I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 974 Magical Realism

"Because countless aliens are staring at us, we must use ruthless means to kill chickens and scare monkeys to shock everyone.

All aliens must understand one truth - those who dare to invade the earth will suffer the most vicious revenge. "Harry bit his little tiger teeth and said viciously.

Judge Roberts thought for a while and said: "Miss Quinn, to be honest with you, I admire your fighting spirit and courage of 'if someone offends me, I will kill him'.

However, the basis of the trial is legal theory.

Otherwise the trial is not a trial but a lynching.

Although we are clearly justified, we may be secretly despised by our alien allies, who think that we are barbaric and primitive.

Moreover, lynching can only rely on your prestige to frighten the enemy for a while, but it cannot form a system and will still be effective in your absence. "

Harley raised her eyebrows and said, "There is no similar law on earth now, so why not just make up a set of laws to kill aliens?"

"I came to you because of the new 'Alien Criminals Act.' But it's not easy to achieve your goal, because we can now come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Journalist Lois Lane also produced the series ‘Eyes Open to Aliens’.

Our earth does not have laws to deal with alien invaders, but other civilizations do.

The U.S. legal community is now discussing this matter.

What the legal professionals mean is to formulate our own relevant laws based on the laws of advanced civilized countries. "

"This method is good. Laws that others have used for thousands or tens of thousands of years always have merit."

Harley praised it and then asked: "How is your research going? How do aliens treat interstellar criminals like Meng Ge?"

"Detention, fixed-term imprisonment of not less than a hundred years but not more than a thousand years."

"Mother Falk, those interstellar judges must have maggots in their brains."

Harley's expression and attitude immediately changed, "I have always learned skills from foreigners, never learned from other people's flaws and brain defects.

Obviously, the alien laws condone and encourage criminal behavior, and we must not learn from them.

As long as Meng Ge and the 30,000 aliens survive, millions of dead souls in Coast City will be in trouble. "

Justice Roberts rubbed his forehead and sighed: "Miss Quinn, I understand what you mean, but the final result cannot be decided by me alone."

"You are the Chief Justice," Haley reminded.

"I'm just the chief justice." He said helplessly.

To Harley's surprise, the "little matter" of how to judge Meng Ge has become a big deal in the United States today.

The day after she went to the Met to meet the Chief Justice, there were several reporters outside Quinn Manor.

"Miss Quinn, we received news that you are proposing to sentence all alien invaders to death, is that true?"

As soon as she went out, she was surrounded by them.

Harley didn't quite understand their focus on the matter: wasn't it a given?

However, she still told the truth, "Blood debts can only be repaid with blood. More than 7.5 million innocent souls in Coast City are waiting for justice to come."

The next day, a team of hundreds of people appeared outside the White House. They were dressed in strange ways. Some looked like a green Master Yoda, some looked like tentacle monsters, and ET with big eyes were all classic alien costumes from Hollywood movies.

Marchers dressed as aliens held high banners such as "The dead are gone, we should look forward", "The stars are solidifying us, don't surprise our interstellar friends", "Aliens' lives are also lives", and marched towards the aliens. chants from the White House.

Harley looked at the video on her phone and went numb.

"Harry, there is no doubt that although they are making trouble in front of my door, they are targeting you, not me."

Mr. President took the initiative to call her and said cheerfully: "I didn't expect you to have opponents, how strange!

But they don't dare to go to Quinn Manor, and they don't dare to criticize you directly. They can only bully me and make you feel pain. You probably won't feel pain, but you will definitely feel uncomfortable. "

Harley said with a disgusted look on her face: "Let the agents of the Bureau of Shadows check to see if any of them are hiding aliens or whose brains are controlled by someone. Are there any earthlings who cannot detect alien genes but are suspected of being rapists?"

"It's not necessary, just let them make trouble." Mr. President, who has probably experienced too many similar incidents, said in a very relaxed tone, "There is one thing we cannot change - many civilizations are staring at us at this time.

Even if in the end, as you wish, all the alien devils are dragged to Seaside City and buried, we still have to show some "civilization" and "kindness" to our alien allies.

Well, the marchers are our kindness and our tolerance for dissenters.

Regardless of whether we are truly kind and tolerant, it does not prevent us from labeling ourselves as kind and tolerant. "

Harley sighed and asked: "What is the progress of the 'Alien Crime Bill'? What is the trend of the White House?"

“I personally support you very much, a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, to avenge the citizens of Beach City.

The generals and congressmen basically want to bury the alien invaders or take them to target practice.

The problem is that there are a lot of aliens captured this time, more than 36,000 people. Excluding interstellar thugs, most of them are slaves captured by Mongo. "

Harley said: "No matter who they were before, they all entered the earth as invaders.

They drove mechas, held energy cannons, and even controlled fortress turrets to attack me and the people on earth.

They are responsible for every dead soul in Beach City. "

"I understand what you are saying." Mr. President lowered his voice: "If they are on the battlefield, our generals can consciously turn them into victims without your instructions.

But now they are prisoners. Killing 30,000 people at one time is too exaggerated, and the news cannot be hidden. "

Harley said coldly: "Then kill Mongo and the alien thugs first, and the rest will be sentenced to five hundred years in prison. There will be plenty of time to kill them slowly."

