Two minutes after Halle posted the message on social media, the Metropolitan Times urgently broke the news: "The galactic admiral dropped his support for Democratic candidate Diane, suspected of being dissatisfied with her plan to deal with alien criminals."

"Internal strife in the Democratic Party, or Galaxy Admiral VS Justice League?" Daily Planet followed closely.

A lucky person got the first chance to reply to Harley's message: "I don't choose Sheila Diane either!"

Tens of thousands of replies followed, all similar to "Me too" and "I won't choose Sheila".

Because the content was short and sweet, they were able to get a front-row seat and occupy the floor within ten seconds of Harley's message being released.

The reply after ten seconds was getting longer and longer.

"I listen to Admiral Galactic."

"Since Admiral Galaxy doesn't support her anymore, I will change my family."

Even if you see Harley's message at the same time and decide to reply immediately, the more words you write, the more time you will waste.

Long comments didn’t appear until half a million comments.

"Now I don't have to worry about it. I didn't want to choose Sheila Diane in the first place, just because she always used Admiral of the Galaxy as a sign. I thought that Admiral of the Galaxy can never make mistakes, so I endured the discomfort and participated in Sheila's campaign. ."

"This issue still needs to be debated. Are you crazy? Alien Mongo destroyed Seaside City and killed 7.56 million citizens. Shouldn't he go to hell? I support Admiral Galaxy."

An hour later, 200 million people had participated in the discussion on this topic.

"Hahaha, good things have happened one after another recently! First, the Gotham Consortium sent me campaign funds to support me, and now my strongest competitor is seeking his own death!"

One of the Republican candidates, Abao, was overjoyed after seeing the news and immediately posted three messages in a row on Twitter.

Article 1: If I become president, I will give the galactic admiral full authority to deal with those alien bastards. They can be buried, targeted, put in the electric chair, or more exciting, use black magic to torture their souls.

Article 2: Americans, for the sake of the 7.56 million souls of Coast City, please vote for me and see if I don’t kill that mango-colored alien!

Article 3: My campaign slogan ‘Make America Safe Again’!

Three tweets were sent out in succession, and the talk show actor immediately became popular all over the Internet and the whole country.

Even Harley saw the news.

I also went over and liked the first post.

"Oh my god, Admiral Galaxy gave me a thumbs up!"

This is the fourth item, which Abao typed out with trembling fingers, with a picture of a surprised expression.

He immediately received another two million likes from netizens within ten minutes!

"Mother Fuck, that talk show actor is threatening me." Luther was very puzzled. "The presidential candidate is not reserved and serious at all. He tweets every day and directly talks about aliens. Buried and tortured with black magic

Shit, not only was he not criticized by public opinion, but he was loved by netizens. What is the reason for this?

How did the United States become like this? "

Luther was very cold when he was a big businessman.

It's not that he doesn't like the people's calls and crowds, but he thinks very highly of himself and feels that the smartest people in the world and ordinary people are two different classes. The wealthy businessmen and workers are also two classes. The president and the common people are two different classes.

Now he has the triple buffs of being the smartest person, a wealthy businessman, and a presidential candidate. Not to mention being as serious as the newly erected 'Shaojun Statue' in the church, at least he is cautious in his words and deeds in public and maintains high style and taste.

"Boss, do you want to send someone to kill him? After receiving the sponsorship from Gotham Mysterious Capital, he has been 50-50 with you. Now he has the likes of Harley Quinn and tens of millions of netizens. I am afraid that you will completely lose your interest in him. Advantages?" Maisie asked.

"You can't kill people directly. That would be too obvious. The Justice League will target me, and the political bigwigs and Harley will be dissatisfied." Luther stared at the campaign photo of Abao Tesla on the screen, and his eyes slowly shifted to where Al Tesla stood. The blonde woman next to Bao - his daughter.

"Every president needs to find a vice president within the party. If he gives up the campaign and chooses to support me, my entry into the White House will be secure." He sneered.

"Is he willing to listen to your arrangements?"

"I'll give him no choice." Luther said with a low smile.

"Mother Farke, I'm done."

Grandma Xi's face was pale, and her hand holding the phone was trembling.

"Darling, don't be anxious, don't panic, you still have the Justice League! Please ask Superman and Wonder Woman to come out and stand for you immediately."

Her husband comforted her and said: "Harley Quinn just denied supporting you and did not clearly support the Republican Party. She is still a leader of the Democratic Party and cannot ruin her own life."

"Alas, I was deceived by the Justice League this time. If they hadn't personally come to act as lobbyists, I would not have supported the 'Interstellar Universal Act' anyway." Grandma Xi sighed.

Her husband also felt that the harm of losing Admiral Galaxy's support was far greater than the benefits of Zhenglian's platform. But now the deal was done, so he could only bite the bullet and comfort his wife: "You did nothing wrong. This is the style of the Democratic Party. It has lost its characteristics. How can we fight with the Republican Party if we persist?”

Grandma Xi said: "Many big bosses in the party actually agree with Harley Quinn's idea and want to bury Mongo and the 30,000 alien devils."

“This is the style of our Democratic Party. It doesn’t matter what you think in your heart. In terms of actions and expression of thoughts, you must be left to the end!

You are not without cards. First of all, the Justice League supports you.

Individually, they are not as powerful as the Galaxy Admiral, but together they can crush her.

Secondly, your initiative to integrate with alien thoughts has won the favor of some advanced civilizations.

Their explicit or implicit support for you can help you gain huge points within the party and in Congress.

