I want to have a date with Superman

Some explanations about some chapters

1. Harley’s second cheeky defense.

Shameless Defense is also a defensive specialty that prevents the collapse of will and soul. It does not increase the total amount of willpower, but increases its strength and immortality.

What kind of energy is absorbed produces what kind of defense. The second defense specialty absorbs the "spiritual" (will) energy that escapes when other people's wills collapse. Therefore, it mainly prevents Harley's mind from being hurt and her will from being destroyed, which means it helps her become more shameless. .

The purpose of the explanation here is to tell everyone that Harley's level 8 cheeky defense, or even level 9 cheekiness, will not cause her to surpass Hal Jordan in terms of total energy and will.

2. Harley’s Hunyuan unity.

Hunyuan unity is an advanced version of internal and external unity.

The setting of this book is that through practice, when the attributes are raised to 80 points, divinity will be generated, which is equivalent to the demigod heroes of ancient Greece.

90 is equivalent to a formal god, 100 is a medium god, 110 is a high god, and 120 is a god king.

The frequency of the material universe is lower than the upper limit of the power of the divine realm, the four-dimensional universe, and not as good as the five-dimensional universe.

In the four-dimensional material universe, the upper limit of power is 100, and the fifth dimension is increased by 20% to 120. There are also existences above the fifth dimension, just like the Supreme is not the strongest DC.

At the end of the book, Harley is level 150 and almost invincible.

Let’s talk about the integration of Hunyuan.

The talent of Hunyuan One comes from the improvement of Harley's spiritual level.

At level 80, he gained the talent of being consistent inside and outside - the internal organs are the same as the muscles and bones, and are no longer Harley's fatal weakness.

At level 90, when attacked, the damage is distributed to all parts of the body. It is obvious that this is an evolution both internally and externally.

Some readers are wondering, after Harley was injured by Mongo, the bone fragments flew around and she was burned. Why did the inner and outer unity not work?

If Harley reaches level 120 and raises her inner and outer unity to the top level, her bones will not fly around, she will not be injured and vomit blood, but her power will truly be distributed to every cell.

But I'm only at level 90 now, so I can't do it yet.

It's my fault that I didn't make it clear.

At this time, Hunyuan Ruyi is more effective against blunt damage, but less effective against piercing and sharp blades. If the attack intensity exceeds the limit, it will also be ineffective.

For example, Doomsday used bone spurs to cut Harley into several sections, and Hunyuan Ruyi didn't have time to take effect.

Wonder Woman could rely on Hunyuan Ruyi to survive Doomsday for a long time because Doomsday hit her with her fists and hit her with her body.

In the battle with Meng Ge, Hunyuan Ruyi also played a role, but Mengge's attack exceeded Hunyuan Ruyi's limit with a crushing attitude.

This limit is not vague. As long as the attack is stronger than Harley's defense, it has exceeded the limit, and the effect of Hunyuan Ruyi will be worse.

The more you exceed the limit, the worse the effect.

Some readers may have questions, is Doomsday worse than Mongo?

The two of them were about the same strength, both at superhuman level, and neither of them could crush Harley's defense. After all, she now had a body of steel.

The reason why there was crushing was because of the special situation at that time: Harley turned on the "overclocking" state, controlling each cell to push in one direction, making her speed close to superhuman level, and in this state she could only go straight.

She hit Meng Ge at high speed, and Meng Ge punched her at the same time - the damage was several times greater than if she stood there and let him hit her.

Readers can also feel it in their daily lives. When you jog and bump into someone else's back, it doesn't hurt very much. But when you are running, others are also running, and the two collide face to face, which is terrible.

It's even more obvious in car accidents.

This can also be explained by junior high school physics.

Harley was crushed by the force, and at that moment, Hunyuan Ruyi was shattered, and the bone fragments shot out of the muscles. After that, she went back and forth with Meng Ge, and this situation never happened again.

Some readers may be suspicious and feel that I didn’t think so when I wrote it, and I am making excuses for myself now.

In fact, this "little physics knowledge" is not the first time that this kind of "physics knowledge" has appeared. I still remember the last time when faced with the impact of Doomsday, Harley kept retreating.