"Well, this suggestion is very good and very feasible. I will talk to Roberts tomorrow. It should be fine. The death penalty has not been completely abolished on Earth."

After talking about the treatment of alien criminals, Mr. President asked again: "Harley, what do you think of the Justice League's 'leader reform'-let Ripman be the leader of all heroes, and he will coordinate the heroes when the earth is in crisis.

Can their problems be fundamentally solved? "

"From your tone, it seems that you are only curious and not worried that Superman's excessive power will affect the stability of the United States?" Harley asked strangely.

It’s not just the tone.

It's been several days since the incident happened, but Mr. President didn't respond at all. It wasn't until today that he asked casually.

It shows that he really doesn't care.

"Haha, actually many people in the Pentagon are worried and anxious, but I will be leaving my post at the end of the year.

A president who is about to leave office does not have much say.

That being the case, why should I go to the thankless trouble of caring about the next president’s problems? "Mr. President said with a smile.

Harley thought for a while and said: "Superman's character and abilities are worthy of trust, so there is no need to worry and be anxious.

Having him in charge of coordinating the overall situation will definitely improve the hero's efficiency.

However, I am not very optimistic about whether tragedies like Seaside City can be prevented. "

"Why not optimistic?" Mr. President asked doubtfully.

——If under the leadership of Superman, the Justice League can solve the crisis before it breaks out every time, how will the plot of "Justice League" unfold?

Well, this weird idea came to Harry after he returned home.

When Batman initially elected Superman as his leader, and Superman later chose Batman as his "strategist," she thought it was a good idea.

"Do you believe in fate? In recent years, the fate of the earth and the multiverse has been turbulent and constant. Individual power cannot change fate."

Even though Harley knew that there were many wonderful people in the United States, she felt that the death of more than seven million people in Beach City was a huge tragedy, enough to make all people on earth share the same hatred.

At least they have reached unity on the concept of punishing alien devils.

Even if there are hundreds of Americans holding a "Alien Lives Matter" demonstration, she still thinks it is extremely non-mainstream.

The mainstream media, the mainstream voices in society, still think the same thing as her.

Just like she had talked with the President and the Chief Justice, the minds of those American political elites were not yet bright.

At the very least, according to what she said, the culprit could be pushed to the ruins of Coast City to sit in the electric chair, target practice, or buried, and the rest would be slowly tortured.

But she never expected that after the plan was made public to the public by the justice, it would arouse more and greater opposition.

The call to learn from alien civilizations and protect the human rights of alien criminals has formed a wave of public opinion in the United States.

Not only did the parade swell to tens of thousands of people, but many elite lawyers, legislators and judges who participated in the formulation of new laws said that the earth should be integrated with advanced alien civilizations.

Not to mention treating Mongo and other alien criminals kindly, at least don't torture them.

Grandma Xi, a candidate on the Democratic side, even publicly told reporters: "I suggest abiding by the universal interstellar law and inviting an alien judge to hear the case.

Then Mungo and his gladiator warriors were sent to the Throne World Felon Prison.

This is the norm among civilizations in the universe.

Lower civilizations like Earth are unable to build prisons for superpowers or spend too much money and resources.

They will send criminals to prisons in interstellar friendly states and let powerful civilizations help manage the prisoners. "

On the day these remarks appeared, all the giants of the Justice League except Hal Jordan appeared.

“Killing Mongo and Gladiator, apart from venting the anger and violence in your heart, will not restore the seaside city to its original state.

No benefit will be brought to the world.

What we need to do now is to heal the pain, not to create more killings.

Of course, when we say this, we are by no means condoning the criminals who destroyed Beach City, but there are many options besides execution.

For example, let them reflect on their mistakes in prison and spend the rest of their lives repenting for the victims of Beach City. "

They attended Grandma Xi's campaign party to express their support for her proposal to "trial Mongo under the Star Act."

"Harry, there is a small problem. Diane is our presidential candidate. You also know the political views and ideologies of the Democratic Party. If you can go left, you will never go right.

Therefore, she agrees with your point of view in her heart, but her attitude must be "more advanced". "Mr. President said apologetically.

"Then she has to enter the White House first." Harley said sarcastically.

"Well, now that the Justice League supports her, plus you are also a Democratic Party and have attended her campaign party, she is probably a sure bet.

In fact, she also wants the votes of superheroes and people who support superheroes, and also leaves a good impression on alien allies to prepare for the next interstellar diplomacy.

Well, she's more ambitious than me.

When she takes office, she will formally establish ambassadorial diplomacy with Xanshi, Throne World, and the Polaris Alliance.

In order to integrate into the interstellar civilization of the Milky Way, even the Republican Party supports her political strategy of "tolerance, civilization and magnanimity". "

Halle posted a message on social media that afternoon: What I said before about supporting Diane as the first female president was bullshit. Please don’t take it seriously. Seriously.

This is not a trumpet account, but an official account followed by more than a billion people. It even has the identity verification of "retired superhero, current exorcist, Galaxy Admiral, God of War in Heaven, and Young Lord of Silver City".

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