I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 972 A cauldron descends from the sky

"Am I a leader?" Dachao hesitated.

It's easy to be the boss, but it's hard to make decisions!

For example, in the case of the Beach City incident, a decision that affected the lives of more than seven million people, could he really make it in a timely and accurate manner?

Da Chao glanced at Harley subconsciously. She looked calm and had no objection.

How did she do it? Every decision she made before was related to the future of billions of people, even the entire universe, several universes, and countless billions of people.

But she was not uneasy, nor was she sweating on her forehead.

More importantly, she made no mistake.

Da Chao began to sweat on his forehead.

Seeing this, Wonder Woman encouraged: "Ripman, we believe you."

Seeing everyone's attentive and expectant looks, Dachao really couldn't say no.

He looked at Bruce and said sincerely: "Baitman, I hope to strengthen contact with you in the future, have deeper, more direct, and more timely contact to ensure that I can find you immediately at critical moments, and ask you to provide me with the most accurate information." , the most correct advice.”

"Battman, we believe in you too." Wonder Woman immediately encouraged Bateman.

This time, the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance still cast expectant glances at Bateman.

But the heroes of other organizations have twinkling eyes and doubts in their hearts: Which is better, choosing Bateman as the "strategist" or directly letting Harley Quinn be the "temporary boss"?

Under the various looks from everyone, Bateman still looked calm.

He turned to Harley naturally and said: "Admiral Galaxy, you have proven your wisdom and bravery in several major events in the past, and you have won the trust of all of us.

If you would play a bigger role, I believe the earth would be safer and the world a better place. "

Harley glanced at him and Da Chao, "How can I play a greater role? Do you want me to be a consultant to Tearman?"

Dachao immediately said: "I can be your consultant."

The Zhenglian giants, including Tearman, all had stiff expressions.

MMP, you are the hero leader! If the alliance leader serves as a consultant to her, then who does she count?

Harry sighed, shook his head and said: "To cope with a large crisis, you only need to do two things. Not to say it is foolproof, but at least you can use your full strength without leaving any regrets.

The first point is to give the enemy an opportunity by providing information. Before every crisis occurs, you must first understand it and know what major events are happening in the universe and in Limbo, what disasters will befall the earth, and how the people on earth should respond. .

Even if you don't know that a crisis is about to happen, at least make sure that after the crisis arrives, the super criminal's identity, ability, power, personality and other information will be known to you in advance.

In short, only by knowing your enemy and yourself can you win every battle.

You have faced major crises twice, and both times you have made major mistakes. Just because the danger is approaching, you are still confused about its level of danger and its degree of harm.

Let me give you the simplest example. In the last Doomsday incident, the Flash used his broken arm and spine to prove that Doomsday has extremely strong dynamic vision and reaction speed.

If the old Flash from the Justice Society had shared this information in time, he wouldn't have made the same mistake again.

And with the Flash's rapid assistance, no one in Metropolis would be killed or injured at all.

Neither heroes nor civilians die.

The Flash doesn't need to fight Doomsday hand-to-hand, his best use is assisting in rescue operations.

Any hero who cannot hold on under Doomsday's hands, or any civilian who suffers disaster, can be taken to a medical center thousands of miles away by him in an instant.

The case of The Flash illustrates not only the importance of information, but also organizational structure.


Harley suddenly sighed. The so-called superheroes are essentially a group of "individuals" who are extremely self-centered, have distinctive and tough personalities, and will obey no matter what. They pursue the realization of self-worth as their goal.

If heroes were organized, they wouldn't be superheroes.

"It does not mean that we are organized and disciplined when we encounter a big crisis. I can't give you any advice on this point, because you will definitely not like what I say. It is better for you to discuss how to improve organizational efficiency.

In short, having information and good organization is enough for superheroes to exert their full strength in disasters.

As long as you do your best, you will have fulfilled your respective responsibilities and at least have a clear conscience.

There is no need for me to be your consultant.

Inquiring about information and anticipating dangers requires time and energy.

Optimizing the organizational structure of superheroes is a long-term matter that consumes a lot of time and effort.

I cannot invest too much time and energy in you, and you do not need or even resent my excessive attention and control over you. "

Dachao also fell silent after saying this.

However, she could say these words to the heroes, but she could not directly tell the excited reporters.

At a later press conference, Dachao, as the new leader of the "League of Legends", first issued an official announcement: "The culprit of this incident is the universe tyrant Mongo. His strength, reputation in the universe and... His status is no less than that of Brainiac, and now he has surrendered to the law."

Then, he was questioned by Lana Long, a reporter from the Daily Planet: "The fact that you were able to break through the war fortress and subdue the culprit Mongo in a short period of time shows that the so-called 'cosmic tyrant' has not crushed the strength of the people on earth.

He's not even much of a threat to the Justice League.

That being the case, why was Beach City destroyed?

This is not a question of strength, so what is the reason for the disaster and what went wrong? "

This question is very sharp and very level. A small resentment appears in Dachao's blue eyes - we are all old friends and colleagues, but are you targeting me like this?

His micro-expressions were not noticed by others, but his childhood sweetheart Lana Lang could tell at a glance.

"Tearman, please answer this question. Or are you hesitating because you can't tell the truth?" Not only did she not let him go, she pursued him fiercely.

She was originally the one to do the "Shao Jun's Entry Notes" series. Not only did she have a good relationship with Admiral Galaxy, she at least got her promise to leave her private number.

In the end, he called her personally to take away the project that belonged to his wife, her rival, Lois Lane. This was what the Galaxy Admiral told her personally, and it was definitely not wrong.

