I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 973 Trial? Buried?


The reporters at the scene were shocked, and the officials watching the live broadcast, as well as the President, were all shocked and confused.

After being shocked, many people took it for granted.

"It turns out to be Luther, which is no surprise. He is the 'Earth's Most Evil Man' who formed a secret society of super criminals.

During Crisis on Infinite Earths, he also wanted to rule four Earths. "

Some people also doubted: "Luthor committed a crime last time because he was mentally controlled by Brainiac. His family and industry are on Earth 0, but he went to rule the Earth in a different world. It is very unreasonable."

"Haha, isn't mental illness a common tactic used by rich people to escape guilt?

My memory was not affected by the reboot, and I still remember what Luther did back then.

Can a mentally ill person become the leader of super criminals who rule four worlds?

A brainless person whose mind is controlled, a superhero who can defeat four worlds, is crying for his father and mother, and has no choice but to ask us for help? "A reporter immediately retorted.

Someone else agreed: "I also remember what happened back then. Many superheroes in our world have gone to support the four earths in the underworld. Luther is indeed very talented in crime."

Because of the bad things that happened before, especially Superman and the Luthor-gene Superboy, Lois hated Luthor. She shouted excitedly: "It turns out that the problem was not Rip Man, but Luthor.

There was a rape on the earth, and the Justice League was unable to defend themselves, so they were caught off guard. "

"Mother Fuck! I've always been the only one who framed the Justice League and Superman, but this time it's the other way around and you dare to put the shit can on my head."

Luther, who was also watching the live broadcast, was so angry that he smashed his red wine glass on the TV screen.

When he saw the Justice League's negligence leading to the destruction of Beach City, he happily opened a bottle of champagne and sipped the wine while enjoying Super being criticized by reporters (Lana Lang).

"Boss, are you really not responsible for this?" The female secretary next to her looked a little disappointed, "The destruction of Seaside City is almost the most magnificent and brutal criminal activity in history.

I thought that you, Superman's lifelong enemy, the opposite of justice, the shadow under the light, and a top super criminal, were making small moves behind my back.

If not, you will be surpassed by the mechanical superman this time.

By massacring more than seven million people, he will become the number one super criminal on earth. "

"Bullshit!" Luthor yelled angrily: "I don't object to being called a 'superhuman enemy of hypocritical justice', but what's the point of killing so many people, more than seven million?

The destruction of Beach City was a crime without artistic beauty and an unbridled outlet for evil desires.

Its only purpose is to expose the true face of the Justice League, which is inefficient and unworthy of its name. It does not have much positive significance for mankind itself. "

That night, Luthor was arrested by the Justice League, but was released the next morning.

"Harley, I want to report to you. Aren't you the chairman of the Sky Eye Society? Aren't you a person who specializes in tracking the illegal behavior of superheroes?

I want to report to you that they used mental power to scan my brain. They seriously violated my human rights! "

After leaving the gate of the Hall of Justice and getting into the car driven by his secretary, Luther excitedly dialed Harley's phone number.

"Luthor, I am the chairman of the Sky Eye Society. My management is the Sky Eye Society, and the agents of the Sky Eye Society are responsible for tracking the criminal activities of superheroes.

So, you get it? You should go to the Sky Eye Society and report the behavior of the Zhenglian heroes to the Sky Eye Society.

You can only come to me if Tianyan commits malfeasance or violates the law. "

At this time, Harley has returned to Gotham and her family's estate.

For her, once the war fortress is breached, Mongo is captured, and the crisis is resolved, the Mongo invasion will be over.

As for the follow-up of Beach City

She wanted to do something for the victims or their families, but the victims were dead and so were their families.

"You are the right one!" Luthor became even more excited, "My lawyer went to the Justice League Hall last night and accused them of illegally detaining me and having no authority to lynching me.

At that time, Steve Trevor, the president of the Sky Eye Society, stood up and stated that the actions of the Justice League were authorized by the Sky Eye Society and could arrest and interrogate anyone who threatened the security of the earth.

Harley, I'm going to accuse the Sight and the Justice League. "

Harry said speechlessly: "If you want to accuse the Sky Eye Society, do you know that I am the boss of the Sky Eye Society?"

"That's why I'm looking for you." Luther said.

"The actions of the Sky Eye Society are completely legal, and I will not interfere in any way, because this system was also formulated by me." Harley said calmly.

"Uh" Luther was dumbfounded.

"Does the United States still have human rights!?" he shouted angrily.

"What do you think?" Harley asked.

Luther's tone paused and he said, "But I'm not an ordinary person! Just bully ordinary people. U.S. presidential candidates and metropolitan business tycoons are treated like this. Isn't it too dark?"

Harry felt a little disgusted, "You don't know how big the trouble was this time? More than seven million people died, and the mastermind behind it was really allowed to escape. Who can bear this responsibility?"

"You also think I'm the mastermind?" Luther looked hurt, "I thought you understood me."

"What's the use of my understanding? I'm not the one trying the case at all."

"Even if you have doubts about me, you shouldn't use your mental power to scan my brain. This matter is not over yet. I am not a soft persimmon who can be rubbed by others.