Finally, you may not offend Harley Quinn. She just wants Mongo to be punished. If you prove to her that your "no-kill punishment" can make the alien hybrid suffer more than death, she will definitely be happier. "

"What punishment is more terrible than death? We are now taking the interstellar route and cannot abuse or torture prisoners." Grandma Xi said.

"I don't know, ask the Justice League."

Grandma Xi sighed, took out her mobile phone, and dialed the number of Tianyanhui.

The last time we had contact with her was through President Steve of the Sky Eye Society.

That night, Quinn Manor.

Bruce Wayne brought his butler and adopted son to Quinn Manor for a social dinner.

It was also a rare reunion for all members of the Wayne family.

Bruce isn't just here for dinner, though.

"Harry, is the 'Alien Criminals Act' such a big deal? It's already interfering in the US election."

"I can't understand your brain circuits. Killing for life, don't you understand such a simple truth? Even if you insist on the abnormal principle of no killing, this is a national trial, not a small court of the Justice League.

If you don't kill people yourself, do you still want the state to cut off your eggs as punishment? "Harry sneered unceremoniously.

She can understand that there are some weirdos among politicians and people. After all, this is the United States.

But Zheng Lian suffered from cerebral palsy, which was beyond her expectation.

Bruce sighed: "Trying not to kill people is indeed what I expect from a superhero.

Killing will first distort the character of the murderer.

I have practiced martial arts for ten years, and my martial arts will is far beyond that of most ordinary people, and I am still in danger of losing control.

A supernatural hero who suddenly gains magical power will only become more miserable if his character is not firm.

In addition, killing people will also affect the image of superheroes among the public.

I myself am a ghost in the darkness, bringing peace to Gotham with fear.

But I hope that the hero stands in the sun, representing complete light and justice, without even a shadow underneath him.

The people's high demands on superheroes will form another "noose" to restrain heroes who yearn for honor and love the cheers and praises of the people, warning them not to cross the line or step into the darkness. "

These words are not unreasonable. The people's definition of heroes can become a rope that restricts the behavior of heroes.

For example, the copycat Superman in "The Black Robe".

With the mentality and character of the people of the motherland, after experiencing such a bad thing, he could hold back and not let go of his hands and feet to commit massacre, all because he enjoyed the feeling of being a hero.

People think that heroes who kill people in public are no longer heroes.

He wants to continue to be a hero, so he doesn't dare to kill people in public.

"Don't confuse the concepts. You can make rules for heroic behavior as you like, but there is no reason to replace the law with your own wishes.

Heroes don't kill, and the law doesn't impose harsh punishments are two unrelated things. "Harry said disapprovingly.

Bruce said: "Heroes really shouldn't use their own code of conduct to demand the law.

Instead, the hero's code should be to obey the law.

But heroes should express opinions that are consistent with their own code of conduct regarding the new laws being formulated.

What if we adhere to the principle of not killing people and insist on giving every criminal a chance to reform, but at the same time, like you, we want to use the most cruel method to execute a certain super criminal, and we also form a system whereby criminals will be treated the same way in the future.

This is equivalent to us not killing people on the grounds of mercy and tolerance, but handing people over to death by the law.

Isn’t it very contradictory and hypocritical?

Many superheroes are like you and even agree with your idea of ​​sacrificing him to the devil.

But they must not take your side openly; they must take a clear stand against you.

That’s why the Justice League publicly supported Mrs. Sheila. "

"You are very hypocritical and contradictory. You clearly cannot achieve absolute light and justice, but you flaunt yourself as absolute light and justice." Harley said sarcastically.

Bruce sighed and didn't defend himself. He just said: "Meng Ge didn't destroy Beach City on purpose, and you know this.

Ignoring nationality and identity, he is just a super criminal who made a mistake.

There are many super criminals similar to him on the earth, including aliens, people from other dimensions, gods, wizards, and demons.

Even among the superheroes, not all are from Earth. More than half are ‘non-Earth humans’.

For example, among the eight giants of the Justice League, Superman is an alien, Diana is a god, Green Lantern has an alien heritage, Jon is a Martian, Cyborg is a cyborg with Apokolips technology, and Aquaman is a hybrid. Only the Flash and I are purely human. .

If you simply killed Mongo to avenge the deaths of Beach City, Justice League wouldn't go out of its way to tit for tat.

If a set of bills are specifically formulated to specifically target alien criminals

A great schism will first occur among the superpowers, and then two opposing local and non-native groups will form. Eventually, a turmoil far greater than the killing of Mongo himself will erupt. "

He looked at Harley and said quietly: "I guess you insist on killing Meng Ge this time out of righteous indignation and have not carefully read through similar codes of alien civilizations.

The reason why advanced alien civilizations enacted such a bill is because they experienced the divisions and turmoil I mentioned during the great wave of civilization's "interstellarization". "

Harley said calmly: "Then we will treat everyone equally. Regardless of earthlings or aliens, as long as they commit serious murders, they will be sentenced to death."

Bruce's expression froze.

If you do this, the superpowers will definitely not be divided, but new conflicts will form. After all, many humans do not support the death penalty for humans.

Also, can a super criminal stand up to this kind of torture?

If super criminals and super criminals disappear from the face of the earth in less than two years, what will happen to superheroes?

"Let's not talk about the public's attitude towards the death penalty for ordinary people. If the death penalty is used on super criminals, what kind of destruction will happen to them who know they will die? For example, if Atomic Skull explodes, Metropolis will become a second seaside city.

From now on, there will be no more surrendered felon superpowers.

Perhaps we can eventually bring all criminals to justice, but how much damage will the earth suffer in the process? Whether or not civilization on earth can even exist is a big question. "

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