Lana Lang's eyes were sharp and her language was even sharper, "Tearman, as far as I know, until the war fortress was sunk by the Galaxy Admiral, the countries on the earth did not receive warnings of alien invasion.

Warning against alien invaders was originally the greatest significance of the existence of the Watchtower and the Justice League.

Superheroes are responsible for alien defense work. This is not only the promise made by superheroes in their speeches in Congress, but also the expectations of people around the world.

Did the Justice League fail in their duties this time?

Moreover, why is General Galaxy the main force in destroying enemies?

I'm not saying that she shouldn't do that, but she works in Silver City. In theory, she learned about the alien invasion later than you did, and arrived at the scene even later - you are on earth, but she is in heaven. , the distance differs by several dimensions.

In the end, it was up to her to turn the tide. What were the heroes of Zhenglian doing? "

Tearman's face was red, full of shame and self-blame.

Louise was also at the scene and couldn't stand it anymore. She condemned in a low voice: "Reporter Lang, please be more professional. This is a press conference for the Justice League. You must at least give the host time to speak, and don't keep talking by yourself. "

"I've finished speaking. Now please answer my question." Lana Lang replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

"In the destruction of Beach City, the Justice League did make a lot of mistakes and they have to bear a lot of responsibility." Dachao sighed, facing hundreds of pairs of bright eyes and hundreds of cameras in the audience, and frankly admitted his mistakes, "Justice The alliance's capabilities and efficiency were seriously challenged during this Mongo invasion.

The Justice League is an organization of heroes, but it is not a strict and hierarchical administrative organization.

We came together because of the same idea, but we didn't form the habit of working together.

We are proud and confident, and are good at solving urban crises by one person, but we are slow to respond and act inflexibly when facing the crisis of globalization.

This is something we need to correct.

Please give the Justice League time and opportunity to grow.

In the coming days, the Justice League will carry out an internal reform. At that time, experts from all walks of life will be invited to provide theoretical guidance, and the media and the people will also be invited to supervise and correct. "

"This is not the first time that the earth has faced an alien invasion. Why has the hero's performance been so amazing before, but now it has deteriorated so seriously?" Several reporters asked this question at the same time.

"This" Dachao subconsciously turned his head to look at Harley sitting next to him.

Well, this is the press conference of the Justice League. All eight giants are present. Super is sitting in the middle and Harley is sitting on the edge.

Others were looking at him, and when he turned his head, everyone's eyes also turned to Harley.

"Oh, because of Admiral Galaxy."

"Although she also participated in the battle, she is no longer the leader. Although she is not the leader, she is still the main force in solving the crisis, alas!"

"Admiral Galaxy, tell me what you think of this incident?" Lana said loudly.

Harley glanced at Da Chao and took the microphone in front of her closer, "The Beach City incident is a huge tragedy. No one wants it to happen, but it has already happened.

What we can do is find the problem, correct it, and trust the guardians of the Earth—the superheroes who are fighting on the front lines. "

Lana Lang then asked: "Rip Man believes that there is something wrong with the organizational structure of the Justice League, and we all know that you have been very efficient when leading the heroes to respond to crises.

Does this mean that the best way for the Justice League to solve its problems is for you to be its leader? "

Harley shook her head and said: "I respect the law, and all my actions are within the framework of the law.

According to the law, the chairman of the Sky Eye Society will only supervise the illegal activities of superheroes and has no authority to directly lead them.

According to the law, only in the event of a major crisis and with the authorization of Mr. President and Congress, I will be granted temporary crisis management authority as the 'Galaxy Admiral'.

The previous Doomsday incident and this time's disaster in Beach City were not due to me evading responsibility or unwillingness to lead heroes to resolve the crisis.

In fact, not only did I not escape, but I rushed to the scene as soon as possible every time.

It's just that time is urgent. Mr. President neither declared a national alert nor put the "Galaxy Admiral" online. I can only participate in the battle as an ordinary hero.

Going back to reporter Lang’s previous question, should I be the leader of Zhenglian?

You should be able to easily get the answer by now, no.

The Five-ring General or the Galaxy General has the power to control all the military, police, resources and even heroes of the United States.

Too much power.

Therefore, it must not become a permanent position.

Otherwise, the ‘general’ who saves the world today will definitely become a dictatorial sinner tomorrow. "

The reporters fell into deep thought and looked at her with even more respect.

The Zhenglian giant's eyes were very complicated.

Obviously, her statement that she respects the law is nonsense, but her statement and her attitude of not directly leading the Zhenglian and not being a dictatorial general moved them: No matter how many shortcomings Harley has, she respects the rights of the people. , the behavior is not illegal or greedy for power, which is really reassuring!

After answering Lana Lang's question, Harley returned the microphone to Da Chao.

"This time Meng Ge caught us off guard. The main reason is that there is a traitor on Earth." He had just confessed the shortcomings of Zhenglian, and now he started to talk about other reasons for the destruction of Beach City - the main reason.

"It is certain that Hank Shaw, who calls himself 'Mechanical Superman', betrayed humanity and the earth. He brought Mongo to the earth, and he also destroyed the watchtower monitoring system."

"My dear, he is also a human being. Why did he kill so many people?" This news shocked the reporters.

Wonder Woman interjected: "We suspect that Luthor is behind it. Luthor distorted Hank Shaw's thinking."

"Well, Luther may be the mastermind." Da Chao nodded.

"Mother Fuck!" Luther smashed the TV screen angrily.

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