of his unleashing of rage and pain.

Corey of Terbis, a strategic genius whom Hal Jordan personally recruited into the Legion, fell.

Hannu, a silicon-based life form that looks like a hill, survived the Crisis on Infinite Earths, followed Hal for many years, admired Hal greatly, and was once regarded as a confidant by Hal. Now, he has also fallen.

Sector 2312, Graf Rui on the planet Kales, Hal had saved his life more than once, but now he was standing opposite him, and his teeth were smashed by his punch.

Hal easily dispatched them.

But every time he defeated a former comrade, the shadow and paranoia in Hal's eyes increased.

He no longer thinks about reshaping Beach City with Green Lantern energy.

There was as much sadness and pain in his heart as there was anger and despair.

He vowed to go to Oa and find the little blue men, and then he wasn't sure what he would do to them, but he vowed to stand upright in front of them.

"Don't even think about it!" When Hal defeated all the lanterns and collected the lantern rings again, a white woman with fair skin and long brown curly hair woke up from a coma.

She opened her eyes and glared at Hal fiercely. She clenched her right hand with the ring into a fist, preventing him from touching her light ring.


Hal looked at the beautiful woman in front of him who looked just like an Earthling, with a stunned look on his face.

She was also brought into the Legion by him.

She once admired him so much that she didn't even mind spending more nights with him.

"Traitor, bah!" The corners of her mouth were bleeding, and the scratched face was dripping with blood, looking a little ferocious.

"I am a warrior and this ring is my weapon, part of my hand."

"Traitor?" Hal smiled, his smile twisted, "You said it was part of your hand, that's good."

"Stab!" The green light flashed, Boudicca's right hand was cut off at the wrist, and the severed limb flew straight into Hal's hand.

"Ah--" Blood splattered from the broken arm. Boudica gritted her teeth and swallowed the pain into her throat.

"Hehehe" Hal chuckled and took off the ring easily, like throwing away garbage and throwing the broken palm into the void.

Taking away all the light rings, Hal is ready to fly into the sky.

But before leaving, he glanced at the lanterns again.

After looking at them expressionlessly for a while, he still left a ball of green light to prevent them from dying in the space environment for the time being.

"Next time whoever stops me, I will step over his body." Hal whispered as if he was swearing.

The next stop is Oa.

But as soon as he set foot on Oa, he met his best friend in the Green Lantern Corps, the pig-headed man Kilowog.

"Even you were persuaded by them to stop me?" He said in a difficult voice.

"Hal, stop. I don't want to fight you, but I must be loyal to the Legion and to the Guardians."

(ps: In addition to arrogance and arrogance, the Guardian's harsh treatment of Hal has other reasons, related to the prophecies in the Book of Oa. That information is the core secret of the Green Lantern Corps.

At this time, Harley only guessed that Hal was involved in the secret of the green light, but she didn't know what it was.

This will be explained later.

In addition, let’s talk about some little knowledge about the numbers in the DC universe.

1. The average time it takes for a super criminal to escape from prison is five to seven months.

That is to say, whether they were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment, they generally escaped within five to seven months.

2. The average lifespan of a Green Lantern is three years and nine months, which is less than four years. After wearing the lantern ring, the time he lives in the world is not as long as a college student in school.

3. Green Lantern must recharge the light ring every 24 hours. This is the threshold set by the little blue man. Some powerful Green Lanterns use green light energy more efficiently and have stronger willpower - mainly willpower. Green Lantern Willpower is everything - it can extend the time by a few days.

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