I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 989 The Essence of the Life Equation

"What it is?"

Beside the origin wall, Harley held her head and groaned, with fear and confusion on her face.

"Is it outside the seven emotional spectrum energy pools, or in the center? No, there should be no direction within the origin wall."

Harley immediately remembered that the first spectral energy she saw was yellow light.

The order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet is not meaningless. The emotional frequency is from low to high, with purple light having the highest frequency and red light the lowest.

No matter from high to low or from low to high, you should not be the first to encounter yellow light.

But she met.

Harley guessed it was because of the yellow light in her body.

Moreover, there is obviously not only a pool of emotional energy within the Origin Wall, but also the connection power of the Origin Judge, Papetua, and unknown existences.

She directly entered the circle of the emotional spectrum energy pool.

Probably related to her frequent use of emotional spectrum energy (yellow light).

In other words, the area she just entered was filled with emotional spectrum energy.

Including white light.

If white light is a force of the emotional spectrum, what does the white light represent?

The curiosity in Harry's heart gradually outweighed the fear.

She was caught off guard and was not in danger just now. Now that she has activated the nine defense specialties, she should be safer.

With this thought in mind, Harley once again hung herself on the wall of origin.

Her guess was not wrong!

When she actively mobilized the yellow light energy in the stomach bag dimension, the will like a sharp "embroidery needle" directly penetrated into the yellow light energy pool, followed by red lights, orange lights, green lights, cyan lights, blue lights, and purple lights.

Harley stayed for a while at the orange light and purple light respectively.

She stayed in the orange lantern energy pool because she unexpectedly discovered that her compatibility with the orange lantern energy was also very high, almost as much as the yellow lantern of fear.

This is a bit embarrassing.

It fits the yellow light energy because many people are afraid of her. The more fear she can bring to others, the more compatible she is with the yellow light energy.

But the orange light represents greed.

Harley feels that she is not greedy, she only takes what belongs to her.

Well, she also feels that everything that is useful to her should belong to her, and she is willing to exchange it for equal value.

After "repairing" at the purple light for a period of time, letting the nine defense specialties wrap the "embroidery needle" of will, it suddenly penetrated into the vast world of white light.

"Eh~~~" Harley screamed in pain without any sound.

As before, the white light represents Harley Quinn's characteristics in twisting her mind, breaking her will, and destroying her mental powers.

But the nine defense specialties are at work.

In particular, the defense network formed by the power of connection and the seven basic powers has a very good defense effect against the erosion of white light.

"What is this thing that distorts the essence of my life in both body and soul at the same time? It is destroying. No, it is assimilating me? Let me become a part of it. What is it?"

The thoughts in Harry's mind raced. White light must be an emotional energy just like the seven-color spectrum.

In fact, the seven-color spectrum is also distorting her emotions. Yellow light makes her fear, orange makes her greedy, and red makes her angry. What about white light?

What white light distorts is the essence of life.

But the essence of life can also be considered emotion?

Harley couldn't figure it out, and she couldn't let the "white light" distort her life.

Who knows how it will be twisted into.

She reluctantly extracted a ray of white light from the "pinhole", stored it in the stomach bag dimension, and wrapped it with yellow light energy.

The effect was unexpectedly good. The white light energy was very stable within the yellow light energy, and it did not continue to harm her or distort her life.

"It's strange. It's extremely corrosive when in direct contact. With only a thin layer of yellow light energy, it has no corrosive power at all."

While Harley was surprised, she was also convinced that this white light must be a kind of light ring power.


Just as she was looking left and right with the "White Light Amber" in admiration, a sonic boom-like explosion suddenly exploded in front of her. Then the white light flashed, and a sonic boom channel opened here, and a powerful aura came out from inside.

Harley's expression changed and she was about to run away, but after looking around, she felt relieved again.

At this moment, she is at the edge of the Origin Wall. No, she is sitting cross-legged on the head of a demon statue. Who dares to mess with her?

Here and now, she dares to wrestle with Darkseid!

Well, she dared to wrestle with anyone on top of the stone sculptures of gods and demons. She stood still and let them throw her as they pleased.

If anyone is not convinced, you can come and try it.

"Brother Ishaya?"

"Witch Harley?"

Two exclamations sounded at the same time.

The ones coming are not the "Witch Hunting Legion" composed of Darkseid or the New Gods of Apokolips, but the Heavenly Father of the Genesis Star and the God of Knowledge Mitt who sits like a paralysis on the "esports chair" all day long. Long.

"What a coincidence, you guys are here to see the scenery too?" Harley asked curiously.

"You -" Heavenly Father looked at her feet, which were wearing patent leather short boots, and stepped carelessly on the stone carvings of the Origin Wall.

As if her feet were burned, Harley jumped up quickly and left the Origin Wall. She explained with a smile: "Actually, I will also be seriously affected by the Origin Wall. It's not like you can see that I can go up and down at will.

Wasn't I recently promoted to Young Lord of Silver City? Brother God’s favor has increased. "

"God really cares about you." Heavenly Father said in a complex tone.

He is so majestic that he doesn't even dare to touch the origin wall.

Witch Harley, however, relied on God's favor and stood on the wall to "view the scenery."

Inexplicably, he felt that this "supreme" thing was so boring and not as cool as a "mortal person".

"Witch Harley, what are you doing here?" Metron asked seriously.

Harry was stunned for a moment before he realized that the two of them came to him seriously. It must be because something happened on his side that touched them.

As soon as her mind changed, she immediately thought of the only "change" here, the white lantern!

"I will punish the criminals." Harley pointed at the twisted and malicious stone head of the mechanical Superman in the distance with a natural expression, "Have you heard about the Beach City incident?"