If Doomsday's speed is twice the speed of light, and Harley stops there, she will be hit by an impact that is twice the speed of light. If she escapes at 0.9 times the speed of light, when Doomsday hits her, she will only have an impact of 0.1 times the speed of light.

The intensity is reduced to 10% of its original value!

This battle with Meng Ge was equivalent to the Doomsday hitting him at twice the speed of light, and her hitting him at twice the speed of light, with an impact of twice the speed of light.

Therefore, the last time she faced the Doomsday, she was sent flying by bone fragments. This time she faced the "lower level" Mongo, but suffered heavy losses.

3. Regarding Harley’s “disorganized” skills.

Harley has expertise, defense, and also practices magic to become a god. Her abilities are indeed quite complex.

I'll sort it out for you and explain my own thoughts.

Harley's main talent has always been defense.

There are two ways for Harley to obtain abilities: one is through golden finger, and the other is through practice.

If she only relied on golden fingers for food, she would look particularly lazy, so I asked her to practice diligently in magic and martial arts.

Goldfinger upgrades add points and has two abilities: Defense Specialty - "Magic Resistance" to non-physical damage, which directly adds defense points.

Magic training also has only one ability: enhancing defense.

However, if she only defends without counterattack, she will become a wooden stake, so I asked her to practice anti-injury magic.

Try not to deviate from Harley's "defense-oriented" setting.

Finally, there are the messy skills of the gods - I said it last time, and it is still the same today. The skills given by the gods as the level of the gods increase and the sea of ​​law has only one effect - make Harley beautiful and chic.

According to tradition, the protagonist must be handsome and beautiful, preferably use a one-handed sword or flying sword as a weapon, and must be a swordsman known for his speed.

The protagonist who improves her abilities by being beaten subconsciously makes people think of her with a bruised nose and swollen face, disheveled clothes, and a very unflattering appearance.

This won't work.

Harley needs to be pretty, even if she can only stand still and be beaten passively, she will still be full of strength and handsome.

The chaotic ability brought about by the improvement of the level of the gods serves this purpose. Hunyuan Ruyi guarantees no bleeding when beaten, and the golden light film (three-foot air wall) outside the body guarantees no messy hairstyle. We are only at level 90 now, and there will be more "chic and handsome" in the future "The buff.

So, to sum up, Harley's abilities are very complex, but the purpose is very clear: golden fingers increase defense, practicing magic increases anti-injury, and increasing the level of gods provides "costumes and props".

Defend, attack, show off.

4. Harley’s defensive expertise has too many abilities and looks very messy.

I admit this too.

Because the DC ability is complex, the defense expertise is also complex.

For example, green light energy is not a supernatural power, nor is it technological energy, nor is it magic, but it has magical properties.

You said, is pure magic resistance effective against green light energy?


Is magic resistance effective against Superman's thermonuclear ray?

Also ineffective because Superman's thermonuclear rays are not magic.

Is magic resistance effective against the Flash's Speed ​​Force?

Still ineffective, the Speed ​​Force is not magic or a power, it is a special energy.

Therefore, the complex power system resulted in Harley having many defensive specialties instead of just one magic resistance.

——If it were in the Harry Potter world, the setting I gave Harley would be much simpler, only magic resistance.

The defense is increased by 10 levels. It no longer adds expertise, but increases the magic resistance ratio.

For example, if there is no 10 points of defense, increase the magic resistance by 10%.

So, under the DC power system, can the chaotic and organized expertise and abilities be unified?

In fact, DC editors have also worked hard for it, which is the seven basic forces.

The ultimate goal of Harley's defense expertise is to gather the seven basic powers of defense expertise - to be immune to all DC energy attacks.

Plus the power of God - dealing with the magical world, the mother river of time - future Harley detachment DC, food - the first golden finger, the simplest golden finger.

The purpose of these feats is to make Harley immune to non-physical damage (magic, powers, miraculous powers).

The defense increased by upgrade is responsible for physical damage defense; the expertise is responsible for non-physical damage defense. The combination of the two makes Harley immune to all damage.

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