They are releasing me now, which means I am innocent.

I am innocent, but my memory is searched by mental power. This is an atrocity!

I will expose the atrocities of the Justice League to people around the world.

When I become president, I will sue Zhenglian and the Sky Eye Society, and I will close the Sky Eye Society. "Luthor said angrily.

"Do you have any evidence?" Harley frowned.

Luther is indeed not a soft persimmon. If he causes trouble, things will be more troublesome.

"I have a feeling that they must have done something to my brain, but they refuse to admit it." Luther said.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "Let me ask you, maybe you are overthinking, maybe Zheng Lian just used lie detection magic."

After hanging up Luther's phone call, she immediately found the president of the Sky Eye Society, "Steve, have you used your mental power to search Luther's memory?"

"Millions of people died in Beach City. He is the main suspect and cannot be treated too seriously." Steve said seriously.

"He wants to sue you and the Justice League. When the election is over at the end of the year and he becomes president, he will also shut down the Sky Eye Society." Harley said.

"With his reputation, can he become the president?" Steve doubted.

"He has money."

"Even if he is president, he can't do whatever he wants."

"Oh, you are so careless in what you do. Even if you want to read his memory, you have to do it quietly so that he can't find it." Harley sighed.

"Martian Manhunter was so imperceptible that Luther was just guessing, without feeling or evidence," Steve said.

Harley said: "I mean, we have controlled his thinking, why not make him unable to guess?"

"There's no way to guess. Modify memory?" Steve exclaimed, "Reading memory has entered the forbidden area of ​​law and morality. It's too evil to tamper with people's thoughts, isn't it?"

——Steve didn’t know that Zhenglian secretly modified his memory and distorted his thinking.

"It's up to you, whether to make amends now or take advantage of the situation in the future." Harley said this and hung up the phone.

“Mending the situation before it is too late.”

Steve is horrified again. Is this a hint that he is now chasing Luther and quietly twisting his mind?

——As expected of the Emperor Hedao, the Galaxy Admiral is too dark. Only the Justice League can represent pure light and justice!

He shook his head, went to Bateman, and told Luther about targeting them.

"Don't worry about Luther, he can't become president." Bateman said calmly.

"He has a bad reputation, but he has money. With billions of campaign funds thrown at him, he has a high chance of success."

Steve repeated what Harley said.

Bateman still looked calm, "But he is not the richest."

That night, Apo Tesla, who was competing with Luther for the Republican representative, received a big gift: several of Gotham's largest plutocrats threw a 'checkbook' at him, and campaign funds of up to 2 billion US dollars would arrive within two weeks. account.

Luther's incident didn't affect Harley too much.

Mr. President will leave office at the end of the year, and this time he did not come to see him anxiously about the incident in Beach City.

However, a week later, Harley left Gotham and came to the Metropolitan Court of the United States.

"We are discussing how to deal with Mongo and those 30,000 aliens."

In the office of the Chief Justice of the United States, Judge Roberts received Haley.

"Why are there so many aliens?" Harley frowned.

"How much?" Justice Roberts didn't know why. "Mengo's war fortress is a space city with hundreds of thousands of people living in it."

"I know it turned out to be a city, but"

After a pause, Harley spoke the truth directly, "Just leave a few aliens as witnesses.

Throw the rest into outer space, consigning them to hell in despair and misery. "

The old judge immediately thought of the pictures shot by NASA: the outer orbit of the earth, the huge silent space city, the surrounding dark space, and the dense floating corpses. They are all aliens who died in outer space, and they are all the picturesque person in front of him. handwriting of beautiful woman.

His old face twitched, "Those 30,000 people are prisoners of war."

"Whether they are prisoners of war or not is up to us. We can just kill them and then declare the war over." Harley said.

"This" old judge wanted to emphasize to her: The person in front of you is the chief justice of the United States and a representative of law and justice.

"The aliens were captured by the Justice League." Deep down, he agreed with Harley's idea.

Thirty thousand alien devils are indeed too many to fit in both the witness box and the defendant box.

If those who can’t sit down are not killed, how can they be kept and imprisoned?

Oh, by the way, I met the Galaxy Admiral today to discuss the matter of aliens in jail.

"Miss Quinn, we have never tried aliens before, nor have we ever had a big case that destroyed a city. Last time Krypton invaded, Zod and others were captured, but they were sent directly to the Phantom Zone without a public trial. .I wonder if you have any suggestions?”

Harry said coldly: "Why are you still interrogating? Take them all to the seaside city and bury them, or let the victims' families shoot with guns or chop them with knives. I can also provide a black magic circle to send all those alien bastards to Hell, burn with the demonic fire of hell for tens of billions of years.”

The old judge said anxiously: "This is illegal, haven't you read the newspaper recently?

The coastal city was destroyed, the civilization of the universe was in an uproar, and more than a hundred civilized planets sent us condolence messages.

Mongo, whose reputation is not inferior to that of Brainiac, was arrested and the war fortress was destroyed, which attracted hundreds of alien media to pay attention to the matter.

The Green Lantern Corps even sent a message stating that they would attend Mongo's trial. "

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