In the past, let alone the destruction of the coastal city, even if the earth exploded, the Creator Star Heavenly Father would not pay attention.

But recently, he has indeed paid attention to the earth and added it to his favorites. His adopted son Orion and his biological son Mr. Miracle Scott have both joined the Justice League and become superheroes.

Orion transmits news briefings from Earth to Dad through the Mother Box every day.

"Who is he?" Heavenly Father did not recognize the mechanical superman for a while.

Harley recounted today's complicated experience.

"The Green Lantern Corps was actually destroyed, by just a Green Lantern?!"

Darkseid was not dead, but was hiding in the dark to cause trouble, which did not move the Heavenly Father in the slightest. The slaughter of the Machine Hunter and Sector 666 did not even make him frown.

The fact that Hal alone swept across Oa shocked and confused the Lord of Creation Star.

“What’s so special about Hal Jordan?”

"I don't know. That guy Gunther probably knows something, but he won't say anything." Harley said.

"Mechanical Superman is already hanging on the wall, what are you doing here?" Metron asked.

Harry narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm staying here quietly, why did you suddenly come here?"

Heavenly Father and Metron looked at each other and quietly exchanged their thoughts dozens of times.

——Witch Harley is not a small character who can be manipulated by others, nor is she a fool who can deceive at will. She must tell the truth.

The two quickly reached a consensus.

"I'm looking for the equation of life, you know, right?" Heavenly Father stared into her eyes and said slowly.

"You are looking for the equation of life at the Origin Wall"

Harry's thoughts changed and he subconsciously looked at the "white light" amber in his hand.

Sensing amber's breath, Heavenly Father immediately shouted excitedly: "This is the equation of life, the purest equation power."

Harley tossed the "amber" casually and said, "You also saw it, there is a layer of yellow light energy on the outside.

When I threw Robot Superman, the source of the yellow light in my body moved abnormally.

After several investigations, I finally discovered this strange power within the Origin Wall. "

"Yes, it is indeed within the Origin Wall." Heavenly Father said excitedly.

"That's all?" Metron asked.

"I don't know how much is inside the wall of origin. The origin of the yellow light in my body only outlines this point. Is it the equation of life? Why does it react with the emotional spectrum?"

Heavenly Father’s eyes lit up, this is another important piece of information!

“It turns out that the equation of life is related to the emotional spectrum.”

Harry was speechless, and I expected you to help me answer my questions, but I didn’t expect that you, who is obsessed with pursuing the equation of life, don’t know as much as I do.

"Harry, can you help me look for it again." He looked at her expectantly.

"You have found the wrong person. After losing Parallax Monster, how much yellow light energy do I have left? You should find the Lantern."

Metron thought thoughtfully, "The guardians deceived us. They probably knew the secret of the equation of life all along, but they pretended not to know."

"Let's go find it immediately - uh, except for Gunther, are all the Guardians dead?"

After knowing that the white light in the wall was the equation of life, Harley lost most of her interest in it.

It's not that she doesn't want it, but she knows that she doesn't have the ability to study that stuff at the moment.

"Brother Ishaya, Darkseid is pretending to be dead and hiding in the dark to carry out conspiracy. Do you have any countermeasures?" She changed the topic.

"This is not surprising, the supreme being is not so easy to kill, and the vision after the death of the supreme being will not be ordinary.

With Darkseid's arrogance, he chose to pretend to be dead and hide out, which just shows that his condition is very bad at this time, so don't worry too much. "The Heavenly Father said with a complicated expression.

He knows his brothers too well.

Even when facing the old gods in ancient times, Darkseid never did such a "humble" act.

Now he actually learned from the Witch Harley to pretend to be dead. Maybe he didn't pretend to be dead, but his soul fell into the Tomb of the Gods, in a state of neither dead nor alive?

Harley said excitedly: "Since he is in such a bad state and still has evil intentions, is he interested in forming a 'Darkseid Hunting Team'?

I am willing to be your military recruiter, to recruit the heroes of the universe for you, to do justice for heaven, and to eliminate harm for the people. "

An impatient look flashed through Heavenly Father's big eyes under his thick eyebrows.

He has stated his position many times in person or through Orion, so why would he bring this up again?

"I signed a peace agreement with Darkseid. He can only break the agreement without me breaking my oath first."

The excitement on Harley's face dissipated a little, and she sighed: "In that case, brother, you continue, I will go back and form the 'Darkseid Hunting Legion' myself."

"It's not a squad, why did it become a legion?" Heavenly Father asked strangely.

"If you take action, brother, you only need your teammates to shout 'Heavenly Father 666', so of course you don't need many teammates, a small team is enough.

I am not strong enough, so I can only make up for the lack of quality with quantity. When the number of people increases, I will naturally become a legion. " Harley said.

Seems reasonable?

Heavenly Father was startled.

When Harley summoned Yebi to enter the space door, he looked at Metron with an incomprehensible expression, "Do you think she can succeed?"

"What the universe needs is balance. Darkseid is an important pole in the balance of good and evil, and he will not die."

Nor will he throw the universe off balance.

Each god has his own role.

The gods cannot do anything contrary to their divinity.

Metron is the god of knowledge and pursues the ultimate balance of all things in the universe.

His allegiance was not to the Father but to his own way.

Just like now, he had rarely appeared on the Genesis Star for thousands of years. When Darkseid got the Anti-Life Equation, he immediately put down everything he was doing and devoted himself to the "balance" of finding the Life Equation.

"Let's go, let's go find Gunther or other Martus." Heavenly Father said with fiery eyes.

(ps: Maltus is the little blue man. After the universe split from a single universe into countless multiverses due to the origin of observation time, Maltus split. The female Maltus became Zamaron and lived in complete seclusion; the male It is the guardian who establishes the order of the universe that suits his own mind.)

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